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10.6% Gotham's Dead End Bar / Chapter 6: 6: Global Cape Watch Online

Chapitre 6: 6: Global Cape Watch Online

AN: This chapter is a bit more silly than the ones before it (and isn't that saying something?). Feel free to think of it as semi-canon if you have trouble suspending your disbelief. Also, going forward, I plan on doing other chapters like this but I'll be doing them slightly differently. The forum-style bits are going to become mook/nobody-focused (reactions and gossip between normal people kinda thing) and I'm going to be putting the villain/heroes/named characters into their own Dead End Group Chat.


Welcome to the Global Cape Watch Online message boards.

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♦ Topic: The Dead End

In: Boards ► Gotham Cape Watch

ShinyCoins (Original Poster) (Two-Face) (Henchman)

Posted On Nov 14th 2016:

I found myself a weird little hole in the wall and I thought I'd share.

So me and the boys were out for a night on the town, right? Just normal stuff. Causing mischief. Avoiding the Bats. And we come across this new bar that just opened up. It's called the Dead End. Odd name but we thought nothing of it. Just went inside to get a drink or two.

Now, the Dead End is a normal-looking place. Simple but not boring. It's obvious that it just opened. Had that kind of feel to it, ya know? And it's run by this one guy. We'll just call him Mr. Barkeep.

So we went in and he served us and we sat at the bar and just started talking. As you do.

Mr. Barkeep was talking to this goth chick. Pretty in that dark sorta way but also she just seemed nice. I don't know, I got a comfy feeling from her. And Mr. Barkeep is kinda goth himself so they fit together like birds of a feather.

Anyway, Mr. Barkeep was telling the goth chick a story. After a while, the boys and I couldn't help listening in. It was wild. He was talking about swords and magic and adventure and all that junk. Entertaining. But the weird bit is he didn't even seem to be making it up. Like he was just speaking from memory or something.

By the end of the story, we'd all gone quiet. Mr. Barkeep's got a way with words. His stories suck ya in and don't let ya go. Especially this one 'cause it ended with him running out on a Dragon. And I tells ya, I couldn't help but believe him.

It sure as Hell spooked the boys. It's Gotham, ya know? Ya learn to stop questioning the freaky shit if ya want to last. So we all makes to leave. Then before we could, some Clownz show up and crash the party.

I swear, I thought we was about to have a shoot-out. But Mr. Barkeep keeps cool as a cucumber and tells us all that the Dead End is neutral ground. 'Course, the Clownz don't listen. They try to start shooting. And nothing happens.

Mr. Barkeep puts 'em well in their place. Without even moving a muscle. No punchin', no kickin', nothing. Just somehow kills the lead Clown's sense of humor. Made him a regular boring Joe. It was straight-up freaky.

Just thought I'd put out a warning for all the henchmen of Gotham. Don't fuck with the Dead End. Consider it sacred ground. Like a church protected by Batman and Superman and Wonder Woman all at once.

Just don't mess with it. You don't wanna fuck around and find out. You might just end up like the Clown Without Humor...

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►Rockhopper (Penguin) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 14th 2016:

Yeah, sure, Shiny. Pull the other one. Dragons ain't real and you can't kill a sense of humor.

►ShinyCoins (Original Poster) (Two-Face) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 14th 2016:

I swear, Rocky. On my momma's grave (rest her soul). On my daddy's bottle. On my grandmomma's bingo sheet. I'm tellin' the truth.

►FuckaJname (Joker) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 14th 2016:

Oh shit... he swore on the bingo sheet. That's some serious shit. Shiny ain't playin' around.

►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 14th 2016:

Hello, Gotham! Didi just told me about this thread and I figured I should check it out. Seems I got in a bit early.

Anyway, I'm the owner of the Dead End. Name's Sean Caine. Love the nickname Shiny gave me though. Just call me Mr. Barkeep.

And Shiny isn't lying. Everything he said was true. From my story (I've lived more than a few interesting lives) to killing the clown's sense of Humor (I can do a few things people might call impossible).

►FuckaJname (Joker) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 14th 2016:

Another cape in Gotham? Like this city needs anymore. Damn, looks like I'm laying low for a few weeks. Thank God the boss is still locked up in Arkham.

►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 14th 2016:

I'm not about to put on a skintight suit and start punching people in the street. I'm not a cape -- hero or villain. I'm just a simple bartender.

On that note, the Dead End is neutral ground. Anyone (with a few exceptions) is welcome. Hero, villain, henchman? I don't care. Come down and have a drink. Just, as Shiny said, don't 'fuck around and find out'.

►Lady Didi (Lady D3^!H) (Dead End) (Neutral)

Replied On Nov 14th 2016:

I'll be working there too! I'm Didi, the 'goth chick' Sean was telling the story to. Like he said, anyone's welcome. I promise we don't bite~

►Rockhopper (Penguin) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 14th 2016:

Neutral ground? For real? Shit... that actually sounds pretty good. I know I've been meaning to grab a beer with Shiny after all these years. Being on different sides makes that harder than it should be.

►ShinyCoins (Original Poster) (Two-Face) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 14th 2016:

... The beer was pretty good too. Just kinda forgot that in all the chaos.

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►Macaroni (Penguin) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 20th 2016:

So... anybody notice how the hangout spot is bigger on the inside?

►Erect-Crested (Penguin) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 20th 2016:

Don't mention it. Don't think about it. Just enjoy the drinks with the boys.

►Catwoman (Rogue) (Meow)

Replied On Nov 20th 2016:


►Mini-Diablo-Azteca (Bane) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 20th 2016:

Shit, Catwoman's here now? The Dead End got its first real cape?

►ShinyCoins (Original Poster) (Two-Face) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 20th 2016:

Yeah, saw her there last night. She put on, uh... quite the show...

►Catwoman (Rogue) (Meow)

Replied On Nov 20th 2016:

Heh, I should have charged you boys~

►Macaroni (Penguin) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 20th 2016:

Well, I guess there goes the hangout spot... It was good while it lasted but with the real villains showing up, fights are bound to start. We'll all be pushed out.

►ShinyCoins (Original Poster) (Two-Face) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 20th 2016:

Nah, neutral ground, remember? And Mr. Barkeep wouldn't do that to us. He's cool.

►Catwoman (Rogue) (Meow)

Replied On Nov 20th 2016:

Don't worry, boys~ I promised Mr. Barkeep that I'd behave~

►Riddler (Rogue) (E. Nygma)

Replied On Nov 21st 2016:

What's green and black and mighty thirsty? Me!

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►Penguin (Rogue) (Cobblepot)

Replied On Nov 21st 2016:

Nice place. Good atmosphere. Better company. The drinks are exquisite. The bartender is personable and entertaining. His stories will blow your socks off. Didi's a sweetheart. If you need a place to kick back and relax, I can heartily recommend the Dead End. Second best bar in the city, after the Iceberg Lounge, of course. I give it the Cobblepot Seal of Approval.

►Crazy Quilt (Rogue)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

His drinks are so strong they cured my blindness!

►Rockhopper (Penguin) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Uh... Shouldn't that be the other way around?

►Two-Face (Rogue) (Coin Flip)

Replied On Nov 21st 2016:

Cobblepot Seal of Approval, eh? The coin says heads.

►Two-Face (Rogue) (Coin Flip)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Okay, I'll just come right out and say it... What the actual fuck was that story?!

►Riddler (Rogue) (E. Nygma)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

I... don't even have a riddle for this...

►Rockhopper (Penguin) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

You... You guys think he was tellin' the truth?

►Nocturna (Rogue) (By The Night)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Surely not, right...?

►Scarecrow (Rogue) (FEAR!)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

I smell FEAR...

►Lady Didi (Lady D3^!H) (Dead End) (Neutral)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

He was. Sean's been through a lot. From what I understand, his ex-wife is even on the lower end of the insanity scale for Sean.

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►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Y'all don't have to worry about Simmy or the Entities she spawned from. They can't reach you here.

►Penguin (Rogue) (Cobblepot)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

By here... Do you mean Gotham?

►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Here as in this universe. And even if they did, there are plenty of heavy hitters here to take care of them. Hell, Robin heard the story so I'm sure Batman will have a contingency plan before the night is out.

►Robin (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

You have made an enemy this day, Mr. Barkeep.

►Red Hood (BatFam) (Hero) (Kinda)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Woah, Short Stuff, what'd he do to you? Hang you up by your cape or something?

►Robin (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:


►Batgirl (Hero) (BatFam) (Back in Action!)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

It... wasn't the most friendly first contact. And you know how Robin can hold a grudge, Red Hood.

►Red Hood (BatFam) (Hero) (Kinda)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Hahaha~! You've got to cool it, Short Stuff. You know B-man hates it when you threaten to kill people. Only I can do that.

So... If you need me to, just say the word.

►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

No killing in the Dead End. Even for you, Red Hood. Don't even try. You'll just end up out on your ass.

►Robin (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Your death will be slow and sweet...

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►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Lol, considering I don't plan on dying to anything other than old age, it better be.

►FuckaJname (Joker) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Hold up, Mr. Barkeep messed with Robin? The most recent Robin? How does he still have clean pants? This new Robin freaks me right the fuck out.

►Robin (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

I do not know what you are referring to. There has only been one Robin.

►Penguin (Rogue) (Cobblepot)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

You're not fooling anyone, little bird. Robin debuted like eight years ago now and I'm pretty sure you're still a kid. A freaky kid but still a kid.

►ShinyCoins (Original Poster) (Two-Face) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

And wasn't one of the Robin's a girl?

►Robin (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

*Sharpens Batarang* You are mistaken.

►ShinyCoins (Original Poster) (Two-Face) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Uh... Guess I am.

►Talia al Ghul (League of Assassins) (Cape Mother)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Good intimidation, son. Now, who is the man threatening my son?

►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Huh? I didn't threaten Robin at all though. Just some minor embarrassment.

►Talia al Ghul (League of Assassins) (Cape Mother)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

My other son. The one who can actually kill without his father throwing a hissy fit.

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►Red Hood (BatFam) (Hero) (Kinda)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Nah, B-man still gets pretty mad at me for killing.

►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Did I threaten Red Hood? All I said was that I would enforce the Dead End's neutrality. He's welcome to try and kill me outside of business hours. Not like he would ever succeed.

►Red Hood (BatFam) (Hero) (Kinda)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

No cap? That sounds like a challenge, Mr. Barkeep.

►Talia al Ghul (League of Assassins) (Cape Mother)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Show him your true training, my son.

►Batgirl (Hero) (BatFam) (Back in Action!)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Don't, Red Hood! He's not a villain! He even healed Oracle!

►Red Hood (BatFam) (Hero) (Kinda)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

He did...?

►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

I did.

►Talia al Ghul (League of Assassins) (Cape Mother)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Very well. For healing my daughter, you shall live to see another day, Mr. Barkeep.

►Batgirl (Hero) (BatFam) (Back in Action!)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

*Sigh*, you're not my mother, Talia.

►Talia al Ghul (League of Assassins) (Cape Mother)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Nonsense, all of you are my children. Even Robin's strange cow sidekick.

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►Nightwing (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

... Most of us try not to think about Batcow too much.

►Robin (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

I've been sure to train her better than you, Nightwing.

►Nightwing (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Take that back, you little shit!

►Robin (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:


►Red Hood (BatFam) (Hero) (Kinda)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:


►Nightwing (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

You got something to say, Hood?!

►Red Hood (BatFam) (Hero) (Kinda)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

*Smug smirk* Heh.

►Macaroni (Penguin) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

I'm so lost...

►Riddler (Rogue) (E. Nygma)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

I'll admit to some confusion as well. I was under the presumption that Selina and Batman were... well, something. But this Talia woman throws that into question with her claims of motherhood.

►Catwoman (Rogue) (Meow)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

We have an arrangement~

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►Riddler (Rogue) (E. Nygma)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

You and Batman or you and Talia?

►Catwoman (Rogue) (Meow)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

*Purrs* Yes~

►Talia al Ghul (League of Assassins) (Cape Mother)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Miss Selina Kyle makes for a suitable occupant of Batman's time. I prefer to focus on the children.

►FuckaJname (Joker) (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

For some reason, I'm having trouble picturing Bats as a father.

►Talia al Ghul (League of Assassins) (Cape Mother)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

He is a wonderful father. Do not let his broody demeanor fool you. Batman has a warm, loving man beneath that bat-shaped shell.

►Catwoman (Rogue) (Meow)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

Oh, he can definitely be ~loving~ if you catch my drift~

►Riddler (Rogue) (E. Nygma)

Replied On Nov 22nd 2016:

*Deadpan* A deaf man could catch your drift, Selina.

►YoungnDumb (Henchman)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

So Batgirl is back in action. The original one. She showed up at the Dead End tonight. Apparently, she's gonna try and get Bobby and the rest of us boys on insurance plans. Thanks, Bats.

►Batgirl (Hero) (BatFam) (Back in Action!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Happy to help! I'll be trying to implement a plan that covers cape-related incidents. And keeping in the spirit of the Dead End, it will be focused on neutrality.

►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

I'll sponsor it if you'd like, Batgirl. Put the Dead End name on it like a seal of approval so everyone knows about the neutrality aspect.

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►Batgirl (Hero) (BatFam) (Back in Action!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:


►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Ah, it seems she's giving me the silent treatment after my latest story.

►Batgirl (Hero) (BatFam) (Back in Action!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

You can't just say 'And then I spanked the Infinite Dragon God into submission', Sean! It's not right! I had to write up the report on that!

►Harley Quinn (Rogue) (Jester) (In Recovery for Mister J Addiction)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Hehe~! Gothboy's in the doghouse~ Go, Girl-Bat, go!

►Penguin (Rogue) (Cobblepot)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

You can't deny it was an interesting story though.

►Batgirl (Hero) (BatFam) (Back in Action!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

I can! I can deny that! Because I only caught the end of it! And even that was enough for me to put a 'Cognito Hazard' warning on my report!

►Poison Ivy (Rogue) (Mother Nature)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

There, there, Batgirl. Do you want me to take care of the mean bartender? I'll ~take care~ of him very thoroughly~

►Lady Didi (Lady D3^!H) (Dead End) (Neutral)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

I'm sure Sean didn't do it on purpose to annoy you, Batgirl. And I'm sure he's very sorry for the extra work he caused you. Isn't that right, Sean Dear?

►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

... I plead the fifth.

►Batgirl (Hero) (BatFam) (Back in Action!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Oh, now you want to keep your stupid sexy mouth shut?!

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►Poison Ivy (Rogue) (Mother Nature)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

I can think of another way for his stupid, sexy mouth to make itself useful~

►Harley Quinn (Rogue) (Jester) (In Recovery for Mister J Addiction)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

*Whistle* Damn, Red! That kiss really stuck in your mind, didn't it?

►Poison Ivy (Rogue) (Mother Nature)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

My apologies, Harley baby. I don't mean to flirt so blatantly right in front of you. It seems even remotely, Mr. Barkeep makes me a thirsty, thirsty flower~ He shall pay for his 'crimes'~

►Harley Quinn (Rogue) (Jester) (In Recovery for Mister J Addiction)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

No need! I can totally get off on this! Gothboy driving you crazy with lust until you can't control yourself even in front of your girlfriend~ *Fans face* Wooo~ Be still my dripping pussy~!

Besides, I know you still love me, Red and I wouldn't say no to a marital aid and maybe a bit more~

►Catwoman (Rogue) (Meow)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

... You're a uniquely fascinating woman, Harley.

►Harley Quinn (Rogue) (Jester) (In Recovery for Mister J Addiction)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Haha, call me Harley CuckQuinn from now on!

►Riddler (Rogue) (E. Nygma)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

No one's going to call you that. Don't involve us with your degenerate kinks, Harley.

►Harley Quinn (Rogue) (Jester) (In Recovery for Mister J Addiction)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

*Sticks tongue out* Thbpttt~! Neh!

►Mister Freeze (Rogue) (Ice to Meet You!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

In other news...

Nora thawed out fine and she's never been healthier. Seriously. She's too healthy. And she seems to resist new injuries and perhaps even diseases. She tripped over a table while she was recovering from the cryogenic process and the table got a bruised shin...

Thank you, Mr. Barkeep. I am forever in your debt. Nora, say 'hi' to my... colleagues...

"Hello...? I don't really understand the whole villain thing but thank you all for looking out for Victor. Also, it's fascinating what the internet has become." - Nora

►Harley Quinn (Rogue) (Jester) (In Recovery for Mister J Addiction)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Awww~! Hi, girlie! You should totally make yourself a costume and help your hubby with his crimes!

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►Batgirl (Hero) (BatFam) (Back in Action!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Please don't. Gotham has enough Rogues as it is.

Also, Sean? Did you heal Oracle to the same extent as Nora Fries? Can she not even be injured now?

►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

No comment.

But if I did, it would certainly help you out with your nightly activities, wouldn't it , Oracle?

►Batgirl (Hero) (BatFam) (Back in Action!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

What?! You know?!

►Red Hood (BatFam) (Hero) (Kinda)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

I think he knows, Batgirl.

On the other hand, congrats on your new invulnerability or whatever.

►Penguin (Rogue) (Cobblepot)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

So, Freeze, what are you gonna do now?

►Mister Freeze (Rogue) (Ice to Meet You!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Whatever Nora wants.

►Catwoman (Rogue) (Meow)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Good man~

►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Glad to hear Nora's fine, buddy! You don't owe me anything though.

In other news, Ivy's Ivy Dispensary will be opening for business soon. I just need to finalize all the permits and licenses and stuff. It will be based out the back of the Dead End. Neutrality extends to the shop as well.

►Mister Freeze (Rogue) (Ice to Meet You!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

I shall man the shop to repay you. My debt will not go unfulfilled.

"We're selling weed now, honey? *Sigh* I'll get the scale but you should know this isn't the kind of work I imagined doing with my Chemistry degree." - Nora

►Batman (Hero) (BatFam) (The Dark Knight)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Mr. Barkeep.

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►Harley Quinn (Rogue) (Jester) (In Recovery for Mister J Addiction)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

*Gasp* It's a bird!

►Riddler (Rogue) (E. Nygma)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

It's a plane!

►Red Hood (BatFam) (Hero) (Kinda)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

No, it's the Batman! (couldn't resist lol).

►Two-Face (Rogue) (Coin Flip)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

You know, I think this is the first time I've seen the Bat comment on anything here.

►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Yes, Mr. Bat? What can I do for you?

►Batman (Hero) (BatFam) (The Dark Knight)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

I would like to arrange a meeting to welcome you to the city and discuss the things you've done for my family and the rest of Gotham so far.

►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

And probably talk about the 'Cognito Hazards' I keep mentioning while we're at it too, right?

►Batman (Hero) (BatFam) (The Dark Knight)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

... Being so free with your words can be dangerous.

►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Heh, sure, just come on down to the bar and we can talk. All it will cost you is the price of a single drink.

►Batman (Hero) (BatFam) (The Dark Knight)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

I would also like to talk to you about your intentions for my daughter.

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►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Uh... which one?

►Batman (Hero) (BatFam) (The Dark Knight)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:


►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

*Smirk* Which one?

►Lady Didi (Lady D3^!H) (Dead End) (Neutral)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Sean, please stop poking the Bat.

►Talia al Ghul (League of Assassins) (Cape Mother)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

*Nodding* He is a powerful candidate with a healthy legend already made and even more in the making. Depending on his answer and how he deals with the assassins I've sent after him, I may just agree to this courtship.

►Batgirl (Hero) (BatFam) (Back in Action!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

You're not even my real parents!!!

►Batman (Hero) (BatFam) (The Dark Knight)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Teenage rebellion.

►Batgirl (Hero) (BatFam) (Back in Action!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

I'm 22!

►Batman (Hero) (BatFam) (The Dark Knight)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Irrelevant. No one gets to tease my second favorite little girl without making a commitment to her.

►Batgirl (Hero) (BatFam) (Back in Action!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Oh, God, is that why all my boyfriends ended up moving to another state? Wait, second favorite?!

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(Showing page 14 of 15)

►Batman (Hero) (BatFam) (The Dark Knight)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

You and Spoiler can be rather loud at times. I prefer Black Bat's silence when I need to work or think.

►SilentBatgirl (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:


►Batgirl (Hero) (BatFam) (Back in Action!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:


Black Bat has Mr. Barkeep's nudes!

►SilentBatgirl (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

(◯Δ ◯ ∥)

(ㆆ _ ㆆ)


(ノ-_-)ノ ~┻━┻ ☆


►Nightwing (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Oh, shit! She's got a sword! Run, Batgirl!

►Robin (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

... Deserved.

►Harley Quinn (Rogue) (Jester) (In Recovery for Mister J Addiction)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Oh, fun~! Let me join! Together, Girl-Bat!

( •̀ω•́ )σ▬▬█

►Riddler (Rogue) (E. Nygma)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

I... think that's enough internet for one day...

►Catwoman (Rogue) (Meow)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

*Scoff* Maybe for you. I'm gonna sit back and enjoy the catfight.

►Mr. Barkeep (Neutral) (Dead End) (Death's Sugar Baby) (And Proud!)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

More like 'Bat Fight'

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(Showing page 15 of 15)

►Batman (Hero) (BatFam) (The Dark Knight)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Please don't encourage them...

Somehow, I blame Nightwing.

►Nightwing (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Hey! What'd I do?!

►Batman (Hero) (BatFam) (The Dark Knight)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

*Deadpan* Named the original Batarangs. Your terrible naming sense is what started this 'BatFam' in the first place.

►Nightwing (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

It's catchy!

►Red Hood (BatFam) (Hero) (Kinda)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Like, heh... Wingdings?

►Nightwing (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

You take that back! What's wrong with Wingdings?

►Talia al Ghul (League of Assassins) (Cape Mother)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

... You are my child and I love you, flaws and all.

►Robin (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

But you're also hopeless in many areas, Nightwing. I will mourn for any children you end up naming.

►Nightwing (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

Gah! Struck down by a pipsqueak!

►Robin (Hero) (BatFam)

Replied On Nov 30th 2016:

*Glare of Death #33* Do not make me get my sword as well. You will live to regret your insult.

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