Adam's POV
Teela had asked me to come and meet in the Palace's main courtyard...which after almost a month of not speak to me was a much-welcomed relief; it had been a whole year since we defeated King Hiss and driven the remaining snakemen into hiding-needless to say that a lot has happened between then and of the major ones being the other masters learning about my not little secret and the arrive of off-world guests.
my own mother was from another planet-having been born Marlena Glenn-Glenn being her designated family name which was a practice not heard of anywhere on Eternia...but that beside the point-besides these where...different from my mother-they hailed from another world...a world much more akin to Eternia than that my mother birth world of the earth; I hurriedly enter the courtyard…where Teela was apparently talking to one of the off-worlders.
"…Hello darling!" the young blond-haired woman says with her plump ruby red lips quickly curved upward in a slightly teasing smile.
"Oh hey Adora!"I say with lukewarm courtesy.
"Adam!"Teela hissed almost venomously-her cyan colored eyes narrowing sternly as her lips pouted disapprovingly.
"What?"I asked quickly rolling my eyes...Teela immediately grabs my right ear."ouch ouch hey Teela what's the big idea?"
Teela merely rolled her eyes and quickly pulls me out of the earshot of the young woman-the young captain of the royal guard lightly slams me against a nearby tree. "what in the nine hells is wrong with you, Adam?"Teela softly yells at me-I rolled my eyes slightly, "I have no idea what talking about!"I said carelessly-I soon feel the sharp sting of a hardened slap to my forehead, Teela's face was now reddened face.
"Teela?!?"Adora says stunned-her bright light blue eyes widened shockedly.
Teela turned to face, the young blonde with her once hardened facial expression now slightly softened."…sorry about that Adora!"
'Sorry, Adora!!" I thought to myself with my facial expression quickly turning just as red…if not redder than Teela's; almost as if on cue Orko and Cringer came race towards our direction-cringe soon smashed right into me and the next thing I knew I was lying flat on my back in a nearby rose bush.
"S-sorry Adam!"Cringer says through the shared mental link.
"Ugh…don't worry cringe…just pleease tell me this means that we have an urgent mission from the sorceress to go!"I asked almost pleadingly-I didn't care what it was…Skeletor laying siege to castle Greyskull yet again…the snakemen returned…hells I'd even take on Hordak and this 'horde' he's brought he's with him!"I said psychically just hoping for any excuse to get out of my current situation…ok maybe I have a little pint-up aggression to work out.
"I-I d-don't know for sure but yes the sorceress says she needs us to come to castle Greyskull immediately!" cringe says and I mentally nod.
I quickly turned to the two young women in front of me-I give my best…fake apologetic smile." uh sorry Teela…I uhh just remembered that I promised man at arms that I would…something really important!" I say awkwardly to Teela's obvious disappointment and disapproval as I see her arms crossed over her chest-I swiftly brushed that aside for now hurry off with cringer close at my heels.
Soon enough…
I ride saddle atop battle cat, who was swiftly sprinting across the lifeless desert landscape known the great wastelands; now this is just what I needed to get mind of-my recent troubles…I wonder what the sorceress could want?… I wonder if it has something to Hordak's return?
'Yes, he-man-'the ethereal voice of the sorceress spoke penetrating the deepest reaches of my mind-I responsed lightly concentrating my thoughts: "Sorceress?"…we've been expecting you!" The sorceress said-the mysterious woman's words catching somewhat off guard.
I do not ask the sorceress what she means by 'we' … but I do not pry any further-I guess knowing that I would know for myself Soon enough!
I walked the cold-ancient halls of castle Greyskull-my footsteps echoing in the fortress's hollow walls, tapestries, and statues of ancient and long-forgotten kings, Queens, and heroes lined the mostly blackened walls with small pieces of sunlight shining through the dusty and faded stain glass windows that were the only means connection with the outside world; I arrived at the castle's throne room…which was more akin to a cave or ancient meeting chamber of some kind than the lavish throne room s of the royal palace…it is here seated on her stone-carved throne that the sorceress greeted us.
" …welcome he-man...and to you as well batttlecat!" the sorceress says in an almost graver tone of voice than usual.
The almost half-bird like appearing with sky blue eyes and a slightly tired face showing holding onto a welcoming ghost of a smile."…there is someone I'd like you to meet!" the sorceress said to my further confusion…the mystical and mysterious guardian of castle Greyskull soon a rose from her ancient seat of power her right hand slightly gesturing to her left.
"…Adora!" The sorceress says to my utter shock and a bitterly familiar face emerges from the shadows between two stone columns.
"You?" I stupidly say before my face instantly turned red with seeping anger.
"Hello, he-man…or is it alright if I call you Adam here?" Adora asked teasingly with a playful smile smile dancing on red lips.
I raised my sword to the ceiling called back the ancient power that was flowing through my veins…returning once more assuming the weaker form of Prince Adam.
Adora's light-sapphire blue eyes beaming with surprise-I resheath my sword placing its blade back into its thick dark brown leather scabbard with a look of confusion on my face…' what is she doing here'.
Adora slowly walks over to the sorceress's left side with a slightly shy air about her-the sorceress warmly smiles at her with the older woman placing a hand kindly on the shoulder of the younger and smiled softly-I mentally roll my eyes and waited.
"...It is time!" the sorceress says encouragingly with her head lightly nodding.
Adora nods back understandingly and soon steps forward and ahead of the sorceress-her right arm stretching out, the golden wristguard on her upper arm soon glowing with a radiant golden shimmer...this light immediately grew blindingly bright-I quickly shielded my eyes from this burning-piercing light...though small threads of light seeping my fingers...eventually, the light dies down and ultimately fades away completely.
I uncovered my eyes...only to see Adora wielding a sword that was a near-perfect replica .of the sword of power...a hundred million questions quickly swirled around in my head as stared slightly open-mouthed; Adora soon raised the sword to the ceiling in a similar manner to how I had held my own sword of power.
"For the honor of Greyskull!!"Adora cries out and a bolt of mystical lightning strikes.
The young woman's body is soon surrounded by a magical aura that transformed her into a tall and slightly muscular form-her scarlet red one-piece bodysuit now white and gold suit of armor.
"...Prince Adam of Eternia-"the sorceress says pausing to gesture to the change woman,"...may I introduce She Ra princess of power!" she says to my confusion.
A near-infinite of questions quickly swims inside of my head-of all these questions I ask only one very crucial question: "Sorceress..What does this mean?"
To Be Continued...