After nearly a half a year in Essos, I've fully brought the Dothraki under my control. However, my hopes for swelling their ranks were too optimistic; I've only managed to increase my riders by 10,000 seems drogo was right i already killed the khals with the biggest forces all others only had a few hundred each. But no matter they remain some of the finest cavalry in the world, unmatched on horseback, but beyond that, their utility is limited. Luckily, the soldiers I've recruited from Westeros have bolstered my forces.
I've structured my army with discipline and versatility in mind. Every soldier is equipped with a light but durable shield, a regular sword, a bastard sword, and a spear all steel of course. Their training is relentless: hours every day, forging them into warriors capable of enduring long battles. Only one day a week is reserved for rest and socializing—though that day has been lucrative, with my brothels lining my coffers.
As for myself, I've confirmed that I'm no longer a boy. My lusts are satisfied each night by carefully selected virgins, ensuring no foul diseases touch me. My buisness empire and cities have grown to the point where I can no longer simply fight and revel as I please. There are too many affairs to handle—paperwork, logistics, and strategy. I still train, but it's not enough. The hunger for blood never leaves, and so I've begun something new: a project to ensure I'll one day be free to enjoy the world without the chains of administration.
I've taken orphan boys, starting at the age of ten, and built a hidden fortress in the mountains where they will be trained to serve me in all capacities. They will learn to read, write, manage my empire's affairs, and defend themselves. They will be trained by the finest Unsullied to ensure they can serve as both bureaucrats and warriors as well as be loyal to me and me alone. In five to eight years, they will be ready to take over the burden of governance, leaving me free to do what I desire—fight, drink, and conquer both cities and woman. Unlike Robert Baratheon, who let his kingdom fall to ruin while he indulged, my empire will prosper while I enjoy the spoils.
But for now, I bear the responsibility of ruling. Each conquest and expansion will give rise to new lords, and while I'm training replacements, they won't be ready soon. I've carefully planned my rise to power but time waits for no one and im not fast enough but i will catch up sooner or later.
As for the Targaryens, they are useful pawns. I sent word to the so-called Beggar King, offering him armies to reclaim the Iron Throne. The fool fell for it, believing the story that Khal Drogo would marry Daenerys, then betray me his khal at the wedding, handing him an army to invade Westeros. He never even realized that the Khal that Drogo follows is a Lannister—a fact no one seems to mention when they call me the Bloody Giant seems my title is bigger than even the lannisters.
As for what to do with Viserys he will never be king, of course. I could shape him into a ruler if I wanted, but he's far more useful as a corpse. I'll bed and impregnate his sister, Daenerys, then take the thrones of both Westeros and Essos for myself. If my children grow to such size and strength that they kill their mothers in childbirth, so be it—Daenerys will likely die after bearing my firstborn, but I'll ensure that child is a son even if magic must be used.
As for my own future, I will rule this world, and every lord will be my son or grandson. Westeros has hundreds of noble houses, and I intend to father heirs across every region. I've already tasked my father with sending me a list of all the lords in the Seven Kingdoms, divided by region. Once I have it, I'll take virgins from each of those lands to bear my children—20 extras from each region, in case some prove unsatisfactory. Given my reputation, women will flock to me willingly, and my father will ensure they meet my high standards.
In the meantime, I've made special preparations for the Night King. Killing him will be a challenge, but I've had something unique crafted for the task in case the seven kingdoms fail, and if it fails, I've got a backup plan. Before the Long Night begins, I'll weaken his army ive had every house follow the lannisters in sending more criminals to the wall, i will also be seeking out the giants to ensure my bloodline extends even to them. If mortal women cant bear more then one child then ill inpregnate a giantess—if I can find one.
To achieve this, I'll return to King's Landing soon. I could act without Robert's permission, but I'd rather see my cousin Joffrey and gauge his foolishness. I wonder if he'll give me a reason to relieve him of those new teeth he's so proud of. Perhaps I'll take them as a keepsake.
"My lord," a guard calls from outside my chamber.
"Yes, come in."
He steps inside and bows. "The Targaryens have been spotted at the gates. They're being escorted here."
I smile, rising from my desk. "Good. Let's go." I move toward the throne room, knowing that this meeting will set the next part of my plan into motion.
My thanks to doaistExsUzy and ranger637282 for the power stones I appreciate it and hope you've all enjoyed the chapter