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4.76% Heart Of Alfheim / Chapter 1: Chapter 1 Meetings of Fate
Heart Of Alfheim Heart Of Alfheim original

Heart Of Alfheim

Auteur: Lux0013

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: Chapter 1 Meetings of Fate


With nervous excitement, I was walking toward the gates of the twilight manor. The home of Loki Familia, one of the strongest familia's in the world. My dream was to always become a hero like stories my grandpa read to me before he died. My first step was to become an adventurer and gain a god's blessing so I could survive in the dungeon. Just gaining a blessing without any training; could make you stronger than even the most seasoned warriors without a blessing.

After spending half of my savings just to get into the city. A very nice city guard named Hashana helped me with filling out applications. Even using magic stone powered devices to take my photo and make copies.

However, over the last week, I had been unsuccessfully applying to nearly every single familia in Orario. I was thrown out immediately without even seeing a god. Some familias wanted money, servants or you to drink a weird liquid. The only god I met face to face, made my skin crawl in fear, as I realized what he wanted to do to me. Thankfully I was able to get out of their manor without an incident.

I didn't want to give up my pride or my dream and continued to live out of a hotel; draining my pockets and mental state facing constant rejection.

After ten minutes of talking with the guards outside the manor, I was finally able to convince one of them to get their captain. The whole time I felt a weird sensation of danger coming from a grey-haired werewolf lounging by a tree. When the werewolf saw the one guard going inside. He jumped up instantly and knocked him down and stormed the gate.

"What do you want kid?" The anger in the wolf's eyes was palpable.

"Um, hello. My name is Bell. I was hoping to talk to your captain or goddess about becoming an adventurer."

"Why would we accept somebody as weak as you. Get away from my familia brat. A weakling like you will only get yourself or somebody else killed. Go home and find your momma." The wolf glared with a smirk on his face as he seen the kid's eyes glaze over.

"C-c-can I at least try to prove myself? It's always been my dream."

"I said no kid. Get away!"

"Please!" I begged holding out my application. "All I ask is five minutes."

The werewolf snatches the application from my hands and rips it in two. Then grabs me by the collar of my shirt.

"NO!" He barred his fangs and tosses the kid across the street.

"Ehhhhh…ahhhh." I gripped my sore shoulder, wincing in pain from the impact. Tears fall to the ground in front of me before I stumbled to my feet. Anything to put distance between myself and the crazy werewolf before he kills me.

A long green-haired woman stares out from the windows of the library. Long pointed ears identified her as an elf, and the robes of royalty obscured her womanly body.

"Lady Riveria is everything okay?" A blond elf sitting across from her; looked up from her book. She was concerned by the anger contorting her princess's flawless facial features.

Riveria noticed Bete's attack on a young boy. She saw a white-headed blur run around the corner. "No Alicia. That wolf just made me angry." Before Alicia could respond, Riveria bolted out of the library in order to confront Bete and find the kid.

Within a minute, she was running out to the courtyard to meet the laughing werewolf. "Dam it Bete! What have you done now?!"

"Just taking out the trash. That weak-ass boy had no right coming to our doorstep." Bete chuckled.

"How would you know mutt? You started off weak just like anybody else."

"Shut the hell up you old hag. The weak will always be weak."

Riveria hated being called old. She was ninety-nine years old and many treated her as elderly; especially among other races. However, by elven standards, she was still a young woman in the prime of her life. Riveria's body tensed up with anger. The audible crack of her knuckles even put a level five like Bete on full alert. "Seems like I have to house train the puppy, before our expedition tomorrow and party tonight at the Hostess of Fertility." A blue aura started lighting up around her body. "I don't have a newspaper and but the familia could use an ice sculpture."

Bete felt his fur stand on edge as the level six High elf mage started her ice spell Wynn Finbulvetr. "Crazy Witch!" Bete was still the second-fastest adventurer in Orario and immediately sprinted away from her.

The giant blue magic circle dissipated as Riveria cut off her spell. She motioned to the two guards cowering in fear. "Go look for that child."

Without hesitation, the guards took off down the street. Riveria held her temple until she noticed two pieces of paper on the ground. She bent down to pick it up and finds a crudely filled-out application for their familia.

Bell Cranell Age 15 No familia

Distinctive features White hair, red eyes

Raised on a farm. Minor experience with hunting small game.

Goal to become an adventurer and hopefully become as strong as a hero of old.

Photo Attached.




"He-he-he." A smile curled up on her face seeing the photo of the cute human boy in the photo. She let out a chuckle reading his goal to be a hero and pockets the piece of paper into her robes. "Good luck young one." Riveria shook her head before turning around to go back inside. As expected, the blonde elf had followed her outside. She just walked past without a word and went back to the library.

I ran through random streets to make sure I wasn't followed by the angry wolf. Eventually, I rested my back against a wall in an unknown alleyway in an abandoned part of the city. I stared up at the sky nursing my sore shoulder, wondering what I was going to do now with no hope and no money. "Ahhhh…. That was the 50th familia I have been kicked out of this week. I even saved the biggest familias for the last knowing they wouldn't be accepted, but not being able to prove myself is…. heartbreaking." I hit my head against the wall. "I really don't want to sleep on the streets."

"Child, are you looking for a familia?"

"Huh." Around a corner stood a small girl with black pigtails and a huge chest out of proportion to her body. I blinked slowly feeling a divine aura emanate from around her. She was one of the goddesses that descended to the mortal realm… Genkai. "Y-y-you're a deity...?"

A smile curled up on her face. "My name is Hestia. I am a goddess of the hearth. Would you be interested in joining my familia?"

Tears welled up in my eyes. I got to my knees out of desperation. "Yes, goddess please give me a chance to become an adventurer."

"No need for that young one. Why not follow me back to my church?"

"Yes please goddess Hestia. Thank you."

"Just call me goddess. I am just starting out, so please excuse the living conditions. Unfortunately, even gods have to start from nothing in the mortal realm, but I have a feeling you will turn our luck around." She reaches down for his hand and pulls him up. "What's your name?"

"Bell…!" Tears started flowing down my face as I stood up and stared into her eyes.




About an hour later, with one flick of a knife, a drop of divine blood falls to my back. The small goddess was straddled over my backside. I was laying in her bed with my shirt off as Goddess Hestia begins to etch hieroglyphs into my back with her ichor.

The rundown basement was a step down from the hotel room, but it was salvation from the streets. However, receiving a blessing from a deity was priceless. Emboldened, by this change of fate I resolved myself to raise the name of my new goddess. 'I will face the dungeon and buy a home worthy for goddess.'

"All done. He-he-he." She giggles above Bell and places a paper before him.

Bell Cranell

Level 1 Human Age 15

Strength: I0 Defense: I0 Dexterity: I0 Agility: I0 Magic: I0

Magic () Skill () Luck: I

"I can't thank you enough goddess for your blessing and for a place to stay. I will be forever in your debt." Tear of joy race down my cheek as I have finally accomplished taking my first step.

"Enough of that crying young man. I have to thank you for being the first to join my familia, Bell."

"Okay, goddess." An embarrassed grin appeared on my face.

"Ah, you're so cute. Tickle Tickle."

"Cut it out." I pleaded, feeling her tiny hands dig into my backside and armpits.

"He-he-he. We are gonna have a lot of fun together. I just know my lucky little boy will be amazing." She was trying to take his mind off the paper. As far as she knew developmental abilities shouldn't appear at level one and she wanted him to think it was normal. "Tickle, Tickle."


"Oh fine, I will cut you some slack for today. You will have to go to the guild to register and get some starter equipment. A little low on valis so we will have to pay it back."

"I can't allow you to do that goddess. I will pay it back as soon as I am able."

Goddess rolled off of him and both sat on the edge of the bed. "Okay, but please be safe in the dungeon mister."

"Yes, goddess." I shook my head eagerly

"Bell." Goddess Hestia shyly kicked her legs back and forth. "What is it that you desire to accomplish as my first familia member?"

"When I was a child, my grandpa used to always read stories of the age of heroes. I wish to become strong like them a make that dream my reality." My face reddened.

"Sounds like you're still a child." Hestia giggled.

"I'm not. I will be an adult soon."

"Okay, Mr adult. What else are you looking for Bell?" She questions with a giggle.

"I guess love." I tilted my head to the side, not noticing the goddess's face brighten up. I scratched the back of my head. "Though my grandpa always wanted me to start a harem."


Fear started coursing through my body in the face of her anger. I shook my hands back and forth. "That's what my grandpa wanted. Not me. I would be happy if one woman fell for me."

"Good! I can tell if you're lying. As a virgin goddess, I won't tolerate your grandpa's perverted dream."

"I swear goddess. I wouldn't even know how to do something like that in the first place. I would be happy to find beautiful elfess to marry."

"Elf?!" Goddess recoiled in shock.

"I-I." My face was turning red. "I have never seen one until I came to Orario. I only remember them from my grandpa's books about the magical fairy race. I have always wanted to….. ah…."

"Bell you pervert." Hestia narrowed her eyes.

"No. No. No." I frantically bowed to her. "G-g-goddess I didn't mean that."

'Need to stop him from pursuing his grandpa's wish or any elves. I want him for myself.' Hestia was shocked and a bit agitated. Hestia leaned into his arm, holding it between her breasts.

"G-g-g-ggod-ess." I stuttered out.

Hestia smiled wide then leaned her head on his shoulder. "There is no rush to start an adventure or go elf hunting. You could always stay here. You might even prefer somebody closer to you who is not an elf."

My face is beet red from feeling her small body all over me. "S-s-sorry goddess I really want to go to the dungeon." I pulled myself out from her grip and put my shirt back on.

"Fine. Go then." Hestia pouted.

"Bye goddess." I rushed out of the basement towards the guild headquarters.




As the noonday sun rises on his first day of being an adventurer, I run down the cobblestone path to the ancient pantheon that houses the guildhall. The guildhall is a giant structure made of marble with an interior of oak. Most of the adventurers were currently in the dungeon and the guildhall was somewhat empty. Except for the receptionists at the counter. I was looking around mesmerized by the architecture. The memories of past heroes and adventurers that graced these halls raced through my mind.

"Next." Just then I was called forth by a beautiful half-elf receptionist. She had light brown hair, green emerald color eyes, with protruding but rounded elf ears. She was wearing a black form-fitting guild uniform that showed off her ample curves. I found myself staring a little too long, which did not go unnoticed by the half-elf.

"Can I help you or are you gonna continue to be a pervert young man." The woman stared annoyed.

My face became as red as a tomato and went into a low bow to apologize. "I am s-sorry. I have never talked to an elf before. You are very beautiful."

"Uh-huh, I might be flattered if you were actually looking at my ears." Eina teases. 'He is pretty cute, hope he's not here to become an adventurer.'


Eina shook her head. "How about we start over? Are you new to Orario?"

I nodded back still red in the face. "Y-yes. My name is Bell, Bell Cranel. I just recently traveled to the city and finally managed to gain the Blessing of Goddess Hestia. I was told to register at the guild and try to get starter gear, so I can go into the dungeon."

"Are you sure you want to be an adventurer?" Eina grimaced in pain. "Don't get me wrong. I am here to help. Just you look sort of innocent and the dungeon is a very dangerous place."

"Yes, Miss. It is my dream to be an adventurer. I will do my best to stay alive." I tried to reassure her.

"Okay then." She says with a hint of sadness. "My name is Eina Tulle, I can be your advisor. I will need you to follow me to a back room to fill out some paperwork as well as train you on the first floor."




After a few minutes, we were seated across from one another on comfy sofas in the training room. I finished my adventure registration and signed a contract for some starter equipment (shortsword and chest piece for 10,000 valis).

"Miss Eina, do I need to take a class too? I really want to get into the dungeon." I said eagerly.

"Yes, Bell twice a week I need you to come to the guild to learn about the dungeon. You are way too young to get yourself killed. By the records for goddess Hestia, you are her only adventurer and you need to take it slow."

"Is it really that dangerous Miss Eina?"

"Yes, Bell. People die almost every day in the dungeon. Some bodies are recovered and brought to the surface. Many more are never recovered by the monsters in the deep." She was hoping that would scare him out of his career choice.

"I am willing to learn everything you have to teach."

Eina painfully forced herself to smile. "Okay, Bell. I will teach you about the first floor. If you want me to give you permission for floor one. You will have to complete my training."

"Understood." I prepared myself for a grueling training session with Eina. Over the next few hours of training, we reviewed maps of floor one and commonly used strategies for dealing with goblins and kobolds. She even handed me a test I had to score ninety percent or above to pass, understanding their strengths and weaknesses. It was a difficult test only made harder by the way she watched so intently. Unaware that she was trying to prevent me from going into the dungeon with flirting.

Eina gave up. She couldn't break his resolve to go into the dungeon. She walked me to the front desk. "Bell it's almost evening, I will clear you for the first floor. Please don't push your luck. You are just starting out. Be safe and take it slow. Just go down for an hour to get your bearings."

"Yes, Miss Eina." I smiled wide sensing her concern. "I d-don't want to miss the next training session."

"You better not." Eina ordered. "Bell! Just call me Eina when we're alone."

"Thank you, Eina." My heart started beating heavily as I walked out of the guildhall finally excited to step into the dungeon and take my first steps as an adventurer.

Eina wanted nothing more than to stop him but knew she would get in trouble with Royman again. "Wow three hours all alone." The loud voice of her pink-haired human friend Misha called out from behind her. "Did you skip out of training and make it a date?"

"Huh." Eina's eyes go wide as her cheeks go pink. "B-Bell is new and is the only one in his familia. I don't want him to die."

"Bell already, sounds like you have a crush." Misha teases and runs away before Eina could catch her.

Eina stopped immediately seeing her team leader Rose walking up to her. Rose was a beautiful red-haired werewolf in her late twenties. "S-sorry Rose."

"Like I care Eina. He-he-he." Rose leaned over the counter resting her chest against her forearms. "Nice that you spent so much time training him. However, I don't want you to get attached like Maris. I would advise you to keep a professional relationship with him. That boy won't last long in there."

"He will not die!" Eina stood resolute.

"Please I didn't see an ounce of muscle on him. The dungeon is gonna swallow him up."

"I will not let that happen Rose." Eina pouts turning her head.

"Want to make a bet?" Rose looks up at the stunned Eina. The hall was quieter and many of the women's interests were piqued.

"One month."

"Three months."



"No weeks."

"Urggggh." Eina was shaking the counter. Crunches were coming from the wood in her grip. "Stop."

"Why?" Rose rolled her eyes. "Adventurers go in there out of greed. Even, if he does well. He will come out a smug asshole. I will bet six weeks because you're training him. If it was Sophie then I would bet six days."


At her limit, Eina pulled out a large coin pouch. "Six months! He will not die!" Her face went a deep red when she seen the smirks of the women all around her.




High above Orario on the top floor of Babel. A certain goddess of beauty was staring out the open window, observing the people below walking the streets. She swished a glass of red wine around in her hand still depressed after her unfruitful trip to the Kaios Desert. Sensually dressed in her black form-fitting dress with red flower-like frills. Open in the middle leaving almost nothing to the imagination.

"When will I find my Odr? I just want to hold him again and take him back to Tenkai for eternity." She says depressed and takes a sip of wine.

Freya continues scanning over the city with her magical eyes to observe the souls of mortals walking the streets. "No, no, no, definitely not, hmpf maybe, no, no, no."

Freya glided her hands along the rail watching the foot traffic coming from the guild. *Woosh* All of a sudden, a white blinding flash of light filled her vision, it was so bright that it dimmed the sun in her eyes for a moment until she focused her gaze. She found the pure white soul of a young white-haired boy heading off to the dungeon. She felt a tightness in her chest with feelings of love at first sight. His soul was perfect but the container holding his soul was not that strong.

"I must have him, but this time I should take my time. I do not want to change that flawless soul like my dear Ali." Freya reminisced to the princess she let go in the desert.

"Ottar!" she addresses her giant boaz bodyguard.

"Yes, lady Freya, what is your desire?" Ottar walks out to the window and places an arm on his chest and bows.

"I want you to gather all information on that white hair child heading into the dungeon." Freya said with a salacious smile on her face.

Ottar asks looking out the window. "My apologies my lady, are you sure you don't want me to go grab him now? It would be no trouble."

"No! Not this time. I want to watch him grow. I do not wish to cloud that beautiful soul and he seems to have already joined a familia. I want to see him grow and pluck him when the fruit ripens." Freya glided her fingers across her lips sensually. "Ottar could you leave me to my privacy for a bit." The thought of the child's soul had overwhelmed the goddess of beauty.

"As you wish lady Freya, I will inform Helun to not disturb you and find out more about the boy." Ottar bows again to Freya and walks off towards the entrance, closing the doors.

Freya walks into her bedroom and drops her clothing to the floor with one swift movement. She crawls over her bed and leans back letting her hand slowly glide down to tease her divine flower. The thought of biting into the fruit that is the boy's body and soul, in the future was overwhelming the divine beauty.




I took a deep breath, fortifying my mind and heart for the future, as I prepared to descend the stairs under Babel. As I walked through Babel tower to the dungeon entrance, I noticed raid parties of every race that graced Gekai exiting the depths of the dungeon. Elves, dwarves, various animal people races, and humans. I smiled in admiration before I started my descent down the staircase.

I pushed up against the side, as a group of strong-looking and beautiful women walk upwards from the dungeon. My face went a deep red. The party consisted of 2 amazons that looked like twins with the exception of their hair and bust size. An emotionless but godly beautiful blonde with a rapier and another blond… elf walk alongside her. My heart rate was picking up rapidly as they passed.

"Clear the way human." The elf woman's angry voice was like a punch to the heart. I stood to the side confused as to why she seemed angry. I heard giggling from the amazons and a wandering gaze from the blond girl.

"Leyfia, you don't have to be so mean to fellow adventurers. Especially to a cute little rookie like him." Skinnier amazon leans her head back casually.

"Miss Tiona, I don't want perverts eyeing you all up, especially weak ones like him."

"Leyfia please calm down. You're gonna become like Bete at this rate by being so overprotective." The twin with the bigger chest smirked. Lefiya looked horrified by the accusation.

"Tione that might be a little harsh. Let's go cash in our monster crystals already. Ais is getting impatient for some Jaga Maru snacks." Tione teases Ais with a playful nudge.

"Hmm." A cute acknowledgment came from the blond knight. 'Hope he's safe down there.'


A few minutes later, I hopped off the last marble stair onto the black dirt floor of the dungeon. I did not notice any monsters in the immediate area. Most likely this path was kept consistently clear. I wandered to the next room near the staircase and spotted a green mass shifting through the floor.

I recognized it from my childhood. It was a goblin. The goblin was about three feet tall and its body was a dark green color with big yellow eyes and sharp claws. The goblin noticed that he wasn't alone. It turned to face me, mashing its teeth intimately. At first, I was alarmed remembering a memory of when I was eight years old. I was cornered by a goblin outside my village. I would have died that day if my grandpa didn't beat the beast into a pulp.(1)

"hargggh." The goblin growled violently as it approached confidently sensing a lone greenhorn.


I pulled out the shortsword and pointed it at the goblin. "I will prove to grandpa and myself that you don't hold power me!" The goblin hesitated from my sudden burst of confidence. "Ahhhhhhhh." I raised my blade and charged toward the goblin at a speed I could never hope to achieve before the blessing, landing a powerful downward slash upon its right shoulder.

I thought I had won. The goblin let out a pained cry and was profusely bleeding from the cut. However, I underestimated it and dropped my guard. The goblin sensed weakness and lashed out with his claws towards my chest piece. A loud grinding screech rang out as the claws scraped along with the metal, leaving a scratch mark.

I felt the impact in my chest, but I pushed past the pain and parried the goblin's next blow with an upwards guard. The goblin's arm was instantly amputated. Thinking fast I finished it off by plunging the shortsword deep into the goblin's head; its body went limp and fell backward to the dungeon floor.

The body didn't disappear into ash. The stone was still intact. I took out a secondary knife and carefully plunged it into the chest of the goblin. I was able to separate the stone from its body, the goblin disappeared into ash a few seconds later. I held the small valis-sized magic stone between my fingers, before noticing a dull shine to my left side.

"A goblin claw!" A huge smile curled up from ear to ear as I picked it up. "Lucky, I got a drop item."

"I did it, grandpa." A tear fell down my cheek. "Finally I killed a goblin." I was so happy from this small victory that I bolted out of the dungeon. "I have to tell goddess!"

As fast as my new status allowed, I ran up the stairs full of excitement. "Goddess I did!" I shouted out loud, running out of babel tower, completely ignoring the group of women I met earlier.

"Wow, that is precious."

"Aww so cute he's celebrating his first victory." Tiona giggled along with her sister Tione.

Lefiya had a strange smirk on her face. She never expected he would ignore them. She found the twin's laughter to be infectious until she saw Ais lost in thought watching him run to the west. "Urrgh, not that impressive."

"Whatever!?" Tione rolled her eyes. "Let's get home. I want to get Captain drunk tonight."




As the sun was setting, I ran into the old ruins where the abandoned church was located. I was so excited about killing the goblin that I started reenacting the movement next to my sofa. Thirty minutes later I was about to take off my armor when I heard the footsteps of a goddess coming down the staircase.

"Bell. I am home. I brought some potato snacks for dinner."

"Alright." I cheerfully picked up the Jaga-maru and started eating the extremely popular and cheap snack item only made in Orario. I began to tell goddess of my training sessions with Eina.

Hestia pouted jealously, crossing her arms. "Mean Bell spending all day flirting with a half-elf. I thought you were in a rush to get into a dungeon."

"Goddess, Miss Eina is my advisor. She was concerned about my safety going in the dungeon alone. She spent all day teaching me about the first floor. She helped me take a loan for my new equipment and showed me the facilities for adventurers at the guild."

"Hmmm. Fine. Better be professional." Hestia muttered in a low voice. She instantly changed the subject when Bell was confused towards her. "Um so… did you go into the dungeon, Bell?"

"Yes, Goddess." I nodded my head vigorously with a smile on my face. "I went down and killed a goblin. I was so excited I was able to face one that I raced back to tell you."

"A Goblin. As in the weakest monster in the entire dungeon."(1)

"Yes! One of them nearly killed me as a little kid, so I've always been scared of them. I was finally able to kill one just like grandpa."(1)

"Just one?"


"You only killed one goblin and ran out of the dungeon to see me." She said giggling expecting more."(1) Hestia asked with a confused smirk on her face.

Soon I realized how insignificant my victory over the goblin had been. My chest sunk inwards, that my achievement was nothing worth celebrating. "Goddess I am sorry to disturb you. I am going back to the dungeon." I bow my head and raced out of the church.(1)

"Wait Bell! Don't go!" Hestia jumped on her feet to stop him, but Bell had already vanished before she completed the sentence. "Dumb. Dumb." Hestia tapped her forehead. "I don't want him getting hurt. Bet he wants to impress that half-elf woman. I will not let her have him. I will make it up to him and keep him for myself."

The magic stone street lamps started to illuminate the city as I raced back to the dungeon to prove myself worthy of goddess's blessing.




(The Hostess of Fertility)

"Mamma Mia, the party with nwa reservation is here." Anya a brown-haired cat girl calls out to the large dwarfess proprietor.

"They better keep my kitchens busy." Mia threatened from the bar.

"Relax Momma Mia." A slim redhead woman wearing a blue tracksuit entered the bar in front of a huge group. Her garments were only unique to Tenkai the realm of the gods. "I brought just about everybody in my familia to celebrate before the expedition."

"Make sure they do Loki." Mia ordered not caring if her customer was mortal or god. "I didn't close down the hostess just to serve appetizers and water."

"Such a fine hostess." Loki giggled. "Alright, kiddos. Let's get some grub." The trickster goddess ushered in her familia of over a hundred into the bar. They combined as many tables as possible to fit everybody close to the center.

A blond pallum sometimes referred to as halflings or prums, stood up on his chair to address the familia. His diminutive stature didn't take away from his status as the captain of one of the strongest familias in the world. Finn Deimne, alias braver was dressed in an extravagant yellow vest with purple trousers.

Finn raised his mug of ale to build the morale of his familia. The whole Loki familia raised their glasses to imitate him. "Everybody drink up and have fun tonight. Tomorrow we are diving deep into the dungeon and we will not see Orario for at least 2 weeks. We will attempt to write our legacy into the history books and see what is waiting in the depths past floor 58."


The celebration started to kick-off; as the waitresses furiously tried to keep the drinks and food incoming. Loki familia was a mixture of all races sitting as one. Joking and teasing their friends. Veterans explaining the horrors of the deep-dwelling monsters and battle plans. The familia continue to drink heavily as the perverted trickster started to creep up on the blonde swordswoman.


The blonde smacked her goddess over the head with a plate to stop her from groping her breasts. The women of Loki familia knew all too well of Loki's perversions. Loki pouted with tears in her eyes. "Why Ais-pu?"

"Don't touch me." Ais gave the goddess the cold shoulder.

"But you're my favorite Ais-pu. Goddess loves trying to touch you."

"Go… away…. Loki!" Riveria threatened with her stern motherly tone and her bulging eyes.

"Mama elf and Ais-pu are so mean." Loki tilted her head away from them. "Hmph." Loki noticed farther down the table that the twins were giggling hysterically. "What's so funny girls?"

Tiona was rocking side to side in his seat with a huge smile. "Oh, this cute little white-haired kid killed his first goblin in the dungeon. He was so happy that he ran out the dungeon-like a little rabbit celebrating his accomplishment."

"Only one. Hah." A brown-haired human male overheard from across the room.

"Quiet idiot." The older sister shooed him away. "It was his first trip, I think. Brings back so many memories. It wasn't captained level cute but it was adorable." Tione propped her head up with her hands and focused on the alarmed prum captain down the table.

"Only one goblin." Loki stroked her chin. "Wonder if he had a traumatic experience in the past."

"Didn't really ask him. Lefiya was mean to him." Tiona gazed down at the table.

"I was not Miss Tiona. He was leering at Miss Ais inappropriately."

"He what!" Loki shouted.

"Barely anything Loki." Tione rolled her eyes. "All he did was blush and stand off to the side as we passed. He was so excited that he didn't even notice the four of us on the way back up."

"Brings back memories of my first time in the dungeon. Though I guess we were level three sis."

"Weak runts should stay out of the dungeon. The monsters get fat enough feeding on them." The werewolf snarled taking a break from chewing on his chicken leg.

"Bete even you started off weak long ago. Even with the falna we are not immortal. The next generation has to rise up as well." Riveria was still angry at the wolf. "Also sounds like the same kid you scared away from the manor earlier, mongrel."

"That pretty mean, Bete. Even for you." Loki eyed the werewolf. "Could of at least see what he had to offer by testing him."

"Why waste our time on trash? The kid would just get somebody killed." Bete ignored the angry stares and shoved more food into his mouth.

"Way to kill a party, Bete. All you're going to do is force momma to freeze you this time." Loki smirks in the direction of Riveria holding her temple.

The argument quieted down and Loki familia continued to drink and eat into the night. The familia was collectively getting drunker and drunker throughout the night. Some of the lower-level members or those without abnormal resistance started to stumbled back to the manor in groups.

Riveria was constantly on guard for any attempts by Loki to get Ais drunk the whole time barely able to enjoy herself. "Tiona, Leyfia. Please take Ais back home. I don't want Ais to fall for one of Loki's tricks."

"Okay, mamma Riveria." As Leyfia and Tiona responded in unison and walked Ais back home to the twilight manor.

"No fair Riveria." Loki pouted.

"Shut up Loki, I will not allow you to take advantage of her or any girl under my care. Nor do I want Ais to destroy Mia's pub by getting drunk. You know what happened last time." Riveria scolded Loki without holding back.

"Fine!" Loki spits her tongue out to tease the high elf before an idea gave her an evil smile. "Riveria, do you want some water?"

"Alright, Loki but you better not try to trick me or I will break your legs so you can't escape the guards for the next 2 weeks."

"Eeeee… Scary momma elf." Loki walked away to the pub counter where Mia was refilling drinks.

"Loki you can ask the waitress for your orders?" Mia stared annoyed at the trickster.

"I have a special request, Mia." She lowered her voice to a whisper. "Riveria is stressing out over the expedition tomorrow. Could you make an alcoholic beverage that looks, smells, and tastes like water? I will pay extra."

"Fine Loki but you are responsible. You better take care of her before I close up in the next hour. What do you want?" Mia shook her head and turned around to fill up to drinks.

"Just an ale Mia. Don't worry, I will take care of momma." Loki grinned evilly as droll slowly trailed down the left side of her mouth.

Momma Mia could sense something wasn't right after she made the special drink. She ended up spiking Loki's drink as well. "Here you go Loki." She handed out the drinks to the distracted goddess.

Within the next hour, a drunk Tione chased after a sober Finn, screaming she wants to carry his babies. The dwarf co-captain Gareth was hammered and all alone with a passed-out Bete and Loki. He stumbled out of his chair and picked both of them up in his huge muscley arms. "Swear nobody can hold their drink. Good night Mia."

"Yeah. Yeah, get going Landrock. Need to clean up this mess." Mia shooed away the last of Loki's familia and snapped for her waitresses to start the night cleanup.

Nobody noticed a certain green-haired high elf walk out of the hostess earlier. Riveria felt sick, nauseous, and dizzy. "Dam you Loki." She held her head trying to center herself and make it home. "Where am I…?"




A couple of men that tried to get into the hostess earlier noticed the high elf princess; all alone in the alley. She was intoxicated and barely keeping it together. The huge grin curled up on the leader's face. "Time to make a fantasy come true." He gleefully led his subordinates toward Riveria.

"Well, Well. Isn't this a sight? An elven princess drunk and alone."

'I can't even stand up straight.' Riveria clutched her head in pain. "Uh, who are you? Stay away!"

"Don't worry Lady nine hells. We were just seeking some entertainment. You're familia's arrogance got in our way. Maybe you could make it up to us, by disrobing princess."

"If you take even one step… *hic*…. I will kill you." Riveria threatened in a weak voice."

"Well, a level six sure is scary. However, in your condition. I doubt you can overpower us, princess. I always thought my descendants were worthy of royalty. He-he-he." The man chuckled as got closer to the fearful Riveria.

"Help! Help!" Riveria screamed out loud holding the side of her head. Swinging her staff side to side to keep the three men back. Her vision was fading quickly. Elves had a low tolerance to alcohol, but Riveria's tolerance was even worse. She often got dizzy just showing up to a party at the hostess. Being tricked into consuming a beverage was gave her a throbbing migraine which was draining her consciousness.




A little banged up, with scrapes and bruises did little to change my spirit as I walked down the western road. I was smiling happily after managing to kill five more goblins and two kobolds. The rattle of the valis in my backpack made me feel excited about the future. Now I had officially started my dream career.

I passed the expensive adventurer pub; the hostess of fertility. "I wish I could afford to eat there. Hear the food is amazing. One thing at a time Bell."

"HELP! HELP!" I was lost in thought until I heard a desperate voice of a woman weakly crying out for help.

I rushed as fast as I could to the voice. Out of the corner of my right eye, I noticed a group of three men encircling a woman. She was barely able to hold them off in her condition.

"GET OFF HER!" I shout at the top of his lungs.

"Hu." Riveria passed out hearing those words echo through her heart.

"Leave or die runt!" The leader was bent down on one knee above the woman.


"Goddammit. You two shut his ass up….. NOW!" The leader ordered his two subordinates. The two henchmen were hesitant to go along with the leader but complied with his orders. Both of them pulled out a blade and lunged forward toward Bell.

My mind was telling me I was gonna die here, but some instinctual feeling compelled me to see this through. With all my strength, I lunged forward and locked my shortsword with the bigger man's longsword. Surprisingly we were nearly even.

*Shing. Thud*

The second attacker whirled around his friend and landed a direct hit. The first attacker backed off his strength thinking the kid was dead. Both were stunned to hear the metallic sound of the knife hitting armor under the coat.

"Urrrgh." I pushed passed the pain in my chest with a battle cry. Before both men could rally and continue their assault, I pressed upward and parried the bigger man upwards with my blade and followed through by bringing the pommel end down on the second man's skull. The smaller man collapsed onto the ground.

The defeat of his friend angered the bigger man. He furiously swung his blade, narrowly missing cutting the kid in two. He was angry and lunged forward recklessly.

I was able to deflect the blade away from the body. The man lost his balance and stumbled forward, as I brought my shortsword down along his backside. His scream of pain didn't deter me from wanting to end the fight. As the man got back up, I jumped and kicked him in the face.


"Aaaaah.-h-a" The man collapsed hitting his head on a cement wall.

"Well. Aren't you the resilient little hero?" The man was furious that he befriend such incompetent people in his familia. "You will not interrupt my destiny! I will send you to HEEEEEELLL!"

The cloaked leader launched himself with incredible speed. He was out for blood, having his one chance to devour the high elf interrupted. "You will die!"


My arms rattle under the extreme impact on my body. I was surprised the blade even held up from the man's devastating attack. "Ooof" I felt a powerful blow hit my stomach. I staggered back to my knees. My vision was going blurry from the gut punch. Sensing he was prepared to finish me. I desperately raised my blade to try and parry the blow. The sword was jettisoned from my hand as I fell backward onto my butt, my hand hit felt something sharp. The goblin claw had fallen out of my pocket

The man's back was turned briefly exposing himself. "Ahhh." I tossed the claw at his exposed backside. The man turned around thinking it was a sword and swiped to block it. The claw slipped by his blade and surprisingly impaled his left eye.

"Waaa...ahh." The man screamed in pain, accidentally pushing back his hood revealing elven ears and blond hair. His status prevented the claw from doing serious damage, but he was unable to see out of that eye. Furious the man kicked Bell in the chest and sent him flying into a side of the building next to the woman.

"ahh." I was barely able to move feeling something was broken in my shoulder. I had never experienced pain on this level in my life. Just breathing was difficult.

"I will have her runt!"

My heart stopped in terror as the man approached. There was nothing I could do to prevent my death or save the woman behind me.

'No this can't be the end. Please save her!' I was helpless as the man's sword was about to be stabbed into my chest. 'Anyone!'

At the last second, the man's blade was redirected by a wooden longsword. A woman cloaked in green jumped off the rooftops and saved my life. With a deep voice, she ordered. "Get out of here. Now!"

"Yes." I got up. I heard another clang behind me as I rushed over to the woman on the ground. An elf with green hair. Her face was hidden. Without thinking, I picked her up and limped off supporting her weight. 'I hope my savior will be okay. I will get her to safety and come back with help.'




I was having trouble supporting her weight with my sore body. I limp up to the Hostess of Fertility, to my surprise I was greeted by a silver-haired human woman in a green waitress uniform.

supporting the weight of the intoxicated green-haired elf as I limped to the entrance of the Hostess of Fertility. To my surprise, I found a silver-haired girl in a green waitress uniform.

"Inside hurry." She begged.

"I need to get help for her….."

"Don't worry!" The girl dismissed my fears casually. "Ryu will deal with them. Please bring her inside and lie her down on one of the booths." I did as she commanded and laid the woman down on a bench. My eyes were still hazy and my mind was distracted by the pain.

The green-cloaked female elf immediately barged into the bar as I a second later. Her clothes were stained with the blood of another person. Ryu moved was about to say something, but was immediately cut short; by the thundering footsteps of a giant dwarfess storming out of the kitchen.

"What is this that racket this late in the night." Mia yells out. Her imposing aura sent a shiver down my spine.

"Mia this kid brought in Riveria. Looks like they were attacked and Ryu took care of them." Syr says to the dwarf.

'Whose Riveria?!" The thought crossed my mind as I stumbled into the opposite seat to rest.

"Fine get cats to take those bastards to the city guards. Get them healed up Ryu. Loki is gonna be getting a bill or a fist in the morning." Mia slams the kitchen door behind her.

"Let me heal you!" The woman named Ryu marched up to my side of the table. She held out her hand and started to recite the incantation. A brilliant green light started emanating from her hand.

"The song of a now distant forest. The nostalgic song of life. Please bring the mercy of healing to those that seek you." Her beautiful voice made my heart flutter as I stared into her blue eyes.

"Noah Heal." The magic energy was sent released from her hands into his body. Healing cuts and mending fractures. Ryu crouched at eye level with the boy. "Thank you for stopping them."

"Y-you did." I shook my head trying to focus on her face.

"I wouldn't of known what was happening without you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for saving her."


"Thank you for healing me."

"Not a problem." She let out a warm smile.

"Soooo." The silver-haired woman leaned over the table in front of her friend. "What's your name Mr. hero?"

"uh..umm…" My face was red from how close she was leaning toward me. "M-my name is Bell. B-Bell Cranel."

"You're a cute one. My name is Syr. He-he-he."

"Syr this isn't the time." Ryu held her hand out in front of Syr. Momma Mia will get angry and those men need to be locked up."

"Ah, no fun." Syr pouted.

Ryu pulled out a shortsword from under her cloak. "I believe this is yours, Mr. Cranel. Thank you for your help. We will take care of things from here."

"Is she okay?"

"I think she passed out. We will contact her familia in the morning." Ryu bowed her head. "Please come back anytime Mr. Cranel."

"Thank you, Miss Ryu. Miss Syr." I nodded my head bashfully.

Syr and Ryu walk Bell out of the bar. Syr notices a purple glow coming from the ground and picks up the small monster stone with a smile. "Ryu, I like him very much. I want to see him again."

"I am sure he will be back eventually Syr. I will let lady Riveria sleep in my bed and I will sleep on the floor."

"Good Night Ryu."

"Good Night Syr." Ryu carries Riveria upstairs and lays her in her bed and puts a warm rag on her head and water next to her bed. She pulls out an extra pair of linens from a closet and falls asleep on the floor on the other side of the room.




Six hours passed and the sun started rising over the horizon. Sunlight was beaming through the window onto Riveria's face. She opened her Jade color eyes and stared at the ceiling of the room that was not her own. "Huh." She shot up in a hurry remembering the events of last night.

Riveria didn't feel any different. Riveria heard a shuffling sound from the corner of the room. A short-haired blond female elf started sitting up from the floor.

Ryu instantly jumped to her feet and lowered herself into a bow. "Are you feeling okay lady Riveria?"

"Y-yes, where am I? How did I get here? What happened to those men?" Riveria asked as fast as possible weary of the person in front of her.

"Lady Riveria, you are safe. The attackers have been dealt with. You are currently sleeping in my room in the Hostess of Fertility." Ryu calmly replied still bowing.

"P-please stop that. Tell me what happened last night." Riveria was breathing hard trying to comprehend what happened.

"Lady Riveria, I believe your goddess got you drunk. You were stumbling around an alleyway when you were cornered by three men with malicious intent." Ryu noticed Riveria looking her body over for any marks. "They did not touch you!" Ryu blurted out. "A boy with white hair and red eyes named Bell Cranel risked his life to save you. He carried you here and I dealt with their leader after I heard his battle. They are currently in the custody of Ganesha familia." Ryu explained the events of the night. "I am sorry the boy touched you, he was in a hurry to get away worried about your condition."

A deep blush rose on Riveria's face and ears. "Is … Is the boy okay?"

"Yes, my lady. I healed his wounds. He got lucky that they didn't hurt him worse. He was able to deal with the other 2 scum that dared to defile you, Lady Riveria."

"W-wow." Riveria was a at loss by such a selfless act.

Ryu continued. "I am sorry, but Momma Mia will want to speak to you. Immediately. Please take the time to clean up and come downstairs when you are ready."

"Thank you for everything, Ryu. Your act of kindness has not gone unnoticed. I hope I can find some way to thank him." Riveria wondered aloud. Ryu stepped out of the room allowing Riveria to freshen up in the bathroom before going downstairs. Her blood was boiling overhearing the voices of Loki and Finn talking to Mia downstairs.




"Dam useless goddess. You are lucky that elf and none of my waitresses got hurt."

"I am sorry. Really Mia." Loki pleaded.

"Is everything alright?"

"Yes," Mia growled through her teeth. "All the damage was done to a boy that protected her."

"Boy? Where is the boy?" Finn questioned.

"How should I know Braver? I am trying to run a business not babysit your familia." Mia scowled.

"Calm down Mia, we will pay you for the trouble and we will even set up a party for our return trip." Loki says.

"Fine, you better spend a lot. I should smack the lot of you alongside the head. Until you are as dizzy as that high elf." Mia threatened.

*Clomp! Clomp!*

Riveria descended the stairs fuming with anger. "Thank you and your waitress for taking care of me Mia. Don't worry I will smack the goddess for you."

Loki was shaking in fright. "It was just a joke. Riveria, you wouldn't hurt your sweet goddess would you."

"Harbinger of the end," A giant blue magic circle lit up the hostess. Loki's eyes filled with terror. She bolted out of the bar and down the street in full panic.

Riveria continued her chant racing after the goddess with anger that terrified every person in her path. God, adventurer, and townsperson. She concurrently casts her tier 1 freezing magic while the Finn raced to save Loki. "the white snow. Blow the wind before the twilight. Closing light, the freezing land. Blizzard, the three severe winters – my name is Alf."

The gates to the twilight manor were thrown open by the guards on duty. They ran away as fast as they could. Loki was in the center of the courtyard when Riveria unleashed her spell.

"Wynn Fimbulvetr!", Riveria released her magic in a rage after her Loki. She poured extra mind into creating a frozen prison around the goddess in the middle of the courtyard trapping her in every direction.

Riveria shouted at the top of her lungs clenching her fists. Her anger scared everybody in the familia. "Loki do you have any idea what might have happened if that boy didn't save me in that state? I could have been defiled or killed. He almost died to save me!"

"I am sorry Riveria. Please, I won't do it again." Loki pleaded from inside her prison.

Riveria charged the imprisoned Loki. She was about to give her a beat down of a lifetime, but the twins and Ais jumped her before she could. They held her down to prevent her from killing or maiming their goddess.

"Riveria you're okay." Ais eyes were glazed over.

Finn arrived a second later. "Geez, momma elf is scary. Let's focus that rage into the dungeon, can we? We need to finish up preparations for the expedition. We leave in four hours." The familia started to disperse at Finn's orders. "Who was the boy, Riveria?"

Riveria calmed down and stood up. "His name was Bell Cranel. A level one with white hair with red eyes. All I was told by the waitress at the Hostess."

"Wait the rabbit boy that killed the goblin yesterday." Tiona spouted.

"Yes, the same kid Bete scared away from our home yesterday. That wolf is lucky I don't shatter his bones." Riveria yelled out loud. Bete could feel his fur start to stand up on end.

"I am going to get cleaned up and take a nap. If Loki is not in that prison when I wake. I will burn down the manor."

"Very well Riveria. Get some sleep. I will try and look into this Bell Cranel. After we get back and thank him personally." Finn offered.

"Good." Riveria stormed off.

After four hours Gareth punched the ice prison apart and the Loki familia left the Twilight manor. Leaving behind the goddess Loki and the guards protecting the manor.




(Two weeks later. (Day 1))

Loki familia files into floor seventeen. Each looking exhausted and lacking morale. They were fortunate to not lose any adventurers on the deep floors, but they had to cancel the expedition. While on floor fifty they encountered a new type of monster that spewed acid. Everything that touched the acid was destroyed. Supplies, rations, and weapons melted completely.

The giant blue wall was already mending. The goliath floor boss had been dealt with before they arrived. When Loki familia entered the center of the room. Dozens of cracking noises were coming from the walls. The walls explode releasing over fifty minotaurs.

"Oh great, it's a monster dinner party in here." Raul bellowed in fear of the monster outbreak.

"These are all minotaurs." Ais scans the room uninterested in level two monsters.

"Deal with them quickly." Finn orders.

Tiona walked up to the first minotaur with a cute little smile. "Are you ready?"

The minotaur snarled trying to intimate her. Tiona smirked back at it. Before the minotaur could react. Tiona broke its neck with her foot. Her sister jumped onto the back of another and tore its head off.

"Rawr." A pitiful scream of fear came from the swarm of minotaurs. They were no match for the level five amazons. Without a second thought, they all started running up away from Loki's familia.

"Wait they're running away." Tione yells in surprise.

"Stop them before they kill any adventurers on the upper floors." Finn commanded.

Loki familia executives chased after the minotaurs through twelve floors of the dungeon all the way to floor five. Two minotaurs split off to the left path and another minotaur still holding its landform ax went right.

"Ais, Bete, get those two on the left and pincer the one on the right with me." Riveria commanded. Ais and Bete pursued the two on the left as ordered.

Riveria chased after the one on the right. So far, they have been lucky and no adventurers were killed by the minotaurs that ran from Loki familia. She was almost relieved that it was coming to an end with the last ones within their grasp. Until a scream could be heard from the 5th floor. "Please help me!"

A loud boom echoed through the caverns. Riveria feared the worst happened to a helpless level one adventurer. Riveria may not be the fastest but she used her level six speed to the extent she was able in order to close the gap and kill the beast. She began chanting her low-tier ice spell to avoid collateral damage to the whole floor.




I was running for my life from the hulking beast behind me. Fear was gripping my heart as pure adrenaline was pushing me forward. I was being chased across the fifth floor by a minotaur. No other adventurers were willing or able to stop the minotaur from killing me. They were all level 1s afraid to even go near it. I was chased into a dead end by the raging bull. I threw my backup dagger at it but it shattered against the skin of the minotaur.

*Swish! Boom!*

The minotaur swung a crudely shaped ax at my head. I tried to dodge and roll squeezed past on its offhand side but the bull unleashed a full-strength backhand slice. The ax cleaved my back the top of my bag as I ducked back into the dead-end at the last moment. The ax shattered against the wall. The force of the blast launched me into the dead-end wall once more.

My back landed hard against the dungeon walls. Fighting to stay conscious before the bull finished me off for good. The bull lowered its head ready to charge.

"Wynn Fimbulvetr!" Riveria arrived behind the charging bull. She aimed at the feet to slow its momentum and used her mind to mold the ice to envelop the beast in a frozen cocoon. Unfortunately, the tiredness from the two-week expedition and the chase through the twelve floors had weighed on her mind and body. All she could do was force the magic upwards into the wall and hope he would not be frozen to death like the minotaur.

"Please be okay." Riveria gripped her chest in fright.




My eyes flicker as I start to regain consciousness. I look over my body for any huge injuries. I was still alive. Then my eyes gaze upwards.

"Ahhhhhhhh." I let out a terrified scream as the beast was mere inches away from killing me. In my fright, I kicked the frozen body of the bull and it shatters against the wall, showering my body with thousands of frozen pieces before it dissolved into ash. Unknown to all one minotaur horn snapped off and landed into my cleaved open bag. The magic stone fell to the floor in front of my feet and somebodies else. Slowly my gaze when upwards….



Both of us stood still in silence and shock. My heart was beating like crazy as if I ran from a million minotaurs. I didn't want to turn my head or blink. I wanted this moment to last an eternity. Witnessing before my eyes were the beauty that could make a god jealous; a Jade-haired elven woman stood in front of me. She had long slender ears that pointed out from her shimmering green hair. She was slim and yet had a womanly physique obscured by a robe. My heart told me even the gods couldn't rival what was beneath. Those eyes. Those eyes. Were as jade as her hair, they were soft, and yet felt them piercing into my heart, making my body heat up all over.

Riveria's mind was going in circles as she stared down at the adventurer. Here was a white-haired, red-eyed level-one adventurer that matched the description of the one that saved her. She couldn't summon the strength to break the silence.

My face was getting redder and redder as the awkward silence continued. The pressure was too much for my heart to take. I attempted to get up and run away.

Riveria snapped out of her daze. "Stop please! Bell Cranel!"

Hearing the soft voice of the beautiful elf mention my name, distracting me from my mission. I lost focus and my foot shifted at a bad angle on the minotaur magic stone lying on the ground. My body's momentum propelled me forward and I rolled headfirst into the cavern wall. My vision went dark and I lost consciousness again.

Riveria palmed her face. "Ahhhh." Riveria was stunned by how he reacted to her. She was a bit flustered picking up his body and propping up against the wall. She hovered her hand above his head wound.

"Heavenly light, I beseech you Lux to mend the bodies of the broken – my name is Alf. - Luna Aldis." Riveria unleashed her medium-tier healing spell, fixing his head wound.

She was tired from the events of the expedition and the depleted mind usage from her consecutive spells. Riveria accidentally leaned forward touching his soft white hair. "Hmpf." Riveria tensed up. She shook her head and sat down next to him. "Just tired. That's it. Huuuu."




"Riveria are you both okay?" Ais had approached the two leaning against the cavern wall. She leaned forward to offer Riveria a mind potion.

"Thank you, Ais. We're doing fine. He just has a concussion. He should wake up soon. This expedition has taken a lot out of me as well." She says with ragged breathing as her worries start to melt away.

"Hahaha, looks like the runt shouldn't have been down here. Now he is covered in his own blood like a tomato." Bete cackled looking at the unconscious boy. Tiona was alerted by Bete's laughing and arrived a few seconds later.

"Tiona please escort Bete back to the expedition and let Finn know we finished off all the escaped minotaurs. I am going to have a chat and escort this young one to the guildhall." Riveria ordered.

"Alright, Riveria. Come on Bete stop harassing people. Probably why you're still single?" She teased.

"Shut the hell up skank." Both Bete and Tiona descend the dungeon to meet up with the rest of the expedition.

"Are the other two minotaurs dead Ais?" Riveria leaned her head back against the wall after downing the potion.

"Yes, Riveria. No problems."

"Whew." Riveria let out a sigh of relief as the mini crisis had

*Bah-Bo! Bah-Bo! Bah-Bo! Bah-Bo! Bah-Bo! Bah-Bo!*

Riveria looked around the cavern hearing what sounded like a drum beating in the deep. She looked around for any cracks in case a monster was summoned from the wall.

"Ais what's that loud noise?" Riveria and Ais turn their heads to the boy they thought was unconscious.

My heart started racing like I ran a marathon from the sight before me once more. Two women with beauty only rivaled by the gods were surrounding me. One the jade-haired mothering elf sitting at my side and the other the blond female my age leaning over checking on us.

"Please calm down!" Riveria let out a confused smirked seeing his bright red face. "I can practically hear your heart racing from here."


"Don't apologize." Riveria smiled back. "W-would you happened to be Bell Cranel?"

My eyes bulged in shock. The blonde sat down against the opposite wall remaining emotionless as she watched. "Y-Yes my name is Bell Cranel. H-how do you know my name, Miss?"

"Just call me Riveria."

"Ais." The blond raised her hand.


His bashful behavior made Riveria at ease around him. "As for your question, I was told by a waitress at the Hostess of Fertility that you helped save my life from a few men in the alley. I am most grateful for your heroism."

"I didn't want to see you get hurt."

Riveria smile warmly. "I appreciate that more than anything. Those men were bent on doing horrible things to me. I am willing to help in any way I can to repay your bravery."

"You did just save my life from a minotaur."

Riveria shook her head. "I am happy it didn't get to you, but the minotaur was our fault. The minotaur that chased you was our fault.

"No, I shouldn't be down this far. My advisor is gonna kill me for being down here already."

Riveria's heart fluttered for a second from his humbleness. "No Mr. Cranel. We scared them off by accident during our return trip. I should be apologizing to you."

A dungeon lizard turned the corner about twenty feet away but was instantly killed by a rock thrown through its eye by the blond knight across from them.

"Wow, that was amazing." My eyes bulged in shock seeing the monster be dealt with ease.

Ais pointed to her eye. "The eye is a weak point to aim for it whenever you are down here. Just avoid the 8-foot-long tongue." She let out a quick smile.

"I-I will keep that in mind. Thank you miss Ais."

"He-he." Riveria was surprised to see Ais's face lighten up for a brief second.

"Uh, Miss Riveria!"


"About the other night. I am sorry for touching you."

Riveria stuttered. "I-it was an e-emergency. Just glad they didn't take advantage of my drunken state."

"I thought elves don't drink."

"No." Riveria shook her head. "It doesn't happen often but elves do drink sometimes. However, I am not used to it at all. I fell victim to a prank from my goddess. Most of the time she means well, but Loki gets carried away."

"You're from Loki familia."

"Is that an issue?"

"No no, not at all. I wish that I would have been able to get into Loki familia but I am grateful for my goddess for accepting me."

"What familia did you join?"

"Goddess Hestia found me and accepted me into her familia."

"Why does that sound familiar?!" Riveria wondered aloud. "Is Hestia familia a large familia?"

"No." I shook my head. "Just me so far."

'Oh no! That's the goddess Loki has problems with. Still, he's gonna get himself killed if it's just him, but interacting with him will only cause problems with Loki.' Riveria thought to herself.

"So floor five after two weeks by yourself is very impressive. Sure, you're not pushing yourself too hard."

"I was doing okay. I am more worried about Eina killing me for being down here."

"Eina… Tulle."

"Yes. I am gonna have a difficult time explaining this to her."

"Interesting, it has been a few weeks since I talked to Eina. She is the daughter of my best friend. I would like to go see her as well."

"I can go at a later time."

"No Bell." Riveria's eyes flashed for a second. "I mean Mr. Cranel. I can help talk her down for you. Ais is probably craving those Jaga maru snacks after the expedition."

"Will your familia be okay without you two being there?"

"I am not worried. There in the middle floors now. Surprising that you would worry about someone else's familia." Riveria gave a warm smile before continuing. "Let's go to the guild Mr. Cranell, Ais." Riveria leans down to pick up the minotaur crystal.

"Okay" The three of us walked out of the dungeon together. Most monsters avoided their path or were struck down in a second.

The three of us walked out of babel toward the direction of the guildhall which was a few miles away. I felt the jealous stares being surrounded by both women. Some laughed at the injured greenhorn until they got an evil stare from Riveria.

"Dam did he pick up those girls in the dungeon?"

"Of course not. Looks like the rookie got his ass saved by Loki familia."

"Ha, so the rookie is just an idiot then."

The three of us continued our walk to the guildhall. My face red the whole way up the northwest road.




"Afternoon lady Riveria." Eina cheerfully bowed to the high elf. "Is the rest of Loki familia done their expedition already?"

"They should be surfacing within the hour. A group of minotaurs got away from us and one even managed to make it to floor five."

"A freaking minotaur!" Eina screams out before lowering her voice. "That is horrible."

"Calm down Eina, we were able to deal with them but one almost killed an adventurer of yours. I wish to make it up to Mr. Cranel here." She gestured her hand towards the nervous adventurer.

Eina looked like she was about to explode with anger. "Beeeeeell! Why were you on floor five?!"

My heart was beating rapidly hiding my embarrassed smirk. "Sorry Eina. I got bored on floor four and went to check out five. There weren't any monsters until the….. minotaur."

"Bell what did I tell you? Not to go on adventurers. You are the only member of your familia. I did not clear you for floor 5 yet."

"Why did you not leave immediately?"

I kind of got lost." As I trailed off and start looking down at my feet.

"Fine, I will increase our study sessions until you know every nook and cranny of the dungeon down to floor 6. I still don't like the idea of you going to floor 5 yet."

"Enough Eina." Riveria interrupted. "The only way for adventurers to grow is to go on an adventure, help him learn unless you want to go back into the dungeon with him." The thought only brought a look of terror on Eina's face. "As I was trying to say I wish to make it up to Mr. Cranel. Help him cash in this minotaur stone to avoid any trouble with the exchange."

"Miss Riveria, I did not kill the minotaur. You did." I looked at her surprised still red-faced.

'Humble, thoughtful, and Innocent. That can be taken advantage of by others.' Riveria thinks to herself. "Think of it as a gift. I do not wish for anybody to include my savior to get hurt from our mistake."


Ais walks over to me. "You can have this one too." Another heartwarming smile curled up on her lips. *Gurgle* Immediately the moment was interrupted by her rumbling stomach.

" … "

" … "

"Ais lets go to the Jaga Maru stand. Eina stop by sometime soon."

"uh-huh" Ais shakes her head up and down

"Yes, Lady Riveria."

"Goodbye Mr. Cranel.


Eina calmed herself. "Bell, follow me to the exchange."





"Kid there is no way that you got two minotaur magic stones as a rookie." The red-furred werewolf looked dumfounded at the exchange.

"Rose, Lady Riveria and Miss Ais, gifted the stones to Bell Cranell."

"Fine! Guess I can help out your boyfriend." An evil grin appears on the werewolf's face.

Eina cracked her knuckles. "Please cash them in for him."

"Alright, your other magic stones are about five thousand. The two minotaur stones are twenty thousand valis each. So, your total is forty-five thousand valis. Don't spend it all in one place like a date." She snickers once more. Over the last two weeks, the girls at the guild had been teasing Eina relentlessly over the amount of time she spent with Bell.

Eina ignored her. "Bell, get cleaned up in the showers. You still have blood on your head and I think that is a piece of frozen minotaur in your hair. Then meet me back in the training room."

"Yes, Eina."

"Miss Rose, can I pay off my starter equipment."

"Sure thing. Then your new earnings are 35,000 valis." I stuffed most of the valis into my bag and go to get cleaned up in the guild showers. Before going to meet Eina in the training room twenty minutes later.

"Bell, tell me. How did you save Lady Riveria?" Eina asked eagerly.

"Eina, I don't really think I did save her. An elven waitress saved us in the alley behind the Hostess of Fertility."

"What were you doing in the alley? How could Lady Riveria need help from a level one?... Sorry." Eina buried her face.

"It's okay. I heard screams from the alley and noticed three men were trying to attack her. Apparently, she was drunk from a prank by her goddess."

"Dam it Loki," Eina shouted. She noticed my shock. "Don't worry about it. Please continue."

"I managed to beat two of them but the other was much stronger. I would have died if not for the elven waitress that came to our rescue."

"Oh, Bell." Eina's voice softens and her cheeks flush pink. "Sounds like she would have been in trouble if you didn't hold them off. I am glad you are both alright, but please stop being so reckless."

"Sorry Eina," I started shuffling around in my seat nervously. "C-c-can you tell me more about L-Lady R-Riveria and Miss Ais?"

"Oh, have you fallen for them have you." Eina giggled.

" … "

"He-he-he. Oh, Bell." She giggled. "Strictly speaking Bell that might be impossible. One Goddess Hestia and Goddess Loki are known to be at each other throats. Goddess Loki also values both of them high above most of her other children. Ais Wallenstein is a level five with the alias Sword Princess. As for Lady Riveria, not only is she a level six, but she is also a high elf and is heir to the throne of the Alf Forest. They are both close to leveling up but that might take a year."

My chest sinks. My mouth hung as I stared dumbfound at Eina as she discuss how amazing those two women are, not even factoring in their beauty. The distance from my dream woman was like comparing the street level to the top of Babel.

Eina noticed the depressed look in his eyes. "Come with me Bell." We walked to the counter. "Bell, many women are drawn towards strength. Perhaps a stronger you can find the woman of your dreams. Why don't you go back home and get rested up? I expect to see you tomorrow evening after you get out of the dungeon for training."

"I will. Goodbye Eina. Thank you for everything. Love you." I rushed out the door.

"Oh my." Eina hid her red face from her coworkers and adventurers that overheard Bell's declaration.




I arrived at the church, cleaned up myself and my equipment, and started dinner for goddess. She arrived twenty minutes later looking agitated.

"Oh, Bell you're home already. Good."

"Evening goddess."

"I do like your cooking Bell, but you're in trouble mister."

"Huh. Why?"

"Had to deal with a couple of annoying Loki familia brats that were talking about you. What's up with that Bell." Hestia pouted angrily.

"Goddess. Let's eat first and then I can tell you what happened while you're updating my status." Her mood perked up to see the food prepared.

After dinner I am laying down on my front with the goddess straddled over my back preparing to update my status. I tell her about what happened in the dungeon today and that it was same elf I helped two weeks ago. She listened to my story and pricked herself with a knife and one small drop of blood fell to my backside. She started casually moving the numbers on for each ability.

"Bell, just give up. Elves won't even touch somebody that doesn't meet their standards. Both of them are insanely powerful and are probably constantly harassed by many suitors. Their bound to fancy somebody else by now."(2)

"Do you really think so…?"

"Yep, Listen up, Bell. This is a crush; you'll get over it. You should move on and focus on a girl around you. Somebody that might even be closer than you think and I am not talking about your half-elf advisor that is constantly around you. Plus, Riversomething and the other 2 are all in Loki familia. You couldn't marry either anyway."

My heart felt pain as if the final blow was struck. "You're cruel, Goddess…"(2)

'I refuse to give up without even trying!' I think to myself as I get up from the bed and pull my shirt back down.

"Here is your new status, Bell." Goddess hands me a paper that translates the hieroglyphs to common.

Bell Cranell

Level One Age:15 Race: Human

Strength: H101…..H108 Endurance: I84…..H101

Dexterity: I93…..I96 Agility: H172…..H192 Magic: I-0 Luck:I

Magic ()

Skills () ********

"Goddess what is this smudge under my skills."

Goddess Hestia was looking at her hands casually. "Oh sorry, Bell. That was an accident, just a slip of the finger Bell, I am still new at leading a familia."

"Oh", looking a bit depressed hoping to finally gain a skill. "Goddess, do you think I will ever get magic?"

"Even I don't know that, Bell. The only books you read are stories about heroes."

"Why don't you go to sleep and get well rested for the dungeon tomorrow?"

"Okay goddess. Good Night." I walked off to fall asleep on the couch.

Hestia waited a few minutes and then swiped her finger over the smudge mark on the paper. 'I hate this! He changed because of her. This isn't fair and I won't allow it! Damn elves are gonna take my precious Bell from me!'(2)

Skills: Heart of Alfhiem

Rapid Growth

Continued desire results in continued growth.

Stronger desire results in stronger growth.

Allied elves and those of spirit blood can grow based on their mutual desire and distance to the Heart.

'I cannot allow Bell to know about this skill at all costs. The gods will chase him to the ends of Genkai to get him. Nor am I recruiting any elves.'




Riveria and Ais were waiting at the entrance of the dungeon inside Babel tower, as the sun was setting on Orario. Ais was still nibbling on her last Jaga Maru potato snack. The noise at the dungeon entrance was getting a lot louder as the rest of the Loki familia filed out of the dungeon with the captain leading the way.

"Looks like Ais couldn't wait to get those Potato snacks." The amazons behind him snickered overhearing their captain. "Surprised you didn't come to check on us, Riveria."

"Finn you were on the middle floors. I didn't expect any problems. I am not your mother. I even sent Bete and Tiona back down.

"You have been standing here the whole time."

"No. I had a few things I needed to clear up."

"What kind of things Riveria?" Finn asked slightly confused.

"The last minotaur cornered a boy on floor five. Turns out he was the exact same boy that saved me two weeks ago. We had a little talk. Walked him to the guild and gave him minotaur magic stones for causing him so much trouble."

"Awe that's so nice of you. Did you set up a date too? He was rather cute." Tiona teases.

"She's probably old enough to be his ancestor, Tiona." Spouted Finn. A warm feeling in Riveria's chest froze over and an angry scowl appeared on her face.

"Seems like I should have sealed the dungeon with ice so you can spend another night in there."

"Go ahead." Gareth was the last one out of the dungeon. I am used to sleeping in tunnels.

"Bet you are." Riveria muttered.

"Let's all head back to the Twilight Manor. "Riveria I will notify Loki to set up a reservation at the Hostess tomorrow night."




Loki familia marched throughout the streets of Orario to the location of the manor. They packed away all the salvageable supplies from the expedition. During the familia dinner. Finn addressed the familia. Even though their expedition was a failure. They have gotten many drops items and completed the Cadmus spring water quest. They had not set a definite date to go on the next expedition.

The executives were all given tasks. Tione and Leyfia were to sell some of the rarer drop items. Ais and Tiona need to get repairs on their weapons. While Gareth manages the rest of the families drop items and monster crystal turn into the exchange. Bete was in charge of turning in the Cadmus spring water quest. Finn also ordered a few days off from the dungeon to recuperate and make sure the familia's weapons are sent into maintenance with the Hesphaistos smiths.

The whole time Riveria was zoning out thinking about Bell Cranell and the run-in with his overprotective goddess at the Jaga Maru stand. 'All I did was ask about him and his progress and wanted to thank her. Why did she flip out? She's even more overprotective than Loki.'

"Listen up kiddos. I will update the statuses of the first ten people tonight, between 9 pm and 10 pm. Get rested up and take it easy from the dungeon for a while." Ais was first to finish up dinner and head upstairs with Loki.

Half-past ten; Loki was rummaging through her alcohol stash when a knock sounded at her door.

"Geez talk about bad timing. Come in." Riveria entered Goddess Loki's room. "What's up momma you think you gonna level finally?"

"I don't think so Loki. Been feeling a little off after the expedition." Riveria sat down on the chair and took off her robes and press her surprisingly perfect D cups against the chair exposing her back. Loki started to droll and reached over to grab Riveria's chest. Riveria caught her hand and twisted around painfully. "Do not try that again or you will be drinking through a straw."

"Alright alright. Geez, you always hide those things under so many layers. Always surprises me when you whip them out. Dam elven pride makes you so reserved about your own body." Loki pouted.

Loki took out a ceremonial knife from her nightstand a made a quick cut on her finger to unlock the status on Riveria's backside. Riveria discussed the events of the expedition as well as the chase and meeting the person that saved her at the bar two weeks ago. As well as everything about him.

"Uggh. So unlucky to get into Itty-Bittys familia. That stinks, I might have invited him into our familia."

"Loki, about that." Riveria grabs the stitched-up application from out of her pocket and gives it to Loki. "Seems he was the boy Bete scared away from the manor two weeks ago."

"Dam it Bete. Now I am upset." Loki crossed her arms. "Hopefully he listens to Eina and doesn't get himself killed. She does have a decent amount of experience in the dungeon. How is she doing Riveria?"

"She seems to be holding up well being an advisor for the guild. She is very overprotective of her adventurers but it might be from being traumatized three years ago, from the floor ten incident."

"I wish she would come back. She was so close to level two. She would have been stronger than Leyfia by now. I get it though I lost three children that day"

"I told her to visit us soon when I stopped by the guild."

"Great. I miss those curves of hers." Loki wiped the drool from her mouth.

"Loki stop with your perverted behavior or drooling is all you will be doing on Genkai.

"Fine. Fine. Fi….." Loki stopped seeing something weird in Riveria's status.

Riveria Ljos Alf

Level Six Age: 99 Race: High Elf

Strength: G243…..G246 Endurance: G277…..G280

Dexterity: C651…..C656 Agility: C609…..C665

Magic: S980…..S989 Mage: E Treatment: G

Abnormal Resistance: G Spirit Healing: H…..G

Magic Resistance: H

Magic ()

Vas Windheim:

Attack Magic (Wynn Fimbulvetr, Rea Laevateinn, Vas Windheim)

Via Shilhiem:

Defense Magic (Liv Illusio, Veil Breath, Via Shilheim)

Van Alheim:

Healing Magic (Fil Eldis, Luna Aldis, Van Alheim)

Skills ()

Fairy Anthem

Alf Regina


"Did something happen Loki?"

"Riveria, how did you get such a big boost?" Loki placed the paper in front of Riveria. "You went up over 75 points and your Spirit healing advanced ability went up to G."

Riveria's face contorts in shock. "I have no idea, Goddess. I told you everything that happened during our expedition."

"Weird, Ais had a smaller jump of 50 points. For once Ais had a smile on her face. Biggest single boost in three years for her. I still don't understand how both of you made a jump but keep it up."

"I didn't even do much different than normal. I don't think the new species is responsible. I only used magic to annihilate them." Riveria says confused.

"Well, it wouldn't hurt if you got your other basic abilities up in order to finally level. You three captains have been stuck at level 6 for almost seven years now. Gareth is the closest with two S level stats."

"I will try Loki but I am always put in the mage group. I still don't understand how I made a jump."

"I need more evidence to come up with an answer. Anyways rest up my beautiful momma elf. We got a party tomorrow night at the Hostess of Fertility."

"Good night Loki"

"Good night mamma; unless you want to cuddle up in my bed." Loki lifted up her blankets.


"Then go dream about your little rabbit boy then." Loki laughs.

Riveria enters her room and prepares for bed. Her thoughts still racing from the events of the last two weeks.

She lay there in her bed staring at the ceiling. 'Why now after 99 years of age do I feel like this all because of a human boy. I need to push these thoughts out of my mind. I am way too old for him and every elf in the city would be out for his blood.' She rolled around a little longer with a blush on her face.


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