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31.7% HARMONY 1 / Chapter 13: NOT REGRET

Chapitre 13: NOT REGRET



Rebekah's pov:

I finish putting on my charm necklace, and head downstairs with my bag to prepare my breakfast. Mom probably didn't prepare breakfast; she said she would leave early today.

I enter the kitchen and the delicious smell of eggs hit my nose. I look down at the table to see a plate of eggs and bacon accompanied by three slices of toast.

Well you guys must think I'm lazy, I can't even make my own breakfast? Well, it's not like that. I do want to make my own breakfast and I can, but I wake up late all the time and find that she has already made breakfast. I guess she's just used to making breakfast, maybe. I do feel bad. She spoils me too much.

I walk to sit at the table. And my bag beside me, as always. I grab a knife and fork, Alice a piece of egg, place it on the slice of toast and eat.




Reseda's point of view:

Teva and I are on our way to ask the headmistress if we can do something special when Harmony returns—if she will agree to return home.

"Are you sure about this?" Teva questions. She is the kind of person who prefers to not try and see for yourself, taking risks is not part of her vocabulary. She's the innocent, quiet type and slightly shy. Her beautiful, big, dark green eyes make her look even more innocent.

"Don't worry." I touch her shoulder. "We're just asking for a welcome party, not an abomination."

"Okay, I guess,"

I smile at her. She has a problem with rejection. After being rejected by her Mom and dad when she was 14, when she gets rejected for even a simple thing as asking for permission, it hits different. But she doesn't blame the person who rejects, she blames herself and her easy to crush heart. And her past. Every rejection reminds her that of her past. I'm guessing it must make her feel isolated, unworthy of anything.

Liam has been absent from training for quite some time, and Bexy has asked the headmistress to take a sick leave, but I guess we all probably know that's not that the case.

This is all Max's fault, if only he had just waited until Harmony gets here, Liam wouldn't have had to go there after him and miss his training.

"I wonder when this will finally be over, and Harmony comes home." Teva exhales




Rebekah's pov:

After opening the door, I spot a white Lamborghini packed outside our gate on the side of the road

It's probably for our neighbors. I ignore and continue to lock the door, then I put the keys in my backpack. I walk forward with curiosity and my eyes fixed on the car. It looks too familiar. I close the gate and turn around, the door opens and Seth comes out of the car with this radiant look on his face

"Hey," he says, walking to me in his pair of white fleece pants, black takkies, and a short sleeve white shirt that outlines his arm muscles so well.

What is he doing here?. I head over to the car

"Hey," I greet back with uncertainty, "what are you doing here?"

"I'm taking you to school," he responds with confidence while shoving his hand in his pockets. He looks directly at me.

I'm not a shy person and neither am I a confident person, but the more I see Seth, the more I can't face him. I don't want him to notice how much I'm avoiding eye contact. He doesn't seem to be shy, in fact, he wants me to look at him. I can't handle it.

I uncertainly smile, "but I didn't ask,"

"It's a privilege," he says, "come on." He stretches out his left hand. I stand here completely clueless as to what say or do, I speechlessly stare at him and slowly, I extend my right arm and place my hand on his. It feels like connect a charger to electricity, it flows from my hand to charge my heart, and the pace increase. He smiles, and my butterflies go wild as he gently wraps his soft hand around mine and leads me down to his car. He press's the button and the door to the front passenger seat opens. He helps me in and only lets go of my hand after I'm seated.

"You okay?" he asks

"Yeah," I nod with a smile, and he comes in on the other side.

He looks at me, "Where to princess?"

I curiously smile at him, "Princess?..." I grin. "Is that like my nickname or something?"

"What?" He grins, "you don't like it?"

"Well…I do like it," I respond

He softly laughs, "I'm also waiting for my nickname,"

"I should give you a nickname?" I clarify

He nods,"Mm-hhh."

"Okay, I'll think of one,"

"It better be a good one, not something funny,"

I laugh, "don't worry, I'll just call you pumpkin,"

We both laugh.

Seth and Jordan are the opposite of each other. The one is too relatable to consider, since I've seen a lot of guys like him. Wrong turn, turn back! And the other is just too good to be true. Seth is the most attractive, mischievous looking guy, but he's the most nicest guy I've ever met. Seth is handsome, and he knows it. Most guys like him are not usually seen with girls like me who don't know any fashion, maybe my friend, Sera would be a consideration. But look how close we're.



Seth's point of view:

I try to hold back my laughter, "No, but seriously, don't,"

"I won't," she continues laughing softly.

"Thank you."

Imagine calling me pumpkin, Michael would think I have gone mad or something.

I start the car and drive off forward.

"So, what do you do in your free time?" I glance at her and turn back to the road.

"Well…I love music," she claims, "so in my free time I'll probably be at my music classes, or writing songs, or at the gym."

"Singing classes?"


"But you already know how to sing,"

"There's always room for improvement and, I want to get better because…I really I want to audition for a place in a uhm…famous girl band in two months time." She looks at me. "They are my favourite band,"

"Why don't you create your own band?"

"It's…" She shake her head, "not that easy,"

"Would you rather be part of a company or have your own company?"

"Have my own company," she responds

"See, nothing beneficial is easy princess, but it's always worth the try. You never know what you are capable of."

She stares attentively

"You could probably form the greatest band of all time, but it will never exist of you don't put it into existence," I continue

"Well…I'm not a band type of person, I'm more of a solo singer."

I look at her "Why do you want to join a band then?" I look back at the road.

"Because they are my favourite band, I adore them…their music," she claims, "I've always wanted to be part of their band. And also because they are already famous, so it won't be hard to get recognized in the music industry."

"You want to become famous?"

"Not really, I just want my music to be recognized, gain fans,"

"Okay…I guess I understand,"


"But you could still just become a solo singer on your own," I insist, "build your name,"

"Okay Seth," she rolls her eyes, "I'll consider your offers,"

"You better,"

"So what do you do?" she asks.

"Well…if I'm not training, then I'll probably be playing my guitar, singing, or drawing."

"Training for what?" she eagerly inquires.

"Oh uh…well you know like…gym,"

"Oh. Wait." She looks at me, " did you just say, play the guitar?" she asks in astonishment.

"Yeah." I nod.

"I've always wanted to lean how to play it," she dreamily says.

"How about today after school I take you somewhere...peaceful." I steal a glance at her, "and I can teach you to play."

She responds with excitement, "Oh my goodness I…" her smile fades, "Oh…" she exhales.

"What's wrong?"

"I have singing classes today," she informs.

"Oh…well, maybe next time then,"

"Yeah, thank you though,"

I smile at her.

The deep disappointment in her voice is quiet clear.



Jordan's point of view:

I'm sitting on top of a building looking at the cars down below. Thinking.

I know She will always choose him over me and I will always be in the shadow of my brother. I know I love her, but I also know I don't love her the way my brother does, I want her because I want to prove something to my brother, because I want to satisfy my rage, but my brother wants her because he is empty without her. I don't know what's going on with me today, I've never felt like this before, this is all new to me. Regret and I never mixed. There's no need for this battle anymore he's my BLOOD.

So many times I've thought of turning my back on my family. They don't treat me as if I have feelings at all. I agree, I was quite a mischievous boy growing up, but I guess that was all to get their attention. They will never understand how alone I feel.

"No...No, No, No! I will NOT be treated like this. I will not give in to my brother. He has taken everything from me. The woman I want. The love of our parents. The heir to the throne…he has it all!"

Power speaks. I will posses e-very-thing. Play it cool. My time is coming.


Rebekah's point of view:

Micah and Sera eventually show up as the bell rings. And the song I was listening to has just finished. I haven't been doing much studying lately, so I was also studying and going through some questions. I feel like I'm getting lazy.

"Oh my goodness, there was a lot of traffic today," Sera complains as she and Micah approach me.

"Well at least you guys made it,"

"Yeah." Micah nods.

"still," Sera insists.

"Calm down Sera," Micah says

She exhales, "okay-okay,"

"By the way, I love that dress you are wearing" I compliment Sera.

"Me too, she always dresses so nice."

She places her hand on her chest with delight, "Oh you guys, thanks" she puts down her hand.

"Your welcome," I say.


During interval, my friends and I walk to the bench we always seat on and I just can't take it anymore. I'll go crazy if I don't confide in someone about this. Holding my lays chips in my left, I battle in my head, should I? Should I not? Am I seriously in love with him? I place another chip in my mouth and slowly chew in thought.

Since I'm at the end of the bench, I turn to them on my right, "So guys, there's this guy," I begin.

"Wait," Micah grins. "Did you just say, a boy?"

"Oh my goodness," Sera says.

"I hope it's not Jordan," Micah comments.

"No," I shake my head. "It's not him."

"Okay..." Sera smiles suspiciously at me

"It's Seth" I smile

Their smiles turn into a grin.

Micah turns to Sera next to me, "even saying his name makes her smile."

"She's in lo-o-ve," Sera sings

I cover my face, unable to get rid of my grin, "Is it that obvious?"

"Girl, I want to know everything, every detail," Sera says.

"At first he was just a stranger who borrowed me a jacket, then I met him again at a hike,"

"Wait, is he the guy you said fought with Jordan that day?" Micah asks

"We spent time together at the hike, I got to more him better, and I guess…every moment I spent him, I fell harder for him,"

"We have to meet this Seth guy," Micah demands

"Totally," Sera supports

"But, I don't know how I really feel. I don't really know what it's like to fall in love. I don't want to fall for his looks only, I want to fall in love with him. Argh…" I put my face in my hands, I lift up my head again. "What is love?"

"Love, is exactly what you are feeling like now," Micah says

"You can't define it, you can only feel it,"

"If he had to have a girlfriend, how would you feel?" Micah asks

"Disappointed, heartbroken, I mean like…I haven't known him for long, but I don't think I go a second without thinking of him…It's crazy,"

They all smile proudly at me.

"And you just can't imagine your life without him,"

"Yeah, that's totally it," I say.



Mysterious guy's point of view:

I saw her teacher come out of her car and asked if I could talk to her in private. So she brought me to her office. I hypnotize her.

"starting now you will do as I say" I instruct.

And like a robot, she repeats, "starting right now I'll do as you say."

"Send a message to her mom letting her know that, there will be no more singing classes starting today."

She opens up her hobo bag, takes out her phone and starts typing.

"I've sent the message," she notifies.

"Good. After I leave, you will not remember any of this, if anyone asks about Rebekah tell them Rebekah has stopped coming to these classes"

"I will do as you say,"

I walk out of the school.



Rebekah's point of view:

"And yeah, that's what happened," I finish off telling them about how Seth and I first met.

"Wait, he walked shirtless in the rain?" Micah looks at me with surprise

"No, he had his shirt on, but he gave me his jacket," I clarify

"I don't think Rebekah could have endure through seeing him shirtless," Sera says and we all laugh. My phone starts vibrating in my hands. I turn it around.

"Who is it?" Micah asks

"My Mom," I inform.

Rebekah: hello..

Mom: hey, I just got a message from your singing class teacher.

Rebekah: oh, what does it say?

Mom: well it looks like the singing classes are over, there will be no more classes starting today.

Rebekah: are you seriously!?

Mom: yes

Rebekah: what happened?

Mom: I don't know, she said they had to close down.

Rebekah: how am I going to get better at singing now?

Mom: don't worry we can find you another place.

Rebekah: but I'm going to miss abi

Mom: sorry sweetie.

Rebekah: okay mom,, thanks for letting me know.

Mom: no problem

I hang up the phone

"What's wrong" Sera concerns.

"There will be no more singing classes starting today," I say

"Oh" they say

Micah rubs my left arm, "don't worry, you are already an amazing singer"

"Yeah" Sera says

"It's not enough," I say


After school, I find Seth's car already parked outside waiting for me.

"That's his car," I tell my friends

"Where?" Micah looks around the area as it is packed with cars.

"Come on, let me just show you," I walk to the left and they follow me the the other side of the road.

They all look astonished, even some students are just staring.

"That's his car?" Micah asks in disbelief.

"Yep," I softly knock on the window with my psychology book in hand. He opens the door and I move away as he gets out.

"You didn't tell us he was this handsome," Micah whispers.

"Hello" Sera waves with a grin.

"Hi," Seth answers. "I'm guessing these are your friends,"

"Yep, this is Sera and Mica,"

"Nice to meet you," he says

"The pleasure is ours," Micah responds.

"I have to go, my mom is here," Sera excuses

"Oh, okay, I will see you tomorrow then," I hug her

She lets go and turns to Seth, "we should hang out during the weekend."

"Yeah, sure." He smiles.

Sera walks to her car on the other side of the road.

"Well, I guess I have to go too,"

"Yeah, will talk,"

She hugs me and turns to Seth, "it was nice meeting you Seth"

"Same," he responds

She walks away.

"Well…" I start

"Well…" he urges

"Can you still take me to that quiet place?"

He chuckles

"What about your classes?"

"They've been cancelled, I think the school urgently closed down,"

"Let's go then," he stretches out his hand and I grab it without hesitating.



Mrs. Stevenson's point of view:

I came out from work a little early today. I'm just driving to the mall to buy food and decorations for tomorrow. Tomorrow is a really special day for Rebekah.

"My baby is all grown up." I sigh. She's my treasure. I don't want to loose her, I already lost my little Emily. She's all I have.



Rebekah's point of view:

Seth is driving while we play a game.

"What has six faces but can't see?" I ask

"uh…a dice?

"Crrect, you're good at this,"

He smiles, "okay, my turn,"

"Am ready,"

"What did the guy squirrel say to the girl squirrel?" he asks

"guy squirrel, girl squirrel…" I think, "I got it,"

"what is it?"

"I am nuts about you," I say

Why did that sound like I actually meant it? Like I actually just told him how I feel.

"Correct, first one you've gotten right so far,"

We arrive at a red light and stop. Further down on my right, there's a band playing music. They don't have that good quality instruments, and their drums are actually just backers, but their passion really captures my attention. I like the best.

"Such talent," I say and he looks

"You want to go?" he asks

I look at him, "go where?"

"Go there," he points at the window with his eyes. I look at the band.

I nod, "Yeah."

The light turns green and he drives down and turns left on the corner. The band stops playing, wondering why in the world is a Lamborghini parking Infront of them.

I walk out first and head down to the band while he follows behind.

"Hi guys," I say. Seth nods his head with a smile.

"Sorry, can I help you?" asks the guy with the light brown, acoustic guitar.

"Can I join?" Seth shows them the white acoustic guitar in his hands. I didn't know he has a guitar in his hands.

The guitar guy shows a welcoming smile, "Sure bro, of course,"

"And I want to sing,"

"What song do you want to sing?" Asks the guy seated on a old white stool behind the drums.

"You guys know the soul singers right

"Of course man, they are great," Responds the guy seated on another old, white stool behind a small keyboard on crates.

"Yeah," agrees the guitar guy.

"You guys know, whisper by soul singers, right?" I ask

"Yeah, almost everyone is talking about it," respond to keyboard guy.

"Can I do that one?"

"The stage is all yours, a lot of people like the song so, I think we will get a lot of donations for our band." He looks down at the dark blue backer on the ground.

"Oh my goodness, I'm getting nervous now," I say

"You will do good," Seth says and walk forward to join the band.

The keyboard guy grabs a wired mic connected to a small speaker and gets up to give it to me.

"You ready?" he asks

I smile, "yeah."

He walks back to his place. I turn around facing the road

The guy with an electronic guitar starts playing this corporative, uplifting beat together with the keyboard guy and the drums. After one minute, I start.

"You can take my heart

You know I can't resist your charms

The temperature is getting higher

Look what you have started"

A lot of cars drive start driving this side, people start pulling up. And soon the whole road is full, no cars are passing by.

I've never sang in front of so much people, I think I'm getting stage fright.

"We can keep it on the low

Like it when you take control

Ain't everybody gotta know

Look what you made do,"

The crowd screams and cheers me on. People taking videos with their phones. The beat gets to the chorus.

"But if I lose it

Don't mind if I do." The crowd sings with me. "Can't keep this to myself

This love, I wanna share it with the wo-r-l-d,"

I start myself, "it's too beautiful, beautiful to hide.

I know your loyal, your loyal to me .

I ain't gotta worry, gotta worry about us."

So many people walk forward and drop some dollars in the container. Oh my goodness. I feel like I'm living my dream, having people love my singing and cheer me on. It's a great feeling. I'm so happy.


I grin, "Oh my goodness, did you see that?" I turn to Seth who's driving on my left.

He smiles, "did you enjoy it?"

I enthusiastically respond, "I love it."

"I told you, you don't need a band,"

"I guess maybe I might just reconsider,"

I fix my eyes on him, wondering. Where has he been all my life?


We arrive at a quiet, grass field where there's a tree in the middle.

"Wow…" I admire the place as he gets out of the car to join me. "This really is quiet alright,"

"Come," he takes my hand, holding his guitar on the right. We walk together.

"Where are you from?" I ask


"mm-hh." I nod

"I was born here," he responds

"You're not like any attractive, handsome guy I've ever met,"

"And your not like any beautiful, attractive girl I've ever met,"

I softly laugh, "you're just saying that, I'm not attractive,"

He looks at me, "who told you?"


"Why would you think that? You're amazing,"

"There are beautiful girls out there, Seth, not this." I look down at myself.

"But they are not you. They don't the same captivating eyes like yours, or the same voice as your, or the same laughter as yours. Everyone is uniquely beautiful in their on way.

"Well…I guess I didn't have that good childhood growing up,"

"What happened?"

"I was born black, that's what happened,"

"What do you mean born black?"

"Can't you see my skin that I'm black,"

"Oh, that,"

"Yeah, I grew up being told that black girls are ugly, we don't have straight; soft hair, beautifully coloured eyes and pink lips..."

"But isn't that what actually makes everyone unique? And beautiful? Imagine everyone having the same features, how boring and uncoloured would the world look?"

"I don't know. Is it? Or maybe some of us are just here to differentiate between beauty and uglyness."

"There's nothing ugly about you,"

"You know, I don't know how I ended in a field with a white guy,"

"Maybe because we don't see colour in each other. We get along,"

I smile.

"See where I grew up, there's a lot of colour, and that's actually what makes us beautiful, unique, irreplaceable. In my world, there's no colour, there's just uniquely made people,"

"Where is this world?"

"well…it's just a word I made up in my mind,"

I softly laugh.

He admires me, "You're beautiful."

I look at him, "stop saying that," I look away


"I will just close my ears then." I cover my ears

"I'll just tickle you then," he puts down his guitar and it falls flat on the ground. He tickles me, I laugh uncontrollably.

"Okay, okay…"

He stops tickling me, "say you're beautiful,"

I exhale rolling my eyes, "why?"

"Should I do it again?"

"Fine." I breathe and exhale. "I…am beautiful,"

That actually felt good. I feel like I just let go of a huge burden off my shoulders.

He proudly smiles, "and beautiful you are princess," he places his left hand on my hips and pulls me closer, while the other, he holds my cheeks. When my body touches his, I don't think I can control what can happens next.

He stares into my eyes, "you know why you are beautiful?"

I try to look back at him so as not to show that I'm avoiding him, "no."

"Because your heart…is beautiful. Beauty starts from within, and reflects on the outside. And you…" he rests his forehead on mine, his eyes closed, his right hand firmly gripping the back of my neck, "your beauty is from out of this world,"

I slowly raise my right hand wrapping it around his neck, and I rub his chest with the other.

Kiss me, just kiss me, right now.

He lifts up his head, he stares at me and he smiles. I put down my hands. A little disappointed.

"Why do you avoid looking at me?" He removes his hands form me.

"I don't,"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah," I look into his eyes a little and look away.

"Okay." He picks up the guitar two steps away. "Let's go,"

"You're lying," he says

"Am not,"

"Yes you are,"

"You are so annoying,"

"I know,"

I playfully punch his arm

"Aww..." He laughs.


We are seated under the tree's shade, on the dry, green grass.

I play the guitar correctly as he showed me, but I get the last part wrong, "Argh, ma…n," I look with my eyes closed feeling a little frustrated.

"Don't worry, practice makes perfect. Go again,"

I exhale, "can you show me again,"


I hand him the guitar and he plays the same notes as before, I watch and listen attentively.

He ends the note, "got it?"

I nod, "yeah, I think I can do it,"

He hands me the guitar, I hold it firmly, concentrate, and begin.

As before, I get the first part correct. But as I get closer to the difficult part, Liam starts acting weird covering his ears and shaking his head with frustration. I'm getting a hang of the last part, but I think he doesn't like my music.

I stop playing, "are you okay?"

He looks at me with no clue as to what I said, "huh…"

"I was just asking if you're okay,"

"Oh." He puts on a smile, "yeah" he nods.

He closes his eyes suddenly even more frustrated

"What's wrong?" I worry.

"Can you wait for me here?"

"Where are you going?"

"I will be back soon." he places his hand on mine laying on my thigh. " I promise."

I think for a moment, maybe his just going to the car, nothing to worry about.

"Wait, what if he leaves me here and drives away? Nah, he wouldn't...would he?..."

"Okay," I respond.

"I'll be back." He gets up and walks to the right.

"Where in the world is he going?"

And that's how I lost my first crush to a forest monster. Okay, not funny.

I watch him until he disappears into the forest, behind a tight packed roll of trees. That's when I try to get back to practicing. I play a few notes and look up to the right again. I'm scared, worried, anxious. I go back to practicing again.

Seth's point of view:

I walk in following his instructions, I search the place not having any clue of his whereabouts.

"Psst." I hear, and I turn around to see my BLOOD enemy.

I glare at him, "what are you doing here!?"

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to talk to you," he explains. I scoff.

There's something different about him this time, he doesn't sound or look like the same person that has hated me since childhood. See that's my problem, I take family very seriously. I'd put aside everything just to have my family together again.

"What do you want, Blaze?"


"brother? He hasn't called me that in years."

"I know I have done some horrible things in the past, mostly to you."

Maybe a lot more than some.

"I just that…" he discloses, "I was always in your shadow, everybody liked you more than me, and it's still like that."

My brother is full of tricks, sometimes is hard to tell if he's being sincere or not. Last time I trusted him, he ended up proving me wrong. But still, his words trigger something inside me. I start to remember 19 years ago, when I saw him playing with his friends but they all left him, and came to hang out with me instead.

"And I was just…" He exhales. "Missing you, you were just always there for everybody else that you became less of a brother to me."

Must have been that time when we were racing each other and he fell, but all of us were occupied with racing. At the finish line, we were all just happy about who won that everyone else forgot about him.

He seems to be sincere with his words, and the way he looks. I feel sympathy for him.

"All this was just pointless, I'm really sorry." He looks down. "I hope you can ever find it in your heart to forgive me." He walks away.

I smile, "Blaze."

He lifts his head up with his back facing me.

"I didn't know how much I contributed to your pain, I'm sorry. I should've been a better big brother." I look down as tears line my eyes.


Rebekah's point of view:

I continue practicing what he taught me for some minutes and then I try doing my own notes. I'm kind of worried, why did he want to go there? Did he want to use the toilet or something? I stop playing the guitar and stare at the place I saw him walk into. A red and black butterfly flies on my keyboard, when I try to touch it it flies away.

I leave the guitar under the tree and follow him.

I hope I don't find him doing number two. Okay stop it.

Before I walk through the tightly packed row of trees, I hear voices further in front.

" You will always be my brother," the one familiar voice says, I stand their to listen.

"I wonder how I'll ever explain to Rebekah you're my brother,"

"yeah, worst part is telling her she's not a human"

"Seth." I walk through the trees. "Who are you..." my smile fades. They both look shocked to see me, and speechless. I'm completely paralyzed as stare at them, with my jaw slacking, and my head processing.


Olena_Shalom Olena_Shalom

Why do you guys think Rebekah is shocked? Who exactly was Seth talking to?

next chapter
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