[We gay]
Kokobop: shit
Kokobop: I forgot to add Live Tune in here
smolmight: live tune?
bass boosted: how do you not know them?
bass boosted: I thought you knew every hero group?
[PikaPika] changed their name to [Yellow]
Yellow: oh yeah TOKI and the others
sleebi: ill do it
[Sleebi] added [TOKI], [Aiobhan], [Nitro Fun], [Marshmellow], [Camellia], [PBN], [FM] and [Slushii] to [We gay]
[Aiobhan] changed their name to [aoi]
[Nitro Fun] changed their name to [ntrfn]
[Marshmellow] changed their name to [buckethead]
[PBN] changed their name to [PBJ]
[FM] changed their name to [emdeef]
[Slushii] changed their name to [sushi]
TOKI: only took you 8 years to re-add all of us
kokobop: fuck you and fuck your music
finalboss-chan: sure wei
kokobop: a
[Kokobop] has gone offline
aoi: lmao you scared them
finalboss-chan: can't imagine why /s
sushi: maybe because you are the Camellia
sushi: and quite a BIG SHOT
finalboss-chan: maybe
smolmight: holy fuck you're camellia
Apollo2: #runboirun HE SWORE
runboirun: #Katsuki
Katsuki: i didnt do shit. he swears all the time
Yellow: I think there's more pressing things going on rn guys
ntrfn: o/
Yellow: \o
ntrfn: :catthumbsup:
Yellow: #Pinkalicious
Pinkalicious: oh cool its bucket fuck, peanutbutterjelly , redrum and sumo
Pinkalicious: my favourite DJ's
buckethead: im-
finalboss-chan: lmao that's the best shit ive ever read and I live with FOXX
PBJ: bucket fuck....
buckethead: new album dropping under the name bucket fuck this week
emdeef: ehehehehe
sushi: ah yes it is I, Sumo
sleep™: so where's yunomic
emdeef: with no mana.
emdeef: aka, asleep
sleep™: hmm
[sleep™] has gone offline
nnhr: rude
finalboss-chan: oh shit hey nnhr
nnhr: cametek
finalboss-chan: not anymore
nnhr: cametek im outside your front door
finalboss-chan: its open
nnhr: FOXX isn't home right now is he?
finalboss-chan: nah, wanna drop Ange?
nnhr: hell yeah
[Finalboss-chan] and [nnhr] have gone offline
[FOXX] has been added to [we Gay] by [Kokobop]
[FOXX] has come online
FOXX: hmm
[FOXX] has gone offline