Sunny opened her eyes and rolled over to her side, adjusting her pillow slightly. She looked at her wrists, already the bruising was fading away. She yawned and fingered the cut on her lower lip, which was healing quickly. She sat up and looked down to the foot of the bed and saw the lump that was Bracken rolled up in his tee shirt. She slipped out of bed, went over to the dresser mirror, and looked at her reflection, the cut was just about healed and even the bruises on her cheek were practically gone. Healing seemed to be accelerated now that she was in Ballencoo. She had always healed quickly, but overnight, she found that almost all traces of yesterday's encounter with Jason had vanished. She frowned at the thought of him.
It had been Nicodemus Fury that Shanley had found. It had been Fury that had come to her rescue. As she cast her mind back, she was suddenly there! Not as the victim but observing from somewhere overhead. She looked to either side of where she perched in the trees and saw other Watchers. She swung further down to get a better view.
She heard a scream and then:
"Shannon find help!"
Jason grabbed her wrists and shook her. "What are you doing!"
"Shannon go get help!" She screamed over her shoulder at Shannon. "Go now!"
She watched as the boy cried out in pain and completely transformed as he leaped into the underbrush. She caught a quick glimpse of a large figure galloping into the forest.
"Let me go!" Sunny from her vantage point looked dispassionately down at the two figures struggling. Then the man began to drag the woman deeper into the forest. The man pinned the woman's arms down at her sides and tried to kiss her. It was then the woman began to scream as loud as she could!
Then like a black storm cloud, the war horse galloped down the thread-thin trail and crashed through the underbrush. Nicodemus Fury was off his horse a dagger drawn. He grabbed the man from behind and slung him away from the woman and into the dirt. The wolfhound was there, hackles raised, teeth bared, tongue tasting the air, and jaws dripping, poised to attack. Fury leveled his knife down at the man, "I should let him rip your throat out!"
She watched in fascination as the drama played out below where she sat watching with her brothers and sisters. Fury moved to his mount and pulled the leather lariat from the pommel of the saddle then walked over to the woman that stood against an oak tree. "Are you all right?" When he turned away, his eyes closed briefly in anguish. He stepped past Shanley, reaching down to roughly haul the man to his feet. He glared at the man with the same intensity as the wolfhound. He twisted Jason around, pulled his arms behind his back, and tied them.
Jason twisted around and glared at the woman, "You need to get home and stop hiding out in this crazy gypsy camp!"
"Speak again and I will run you through where you stand!" Fury told him then looked over his shoulder at the woman, "Where is Orion?"
"I don't know," she answered. "I couldn't find him."
Nicodemus glared up into the trees and looked straight up at her, his black gaze furious. "Find the Pookah; now! Quickly or I will find and burn your home groves!" Fear flooded her heart and immediately she found herself back in her bedroom.
The Watchers had been frightened by Nicodemus's threat; not of Gaddis appearing in her vision. That was what had frightened them away. She looked over at the sleeping form on her bed and felt sorry for him and the other watchers. She felt responsible for them now. Had she answered just one of Jason's letters he might not have shown up. But it was all over now, Jason was gone. She sighed heavily and went off to dress. She was brushing her teeth when she heard the grandfather clock chime at seven o'clock. Later in the afternoon, she would call her mother. She was not certain what she intended to say, but she knew that she would tell her mother that she was not coming back. She was staying in Ballencoo.
She went downstairs and found Fiona in the kitchen sitting with Lucy Bishop chatting quietly over cups of coffee. Sunny came in and took Lucy's hands in hers, "Thank you so much for everything you did last night to keep Ballencoo and me safe."
Lucy smiled warmly at Fiona and Sunny. "It was our pleasure to be of help to our Dannan and her family."
Sunny collected a cup and saucer, and Fiona poured her a cup of coffee. There was a plate of yeast rolls sitting in the center of the kitchen table and Sunny plucked one and pulled it in several pieces. "Lucy says there are several cases of illness in her camp. There are also a few in the Thornfield camp, nothing serious."
"Exposure to outsiders?" Sunny guessed. "Germs are spread through contact most times, there was plenty of opportunity for that for the last few days and nights."
"Aye," Fiona said.
Sunny daubed a spoonful of strawberry preserves on her roll. "How are they responding to Aunt Fiona's treatments?"
Lucy sipped from her cup before answering. "They are responding well to treatments." She glanced over to Fiona, "But there have been a few more people coming with family members needing the treatments you left with me."
Fiona nodded with a slight frown knitting her brows together in thought. "I'll come over and check on them. I'll bring more of the elixirs to help."
"Well, I should be off," Lucy said, "Come and see me before you leave, we can compare notes, Fiona."
"Yes, I will," Fiona said and rose with Lucy. Sunny started to get up from the table and follow them to the door. Lucy motioned for her to stay where she was with a wave of her hand.
"You eat. I will see you again soon, Sunny."
"I know we'll see one another when it comes time for your people to head off to Nu'Ada," Sunny said.
Lucy nodded. Fiona saw her out the front door and as soon as Lucy Bishop was out the door, Bracken appeared. His large brown Basset Hound eyes looked hopeful for a yeast roll.
"I'm sorry I didn't get you those promised cookies," Sunny said by way of apology to the Watcher. "Things were awful yesterday."
"Much food and choc-o-lots today," Bracken replied.
Sunny handed over a roll with a liberal spread of strawberry preserves in the middle. "True enough," she replied. "If you're close by, I'll make sure you get the promised cookies."
Fiona returned to the kitchen and watched as the two of them shared breakfast. It was oddly pleasant to see the two of them together. Sunny looked over at Fiona as she sat down and poured herself another cup of coffee. "What will be happening today in town?"
"There will still be artisans and other vendors. But there won't be crowds like the last few days. The chieftains will be meeting today to settle marriage contracts and listen to petitions." Fiona replied as she stirred her coffee.
"Will I be expected to be in attendance?" Sunny asked.
"Aye," Fiona answered.
"And the other members of the council? Will they be there too?"
"They will not feel obligated to rule over lesser councils," Fiona said. "The Dannan will always be obligated to stand with both the upper and lower councils."
"I am not the Dannan," Sunny said.
"But you will be," Fiona said. "You will be the rightful Dannan."
"I'm sorry, Aunt Fiona," Sunny whispered. She put her roll down, her appetite gone.
Bracken reached and pulled her plate over so he could finish her meal. He listened to them but was unconcerned with their conversation. Humans talked too much anyway.
"You should not be apologetic," Fiona told her. "I will continue in my role as healer, and when I am ready to relinquish the title, you will be ready to assume the geis."
"When I am in Nu'Ada --," Sunny broke off as she felt a presence nearby. She was beginning to anticipate Nicodemus before he arrived. She felt her heart speed up. His true self was well hidden behind the visage he wore, but Sunny easily saw past it as he came nearer.
"When you are in Nu'Ada nothing changes, Fiona will continue as she always has with full access to her powers," Nicodemus said and sat down across from Sunny at the kitchen table.
Sunny laughed suddenly and looked over at Nicodemus, "Now did you ever think that you – the epitome of the black sheep of the family - would end up mentoring another black sheep?"
Nicodemus smiled. "Ironic, isn't it?"
"Karma's a bitch!" Sunny muttered and Bracken began to giggle, enjoying Fiona's shocked look and gasp of outrage. He would have to remember that phrase! He wondered idly who Karma might be; but apparently, she was very bad!
"What brings you here?" Fiona asked still frowning at Sunny and then at Bracken as the Watcher continued to chuckle. She looked over at Fury.
"I am here to take, 'Irony' here, to the clan Chieftain's meeting," Fury quipped, glancing in Sunny's direction. She could not help but grin defiantly at him. She winked at Bracken and whispered, "Karma," in Fury's direction. The Watcher began to giggle again.
"Siobhan will need to undergo the blood-bond ceremony," Nicodemus said.
"Even though I can probably get there on my own?"
"You have not been able to control when and where you enter," Nicodemus told her. "Until you can control that, entering Nu'Ada properly will be considered essential to your training," Nicodemus told her.
Sunny nodded. Then frowned, "What's the difference between blood-bound and awakened?" she asked.
"Awakened you can travel physically to and from Nu'Ada at any time," Fiona told her. "Only the Dannan can pass freely. The other way, someone from Nu'Ada must be responsible for you – protect you. Usually, it is a family member or a mentor. Once you are in Nu'Ada, you can only come back through the Arch when it is open."
"After we are blood-bound, will we know one another's thoughts?" Sunny asked Fury.
Fiona sent Nicodemus a look of alarm, "Is the blood bond necessary?"
"Yes," Fury told Fiona.
"Hmm," Sunny murmured to herself then looked over at Fury, "Inconvenient for you though."
"Not necessarily," Fury remarked. "I am more experienced in masking my thoughts than you. I will know if you are deceiving me – but do not expect me to challenge you. Simply tell me what you intend to do."
"Will you try to stop me?" Sunny asked.
"That depends on what it is you are attempting. I cannot help you if I do not know your plans," Nicodemus told her. "You are not a child, and I will not treat you like one."
Sunny glanced at him. She sure hoped he would not!
Fiona crossed her arms over her chest and angled a fierce look at Fury. "There are boundaries needed!" She looked at Sunny. "This is no vacation, Sunny. You know how serious the geis pledge is to the people here and on the other side of the Arch."
Sunny smiled over at Fiona. "I will be an obedient and respectful student, Aunt Fiona." She looked over at Fury, "Irony's ready whenever you are," Sunny remarked.
Nicodemus got to his feet and gestured to the kitchen door. "The escort should be outside waiting. You will need to collect Orion."
Sunny nodded and went off to get the bareback saddle and bridle that were stored in the closet under the staircase. Bracken disappeared and left Fiona and Nicodemus alone in the kitchen.
"Are you sure this is best for Sunny?" Fiona asked Fury. "Or for you?"
"It is the only solution for her," Nicodemus replied. "I do not think she is aware of just how powerful she is. She has very little control and some will attempt to channel that for their profit. It is what you distrust the most in me that can and will keep her grounded and safe. I will deal with those repercussions as best I can."
"There are those who will accuse you of taking advantage of her for your benefit," Fiona murmured. "If you do not maintain the boundaries between the two of you!"
"I know," Nicodemus said sighing heavily. "But you should be more concerned by Affaron's appearance at Lightrock's penalty trial. He looks unassuming and kind, but he is ambitious and wants to hold onto his position and wants his brother to be Ard Ri for as long as he possibly can. He may be my brother-in-law, but he has always been wary of me and I of him."
"I don't want Sunny caught up in all of that," Fiona murmured, wringing her hands with worry.
Fury nodded. "Then she is safest with me. Blackheart and all!"
Sunny returned carrying the saddle and bridle. She pretended to busy herself with the dangling reins. Nicodemus stepped away from Fiona and went to the kitchen door and opened it for Sunny. She walked out and spotted the escort. It was comprised of two soldiers from each of the four clans. She now recognized most of the mounted men.
Nicodemus walked into the yard and a Dannan soldier brought up his mount. It was a bright coppery red animal with only minimal featherings at the feet. It was more muscular and as tall as Orion. He stepped into the stirrup and settled in the saddle easily. Orion, not to be eclipsed stepped up to his mistress and stood majestically among the other horses, glaring at them as he submitted to the bridle that Sunny slipped over his ears and settled on his head. Sunny wasn't sure how he managed to keep as clean as he was. His white hide gleamed like an opal. His shaggy mane and tail were just as white and completely free of leaves or any other debris. He stood tall and submitted to having the same Dannan soldier assist Sunny in mounting. Then once she was seated comfortably, he strode to join Nicodemus and his mount.
They rode out past the forest edge and the chicken coop and joined up with the rest of the escort. They followed at a respectful distance. Nicodemus glanced over at Sunny who was looking over her shoulder at the group behind them and saw that most of those who were selected to go back to Nu'Ada were in the pack. "Were they all waiting for me?"
"Yes," Nicodemus replied, "Waiting for the Daj Sultana!"
She scoffed at the name, "Sounds like I should be riding an elephant instead of a Pookah!"
Nicodemus chuckled, and they rode on to the open pasture that now had a smaller canvas tent pitched and staked directly to the ground. Partholan guards were waiting to lead the horses away. Orion would of course be at liberty to roam where he liked. Most everyone knew that this stallion was different and unpredictable – it was best to leave him alone to graze in a pasture away from the other horses.
They rode up to the tent where Nicodemus dismounted and handed the reins of his mount over to a guard. He came and helped Sunny dismount. He was the one who pulled the saddle and bridles off and handed them to another guard. Orion once free, paid his respects to Sunny by lowering his head and pressing it into her chest, then moved regally and leisurely away.
Sunny watched Orion fondly then followed Nicodemus into the tent. There were chairs set up facing a row of tables and chairs. The others filed in and took seats. Sunny looked around for Shannon/Shanley but did not see him. From the other tent opening the Chieftains filed in and took seats behind the row of tables. She spotted Griffin Doyle and Oran Bishop who sat side by side with Rowan Teague of the Dannan Clan and Rainbow Wells sitting to the right of Bishop. Teague looked over the group assembled. "Are all here and accounted for?"
Griffin Doyle looked toward the tent flap. "I am expecting my son."
Rowan Teague nodded. "I understand he remains transformed. He will not be able to be blood-bound to a family member or a mentor."
Nicodemus Fury left Sunny's side to stand before the assembly. "The boy is aware while in his current form, I believe it would be best to leave him unbound until there is a suitable mentor found for him in Nu'Ada."
"Perhaps he should stay with Siobhan?" Griffin suggested and looked hopefully at Sunny.
Nicodemus looked over his shoulder at Sunny. She nodded her consent. "Then until we depart for Nu'Ada, Shannon will stay with his family."
Teague looked down the table at Griffin Doyle, "Are you in agreement to this arrangement?"
Griffin smiled at Sunny, then nodded, "Aye, I do agree."
Teague nodded and opened a leather portfolio in front of him and he began calling names. Each time a name was called a family member and together their sponsor joined them at the front of the Chieftains table. They were all voted in unanimously. No one left the tent they were all waiting for the last vote before they moved on to the next item. Nicodemus Fury rose, and Sunny joined him before the chieftains. "I, Nicodemus Fury, stand as a sponsor to Siobhan Colleen O'Neil."
Teague looked up at Nicodemus then over at Sunny, "Are you in favor of this arrangement?"
"Yes," Sunny said, "I am."
Teague looked back at Nicodemus. "The Dannan is also in favor of this arrangement?"
"She is," Fury answered.
Teague nodded and looked to either side at his colleagues at the table, "Then let it be duly recorded that Siobhan Colleen O'Neil will be blood-bound and ward to Nicodemus Fury. All in favor signify with, aye, those opposed, with nay."
There was a pause, and Sunny looked at each of the men sitting behind the table. She glanced at Nicodemus. He stood still yet poised for some kind of action. Then a unanimous round of 'ayes and Teague rapped his knuckles on the table. "It is done!"
Sunny smiled and Nicodemus nodded to the men, and they returned to their seats. Oran Bishop rose and came to stand before the audience. "Most of us who have had friends and family travel to Nu'Ada know what to expect, but you all must know exactly what to expect when you pass through the Arch."
"The list under Rowan Teague's possession will be your passport. The Dannan tribe returns to Nu'Ada in two days, if you are not through the Arch by the time the last wagon from the Dannan tribe has passed through the arch, you will be unable to enter Nu'Ada until the autumn. Likewise, you will be unable to return to Ballencoo from Nu'Ada until the Fall Equinox."
"While you are in Nu'Ada, you will be the ward of your clan or your sponsor. Misconduct, while you are away from your tribe, will be an affront to your family and your chieftain. I trust you will all behave!"
There were titters of laughter and even Oran smiled briefly. He sobered quickly, "For many of you this will be the first time you have been away from your tribe and in a strange land. Nu'Ada is a different place. There are no modern conveniences that many of you are used to. There is no electricity, no cars, or caravans. There are no cell phones, no malls to visit, and no paved roads. You will be in another place. There is danger – always danger."
"Will there be daemons?" asked a young boy from the Badger clan.
"Aye," Oran replied sternly, "There is always the threat of daemons, and as we have come to know, they do not always look like daemons. Some can wear the guise of a person known to you. You must always be alert and always obey your sponsor. If you do not, you may be seriously harmed or even killed."
Oran looked over his right shoulder to Rowan Teague. When Teague rose, the chieftain leaned his hands on the table for a moment then walked slowly around to exchange places with Oran Bishop. The Badger clan chieftain returned to his chair.
"The Dannan clan will return to Nu'Ada at sundown in two days. You must be through the Arch before the last of our caravan passes. If you attempt to pass before the Arch opens or have not been bound to a sponsor, you can be seriously injured or find yourself someplace far away and lost. You will be keyed to enter the Arch at the appropriate time – no sooner; no later."
"It is set this way because of mishaps in the past. Husbands and wives not selected to go the Nu'Ada have attempted to cheat and go as one. There have been serious injuries and even death. If you wish to change your mind, then let me know now before we key you."
Rainbow Wells rose and came around the other side of the table to stand next to Oran Bishop. He held in his hands a small carven box made of a dark wood. "Who among you will go first?" Rainbow asked.
Rainbow took from the box and took out what looked like a small knife with a very thin blade. There was a small blue bottle nestled next to the knife with a small cork on the top covered with beeswax. He handed the bottle over to Oran, who cracked the wax and uncorked the bottle and held out the bottle to Rainbow.
Nicodemus glanced over at Sunny, not making any attempt to get in the line now forming. Then Sunny got to her feet, "Shall we?" she asked looking down at Nicodemus.
He nodded, wondering why he had ever offered to mentor this young woman. Once they were linked, she would know his whereabouts as he would have of her location. Much of his business relied on discretion of the highest order. Could he rely on her keeping silent? He rose, and they joined the others in the line. When they at last stood before Oran and Rainbow, the two chieftains looked at Sunny. "Are you certain that you wish to go to Nu'Ada?"
"I am," she replied.
Rainbow looked at Nicodemus. "Are you prepared to serve as a sponsor to Siobhan Colleen O'Neil?"
He nodded. "Aye, I am." He responded glancing over at Sunny.
Rainbow dipped the blade into the solution and asked for Sunny's right hand. He made a quick cut. It stung only a little, whatever had been used had numbed the skin so a deep enough cut could be made. Sunny watched in fascination as blood pooled in her palm but the wound itself began to instantly heal. It began at the edges and began to close. Nicodemus held his hand out to Rainbow, who made a quick cut to his palm. Then before Sunny's wound could completely close, Nicodemus laid his hand over hers and their blood mingled together.
"Now wherever thou goest, Nicodemus Fury, Siobhan Colleen O'Neil goest in the land of Nu'Ada."
Nicodemus looked at Sunny where she stood next to him, and as their eyes met, he felt a powerful alien presence he had never encountered before! He knew instantly he had also become bound to the entity that dwelled in Sunny! He frowned slightly and then lifted his hand. The cut was healed in both her hand and his. Sunny looked at her hand and saw only a thin pink line where Rainbow had cut.
They returned to their seats and Sunny looked at him. "Is there something going on that I should know about?"
Nicodemus smiled tightly. "This is the first time I have ever been blood-bound to anyone."
"Really?" Sunny responded.
Nicodemus arched an eyebrow at her, and she grinned wickedly at him. "Wow, this day is just full of surprises!"
["What was that presence?"]
"What presence?" Sunny murmured.
Nicodemus frowned. ["You can already hear me?"]
Sunny looked over at him. "What do you mean, can I already hear you?"
["You can already hear my thoughts,"] Nicodemus thought. ["I wonder if I can hear her?"]
Sunny gasped in surprise. She was hearing his thoughts, and he was wondering if he had the same ability!
Nicodemus tipped his head back and smiled faintly then looked over at her. "I can 'hear' you but not as clearly as you can hear my thoughts."
It took her a moment to realize that he was speaking to her. She grinned at him. "You sound the same in thought and speech." She then looked over where the wolfhound sat near Giffin Doyle.
["Shannon, can you hear me?"]
Shanley turned sharply and barked happily, ["I hear you!"]
She smiled. "I can hear Shannon!"
"I wonder who else you can 'hear'." Nicodemus murmured with a bemused smile on his face, "This talent can be of immense help!"
Sunny sent him an outraged glare and her thoughts behind it. Nicodemus only chuckled. "We need to get you over to Rainbow's camp, that's where this year's chieftain's gathering will commence."
Sunny rose. "I'll get Orion's gear and find him."
Only the guards with Nicodemus remained. They had his mount ready. Sunny returned mounted on Orion and ready to ride to the Thornefield encampment.
They rode out ahead of the guard with Orion setting a quick pace. Sunny wondered whether she would be able to 'hear' Orion's thoughts, now that she had been bound to Nicodemus. She focused her thoughts on the Pookah.
["Can you understand me at all, Orion?"]
The sensation was like a fizzing deep in her skull then she heard a light crisp voice. ["I could always understand you, Sultana. You could not always understand me."]
["Who sent you to protect me?"] Sunny asked him.
["Gaddis sent me."] was a clear thought. [He sent me to watch over you. He can only watch over you when you call him."]
"I know who sent Orion," Sunny said for only Nicodemus to hear.
"It was Gaddis, yes?" Nicodemus wanted to know.
"Yes," Sunny murmured.
"I suspected it," Nicodemus replied under his breath. "Ever since you first were drawn to him. What I want to know is why he is so interested in keeping you safe."
"Orion says he was sent to watch over me," Sunny said. "Since he can only watch over me when I call him."
Nicodemus looked sharply at Orion, "Was this already planned, even before your troubles with your brother?" He looked to Sunny to relay Orion's response.
Sunny listened then shook her head. "He isn't saying."
"Indeed!" Nicodemus growled at the Pookah. They topped the hillside and reined in to look down on the Thornfield encampment. A large canvas tent had been pitched near the center of the camp. Already there were many people from the four clans assembling. Nicodemus turned and signaled to his escort captain to come forward. When the man reined in next to Fury, he bowed his head in acknowledgment. Nicodemus returned the nod, "Go ahead of us and let Rainbow know that we're coming in."
The captain nodded and waved his men to head down to the encampment. Fury reined in his mount around so he could look directly at Sunny and Orion. "Have you given thought to when Siobhan is in Nu'Ada, you will be here on this side of the arch?" He looked at Orion, "No offense old friend, but you can only do so much on this side of the Arch."
Orion snorted and stamped a hoof in disagreement. "He says he has a plan and that he can do more than you think!" Sunny replied.
Nicodemus chuckled. "Perhaps so," he replied. "I think you should stay close to me or Tully until we return to Nu'Ada. Once there, it will be easier for me to discover who this threat is and put an end to it and them."
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