Damien's P.O.V.
DAMIEN STUDIED LESLIE at breakfast and almost smiled.
She looks half-asleep Which is one of the crimes he's guilty of because he had kept her awake half the night. A tinge of guilt infiltrated him as he notice the shadows below her eyes, the faint slump of her small shoulders. He was a demanding bastard and he knew it but every time he looked at her, he got hungry with desire all over again. It has never been like this before. Usually after several encounters with his mistresses he would have cooled off and on the way to the exit, but inexplicably Leslie kept him coming back for more.
I brushed aside the magazine which I had yet to open. "Leslie?' I murmur. "I want to show you something.''
She then blinked and set down her tea, rising slowly by dint of bracing her hands on the arms of the chair. I'm about to give her that tour of the palazzo as I had promised, which we couldn't get around to do the night before. She probably ached all over, I feel a sense of satisfaction as I noticed the love bites I had given her on her neck .
I then threw wide a door open, and we stepped into it, the room was large furnished with the antiques I had bought but still a little bare I decided to renovate the whole of the mansion. The shelfs of books seems inviting. A wall of glass doors overlooked the internal courtyard, which was an ordered but highly attractive Italianate garden with box-hedged beds. Most of the plants were evergreen and the only colour of flower was white.
"This was once my mother's room and there's a connecting door that leads to my dads. Very traditional right?"I say smiling .
"The garden looks so beautiful"She says as she walks further into the room to glance out through the glass doors overlooking the vast garden.
"My mom grew those herself, she liked to be able to walk round the garden every morning before the sunsets,''I murmur memories of my time spent here flash through me.
''Wow, I can't believe she grew all this herself. It's lovely,'' she says with a marvelled expression as she wanders over to the armchair, smoothing and admiring the chair her hand over its soft rich upholstery.
"Do you like this room?"I ask.
"Am Currently In love with it, Seems like it would be perfect for the baby nursery. Although we can't do that, it's your mother's room"She says with a sceptical look.
"Perfect. I was thinking the same thing too, I'll organise some baby furniture, wallpaper, clothes whatever you need for the baby here. We can move to the connecting room, that way when the baby is born we can always check on him or her easily at night."I say watching and drinking in the look of delight on her face as she smiles broadly the shadow in her eyes were no more but now in place with a big soft grin.
She then laughs out loudly then said "Instead of hiring people to go baby shopping, why don't we do it ourselves?". She whispers out with a soft pleading tone.
"Hmm... Baby shopping. Never done that but I do always love a challenge" I Say smirking with a devilish grin on my face.
"After you"I say bowing playfully.
She giggles hard as we both step out of the room.
Leslie's P.O.V.
We proceeded to a private garage, my jaw dropped open as I stared at the fleet of brand new expensive looking cars.
"Is that a Aston Martin car"I gasp out as I stared at the sleek nice car.
"Yes, and this one is a Koenigsegg CCXR trevita got it as a present. Also there's the Lamborghini veneno, Bugatti and my favorite the Ferrari F60 America"He says smirking looking more like one of those rich boys who see cars as toys.
"Seems you do know your cars, is there any chance I might drive one of these babies"I ask with a pleading tone.
"Nah, these are my babies, besides I can drive you anywhere you want to go"He says smiling.
"Right!"I say pouting.
Few minutes later...
We are at a boutique, shopping for clothes for the baby. Since the sex of the baby isn't determined yet, we bought both cute clothes for both sex . Shopping with Damien turned out to be more fun than I expected, although we bought more than what the baby would need. We moved from one baby store to another, Damien pulls me into a boutique I tried to tell him I didn't need any new clothes for now since am pratically big now.
We browsed through some clothes and lingere which I found really embarrassing.
"Damien, really. We're already done shopping for the baby"I say chuckling.
"What? These are for me, not you!" Damien chuckles holding up a skimpy lace thong. I shake my head at him, smiling. A sense of humor is the last thing I'd expect from Damien to possess. But I'm not even surprised; he is perfect after all.
"Sure, buddy. They'd match perfectly with a feather boa," I laugh. Even with this dreary weather, it's hard for me to be in a sour mood when I'm with Damiem especially when he's being so playful.
"What about these?" I ask him, picking up a practical pair of lace-trimmed cotton boyshorts. Everything in here is so expensive; it was the first pair of underwear I spotted with a semi-reasonable price tag, which would also fit comfortably.
"Well, not really my color. I need something to bring out my eyes," he winks.
"Not for you! Me, silly!"
He strolls over and takes the pair of panties from me. He rubs the modest fabric between his fingers and inspects the delicate stitching. "Nope," he shakes his head.
"Why not?"I ask, a warm feeling keeps creeping into my heart at this little biker of us. Damien ignores my question and motions towards the sales clerk.
"Yes, Mr. Romano?" the beautiful blonde asks, batting her eyelashes. Her blouse is unbuttoned dangerously low at the top and she is very obviously trying to poke out her perky breasts. Skanky much?
I can't help but grow annoyed at the rising suspicions in my head. How the hell does she know his name? It's a women's clothing boutique for crying out loud! How often could he come in here? Does he frequently bring other women here to shop? I can feel my face heat with jealous rage.
"And the bitch doesn't even notice me."
Damn Rude!
"Clarrisa, I need you to pull some intimate pieces for my wife, Ms. Romano here. Only the best. I want her to look more dazzling than she already is," he beams down at me. When I don't return his smile, his eyes narrow with question.
"Yes, Mr. Romano," She purrs, and she scurries to do as she's instructed swaying her hips in a sultry way.
"What?" he asks, once she's out of earshot.
I shake my head, trying not to feel so irrational. Who he's dated and who he chooses to spend his money on is none of my business. But I can't help it; the girl in me just won't let it go.
"Just wondering how many other women's panties you've had to replace. Seems like you come here a lot," I say coolly.
"I come here enough. But only when I have to." He says as he pauses to take in my disgusted expression. Then he has the audacity to chuckle. "I own it, Leslie. Well, most of it."
Once again, my foot has found its way to my big mouth. I sigh and look at Damien's amused face. He likes it when I embarrass myself. "Sorry. I have a habit of jumping to conclusions."
"I see. You really have nothing to worry about. How many times do I have to tell you? Besides you're my wife now," he says stroking the line of my jaw with a single finger. The sincerity in his eyes enraptures me for a moment, and I yearn to touch my lips to his. But before I can, Clarissa interrupts us.
"I have a room ready for Ms. Romano," she says.
"Great," He replies as he ushers me towards the dressing area. The sales clerk has filled it with an array of lingerie, from white frilly pieces to dark shiny PVC. I step in and look back at Dorian who is wearing a naughty grin. "I'll be right out here," he says, closing the door.
I begin to peel off my dress, when I hear whispering on the other side of the door.
"Mr. Romano, Ms. Du'mont came by for you. She wanted you to have this." I hear the rustling of paper.
"Thank you, Clarissa," Damien replies with a hushed voice.
"You're very welcome, Mr. Romano. If there's anything you ever need, I'd be more than happy to oblige," she breathes seductively.
'What a slut!'
Oh hell no! I'm two seconds from pulling my clothes back on and kicking that slore of a sales clerk's ass when a light tap on the door stops me in my tracks.
"I'm out here waiting to see you. Don't be shy; come model for me," He says softly.
"Are you crazy? I'm not coming out there dressed like this!"
"Well I'll just have to come in there then."
With that, He cracks the door open, leaving just enough space for him to squeeze through. His eyes dance with delight at the sight of me in a pearl pink satin slip with black lace cutouts on the sides. It hugs my frame perfectly and stops halfway up my thigh.
"Do you like it?" I ask meekly. Feeling a bit vulnerable. A part of me weird especially with my baby bump now big I feel so exposed being on display for him. I can't even look him in the eye.
"Do I? I love it." Even the word 'love' falling from his lips gives me a flutter in my stomach. Sigh, wishful thinking.
"I don't know how this ended up in here being that we came here to shop for panties," I say uncomfortably.
Damien is still sizing up my body appreciatively with his eyes and I'm starting to feel like a raw steak in front of a hungry lion. "I'm sure glad it did, though." He takes a step forward then stops, visibly battling something in his head from the slightly perplexed look on his face. He sighs. "You shall have this. And everything else in here. As much as I want to see you try on each piece, I'm already two seconds away from taking you right here and right now."
He licks his lips, taking another eyeful before shaking his head. "Go ahead and get dressed. I'll wait for you out here." He leans forward and plants a tender kiss on my forehead before tearing himself from the dressing room.
When I emerge, I am nearly floored by Clarissa standing at the door looking like somekind of robert, waiting to collect the lingerie. She gives me a phony smile before brushing past me and I am tempted to turn around and snatch the pretty blonde hair right off her head. Not out of jealousy though- for the simple fact that she blatantly disrespected me by hitting on Damien when I was only a few feet away. And who the hell does she think she is.
Chill out, Leslie. You sounding way too possessive"I whisper claming the brewing Storm of jealousy ready to cause havoc.
After shopping, he then stows our bags in his car and insists we walk down to one of the nearby restaurants, I could see his security details following us slowly among the crowd. We stroll into a little Italian restaurant, complete with red checkered table cloths and candles propped in empty wine bottles. A little cliché but the charm is not lost on me.
"You heard what Clarissa said to me," He says once he settled in with glasses of wine. While I sipped me cup of juice.
"I did. It's probably not my business and won't do me any good.," I say simply, looking at the menu. I avoid eye contact to purposely show him that I am not ruffled by Vivian, while in truth am awfully sacred by her threats.
"It is. I don't want you to feel like I'm hiding something from you. Like I said, I will always be honest and I'll make sure what happened the other day doesn't repeat itself. Plus, I have a proposition for you."
"Oh?" I say with a raised eyebrow, looking up at his beautiful face. Even dressed in simple jeans and a lightweight sweater, he takes my breath away. How can I not be mesmerized by him.
"So what's the offer of yours"I ask, trying to distract myself from admiring his looks and probing him on opening the envelope Vivian delivered personally to him.
"The boutique we just came from am only part owner of the boutique. The person who actually runs the day to day stuff may be gone for a while. I wanted to see if you'd be interested in running the store. And if you like it, maybe making it a permanent thing. In that case, I would purchase the boutique in full just for you."He says smiling
"You're kidding right?," I say, clearly stunned by his extravagant gesture.
"No, I'm not, I know you won't want to sit idle at home all day doing nothing. Seeing how stubborn you can be, it's best we talk about it now,"He responds, folding his hands in front of him and then resting his chin on them.
"Are you sure you don't have another friend better suited to run a high-end boutique like that?" The opportunity would be great and would definitely provide me something to do to keep myself busy.
"which other better person fits that description except for you, my wife and the mother of my children"He says, so casually.
"Damien"I murmur, shaken by the his words. just one question seems to bother me. Just one, being in his presence day in day out makes me want him more desire him more and love him more. Does he feels the same about me?
"Yes?, Leslie"he says staring into my eyes .
"What does this marriage mean to you exactly?"I ask slowly.
"Leslie"He says with a look of shock.
"I know you said, it's the only way our baby won't be born iligitimate but I can't help but wonder why you keep being so nice and sweet. I mean I get the nice part, it might be because you care about the baby..."I say, from a distance I could hear the thunderclaps as rain beings to shower with a brutal force.
"Leslie"He says with a surprised expression
"I know, I know. This wasn't the deal we agreed on. We are two consensual adult who had sex, made a baby and are now in a convenient marriage. Do you just view me a prize and your used escape route out of your arranged marriage?" I say ruefully, as I bite my lips nervously.
"I know it might not be what you want But I seem to want something more every single day, I just hope ....."I say nervous trying hard to complete my sentence. But failing so terribly
"Never mind, forget I said anything"I then say, deciding not to embarrass myself any further as I fled the restaurant into the heavy rain walking slowly to get to the car.
What was I thinking, I should never have said anything at all, I ended up embarrassing myself and blabbing nonsense"I thought, mentally tapping myself. The rain continued to fall heavily each drop beating down on my skin as cold shivers roll down my spine.
Seconds later, Damien appears, furiously searching for me, expecting me to have run away in the torrential downpour. when he sees me leaning against the storefront window, a bumbling mess of sobs.
"Why would you just leave, you think I view you as some consolation prize? It's completely the opposite.
"I see you for who and what you are, Leslie. And what I see is truly beautiful. You try like hell to mask the truth with this asinine tough girl act but I see right through you. Dammit! I see you. You can't fool me. I just want you. I just want to be here with you and the baby. I just want to be where ever you are. Why can't you see that?
He then looks to me for a reaction, and all I can think about is how the hell I am going to swallow down the massive knot in my throat. My eyes are wide and unblinking, because if I blink, fat, salty tears will roll down my flush cheeks. The rapid rise and fall of my chest does nothing to conceal the wave of emotion that threatens to drown me, like the rain.
"Um,, I'm sorry, I hate for you to see me like this. This vulnerable and pathetic," I croak out just as the first tear escapes from my eye. I can vaguely hear him calling my name as I make my way into the pouring rain.
"Why do I feel this weak "I thought leaning against the storefront window of a nearby restaurant a bumbling mess of sobs.
Damiem hurries to my side, ignoring the rain, and wraps his arms around me tightly. He pulls my face into his chest with no regard for my tear-streaked mascara. He comforts me.
"I'm so sorry, Damien. I never should have said anything," I sob heavily. I try to get myself under control but my efforts are futile.
Where is all this bottled up feelings coming from exactly"I thought as I tears slip out of my eye uncontrollably, my heart tightening.
"I am such a fucking mess! I don't know what's wrong with me! I'm so sorry!"
"Shhhh. Hush, little girl. It's ok, baby," He whispers into my hair. "Let me make you better."
I lift my tear-stained face to meet his, trying to understand exactly what he means. He nods reassuringly and kisses my forehead chastely. He then cradles my face and his azure irises transform into ice blue, almost clear, as he lets them fuse into my eyes.
Just staring at his eyes, made all my bone feel like jelly, a familiar tingles begin and soon I feel nothing. I hear nothing. I see nothing. But darkness!
At first I fought with the darkness threatening to becloud my mind. But then I heard Damien's soft sweet whispers.
"And this time, I welcomed the darkness like how the moon embraces the sun.
Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!