Sunny found Tully waiting for her on the edge of the activity. "We heard how it went," he said then winked at Sunny, "You holding up?"
"I'm holding up," she replied then turned to Tully, "You heard too that Affaron's brother came to the proceedings?"
"Really?" Tully was astonished.
"He came to take responsibility for Winterbourne's daughter," Sunny replied. "She might have been headstrong, but there should have been someone to take her in hand instead of allowing her to come and go unescorted."
Tully raised an eyebrow at Sunny, "Indeed?"
Sunny laughed lightly, "I know that sounds hypocritical of me ---"
"No," Tully murmured and became thoughtful for a moment. "I take it Nicodemus was there to divert the council again?"
Sunny grinned. "You should have seen him, Tully! He was grand!"
Tully chuckled softly. "About time the blighter did a little honest work!"
They joined Fiona in a clearing not far from the row of concession stands. The enticing aromas reminded Sunny of how hungry she was. Fiona was still sipping a cup of tea and she poured a cup for Sunny while the blacksmith went off to find something for them to eat.
"Have you thought any more about going with Nicodemus back to Nu'Ada?" Fiona asked her.
"I have," Sunny answered without hesitation, "I plan to call Mom and Dad and let them know that I'll be staying in Ballencoo. Then when it's time, I'll go to Nu'Ada."
Fiona set her cup down with a soft clink, "Are you certain?"
"I've got to learn how to control this --- whatever this is," Sunny replied. "If Nicodemus can help me then I will go with him."
"You won't be able to come back until the fall," Fiona told her. "I remember how I missed my mother during that time. She visited a time or two, but she was kept busy and couldn't get over as often as she wanted."
"But it will be different for me," Sunny told her, "I can travel."
"Until you can control that," Fiona told her, "I wouldn't even attempt it."
"Perhaps not," Sunny replied and smiled in anticipation when she saw Tully moving toward them with his arms laden with a tray filled with food.
"Here you are," Tully said putting the tray down on the table, "Tuck into that!"
Eagerly she began selecting from the plates and then felt a tug on her dress. She looked down and saw Bracken's large Basset Hound eyes gazing up at her. He had her rucksack with her drawing supplies, and she immediately handed down a large sausage. He shoved the rucksack under her chair, took the sausage, and crawled under the table to devour his food in peace.
Sunny took a meat pie and bit into the savory morsel closing her eyes in appreciation. When she opened them, she looked past Fiona and felt lead pour into her stomach. Fiona saw her turn white and looked over her shoulder. "What is it!"
As quickly as Sunny thought she had seen that familiar face staring at her from the crowds it was gone. "I-I thought …"
"You see someone?" Fiona asked.
Sunny scanned the crowds and saw no one that looked like Jason. "I'm seeing things I guess."
"You're drained," Tully told her as he tucked into his sausages, "You need to eat up then you will be set right."
Sunny nodded distractedly then felt Bracken tug at her dress again. She took one of the pies and passed it down to him. The Watcher took it and Sunny reached for a sausage and resumed her meal. Why was she seeing Jason? She had not thought of him in weeks!
Fiona and Tully talked about the day's activities, and it sounded like there were more games and competitions, fun distractions, and another evening dance.
Nicodemus arrived as a group of young girls came around to collect the trays and serve chilled fruit drinks. He sat down and glanced over at Sunny, "You are feeling better?"
She nodded. "Yes, thank you." Sunny sat back in her chair and looked out over the crowds then almost without warning she spotted Jason again! "Dammit!" she said aloud and stood up. Then the figure faded away into the moving crowd.
"What is it!" Fiona asked in alarm.
Sunny sat down and frowned at her empty plate and then looked up at Fiona. "This is the third time I thought I saw Jason!"
"Who?" Nicodemus asked.
"My fink of an ex-fiancée," Sunny said sourly. "I thought I spotted him last night in the crowds during the pageant and twice just now."
"Would he show up now?" Fiona asked looking worried. "Surely he wouldn't be so foolish."
"Oh, I wouldn't put it past him," Sunny replied. "Especially if Maya's kicked him to the curb."
"And she is?" Nicodemus wondered.
"My fink of an ex-girlfriend!" Sunny declared. "I sure as hell hope she's not here too!"
"You don't think they're here, do you?" Fiona asked.
Tully looked at Sunny closely, "You should get hold of your emotions," he told her. "If you go broadcasting those feelings of yours, you'll have half of Ballencoo feeling murderous towards one another!"
Sunny looked over at Tully and smiled. The mood around them immediately lifted as she laughed brightly. "Yeah, you're right, it's just my imagination messing with me."
Nicodemus frowned slightly then leaned toward Tully, "When you have finished your meal, I need your thoughts on something."
Tully paused in buttering a piece of bread and glanced over at Nicodemus then smiled, "Just let me wash this last piece down and I'll be ready." He popped the bread in his mouth and drank the last bit of tea from his cup. He daubed at his mouth and threw a wink at Sunny and Fiona.
Nicodemus leveled a stern look over at Sunny, "Keep an eye on the comings and goings of Danu and his brethren. They are out full force today."
Sunny met his look calmly. "Something stirring?"
"Possibly," he responded. "We'll be back before the music starts." He nodded toward the area where they were sitting. There was already a crew of men and boys assembling a wooden stage in the pasture where the previous day, the pageant had taken place.
Sunny nodded. "I'll roam around. I'll do some sketching!"
Nicodemus nodded and he and Tully moved off and disappeared into the milling crowds. As they were swallowed up, a young woman came over to Fiona. "Roma, I'm from the Wolf clan. I know it is a festival, but my brother needs you. He woke up feeling poorly."
Fiona smiled reassuringly at the woman. "Of course, I'll need to fetch my case and I'll come to your camp."
The girl dipped a curtsey and Fiona got to her feet. "Well, I'm off to the Wolf encampment. Will you be all right here?"
"Sure," Sunny replied. "Do you want me to come with you?"
"No, no you stay here and enjoy yourself," Fiona said. "But I will need Bracken for a bit."
Sunny glanced down where the Watcher was picking his teeth with a plastic fork he had found on the ground. "Hear that Brat?"
He scowled and looked belligerently up at Sunny, but she leaned over to pick up her rucksack, "I'll get you some nice gooey chocolate chip cookies to have for a snack."
Bracken's scowl turned into a ferocious grin, and he loped off into the tall grass and was gone. Sunny smiled up at Fiona, "I found his Achilles heel, it's made of chocolate."
Fiona chuckled, "He is driven by his stomach! I'll see you in a bit."
Sunny watched her stroll off toward where Miggs and the wagon. She pulled open her rucksack and found her sketchbook and tin of pencils waiting for her. She flipped through the pages smiling at the images she had captured then turned to a blank page. She looked up and began to sketch the area in front of her. It was a mixture of both outsiders and tribes. There was a brisk business going on where the young clan boys collected the outsiders from where they parked their cars outside of Ballencoo and rode them in an open wagon that had benches placed around the walls. Several of these wagons were making their way out to the pasture where the day of musical entertainment would keep them in Ballencoo until the sun went down. Sunny watched idly as the men finished setting up the stage and started setting up folding wooden chairs.
Most of the men and boys were from the clans, working together and making quick work of assembling the stage and the arrangement of the chairs. She wondered why the tribes in Nu'Ada were constantly in contention with one another.
"That is a complicated story," murmured a voice next to her ear.
She jumped and looked straight into the golden amber eyes of Gaddis. He smiled pleasantly at her. "It appears you have invaded my dreams once again and here I find myself."
She drew a deep steadying breath. "I promised I wouldn't do this!"
Gaddis looked around in mild interest, "It is probably a good thing you are to be mentored by Fury. He may not be the most amicable of teachers, but he might be able to help you control these powers of yours."
"It sounds like you know him pretty well." She muttered.
He chuckled softly. "By reputation only." He took another look around, "What troubles you so that you bring me here to a festival?"
She sighed heavily. "Is that what brings you? I was just thinking about the trouble in Nu'Ada – and why there is still so much fighting. Is it because you want to take over?"
Gaddis smiled sourly at her. "Is that what you think?"
"Either you or the Partholan wants dominance over Nu'Ada," Sunny replied as she began to sketch the Ne'Median. "Which is it? I saw Affaron's brother today, he seemed well-respected, and the Ard Ri seems a fair ruler."
"Indeed," Gaddis remarked dryly, "And would you say I seemed a likable sort as well?"
Sunny had to laugh. "Well, I suppose so. But you're part of a dream or some hallucination – that part of you seems a likable sort."
Gaddis chuckled good-naturedly. "Then I hope I get to meet you in person, Siobhan O'Neil." He sobered as another thought crossed his mind, "But it is not safe to bring me here even in a hallucination. Some monitor the spirit trails and that could endanger you."
Sunny nodded. Then as she finished the quick sketch of the Ne'Median she turned her book for him to look at her drawing. He leaned closer to look bringing his body closer. She studied his face, there was not much difference between him and the others from Nu'Ada she had met. "You have a rare talent, Siobhan. I'm sure many have told you this. It is magical."
She met his golden eyes and was for a moment transfixed by the color. They were like molten amber with flecks of gold dust suspended throughout. "What is the connection between us?" she whispered.
Gaddis leaned in closer, his eyes roamed her face with a curiosity that made her cheeks flush. He eased back slightly so he could look into her eyes. "It is something that I too wonder; especially when you invade my slumber like now." He took hold of her chin and drew her face to him. He brushed his lips over her mouth, "Until we next meet." He whispered and faded away like fog being burned away by the sun.
Sunny was not sure what she felt. The kiss had been almost chaste, but Gaddis had not looked at her with the eyes of a brother. There was something else smoldering in the depths of his golden eyes. She shivered at the sudden chill she felt and looked down at her sketchbook at what she had drawn. She wondered if anyone had ever managed to draw the image of the Ne'Median king. She flipped the page to a clean sheet and got up to find other subjects. She packed up her rucksack and began to wander through the concession area and over to the row of artisan booths.
She found a glassblower who was blowing the most spectacular goblets and glass bowls. Then she moved on and devoted a page to a woman making jewelry from natural and found objects. As Sunny strolled along she glanced down a side alley and stopped dead in her tracks! There standing bold as brass was Jason, wolfing down a sandwich. He chewed quickly, keeping his back always to the craft tents. Sunny was confused. Was she dreaming? This could not be happening!
Then as she was standing there trying to make sense of what was happening, Jason took the paper napkin and wiped his mouth, tossed the empty wrapper into the trash can, turned, and looked right at her.
Recognition was not immediate. It looked as if he did not recognize her at all! He was curious then he turned and slipped away heading for the town. She was outraged and confused at the same time. Had he been in Ballencoo all this time? She turned and headed in the opposite direction. Sunny wanted to put as much distance between herself and Jason as possible! Why was he here?
She reached the pasture that was now filling with people to hear the music. They were all so happy and without a care in the world! She ducked her head and moved toward the quiet fields where Orion would be. She needed to find Fiona, but then she realized that she was with someone who was sick. Bracken was probably with her as well. She glanced up into the trees and spotted several ravens, she had no idea how to contact Nicodemus for help.
Did she need help? She stopped. Of course not! She could take care of herself! She looked over her shoulder the way she had come and decided she had no reason to run and hide. This was her home, and he was the invader and was decidedly unwelcome! He could confront her any time and she would send him packing! She had no reason to avoid him. If he tried anything, she would get to Cluny's Tavern as quickly as she could. Tully had told her she would be safe there.
Sunny turned back to the open area where the first musicians were tuning up for their concert. She joined a group of people who were sitting on the ground close to the stage. They smiled their welcome and she smiled back and soon found herself lost in the music, which was familiar and alien to her. It was a blend of folk and something completely unknown.
Shannon found her and came and plopped down next to her. "I saw you earlier but when I came after you, you'd gone."
"Where did you see me?" Sunny asked.
"You were over at that glassblower place," Shannon replied. "Then you kind of disappeared."
"Sorry," Sunny said. "I saw someone I do not want to see." She told him.
"Who?" Shannon asked.
"The man I was going to marry back in the States." She said.
Shannon scowled, "The one who hurt you?" his voice was hard and full of anger.
Sunny laid a hand on his forearm. "It's okay, Shannon. He can't hurt me anymore. I am over it – over him. I just can't figure out why after all this time he shows up here!"
"Well, he doesn't need to be here!" Shannon growled.
Sunny looked around to make sure her emotions were not affecting anyone else. But only Shannon seemed to be upset. She patted his shoulder and smiled. "It's okay, I should just go back to Laurel Cottage and wait for Aunt Fiona to get back."
"I'll go with you," Shannon told her and got to his feet and bent to help Sunny up from the ground. She took his hands and was surprised at how strong he was as he hauled her up with little effort.
She stored her sketchbook and pencils into her rucksack, put the strap across her shoulder, and slid it around to her back. They both struck off away from the stage where the musicians were playing and headed toward the trail that would take them back toward the Trickle Bridge.
They met no one as they walked along the trail. Sunny glanced up into the trees and only caught glimpses of a Watcher or a raven high up in the boughs of the oaks and cedars that comprised the Ballencoo Forest. She glanced over at Shannon, "How are your brothers feeling now that they know you're going to Nu'Ada?"
He sighed heavily and hunched his shoulders. "I'm the first to be allowed over since what happened. But I guess everyone is okay with it. The youngest Doyle of the Wolfe clan to go to Nu'Ada in a very long time is a pretty big deal. You have a lot to do with that, ya know."
"Me? Nah, I doubt that." Sunny scoffed at the idea.
"You pulled my tile," Shannon told her. "Every year we all put our names in and this season you drew my tile."
She nodded silently and scanned the trail ahead since they were so close to the main road. She was relieved that Shannon seemed to have gotten over his anger. They continued to chat as they strolled along the path.
"The road's just up ahead," Shannon told her. "I'm going to scout up ahead." Shannon trotted ahead and waited for her then spun around to look toward town.
"Hey, kid!"
Sunny froze and looked in the direction of the voice. Shannon turned and faced the road back into town. "Hey kid wait up! Is this the right way to Fiona Dannan's house?"
Shannon shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know!" he growled.
"Somehow I just don't believe you!" Jason growled back. He walked up to Shannon and put his hands on his hips in a show of dominance. "I can't believe that no one in this backwater town hasn't ever heard of Fiona Dannan!"
"I don't know what you're talking about!" Shannon muttered.
Jason raked his hands through his blonde hair in frustration. "Look I just want to talk to her great-niece! Now I know she's here!"
Shannon fell into an icy silence and Jason realizing he would get nothing from the boy cursed under his breath and moved past him toward the Trickle Bridge. Sunny wanted him gone! She decided to confront him there. "Jason, what are you doing here?"
Jason turned and spotted Sunny coming up the path to the road. He laughed as he recognized her. "Damn Sunny, I didn't recognize you at all earlier! You've changed."
"What are you doing here?" She asked him again.
"All my letters came back unopened!" he said.
"There was nothing to explain," Sunny told him. "You shouldn't have come."
Jason frowned first at Sunny and then at Shannon. "This is a private conversation, kid. Why don't you run along?"
"I'm not going anywhere!" Shannon snapped, his dark brown eyes narrowing in anger.
Jason chuckled. "Why, you've got a beau, Sunny!"
Sunny moved up to stand next to Shannon. "Shannon is my friend, Jason. And you still haven't said why you're here."
"I'm here to take you home," Jason told her. "You should've been home weeks ago!"
"Whether I come or go is my business," Sunny said. "My business alone."
"You can't be serious!" Jason scoffed. "You're gonna stay in this Godforsaken place? What the hell are you thinking, Sunny!"
She sighed and stepped away from Jason and toward the Trickle Bridge. "Go home, Jason. I don't have anything more to say to you."
Jason lunged forward, grabbed her wrist, and yanked Sunny back. She yelped in pain. "Well, I have plenty to say to you!"
Sunny tried to twist free, but Jason gripped her wrist tighter and jerked her up. "Stop fighting me!"
Shannon shoved Jason back, "Let go of her!"
Jason let go of Sunny and turned and pushed Shannon away from him hard, sending the boy crashing to the ground. "Call off your cur, Sunny!"
Sunny glared at Jason and then turned to help Shannon to his feet. "You, okay?"
"Yeah," muttered Shannon. "You get on home, and I'll keep him here."
"You aren't gonna do a damn thing, boy!" Jason said then stabbed a finger at Sunny, "You're gonna come back to town with me!"
"No," she said. "I'm going home, and you should do the same. You're not wanted or needed here, Jason." She took Shannon's arm and together they turned and started walking toward the Bridge.
Jason followed. He stormed after them, caught Sunny's upper arm, and tugged her back away from Shannon. His fingers dug hard into her flesh, and she jerked away from him again. Jason's fingers tightened into the fabric of her sleeve. The sound of tearing material was drowned out by the deep guttural growl that broke from Shannon as he launched himself at Jason.
Shannon caught Jason completely by surprise and he stumbled backward and tripped. They both fell and rolled down the shallow embankment into the grass. Shannon landed a few blows, but Jason was able to push the boy off and get to his feet. As Shannon came at him again, Jason swung, his fist catching Shannon full in the face. The boy spat blood onto the ground and turned baleful red-glowing eyes on Jason. What Jason saw made him take a step backward, "What the hell--!"
Sunny watched in horror as Shannon seemed to transform before her eyes! The feral growl that tore from Shannon's throat was a terrible sound and it threatened imminent danger. "Shannon – No!"
Shannon's head snapped around and the blending of both boy and the muzzle of a giant wolfhound blurred together. Sunny gasped at the transformation and Shannon/Shanley growled warningly. "Run! Go!" he rasped at her.
Sunny stumbled back, torn between trying to keep Shannon away from Jason before either one got hurt. "Shannon come with me!" she called, "Please! Come with me!" Somehow, she felt if they got to the other side of the Trickle Bridge, they would both be safe.
She darted between the two and faced Shannon. "Come with me, Shannon! Now!"
The boy was crouched down, struggling to keep from transforming! He took her outstretched hand and climbed to his feet. Together they started running toward the bridge. They were halfway across when Jason launched himself at Shannon, wrapping his arms around the boy's legs. Both Shannon and Jason went sprawling into the dirt.
Shannon managed to roll out from underneath Jason and was on his feet crouched low and ready to attack. Sunny stepped in between them and shoved Jason away with all her strength. "Shannon go find help!"
Jason grabbed her shoulders and shook her violently. "What are you doing!"
"Shannon go get help!" She screamed over her shoulder at Shannon. "Go now!"
The boy cried out as if in pain and leaped off the road into the underbrush. Seconds later there was a howling that echoed into the forest. Sunny glared up at Jason, "Let me go!"
"Sunny what's happened here? You've lost your mind!" Jason's ordinarily handsome face was bloody and contorted into a mask of desperation. "Your family is worried about you!"
She tried to twist out of his grasp. "I said let me go!"
His fingers tightened. "Listen to me, Sunny! You don't know what you're doing!"
She froze and looked up at him. "I know exactly what I'm doing! Now get your hands off me!"
"No!" He shouted and started pulling her back over the bridge. They got back on the other side, and he yanked her off into the seclusion of the trail. She continued to try to get away. "Stop struggling!"
Panic set in and she wanted to get as far away from him as possible. She managed to sink her teeth into the fleshy part of his forearm. He roared in pain and slapped her. "Little bitch, you never showed this kind of fire when we were together! What's changed you?"
Her struggling and fighting to get free only seemed to arouse him more. He dragged her further into the forest pinning her arms down at her sides. He tried to kiss her. She was sickened and closed her eyes and began to scream as loud as she could. Even when Jason slapped her hard the second time, she continued to scream!
Here is the first transformation - Sunny's discovered the extraordinary secrets of the Wolfe Clan. Who will Shannon/Shanley find to help? Thank you so much for continuing to read my story. Share with others if you think they will enjoy my work. Happy New Year!
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