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7.69% Genshin Impact: No Limit / Chapter 1: New World, New Me
Genshin Impact: No Limit Genshin Impact: No Limit original

Genshin Impact: No Limit

Auteur: abraX

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: New World, New Me

I slowly opened my eyes to the sound of two men arguing.

"You absolute moron!" a clearly distressed and angry voice shouted. "Of all people to kidnap, you decide on a dude who was asleep, and we don't know anything about?! Who the fuck is gonna pay the ransom?!"

I blinked a few times, my eyes still heavy. My vision was darkened, as if I was wearing sunglasses, but even then, the world seemed to come alive with almost disturbing detail. I've never seen this clearly before...

'What's going on?' I thought. Last thing I remember, I was crossing the street, then everything went black...

"Chill out, man!" the other man exclaimed. "I'm sure the Knights of Favonius would be more than glad to pay for this guy."

'Knights of Favonius...?' That name echoed in my mind. A name that was all too familiar to me.

I slowly sat up, and looked around me. I was on some plains, with grass present as far as the eye could see. A giant tree could be seen in the distance, but didn't pay it much mind due to my situation.

I looked at the men who were arguing. They both wore a bandana mask, and they didn't seem to realize I was woken up by their heated argument.

The sight of them immediately triggered memories in me. Treasure Hoarders... but how?

"Idiot! You know the Knights of Favonius will be after our asses, right? Never directly interact with them, I thought I'd already told you that!" He was getting angrier by the second, and his partner in crime didn't seem to be doing that well at calming him down.

What is even going on? I have no clue who these men are, but from what I've gathered, I was kidnapped with the intention of financial gain.

I looked over one of the men. Realizing that he had a crossbow strapped to his hip, I knew running away wasn't an option.

As I thought about what I could do, they continued their arguing, still not realizing that I was awake.

But there was a silver lining to this; I was unrestrained. I didn't have any sort of handcuffs or anything like that on me, so the only thing that occured to me, was to fight them.

'Great... I guess I can kick their ass now.'

I slowly stood up and realized that I was now way more taller. Putting that in the back of my mind for the time being, I balled my hand into a fist, and charged toward the angry man.

Aiming for his jaw, I punched him as hard as I could, immediately knocking him down.


Not letting the other Treasure Hoarder speak, I quickly jabbed him on the nose. Then, I threw a hook to the side of his jaw, knocking him out cold.

My surprise attack was completely successful; now both men soundly sleeping on the grass.

Though... It did feel a bit too easy. I've been in my fair share of fights in the past but... Well, no use thinking about that right now. For now, it's better to think about my situation...

I'm clearly not in my own body, and from all I heard from these Treasure Hoarders, and the fact that they are Treasure Hoarders... I am in Teyvat.

How and why? That's a good question, but it doesn't really matter.

I was itching for this. Itching for a spark of excitement in my life. Instead of the same monotone routine I was used to, I wanted an adventure, something that took my breath away, and this is it.

I dreaded the repetitive daily life that I lead, I loathed it with all my heart. I wanted to break free of that, and now...

I chuckled, not believing what was happening, and my mouth contorted into a wide grin.

"Time to make history."


I checked the Treasure Hoarders for any valuables they might've had. Unfortunately, they didn't have anything useful on them. Must've been one incapable duo of hoarders, indeed.

After deciding to leave those Treasure Hoarders just lying there on the grass, not really knowing what to do with them, I made my way to Mondstadt.

The city, that is. Judging by the giant tree, I can't be too far away.

Along the way, I stopped at a small pond of water. Curious at my change in body, I approached it, intending to see my reflection.

What greeted me was a handsome face with blue eyes and messy white hair. I wore a black zip-up jacket with a high collar, slim-fit matching black pants and black dress boots.

That, paired with the round black sunglasses, made it seem quite obvious whose body I was in now.

Gojo Satoru.

I laughed in disbelief. This was too good to be true.

As I stepped away from the pond, a thought crossed my mind.

I lifted my arm, spreading my fingers. A sudden rush of excitement surged in my entire body.

"Cursed Technique Lapse: Blue!"


Nothing. Nothing happened. I didn't feel anything. No energy flow, nothing.

"Uh..." All the excitement I had suddenly vanished.

I must be doing something wrong... Or, maybe...

Hm, just because I'm in Gojo's body doesn't mean I can use all his techniques without training...

Wait, that doesn't make any sense! I should have the Six Eyes, and using the Limitless technique should be easy enough with it.,,

'Ugh, just my luck.'

After pondering for a bit, I decided to try something. 

I recalled all the memories that I loathed. Memories of repetition, of monotony. Every day, doing the same stuff over and over. Dread.

Negative emotions surfaced and I could feel a light flow of... something throughout my entire body.

Something was there, I could feel it. That must be cursed energy.

Trying to wield this cursed energy, I started coating my entire hand with it. Seeing a tree nearby, I approached it, and threw a punch.

I made a big crack on the tree. What normally wouldn't be possible, was possible with cursed energy.

I let go of the negative emotions, and I felt the energy vanish.

Hmmm, it's kinda hard to keep cursed energy going... Just how did Gojo do it?

...The Six Eyes, of course, how else? I seem to have the enhanced perception and vision that the Six Eyes provide, but my cursed energy manipulation doesn't seem to be optimal.

I should have control over cursed energy at an atomic level thanks to the Six Eyes, but for some reason I just don't.

Well, baby steps I guess. Whatever entity threw me in this body seemingly didn't want me to be overpowered. Lucky me. At least it seems I do have Gojo's powers.

With new discoveries being made, I resumed my walk to Mondstadt.

Taking in the views of the gorgeous plains, and breathing relaxedly at the light breeze that caressed my face, I eventually arrived to a bridge. The bridge that served as an entrance to the city of wine and song, Mondstadt.

I wonder if I'm late to the party... I hope the Traveler hasn't arrived yet.

Crossing the bridge, I came face to face with a guard who was protecting the gate.

"Halt!" he said in a firm tone, "What's your business in Mondstadt? You seem like an outlander."

"Oh, I'm just here to join the Adventurers' Guild," I responded.

It wasn't a lie technically, as I was thinking of doing that, but that wasn't the main reason.

The guard just observed me with squinted eyes, and I just tried to make my best friendly face.

"Alright. You can pass," he eventually said.

He seemed quite on edge, and didn't really seem too stoked on letting me pass. Nevertheless, I nodded and smiled at him, and entered the city.

It was quite big. Way bigger than what the game made it look like. Way more lively as well, though the people didn't seem too happy.

The cobblestone that adorned the floor was everywhere, even in the houses. The stairs leading up to the upper parts of the city were plentiful, and I could see the Anemo Archon statue from here. It was quite massive.

I marveled at the sight of the bustling city; it had a charming beauty to it, almost nostalgic.

Well, the people seem to be a bit on edge, so I assume Stormterror's already a problem.

'Maybe I'm late to the party...' I thought.

I really hope not. The main reason I came here is to be present when the game's main story goes down. But maybe I arrived just when the Traveler does as well.

For the time being, I guess I'll join the Adventurers' Guild. I have to make money some way.

Striding to the Adventurers' Guild, I noticed that quite a few stares and glances were coming my way.

Well, not unwarranted, considering I look like a complete outlander in the eyes of the locals. My clothes and appearance certainly make me look like an alien to these people.

Arriving at the Adventurers' Guild desk, I greeted Katheryne, the guild's everpresent receptionist.

"Ad astra abyssosque! Welcome to the Adventurers' Guild," she said in a stiff tone, as if she repeated that phrase thousands of times already.

"Hey there. Uh, I came here to join the guild," I said, feeling a bit awkward talking to a videogame character brought to life.

"Very well. You're quite in luck. The guild has been short on members for a time now," she said with a polite smile. "Normally the recruitment process is more strict, but for now..."

She paused for a bit, seemingly thinking about something.

"Ah. There is a hilichurl camp not too far away from Windrise, it has been causing problems for travellers and merchants alike. Please, clear out the camp as your... entrance exam, let's say." Katheryne pointed to the spot in a map behind her.

Hmmm, well, shouldn't be too hard, I hope.

"Consider it done," I said with a confident smile.

After that, I started walking toward Windrise. On my way there, I fiddled with cursed energy. I tried coating different parts of my body with it.

That's all I could do for now. Covering my entire body with cursed energy seemed a tall task. It wasn't impossible, but it was quite hard. Though I'm sure that with enough practice, I'll get better at it.

Still, I started getting a better feel for it. Bringing out the negative emotinos to draw out cursed energy became easier with every time I did it.

After a while, I arrived at Windrise, and scanned the area thoroughly. Eventually, I found the camp that I was supposed to clear out.

I took a vantage point near a small hill, and scanned the hilichurl camp. A few of them were walking around, plus an axe mitachurl, sitting on the center.

After taking account of their position, I made my way to the entrance of the camp. My heart beat fast, and I had a nervous smile.

But I wasn't really afraid. I was excited. Or so I thought.

Before the hilichurls could spot me, I charged to one of them, planting a firm fist coated with cursed energy on its face.

I felt my fist burying on its face, breaking its mask, before the hilichurl was sent flying meters away into a tent.

One less thing to worry about.

I quickly turned around, and one of the hilichurls was already aiming at me with a crossbow, while another one charged at me together with the mitachurl.

The hilichurt shot the arrow at me, but thanks to the precise detail and information provided by the Six Eyes, I was able to react accordingly and dodge it.

The mitachurl, while charging at me, swung down its axe. I barely sidestepped it, before throwing a hook to the other hilichurl.

Feeling its skull crack, it was sent flying just as its friend did.

Not relenting, I charged at the hilichurl with the crossbow. Still reloading it, I kicked him in the stomach, pushing him back a few meters.

Not checking if it was down for the count, I turned around, coming face to face with the massive mitachurl that towered over me.

This... is so much fun!

I grinned, before running at the mitachurl.

He swung his axe sideways, aiming to obliterate my head. I slid below it and coated my fist with all the cursed energy I could muster, punching the big bastard in the stomach.

A big shockwave was the result, and the mitachurl was pushed back, screaming and groaning in pain. A small dent could be seen in the place I struck.

The mitachurl roared, and lit its axe on fire with a pyro slime.

Wait, where was it hiding that...?

Distracted for a small fraction of a moment, the mitachurl threw the slime at me, the small explosion it caused bringing my concentration back.

The mitachurl charged at me, and swung its axe sideways once again. I crouched and dodged it barely.

'It's getting faster...!'

Just after swinging his axe, the mitachurl did a twirl, and with the momentum, it brought the axe onto the ground.

Barely dodging it, I didn't come out unscathed, as the small explosions that came after bruised me slightly.

I grinned, my heart beating faster than it ever had before.

I waited for the mitachurl to swing its axe again, and just as it did, I punched the handle with all my strength, breaking the axe in half.

Leaving the mitachurl flabbergasted, I continued with a straight kick to his leg, bringing him down to his knees.

Mustering even more cursed energy than I did before, I punched his face. Not even his mask could save him, as I felt the bones under it crack, pushing the mitachurl a few meters away, crashing with a tree.

I panted a bit, catching my breath after the fight. 

I sat down on the ground, and wiped my sweat of my face.

"Haha... that was so fucking fun!" I said to no one in particular while chuckling.

Standing up and patting the dust off my clothes, I picked up one of the broken masks of the hilichurls, and started my walk back to Mondstadt.

After a while, I arrived at the city, and provided Katheryne of proof that I completed the small commission she gave me.

A broken hilichurl mask sufficed, she gave me the welcome to the Adventurers' Guild and provided me with an adventurers' handbook.

Not really going to read it or anything, but at least it serves as proof that I'm part of the guild now.

And of course, I'll start making some money. After all, I need a place to stay, and food to eat.

I looked at the sky, and noticed that the sun was starting to set.

Well, the money-making will probably have to wait until tomorrow, I don't want to start doing commissions while I'm tired after all.

I wandered through the city, just taking in the views and enjoying the light breeze that came with the setting sun.

Eventually, I came a cross a particularly secluded part of the city. A small, plaza-like space had some stone benches that I could use as a resting spot.

Not having anything else to do at the moment, I decided to lay down on the bench.

It was really a crazy day... But I'm looking forward to more.

I always tried to make my life more exciting... but it wasn't a practical or sustainable lifestyle back in my world. But now... Now I have a chance, an opportunity to make something out of myself. And I'm not going to squander it.

Closing my eyes, as I recalled the events of the day while grinning, I eventually fell asleep.


abraX abraX

I'm not a JJK expert or anything, so if there's anything wrong with the writing or concepts please tell me!!

I hope you enjoyed the chapter, and see you in the next one!

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