When Zach opened his eyes after passing out again, he found Ninia sleeping next to him.
The bed was small and could only fit one person, but Ninia somehow managed to sleep next to Zach.
Usually, Zach saw Ninia with a veil on her head, so he never got to see her hair fully, but now, not only was he seeing her hair, he was seeing many more things.
Her golden hair looked so silky and soft that Zach felt like touching them, but he refrained from doing so. But when he noticed her pointy ears, he couldn't hold himself.
However, when he tried to move his hand to touch Ninia's ears, his body didn't respond to his wishes. He soon realized that he was experiencing sleep paralysis.
Since the bed was small enough to fit only one person, the space between Zach and Ninia was close to none and their bodies were touching each other.
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