/ Fantasy / Greece: Zeus wants me to be the Queen of the Heavens?

Greece: Zeus wants me to be the Queen of the Heavens? Langue source

Greece: Zeus wants me to be the Queen of the Heavens?

Fantasy 4 Chapitres 2.6K Affichage
Auteur: TranslatingCat

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"Transcending into ancient Greek mythology, Eros became a super handsome young shepherd.

He lived a life of eating and dressing without worries every day, but it was a bit too lonely.

Until one day, he met an extremely beautiful girl by the river, who struck him deeply in both looks and personality.

Sparks of love quickly ignited between them. Until one intimate encounter, the goddess Hera suddenly appeared before Eros. 'Who are you?' Eros asked in shock.

The beautiful girl in his arms answered his question. 'She is the goddess Hera.'

Eros was astonished and asked hastily, 'Are you the goddess Hebe, the goddess of youth? Or which goddess?'

'No,' the girl smiled faintly. 'I am the king of the gods, Zeus. Are you interested in being the queen of the heavens?'"


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