A few hours passed, and it was almost noon when Zach and Asmodeus found themselves in a rather inconvenient situation.
Unlike the previous forest, the ones they were currently passing through were well known for monsters and monster hunters that roamed and lurked in the shadows, waiting for the passersby to let their guard down and attack them.
Asmodeus, who was a demon and grew up in the higher hell, was very wary of everything, but Zach, on the other hand, was nonchalant until… they came across the monster's den.
They were walking while chatting, teasing each other, and passing jokes. Suddenly, Zach sensed an unknown presence. Of course, he inspected the area but couldn't see anyone.
He was certain that it was yet another general lord of the demon lord. Just like when he couldn't see or sense the emperor of the mist, he couldn't see what he had sensed.
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