( A Long chapter with 7000+ words. ENJOY!!! )
The sun was just beginning to set on the small community that was Little Whinging, bathing the monotonous Privet Drive in an orange glow, when a group of six individuals disembarked from what had to be the fastest bus in the entire world.
Still feeling slightly woozy from the brain-rattling ride, Hermione took a moment to center herself before turning to address her red-headed entourage. Clearing her throat and adopting an expression that would look right at home on an adult chaperoning a primary school field trip, Hermione halted the quintet of Weasleys with a raised hand and said, "Okay now, remember; let me do most of the talking once the Dursley's answer the door, please. From what Harry's told me of his relatives, any mention of magic is to be avoided at all costs. The quicker we can pick Harry up and get back to the Burrow the better."
While Mrs. Weasley looked less than pleased at Hermione's tone, Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny all seemed happy enough to just roll with it and follow the bushy-haired witch's lead. They were just here to pick Harry up, and didn't see any problem with letting the most muggle-smart member of their group take the reins if she thought it would help speed things up.
Nodding her head at the group's acceptance, Hermione then turned around and marched up the plain white walkway that led to the plain white house's plain white door. Even the young Granger, champion of order that she was, found the dwelling's monochromatic theme disturbing; never mind how repulsed the Weasley's were by the life sized definition of monotony.
Hermione rapped her knuckles against the dreary door twice before taking a step back. Only a scant few seconds passed by before the door was swung open by a floral print wearing Petunia Dursley, who wasted no time looking down her abnormally thin nose and asking them who they were and what they wanted.
Hoping to avoid any unnecessary drama, Hermione once again cleared her throat and spoke.
"Hello Mrs. Dursley, I'm Hermione Granger, one of Harry's friends from school?" she said with a questioning lilt, as if to ask whether or not her nephew had ever mentioned her. Seeing no recognition on the scrawny woman's face, and noticing a growing amount of disgust, Hermione quickly said, "I'm sure that he's already told you, but we're here to pick Harry up. Is he ready to go?"
Petunia spared a quick look around outside, first left and then right, before deeming it safe enough to respond.
"Yes, yes, the boy mentioned that he'd finally be leaving us in peace, but he's not here right now."
Not liking the way the horse-faced woman in front of her was talking about somebody she considered family, Molly stepped forward and asked with a scowl, "And where is he? Harry knew that we would be coming today and it's not like him to make people wait."
Mrs. Dursley spared Molly a quick hateful glare before saying, "Who knows anymore. For a few weeks now the boy hasn't gone a single day without running off. I suspect that it's to do drugs, but Mrs. Luthor in Number Nine swears that she's seen him coming in and out of Number Eight at least a few times a week! The boy says that he goes to the park, which I think is total rubbish, but you might find him there. Either way, you can't stay here. If you find him, send him in to grab his things. Do not come up to my house again. Ever." And with that, the bitter woman stepped back and shut the door in the group's faces. Ron and the twins wasted no time making rude gestures at the door, but Ginny was too busy feeling indignation on Harry's part to be offended by Mrs. Dursley's rude actions, though Molly had no such problems feeling shocked at the woman's rudeness. It was Hermione, once again, who spoke up first.
"No wonder Harry hates that woman. I didn't think that he was lying about how vile she was, exactly, but to see it for yourself is something else."
Molly considered scolding Hermione for insulting Harry's aunt, but decided that see agreed with the young woman too much to bother correcting her. Still, seeing the quandary they were in, Molly spoke up and said, "Yes, well, I suppose that splitting up will find Harry the quickest. Hermione, you would be able to find Number Eight easily enough, right dear?"
When Hermione confidently nodded her head, Molly continued with, "Good girl. Why don't you and Ginny go and see if he's there. Fred, George, the two of you can keep out of trouble for long enough to keep an eye out for Harry here while Ron and I look for this park, right? I'm positive that I saw it out the window on our way over here, and I'm sure that it's close."
Not exactly trusting the matching mischievous grins that the twins used to answer her instead of words, Molly nevertheless nodded her head and said, "We won't be more than fifteen minutes, if Harry's not at the park I'll just side-along Ron back here and we'll wait for the girls. I'm assuming that number eight is close by…" Molly said questioningly. With Hermione's answer of, "It can't be more than a street or two away," she nodded and began leading Ron down the road towards where she thought she'd seen the park.
Hermione and Ginny spared the twins apprehensive looks, neither being too sure that the troublemakers could be trusted alone in a muggle neighborhood, before heading off in the opposite direction of Molly. Hermione led the petite redhead down the street and around a corner before finding Number Eight, Privet Drive. It looked very similar to its neighboring properties, only managing to attain some level of individuality via the garden gnomes scattered about in front of its flower bed. As Ginny puzzled over why people would want to put statues of the little pests up around their yard, Hermione started walking towards the door.
By the time Ginny reached her, Hermione had already raised her dainty hand to knock on the, once again, eggshell-white door. However, both girls started in surprise when, before Hermione could knock, a loud, lewd moan floated through the oaken door just in front of them. With cheeks staining red in embarrassment, Hermione and Ginny spared each other quick glances before turning to leave. They were stopped once again, however, and in a most surprising way.
"That's it you dirty bitch, gag on it! Gag on my cock you whore, haha!"
Ginny and her busy-haired friend both did a double take at that, neither quite believing what they'd just heard.
"No fucking way," Ginny whispered in recognition before darting around to the side of the house with Hermione in hot pursuit, frantically whispering for her to stop every step of the way. When Hermione caught up with the younger girl it was to find her standing in front of a window, hidden from anybody on the street's view by tall green hedges, with a gob smacked expression on her face. Looking too, despite herself, Hermione was soon sporting a shocked expression of her own.
There, down on her knees not ten feet away from them, was a blonde haired bombshell of a girl trying her best to stuff what must have been the biggest cock in existence down her throat. Watching the lewd goddess furiously shove two of her manicured fingers in and out of her oozing cunt at a blistering pace was more than enough to make the girls break out in blushes, but what really got their virgin pussies drooling was the young man who was standing in front of the big titted harlot, controlling her movements via her sunshine blonde ponytail which he had fisted in one of his powerful hands. Staring at the erotic sight in front of them, amazed, Ginny and Hermione both let their eyes travel from the fisted hand, which was currently holding the lust crazed blonde in place as her mouth got utterly destroyed by that long, fat cock, and up the chiseled arm that the fist was attached to, until their gazes finally fell on the face of the man who was so utterly and completely dominating the fuck-meat currently sat submissively on her knees. Too stunned at the sight of the Boy-Who-Lived cramming his cock down the throat of a girl who obviously worshiped him to speak, the girls watched on, mouths and pussies wet with arousal, as the scene continued to play out in front of them.
___Fifteen Minutes Earlier___
Harry knew he should probably be back at the house waiting for his friends to come pick him up, but any thoughts about seeing Ron or Hermione were quickly shoved aside as he knocked on Number Eight's door. Faster than he could lower his hand from its raised position, one of his fuck-buddies, Ashley Knight, opened the door and dragged him in by his white t-shirt. Smiling at the feisty blonde's eagerness, Harry allowed himself to be slammed up against the wall by the big-chested girl as he admired the way her stiff nipples stood at attention, easily visible beneath her thin white button up top, which was tied off in a knot just above her bellybutton. Harry, knowing the girl's soft spot for extremely rough sex, quickly reversed their positions, pinning the taller woman up against the wall and grabbing a fist full of her sunny blonde hair.
"So you're gonna be a feisty bitch today, huh Ashley?" Harry growled out before yanking on her hair, making her delicate neck jut out. Manhandling his leg in between Ashley's thighs, Harry began grinding his knee up against the blonde's panty covered pussy; the girl's sexy plaid skirt doing nothing to protect her needy clit from the attack. As he rhythmically mushed her nub up and down with his knee, Harry leaned in and started nipping and sucking on the girl's pale neck-flesh, drawing a gasp from her and leaving behind tiny red marks with his teeth which he then soothed away with his tongue and lips immediately after.
Ashley, one of the many girls who's cunts Harry's prick had called home over the last few weeks, whimpered out, "Bastard!" and struggled in his hold, half-heartedly trying to break free.
Just a few weeks ago Harry would've never even dreamed of treating a woman this way, always having had fantasies of the vanilla variety instead. However, he'd since come to trust his incubus instincts over the last few weeks, and had even learned to enjoy the many different ways of fucking he'd discovered. Like now, as Ashley's desire for him to be rougher and meaner with her flashed through his head, Harry only smirked and went for it, completely confident in himself.
Feeling her hot breath splashing against his neck, Harry pulled even harder on Ashley's ponytail before reaching up and wrenching her top open with his free hand, sending little clear buttons flying across the room.
"You filthy bitch," Harry whispered huskily at the sight of the blonde's achingly stiff nipples, "No bra? I bet you were just waiting for somebody to come in here and slide their filthy cock down your pussy, weren't'cha?"
When Harry felt Ashley's arousal grow at his dirty talk, he continued.
"Mhm, I'll bet that you've spent all day walking around the house with a soaking wet cunt, just praying that the mailman or the milkman or anybody would stop by and paint your quim white, huh?" Harry growled as he tweaked one of Ashley's nipples, drawing a squeal from her. As both her struggling and lust continued to grow, Harry said, "Well guess what, bitch. This is no fantasy, and you're gonna have to take responsibility for making my cock so hard. With the way your nasty pussy was just gushing juices down your legs, it's a fucking miracle that there weren't already ten other guys in here holding you down and taking turns with your sloppy cunt; what with the way your fuck-lust can be smelt from a block away!"
Harry actually was quite happy with Ashley's hygiene standards, but the lady liked what she liked, and being called dirty was pretty high up there on the list of things that got Ashley Knight hot. As an incubus, Harry had the inside scoop on what would drive each individual girl crazy, and he made liberal use of his powers whenever he was intimate with someone, enjoying the ability to please his partners almost as much as the sex itself.
Harry could physically feel Ashley wishing for him to order her around more, and so he quickly pressed further up against the helpless girl, forcing her sky-blue eyes to stare into his own narrowed emerald orbs.
"Here's what's gonna happen," Harry whispered. He never once stopped grinding his knee into Ashley's clit as he spoke, though he did let her abused nipple go in favor of reaching up and caressing her poor neck threateningly. "You're gonna reach down, take out my cock, and suck my fucking dick like your life depends on it, m'kay?" Harry said in his best bad-guy voice as he slowly drug his index finger across Ashley's hickey populated neck in the universal sign for 'or else'.
Harry watched the blue eyes, which had previously been half-lidded in pleasure, suddenly widen in shock, and shivered at the huge rush of desire that raced through the girl in front of him. The sight of her big blue eyes staring up at him as she nodded in acquiescence went straight to his cock, which had Harry harshly barking out, "Well get on with it!"
Harry took a half-step back to make room for Ashley as she slowly slid down the wall until she was on her knees; already he could see a tiny puddle of pre-cum forming on the hardwood floor below her gushing twat, even though her panties! As she raised her shaky hands up to fumble with his zipper, Harry was hugely grateful that he could tell that she was only shaking in excitement, and not in fear. Honestly, while he was as hard as a rock and horny as hell, Harry really didn't think that this kind of rough sex was right for him. He figured that, when he found the girl of his dreams, he'd probably only hold her down and demolish her cunt in this manner a few times a month, maximum. This kind of sex was pretty exciting, but the violence didn't do nearly as much for him as it was doing for Ashley.
'But boy,' Harry thought, 'just look what it's doing to her.'
The normally sweet and proper Ashley Knight had managed to undo his pants and unzip his zipper, allowing for his blue jeans to slide down his powerful legs and pool around his ankles, where he kicked them away. As Harry watched, Ashley seemed to physically lose herself in her heat and lean forward, burying her nose in the straining bulge in his boxer briefs before taking a long inhale, the stench of man driving her over the edge. As she continued to nuzzle up to Harry's package, oddly bring the image of a playful kitten up in the young wizards mind, Ashley let one of her hands trail down her toned belly before it came to a stop right at her needy mound.
Using her free hand to grab the elastic waistband right above Harry's cock, Ashley began pulling the material down, tugging at the cotton in an attempt to free her prize. She slid her hand into her plain cotton panties and slowly drug her middle finger down across her hypersensitive cunt lips, causing her hips to buck forward involuntarily. As she was teasing the singular digit into her burning fleshy center, Harry's massive dick suddenly sprang free from its cotton prison, catching her across the cheek and drawing a delighted squeal from her lips.
Harry, who had been enjoying the amazing view, felt Ashley's lust for him somehow increase even further. She was abnormally delighted with the stinging sensation his stiff meat slapping her in the face had caused, giving him all the incentive he needed to wrap one hand back around her messy ponytail and the other around the base of his cock, and give her another healthy *Slap!* across the face with the spongy head of his prick. Covered as it was in eager pre-cum, the two slaps from his cock had left gleaming trails across Ashley's face, which she was currently doing her best to lap up with her cute pink tongue.
Pulling her back by her hair, Harry said, "Ah, there's the cock-starved bitch I know and love! Do you want it sweetheart? Hmm? Open your fucking mouth-pussy wide for me, cunt, and maybe later I'll even get you off!"
Distantly amused at his own bad-guy act, Harry never the less felt his balls churning with cum when Ashley obediently opened her mouth in a large O and stuck her tongue out. Harry enjoyed the sight of her for a second, her heaving chest causing her tits to bounce a little bit, her nipples still begging for attention, her sloppy fuck-hole making squelching sounds as she pumped herself with her fingers, and her eyes, wide open and staring up at him in reverence, with her mouth wide open, begging, just begging him to bury his cock down her gullet.
Smiling darkly on the outside, and brightly on the inside, Harry plunged her head down onto his puffy rod out of nowhere, being sure to poke the back of her throat with his cock's weeping eye, making the blonde haired girl's big blue eyes water as she gagged on his oversized prick. Enjoying the sensations of Ashley choking on his meat, Harry held the girl in place with one unyielding hand on the back of her head, not letting go even as her face turned red. As her sputtering and choking grew, so too did her arousal.
It was to the point now where, if he wanted to, he could easily convince the blonde beauty that they should take this out to the street, and Ashley would obediently follow and let all of her neighbors watch her get her throat fucked raw by the criminal boy from Number Four. Luckily for her, Harry was a very considerate kind of guy, and despite his willingness to explore her fetish, he didn't actually want to make her do anything she wasn't comfortable with. Contrary to what the legends may say, his incubus powers had no way of actually influencing or controlling someone; they merely allowed him to know what a woman wanted.
And what this particular woman wanted at the moment was for him to destroy her.
Harry let out a laugh and kept a firm hold on the back of Ashley's head, stuffing almost half of his ridiculous fourteen inch long cock down the back of her abused throat. When she turned her panicked eyes on him, Harry finally relented and let go of the back of her head, but was pleasantly surprised when instead of backing off, the fuck-crazed woman instead gulped and tried to get more of him down.
With perverse delight shining in his eyes, Harry crowed out, "That's it you dirty bitch, gag on it! Gag on my cock you whore, haha!"
Ashley's mouth-pussy convulsed repeatedly around his prick, sending pleasurable shocks throughout Harry's body, but alas it couldn't last, and finally the poor girl pulled back. There were at least a dozen lewd strands of saliva and pre-cum connecting Ashley's puffy lips to Harry's swollen cockhead, and they all swayed back and forth as their creator heaved in deep gulps of air, desperate to return to her meal. Harry, knowing just what Ashley wanted, once again wrapped his fist around her ponytail and said, "Now that's a good girl. Keep choking on my meat like that, and I'll make sure to pound your pussy raw baby. Now come on, open back up," Ashley, still panting but more than ready to go again opened wide, "That's it! Good girl, Ashley. Congratulations, you know how to be a complete whore! You've no doubt been practicing half of your life, but still, I'm impressed at how good you are at sucking cock!"
Ashley's fingers visibly quickened, working her puffy cunt lips faster and faster as Harry slid his cock back home inside her mouth and insulted her.
"Why," Harry continued as he began fucking her mouth at a moderate pace, "I'd bet that you've sucked every cock in town at least once, haven't you Ashley? Tell me though," Harry said, looking down at her big doe eyes with glee, "Have you ever bobbed a nob quite like mine, slut?"
Ashley's eyes widened as she tried to shake her head while still slurping on his meat stick, finger fucking her twat even quicker as Harry smiled and doubled his previous pace, slamming his slobbery cock in and out of her sloppy face with glee.
"No? Never? That's sweet, darlin'. To think that of the thousands of slimy pricks you've laid on your back for, and the tens of thousands of cocks you've probably sucked, that mine still manages to secure a place in your tiny whore heart."
Harry reached down with his other hand and threaded his fingers through Ashley's hair, which was in complete disarray by now, and doubled his pace again, thrusting in and out of Ashley's squealing mouth like a beast.
"I'm touched, darlin'. Know what? You deserve a reward for being such a kind hearted fuck-sleeve. Hold still and drink all of my cum down, kay baby? Don't be shy," Harry grunted as he pulled her down on his prick almost a full ten inches, much farther than she'd gone before, "you've earned it!"
And then, as Harry held his fuck buddy in place and shot rope after rope down her sore throat, Ashley came with all the force of a mountain, squealing and bucking and spasming as her swollen cunt squirted out a stream of lady-cum which soaked the floor, all while drinking down every last drop of the boiling hot seed that the young Adonis in front of her was letting out.
Outside the window, Hermione and Ginny squeaked in amazed awe, their virgin cunts leaking out lube at the sight of Harry's big balls jumping when he came, and the way the underside of his cock gave mighty twitches ever few seconds, working hard to shoot thick wads of cum straight down the poor slut's gullet. They watched in a lusty haze, stiff-nippled and cock-starved, as the whore on her knees greedily drank down the Boy-Who-Lived's cum, even as she came herself and seemed to lose her mind at the pleasure ripping through her body.
Despite being a year younger, it was Ginny who lost control first, the sight of the object of her affections dumping a load of baby batter down what seemed to be his oft used cum dumpster driving her over the edge of decency. In a flash, Ginny's petite hand was down her pink and white striped knickers, angrily rubbing circles around her needy clit as Harry gave a few more thrusts into the abused slut's mouth before pulling out, not seeming to have gone soft in the slightest.
Too caught up in fucking her clit with her small hand, Ginny didn't notice Hermione catch her with her hand down her pants, panting as she tried to make herself cum while imagining having been in the blonde fuck-meat's place. With her blood pounding in her ears, Hermione watched her friend Ginerva Weasley fuck her hand in wanton lust, obviously in need of a good hard pounding and doing her best to mimic one. Despite her thinking, 'This is wrong, this is wrong,' over and over in her head, Hermione couldn't seem to stop herself from copying her friend's example, slipping a hand down her jean shorts to pay her hairy cunt some of the attention it was screaming for.
Not quite knowing why but unable to stop herself regardless, Hermione turned back to the window as she started to put pressure on her rosebud, having experimented one night a year ago with one of her mom's smaller vibrators and found the pleasant spot.
Ginny was furiously working her young pussy into a frenzy next to Hermione, who had slipped her middle finger into her ass, managing to work the digit in to the last knuckle with a lewd whimper. Back inside, Ashley was returning to the land of the living, her post orgasmic shocks receding enough for her to think a little bit once again.
Coming back down from his own high, Harry knew that he still needed to seed this bitch before he headed back and left with the Weasleys, who he was sure would be stopping by within the hour. Harry offered Ashley a hand up, which she took, but after getting face-fucked on her knees for so long it was no big surprise when she stumbled and began to fall down.
Harry deftly caught her around the waist and back. Being so close to Ashley's pretty face, Harry broke character for a moment and gave her a winning smile, which caused a goofy grin of her own to spring up on Ashley's face. Leaning down and giving her a quick but passionate kiss on the lips, Harry then got back into character and shifted his weight, effortlessly throwing Ashley over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Harry walked forward a bit until he was lined up with the black leather couch. Wasting no time, Harry threw Ashley over the arm of the sofa, feeling his cock twitch at the sight of her soaked red quim. Crouching forward, Harry palmed the fair-skinned woman's fleshy globes, massaging her ass with his strong hands a bit, pushing them together and pulling them apart as he pleased.
On the couch, Ashley had started mewling in pleasure, the erotic shocks Harry's touch was sending up her spine making her head spin. As she lay, carelessly thrown on the couch like an object, Ashley felt her cunt starting to salivate again, just the thought of having Harry's masculine cock splitting her open made her pussy drool in anticipation. Harry spread the blonde's ass cheeks apart once again, before deciding to sample the buffet.
Harry dove in, biting and licking and kissing all over Ashley's ass, worshiping the well-toned rear with his mouth and tongue. His sudden assault sent a shiver of delight down the slutty girl's spine, but when Harry's tongue trailed lower and found its mark on her pussy, Ashley couldn't help but moan Harry's name wantonly.
Back outside the window, Hermione had found a nice rhythm and was steadily finger-fucking her tight ass next to Ginny, who was too far gone to even bother hiding the fact that she was masturbating; the hand which had been rubbing her clit was now producing steady *schlck-schlck-schlck* noises as she fucked herself. She'd even reached up her t-shirt and was tweaking her nipples when the slut inside moaned Harry's name.
Back by the couch, Harry had decided that, while in a bit of a rush, he wanted a good taste of Ashley's puffy pussy too much to settle for a quickie. So, wanting to see everything, he reached forward and spread the girl's clean-shaven cunt lips apart. Harry admired the way her slit oozed she-cum down to the hardwood floor, and was quick to lean in and take himself a big long lick of her wet gash, treating the quim in front of him like a lollipop or an ice-cream cone. As Harry lapped away at her pink cunt, alternating between long, deep licks that did more for her than any other man had been able to do with his dick, and short, quick licks on and around her clit, Ashley quickly felt her orgasm building. Harry seemed to especially enjoy the sound she made whenever he flicked her erect clit, for he did it quite a bit, to the point that Ashley was sure she'd cum, but then he'd go back to his deep, long licks and her release would once again fall out of her grasp.
After only a few repetitions of this, Ashley was to the point of tossing her head back and forth while fucking her hips forward, trying to get that tiny little bit of extra stimulation she needed to cum, but Harry would frustratingly ease her back down from the peak he'd just worked her up time and time again. Finally Ashley couldn't take anymore, and she begged, "Oh, Harry baby, please baby, just fuck me for Christ's sake!"
Normally Harry'd torture her for a bit longer, not giving in until he had her screaming for him, but he supposed that he did have an appointment to keep, and so instead of continuing he pulled back.
Ashley started to breathe out a sigh of relief when suddenly Harry reached forward and sunk his fingers into the supple flesh on her waist before wrenching her back, leaving her cunt in a more accessible position than before. She let out a shriek when Harry kept his hands wrapped around her slim waist, pinning her to the couch and trapping her in place, and then started pushing his too-big cockhead up against her sopping wet fuck-hole.
Harry slowly forced the spongy head of his prick into Ashley's eager cunt, loving the way the delicate skin of her pussy stretched open, trying its best to accommodate the ridiculous girth of his meat and just barely managing it. Over the couch, Ashley was too far gone to bother censuring herself, crying out with an, "Ahhhh! You fucking BRUTE! God Harry, it's too fucking BIG! It'll never fucking FIT! Take it out! Oh, God!" She cried, but Harry's incubus instincts let him know that, as loud as she was yelling on the outside for him to pull out, on the inside every fiber of Ashley's being was screaming at him to destroy her cunt, to ruin her delicate pussy for all other men on the planet and stuff her so full of cum that she wouldn't be able to walk.
Back with the voyeurs outside, any veneer of decency had been abandoned by the two cum-thirsty schoolgirls. Ginny was openly whimpering out, "Fuck, fuck, fuck" as she abused her drooling pussy, her unused cunt being tight enough that she couldn't fit more than a single finger inside. Despite this, there wasn't anything in the world Ginny wouldn't do to have traded places with the squealing blonde on the couch, to have Harry hold her down and sculpt her insides to fit him, and only him. As she watched Harry's fat cock sink deeper and deeper into the flailing slut's cunt, Ginny forced another finger into her narrow fuck-hole, stretching the passage forcefully and loving the sensation.
Next to her, Hermione had actually unbuttoned her jeans and had both of her hands inside her knickers, one to rub furious circles on her nub and the other to drill her middle finger deeper and deeper inside of her asshole. She let out cute little, "Ah, ah, ah," 's with each thrust of her finger, fucking her ass ever closer to orgasm as she spied on her first friend. The intellectual side of her wanted to feel indignation on behalf of the woman Harry was so lovingly degrading, but her mind was too clouded with fuck-lust to bother. Instead, Hermione increased the pace of her self-fucking, accidentally moving over to far and leaning on Ginny.
Ginny was startled at the touch, but only felt her tiny pussy ooze out more fuck-lube at the sight of Hermione, someone she'd always looked up to as a role-model, furiously working her hands which were both down her shorts. When Hermione's eyes widened when she saw Ginny looking at her, the young Weasley just leaned back into her and sped up her finger-fucking. As Hermione relaxed and leaned back into Ginny, she felt the younger girl's hot breath on her face, turning the busy-haired girl on even more.
As the two schoolgirls leaned against each other and fucked themselves, Harry was finally bottoming out in Ashley's well slicked cunt, the tip of his prick having bumped into her cervix. Enjoying the feeling of having most of his cock surrounded by velvety pussy-flesh, Harry pushed in even more, stretching out Ashley's insides like nobody before had been able to.
Feeling fit to burst, both physically from Harry's monster cock and mentally from the pleasure over load, Ashley started absently drooling as she whimpered, "Oh, oh, oh," every half-second, her horny cries egging Harry on.
Harry let out a sigh of victory, feeling Ashley's cunt walls start to spasm around his thick fuck-meat as her orgasm started, his bumping of her cervix having finally tipped her over the edge of what Harry was going to make a very long orgasm.
As Harry shifted back, dragging his horse-cock halfway out of Ashley's clenching cunt, he released his hold on her waist and instead pressed one hand onto the base of her spine, just above her buttocks, to keep her still. Raising his other hand into the air, Harry's muscled ass flexed as he abruptly shoved his cock back into Ashley's quim, slamming into her cervix once again, just as he brought his tanned hand down across her left bubble buttcheek, making a loud *Crack!* echo throughout the room.
Ashley's wanton whimperings turned into loud screams and she thrashed her head back and forth as Harry repeated the action over and over again, her orgasm never once tapering off, instead swelling in intensity, pushing her mind to the brink of sanity as pleasure became her whole world.
Harry steadily built up his rhythm, alternating sides as he slapped Ashley's poor ass, making the twenty year old's cheeks quickly turn red from the harsh attention. The faster he got, the louder Ashley screamed. And the louder she screamed, the harder her convulsing cunt tried to milk Harry's angry cock, squeezing it in basic ancient need, wanting nothing more than to be impregnated with as many of his powerful children as she could handle.
Back outside, Ginny cried out as stars splashed across her vision, her dainty fingers never once halting their attack on her sensitive cunt even as her ginger pussy clenched as she came in her pants. Hermione was almost there herself, and having Ginny hug her side and hump her leg while still fucking her fiery cunt wasn't helping her in her quest to finish at the same time as Harry. She almost lost it and squirted all over her fingers too when Ginny's incessant attack on her own cunt made the girl start blubbering and kissing on Hermione, pressing a few closed lip kisses onto her bare shoulder before she reached up and latching onto Hermione's neck, her unending orgasm having driven her temporarily mad. Leaving the girl as she was, wet crotched, still fucking herself, humping her leg, and sucking her neck, Hermione watched as Harry's pace somehow doubled! The blonde slut's cries were unintelligible by now, her blubbering and still-cumming figure proof of Harry's skills in the sack. As she watched Harry's cock fly in and out of the whore's cunt, flinging her she-cum everywhere with the furious pumping, Hermione felt herself start to squirt as she worked her asshole raw. As she came, Hermione turned to Ginny and locked lips with the young redhead, too fuck-happy to be concerned with the fact that she was attacking one of her friend's little sister's mouth with her greedy tongue. Hermione slipped one of her hands out of her pants, leaving behind her other to keep working her asshole, and wrapped it around Ginny's jeans clad ass, giving it a squeeze and pulling her flusher against her and causing the young girl's cunt to grind harder against her bare thigh.
Back inside, Harry felt his balls twitch, signaling that he was close. Quickly sticking his thumb in his mouth to lube it up, Harry slid the opposable digit into Ashley's ass, startling the fuck-crazed girl and causing her to start trying to squirt, which felt amazing on Harry's cock, which had stuffed the girl so fully that her juices were only able to leak out a drop at a time. The added pressure, and pleasure, proved too much for Harry as he slammed home one last time, burying his pulsing, too-big meat deep inside Ashley's cunt and lining the eye of his cock up with the eager entrance of her womb. Harry held the girl, who was now flailing about in absolute ecstasy, down as he pumped rope after rope of thick, sperm rich cum directly into her aching womb, filling her up with the most amazing sensation of completeness she'd ever experienced.
Rope after rope of Harry's hot jizz splashed inside of Ashley's yearning womb, satisfying Harry's instincts for another day and leaving the owner of Number Eight Privet Drive with a memory she would cherish until her dying day. After he'd finished dumping his load inside the blonde, Harry pulled his barely-flagging horse-cock out of the girl, creating an obscene slurping noise which was accompanied by the sight of Ashley's poor abused cunt, still contracting periodically, oozing some of their combined juices onto the floor. Harry gave the happily dazed girl's still-stinging bum a loving rub and pat before stripping off his shirt and stretching. After walking over and pressing a kiss to Ashley's forehead, the young Potter took off towards her bathroom in the nude, looking to shower before he headed back home.
While Harry was getting clean inside, back outside the two girls were very dirty. Ginny finally came again, further wetting her knickers with her pussy juices and slicking up Hermione's leg. For her part, the older girl was coming down from her own high, never in her life having experienced an orgasm that came close to the one she'd just had. A few seconds of recover later found the girls in an awkward position.
Ginny slowly moved back from Hermione, her already incredibly flushed face flaming even redder as she realized just what she'd done. Luckily for her, Hermione was awesome.
Steeling her nerves, Hermione took a step forward and grabbed Ginny's slim shoulders before pulling the girl into a quick chaste kiss, pressing her swollen lips against the littler girl's own for a moment before taking a step back.
Ginny's eyes widened in surprise, but before she could question the girl, Hermione said, "Look, what happened here was private. What we saw was Harry's business, and what we did was our business. And, because it's just between us, and since we both did the same thing, we don't have to feel embarrassed about it," Hermione said. Despite her words, her face was almost as red as Ginny's and she couldn't seem to meet the redhead's eyes. Suddenly scared, Hermione looked Ginny in the face and asked, in a small, uncertain voice, "Right?"
Ginny, hugely grateful for the older witch's well-reasoned quick thinking, smiled a shy smile and said, "O-of course."
Giving the younger girl a smile, Hermione allowed herself to pretend that what they just saw and what had just happened wasn't going to change all three of their lives, even though she knew in her heart of hearts that nothing would be the same again.
The two sat, despite their agreement, in awkward silence for a few minutes, before Hermione took a look down and noticed her shorts, still stained with her pussy juice, and said, "Oh!"
Ginny's eyes followed her friend's gaze down until she noticed the problem. Her cheeks blushed red all over again as she realized that the two of them must look quite the mess. Luckily, she had something with her that she thought could help.
As she unwrapped the enchanted cloth, Ginny thought that she'd bet her last Knut that her mum'd never thought that she'd be using the Wizarding equivalent of a pad for this!
After taking a refreshing shower, getting a heartwarming hug and loving, "Thanks Harry," from Mrs. Knight, and dressing in the pair of fresh clothes Ashley'd laid out for him, Harry was closing the door to Number Eight behind him and stepping out into the road. Harry was surprised to see Hermione and Ginny walking towards him, not having expected the Weasleys for at least another ten minutes. Harry listened to them as they walked up and explained that they'd come with the twins, Ron, and Mrs. Weasley, but was too distracted by what his incubus instincts were telling him to really listen.
Apparently, if he wanted to, he could have either, or both, of the girls bent over naked right now; and all he'd have to do was show an interest, rub a few crotches, maybe kiss a few lips, and they'd let him take them. Feeling a stirring in his loins at the surprising knowledge, Harry shook his head and let the girls lead him back to Number Four, too busy trying to puzzle out why they were so horny to add much to the conversation, which he absently noted seemed kinda stilted actually.
Pulling himself together, Harry quickly greeted the waiting Weasleys, all four of them, before heading inside to grab his stuff.
Harry was thankful that Petunia seemed content to ignore him from her seat at the kitchen table, too busy with a crossword to bother him. Harry scaled the stairs and pushed his door open, but then had to quickly cover his mouth to stop the laugh bubbling up his throat from escaping.
There, on the corner of his bed, was Bell, splayed out with a goofy expression on her face, made all the more ridiculous by the ginormous puddle off cum and drool she was laid in. He remembered how disturbed he'd been when he'd first found out about the symbiotic nature of their relationship; he got her obedience and helpful assistance, and in payment, Bell go to feel everything his partners felt. He knew that he should have been repulsed when he found out that she was fueled by lust, or that the main part of her diet was cum, but after living in close proximity with the kind-hearted but perpetually horny fairy for as long as he had, all Harry could manage to feel towards her these days amused fondness.
Harry threw on a white hoodie before gently scooping Bell's snoozing form up and carefully depositing her in his pouch pocket. Then he grabbed his trunk and turned off the light, more than ready to go spend the rest of the summer with his real family, before heading back to the only place he'd ever considered home, Hogwarts. The young incubus was also very excited to go watch the Quidditch World Cup tomorrow; something was telling him that the whole experience would prove to be magical.
Harry had no idea just how right he was.
(Ignore the little grammatical mistakes. Just ENJOY the story!!!)
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