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63.63% Gateway Chronicles: The Ballencoo Arch / Chapter 42: Chapter Forty-Two: Ranjai Tor

Chapitre 42: Chapter Forty-Two: Ranjai Tor

Sunny rode with the escort along an open trail that wound through open meadows and heavy forests. The men that accompanied her did not use flame torches but pulled from their saddle packs tall slender batons that when unwrapped, were topped with a brilliant phosphorus material that threw a bright bluish-white glow around the area. Sunny was fascinated by the material but did not ask questions of the men who rode to either side of her. They were vigilant in their task of keeping her and Orion in the close center of their protection. She was under the impression that their employer, Nicodemus Fury, had left those orders and they were not to let her out of their ring of extreme security. They rode on in silence. The escort did stop once they were through the forest. Everyone dismounted and walked for a bit along the road that cut through the wide-open expanse of prairie land. 

They strolled along and Sunny gazed up into the night sky at the pink-pearl moon. It was larger than she had ever seen in her world. It was midway in the sky and heading behind the distant mountain ranges. It was quiet except for whatever night insects and nocturnal creatures roamed through the tall prairie grass. Sunny and the escort walked alongside their mounts for quite a distance, then remounted and resumed the trek on the trail toward Fra'mora. 

During the time they were walking the moon had set behind the dark indigo mountains. The sky was clear, and the bright glints of stars emerged. Sunny felt a chill and was glad of the quilted jacket an escort had given her during one of their brief stops. She slipped on the jacket and buttoned it up with the collar flipped up around her neck. 

She and the escort left the prairie behind and entered another dense forest. This time the road was wide and did not meander; it cut a straight exacting line through the forest. The escort rode with six ahead, four flanking Sunny and Orion and six riding close behind them. 

There were caravans pulled off the road and camped in clearings to either side. As the escort approached the small encampment several men strolled away from their campfires to watch their progress. Seeing that it was a Fury escort, they slipped quietly back into the shadows and left them in peace.

They broke out of the forest and into a wide expanse of tended countryside with low stone fences running to either side of a highway that was wide enough to allow two-way wagon traffic. The road that they were on continued to cut a straight and direct path. The wagon road diverged left and right, around the dense forested area. There were very few dwellings in this area. The homes they rode past were quite large and were estates connected to Fra'mora. Then as the road began to make a wide turn, the castle of Fra'mora came into view. It sat perched atop a group of high natural hills with a tall arrangement of structures protected within a crenulated stone wall interrupted at regular intervals by rounded towers and flat drum towers. There were wooden galleries that went around the outer walls and were clad in slate. 

From her vantage point below the broad open plains that circled the castle, Fra'mora was a large, impressive structure. Sunny was intrigued by the architecture, a strange blending of King Arthur meets the Ottoman Empire. Some of the same sweeping arches with columns and onion-shaped domes seen in the mosques in Turkey looked a lot like what she was now looking at in Nu'Ada. 

It was an impressive sight! This was the ancestral castle of the Fury family. Sunny had already been within the walls, once with Fiona and her memories of the place and with Nicodemus when they had visited Jacob's quarters. She wondered how much of it had changed over that time. There was a tall keep and other arched sections that all seemed to connect to the main yellow stone wall. It was not the same imposing palace that Tara'Nechtan had appeared to be, this castle had the look of something more ancient and built fortress-like. The closer they got to the castle the larger and more impressive it became. Sunny was amazed to see how imposing the structure was especially as they got closer to the village that had grown around and spread out at the foot of the outer walls. 

The escort slowed to a walk as it traveled through the village. It was quiet and though she could see lights on in some of the thatched-roofed cottages. No one was outside, though she did spot older boys perched on rooftops and in the heavy limbs of the trees that grew nearer to the road to get a look at the soldiers and their special detail. The soldiers rode on up a wide road to stop at the front gates of the Barbican. There were guards posted just inside, they came out to greet the captain. Within the gatehouse, Sunny heard the cranking of a huge chain, the heavy portcullis rolled up, and the pointed teeth of the iron grate rose and was held there giving access to the Barbican. The mounted men dropped off and a small core group continued with Sunny and Orion.

They passed through the open courtyard of the Barbican and out onto the wide drawbridge. The hooves of the mounts clattered over the bridge and through the inner gates into a larger courtyard. There the remaining escort was greeted by servants and grooms who collected the horses, all except Orion, who was left alone. A man of middle age emerged from deep within the enclosed gardens, he looked familiar, another Fury.

He walked up to Orion, sketched a formal bow, and spoke in a language Sunny could not understand. Orion lowered his head in formal greeting. The man looked up at Sunny, "Welcome to Fra'mora, Siobhan. I am Gabriel Fury,"

Sunny smiled down at him. This was Nicodemus' youngest brother, and though there was a familial resemblance, Gabriel was more a statesman than a warrior. "I am happy to meet you, Rom."

Orion shifted his stance and moved over to where a stone mounting station stood to one side. Sunny easily dismounted and descended to where Gabriel Fury waited. "It has been a long trip, come in and meet the other members of the family."

Sunny nodded. "Yes, thank you. Allow me to release Orion from his duty."

Gabriel glanced up at the imposing creature and inclined his head. "Yes, of course." She went to Orion and removed the bridle and bareback saddle and handed them to a waiting groom. She looked up into the dark brown eyes Orion angled down at her. ["What do you need, Orion?"] 

["I will wait here for Nicodemus,"] Orion rumbled. ["Then I will go to pay my respects to my dam."]

["She is here?"] Sunny asked.

["She is close,"] Orion said. ["Waiting for me."]

Sunny nodded and turned to where Gabriel waited. He fell into step next to her and entered the inner gardens. They walked down a wide gallery and stepped into a solarium that was like a page from an Ottoman palace. There was a woman seated on a couch with a low round table with trays of fruit, cheese, and bread. There was a young girl about fifteen sitting with a group of women of various ages sitting off to one side. Sunny could feel their suspicion and borderline anxiety with her in their presence. She smiled and projected her best feelings outward. Gabriel faltered in his step as he felt the wave roll over him. He smiled pleasantly and then looked over at the other women. Like a balm over a skinned knee, the anxiety was lowered, and they all seemed to relax and returned to their soft gossiping.

Gabriel drew Sunny to the woman seated at the low table, "Siobhan this is my good-wife, Daijahne."

Sunny dipped a nice formal curtsey, "Roma, thank you for allowing me in your home."

The woman looked up at Sunny with bright wheat-colored eyes and smiled in welcome. "Siobhan O'Neil, we hope you are happy during your stay with us."

The young girl came over and grabbed hold of her father's sleeve and tugged at it. "Papa?"

Gabriel smiled indulgently and patted the girl's hand. "Siobhan this is my youngest child, Katerae."

This young girl had the same exotic coloring as her mother but had the dark hair and eyes of the Fury's. Sunny smiled at the girl and opened her mouth to speak when she sensed, then heard Nicodemus entering the outer gallery. The tension in the room immediately rose, and everyone seemed to be on guard. Sunny turned toward the gallery entrance as Nicodemus strode into the room, tucking his riding gloves into his belt. Trotting alongside him, Shanley. The wolfhound was full of curiosity and purpose! There was no guise masking his true self. Though Nicodemus was older than his brother, he looked decades younger than Gabriel. "Thank you for opening Fra'mora to us, Gabriel! Ranjai Tor is nearly ready to receive guests."

"Ranjai Tor?" Gabriel looked at his brother with a look of disbelief. "You cannot be serious!"

"I am most always serious Gabriel," Nicodemus replied. He spotted the trays of food in front of Daijahne, and he greeted her with a gracious and elegant bow and helped himself to a piece of fruit from the nearest tray. He glanced over at Sunny. "Ranjai is the most convenient spot for additional quarantine tents. Closest to fresh water and within easy hunting in the forest."

"It is also near unprotected lines and those woods are always rife with Sith," Gabriel growled disapprovingly. "But then you knew that!"

Sunny heard the tone when Gabriel spoke of the Sith. Daijahne drew a deep breath and waved to the servants who hovered in the shadows of the gallery. "Who is your companion, Nicodemus?" Daijahne indicated Shanley who was still standing near Nicodemus and had his eyes on Sunny.

"This is Shannon Doyle from the Wolfe Clan," Nicodemus replied. "He is indeed my companion."

Katerae was intrigued! "He has transformed?"

"Yes," Nicodemus answered. "Shannon is also aware, so mind how you address him."

Katerae nodded. "Welcome, Shannon Doyle to Fra'mora."

Nicodemus looked over at the wolfhound, "Off you go lad, go explore this new place."

Shanley/Shannon yipped happily and bounded out the way he had come. He was eager to explore everything! Nicodemus smiled almost indulgently as the wolfhound raced off. 

Daijahne waved the servers from their spots. They came forward with jugs of fruited wine, "You must be famished from your trip," she looked beseechingly at Nicodemus, and he smiled pleasantly.

"Ah yes," He agreed, took Sunny's hand in his, and led her over to one of the low couches placed around the table. "I imagine Siobhan requires refreshments."

They all sat around the table with Nicodemus and Sunny seated on a couch across from Gabriel and Daijahne. Katerae was about to be herded off with the group of women when Nicodemus waved the young girl to join him. "Come little Kat and sit and listen to the chatter of the old people!" Daijahne nodded her permission and Katerae came over to sit on a cushion on the floor near her mother. She was silent as she listened to the adults talk. Occasionally she would reach over and take a meat pie from the table and nibble on it.

"This sickness, Nicodemus tells us about; do you think it will strike heavily our people?" Gabriel asked as they began to eat.

"I sincerely hope it does not," Sunny replied. "If we can quarantine those who fall sick and treat them, we might be able to contain it before it can become widespread."

"It will be difficult to keep many of the tribes away from their land," Gabriel told her, "And they are suspicious of anyone not of their tribe."

"They should not fear the Dannan," Nicodemus muttered around a piece of bread and rubbed his fingers lightly together on the napkin on his knee.

A guard arrived and whispered in Gabriel's ear who in turn looked at Nicodemus, "Did you send for a Par'Shuk tribesman?"

Nicodemus nodded and got up from the couch, patting Sunny on the knee, "That will be our Jah'me wrangler."

"What are you talking about?" Gabriel asked.

"Siobhan will explain!" Nicodemus called as he hurried out with the guard.

All eyes were on Sunny, and she smiled pleasantly at them. "Well, I need the quills of the Jah'me to create a way to deliver the medicine to the people who are sick." Katerae slid away and scampered off to see a real Par'Shuk tribesman.

"You will dart the sick to make them well?" Daijahne surmised.

Sunny nodded. "Yes, it is a new healing technique I learned from a healer in Arwyn."

Katerae rushed back in carrying a leather satchel and a pleased look on her face. "Papa Nico asked me to bring it into the Dannan!"

Sunny started to protest the title but while she was here in Nu'Ada, she would have to convince everyone that she was the Dannan, to treat the sick without raising a lot of suspicion. Katerae came over and with reverence handed the satchel over to Sunny.

Sunny took it, lifted the flap, and peered in. She saw what it was and hugged the satchel and its contents to her chest a huge grin lighting her face. "Thank you!"

Katerae grinned proudly. "Papa Nico said it would make you happy and that I should ask you to make my likeness!"

Sunny drew out the leather-bound sketchbook and in a small drawstring muslin bag were drawing pencils. The pencils were sharpened and inside the satchel was a small bone handle pocketknife she would use to keep them sharp. Katerae was the first subject of her new sketchbook. They continued to talk and ask questions about her sketching abilities. Sunny answered as completely as she could as she drew with quick and sure strokes.

After a bit of time had passed, Nicodemus returned and sat down to resume eating. Sunny glanced over at him. "Thank you, you made good your promise."

"I always keep my promises," He said and glanced at her drawing, then winked at Katerae, "You are going to be amazed, little Kat." 

Sunny was done with the girl's face, hair, and the shoulder facing her. The rest she could fill in later, she tucked her pencil behind her ear and turned the sketchbook around to Katerae. She gasped, "It is magical!"

Daijahne and Gabriel both were astounded. "Incredible likeness! I have never seen anyone with your abilities." Daijahne said examining the sketch closely, "It is as if this drawn Katerae would come alive any moment."

Sunny put away her drawing materials, set the satchel next to her, and patted it. She was happy to have a way to document what she experienced while in Nu'Ada.

"Kat, perhaps you would show Siobhan to her room?" Nicodemus asked. "I want to speak with your papa and mama for a bit."

"Come with me, Sunny!" Katerae said she was anxious to play the grown-up role of hostess and try to find out more about Arwyn. Sunny thanked her hosts and they smiled and wished her a good night's rest. Nicodemus mentally sent her his thoughts and that he would see her before she fell asleep.

"Will you save the people who are sick?" Katerae asked as they walked down a vaulted gallery toward a sweeping set of stairs.

"I am going to try," Sunny replied. "I think it will help everyone who is sick."

Katerae stopped and looked back at Sunny, "Even the Ne'Medians?"

"I will try," Sunny said.

Katerae smiled happily, "Good. That is good, Papa Nico, will be happy to know that."

Katerae stopped and opened the set of carved screen doors and then opened a set of wooden doors. "Here are your rooms, the bathing room is through there," the girl waved her hand off to the left of the sitting room, and to the right was a set of privacy screens that sectioned the bed chamber from the rest of the apartment. There was a nice warm scent of beeswax and honey mixed with lavender and the distinct spice of cedar. "Papa Nico said you would not want a chambermaid in attendance, but I can stay and help you if you like."

"Oh, that's very nice of you, but I can manage on my own," Sunny responded and saw the disappointment on Katerae's face. "But stay and talk to me."

Katerae giggled happily and flung herself on the couch. "Good, get into your bath and I will come and talk to you!"

Sunny agreed and left to check out the bathing room. She walked into a large room with a large sunken pool of hot water that continually circulated hot water. There was a bench with a wooden basket that held several blocks of soap and a large sponge. Sunny placed a large bathing sheet to one side, disrobed quickly, and stepped down into the pool with an appreciative sigh.

Katerae poked her head in and smiled at Sunny as she sank up to her neck in the hot water. Katerae took a bottle from a shelf where there were other towels and bathing sheets and drizzled in a generous amount of scented oils. "Lavender to help you rest."

Sunny took the sponge and the block of soap and began to scrub away the dust of the trip. Katerae watched her silently for a moment, "Your skin is very pale."

Sunny examined an arm and nodded, "Yes, I've always been very pale."

Katerae's skin color was a soft golden color that blended well with her dark hair and wide almond-shaped black eyes. "I heard how you protected Papa Nico from the daemons. It was very brave!"

Sunny drew in a light sigh not thinking of that night at all, but of the kiss earlier that day. She ducked her head and busied herself with the sponge, feeling her face flush pink.

"Do you think Nico is handsome?" Katerae asked suddenly.

"Yes," Sunny responded. "He is very handsome."

"I think so too," Katerae replied. "Far more handsome than Tory Fleethart!"

"Who is Tory Fleethart?" Sunny asked.

"He is the son of Aaron Fleethart, a friend of my papa. I think they want to match me with Tory – but Nico is against it!" Katerae's scowl looked so exactly like Nicodemus' disapproving frown that Sunny had to hide her smile behind the sponge she was using to wash her face.

"Well, I think you are far too young to be even thinking of mates," Sunny told her.

Katerae nodded empathetically, "That is what Nico says, he and Papa argue about it a lot!" She then frowned concernedly at Sunny, "You are beginning to wrinkle up! You should come out!"

Sunny slid around the bathing pool to grab her bathing sheet, then shooed Katerae out while she dried off. As she rubbed herself dry, she realized she did not have any sleeping clothes. Katerae showed up in the doorway again and dangled a tunic at her, "It is way too big, but that is all I could find in Papa Nico's dressing cabinet."

Sunny froze. "These are his quarters?"

"Yes, when Nico visits, this is where he sleeps," Katerae replied.

Sunny slipped the tunic over her head and found it was indeed too big, but she fancied the idea of wearing his night clothes. She padded over to the bed and sat on the end, smoothing her hands over the cloth. He slept in this room and slept under the same covers. She pushed the thoughts away and tried to feel sleepy. Katerae moved idly around the room, touching items, and then she swooped in and hugged Sunny. "Sleep well Sunny, I will see you in the morning!"

Sunny returned the hug and watched the girl skip from the room and close the door. Sunny threw back the coverlet and slid under the covers. She lay back staring up at the ceiling. After a moment, she closed her eyes and let herself drift.

"Open your eyes," came the softly spoken request. "You should not be asleep."

Sunny opened her eyes and sat up, sitting on the end of the bed was Gaddis. He shifted around to study her, "So you are finally here, did you find the reception among the Fury clan welcoming?"

"Yes," she answered.

Gaddis scoffed and dismissed her answer with a flick of his hand, "Liar,"

"Can't blame them for being a little wary," Sunny defended.

"You saved their family from the daemons," Gaddis growled, "Why be wary of that?"

"It's something I shouldn't have been able to do!" Sunny returned.

"No, perhaps not," he allowed with a shrug of his shoulders, "but to be suspicious to the point of locking you away is beyond outrage."

Sunny frowned and looked toward the doors, "I'm locked in?"

Gaddis pointed at the door, "See for yourself if you do not believe me."

She flung back the covers and padded over to the double doors and yanked on them. They remained barred. She scowled and spun around to glare at Gaddis where he sat on the bed. "Why?"

He threw up his hands and leaned back on the bed, grabbing a pillow to stuff under his arm and prop himself up comfortably, "It should be obvious, they are fearful of you. Why else would your mentor be taking you to the mountains? Ranjai Tor is high in the hills."

"The quarantine --,"

"Ranjai Tor is close to the border of Ne'Media and the Crimson Palace," Gaddis told her, cutting off what she was about to explain. "It has nothing to do with the quarantine. What you can do borders on Da'ark magic, and your mentor has no way of controlling it or you!"

"It's an immunization for God's sake! It's done every day in my world!" She defended.

"But only your blood will be the cure for those in Nu'Ada and Ne'Media," Gaddis told her.

"Once there are others---,"

"No, I think not," Gaddis said sadly as he regarded her with dark golden eyes, "Only the blood of the Dannan can be used effectively."

"Why?" Sunny demanded.

"It should be clear to you by now," he replied and sat up. "The blood of the Dannan is sacred."

"No, it's not!" Sunny retorted and came to sit on the bed.

"Perhaps not in your mind," Gaddis said, "But there is no other in this land or yours, whose blood is compatible among the people of Arwyn, Nu'Ada, and Ne'Media. It will save us all, but it may kill you in the process."

Sunny shook her head and turned away from him. "That's simply not true!"

"Yes, it is, Siobhan," Gaddis murmured. "You know what I say is true."

She turned away, let her eyes go out of focus, and reached out to Nicodemus. ["I am locked in this room like a dangerous animal."]

She sensed his anger immediately and was told to dress for traveling. Sunny looked over her shoulder and found she was alone in the room. Gaddis had faded away just like all the other times.

Rather than dwell on Gaddis, his conversation, and everything else, she dressed and packed her travel bag and slung her drawing satchel across her shoulders. Within a few moments, he was standing at the door and unlocking the door. He pushed it open and looked in at her where she stood dressed and waiting to leave. Nicodemus did not say anything only walked in, picked up her traveling bag, and walked out with her following behind him. They went downstairs and out into the courtyard where Orion was waiting with one of the Fury stallions. Nicodemus silently tossed her bag over the pommel of his saddle and turned to her to help boost her to Orion's back.

She no longer was required to ride with a bareback saddle. Orion was pleased to submit no longer to the bridle or saddle and turned to stride into the night with his charge. Silently they rode on the trail and headed toward the foothills and into the higher elevations.

Nicodemus urged his mount up beside Sunny and Orion, "I did not know Gabriel would lock you in the room. We are going on to Ranjai Tor. It is where I call home. When I take a bride, that is where we will live our lives together."

"Gaddis said Ranjai Tor is closer to the Ne'Median border, is that true?" Sunny asked him.

"Ranjai Tor is close to the Dumah Forests but there is also a range of mountains between Ranjai Tor and the Ne'Medians," Nicodemus replied. "At one time, there was an underground passage through the mountain range. No one has attempted to use that passage in hundreds of years. What else did Gaddis say?"

Sunny heard the sarcasm in Fury's voice and smiled. "He did say it was near the Da'ark Brotherhood."

"The Brotherhood is indeed in those very same mountains," Nicodemus told her. "It is possible they may have the help you need. If what Gaddis claims is true, only the Brotherhood will have the answers needed to keep you alive."

"Are they evil?" She asked.

"Yes, some of them are. Most are not even aware of what happens outside the walls of their fortress. They do not have contact with the outside world and spend their life in search of answers to questions no one has even thought to ask."

"Why do you think they can help me?" Sunny wanted to know.

"I am not certain they can. I have a request to speak to one of the brothers. Receiving entrance is rare. When we parted ways, it was not on the best of terms, so I doubt they will receive me." He said then glanced to Orion, "Orion, you can see the path much better than I or your offspring," He slapped the shoulder of the dark stallion he rode affectionately, "Take the lead and we'll follow."

Orion snorted in understanding and surged ahead. Nicodemus and his mount followed closely. As they ascended the path that took them into the foothills, the forested area thinned and became rocky with scrub and the occasional cluster of wind-sculpted cedar and fir trees. The pookah had amazing night vision and he moved at a quick pace, even though the rough terrain where the rains had washed loose the dirt. He continued at a steady smooth canter to the flat-topped mountain toward the barbican of Ranjai Tor.

Nicodemus dismounted and entered a narrow doorway. After a moment the sound of heavy chains began to clatter and rumble. The gates swung out in welcome. Fury reached into a small alcove and pulled out a torch with a large orb of the brilliant blue-white phosphorus that threw cool light in a wide circle. Sunny wondered curiously if it was an animal or plant that generated the light. "It is a plant," Nicodemus replied as he heard her thoughts, "It is called orb moss. When it is wet it throws off a brilliant glow. When it dries out, the light fades."

"Ingenious!" Sunny exclaimed. "No heat to worry about so no accidental fires."

Nicodemus led his mount through the Barbican and to a drawbridge that was already down and waiting on the other side were two guards. Orion trotted over the drawbridge and past the guards who bowed in greetings and Nicodemus paused to speak to them. Orion trotted into the bailey and stopped, giving the area a critical look then allowed Sunny to drop to the ground. He bowed his head down and gently placed the wide plane of his nose into her chest and she stoked his cheek and neck.

["I will be close,"] he told her, ["But not within these iron gates."]

 "I understand," she whispered.

Orion trotted out past Nicodemus, snorting at the man as he headed out. Nicodemus came up to Sunny and motioned her to precede him. She went up the broad set of steps, lifted the heavy latch, and pushed the heavy door open. Inside was a large entryway with a line of tired-looking house staff standing to either side of the door.

One older man stepped forward and bowed low, "Welcome home, Rom Fury."

"Falco, this is our guest, Siobhan O'Neil of Dannan," Nicodemus nodded to Falco, "Siobhan, Falco is my steward. If I am unavailable, Falco is the man to seek."

Falco smiled faintly at Sunny, "It is good to welcome a lady to Ranjai Tor after all this time."

Nicodemus cleared his throat softly and Falco assumed his stiff stance and looked to the others assembled. "We await your orders."

"I do not think we need anything other than a bed to rest for a bit. Show Siobhan to her quarters and see she has everything for her comfort." Nicodemus said, he looked to Sunny and bowed over her hand he took in his, "We will make plans after you have rested."

She dipped a curtsey, feeling all eyes on her. "Good night Rom Baro."

Nicodemus accepted the title with a nod and Falco waved everyone off except for three young women. "These ladies will address whatever you require, Roma."

"Please you don't have to call me Roma," Sunny said as they began climbing the wide staircase.

Falco waved the women ahead of him and looked to Sunny, "You would prefer Daj?"

Sunny scoffed lightly, "Neither one," she replied lightly.

Falco frowned his dark eyes growing sad. "I do not understand why you wish to rebuke your title --."

"I don't rebuke --," Sunny said then sighed, "Perhaps Roma is best, Falco."

He nodded understandingly. "Yes, Roma,"

The quarters where Sunny was installed were lavish and set high in the keep facing the east. She walked to the balcony and looked out. Far in the distance, she could just see the spires of Tara'Nechtan. Out there was the arch that was connected to Ballencoo. She wondered what was happening there.

The women bustled about quickly arranging the room under Falco's critical eye. Then three men arrived each carrying a large trunk. They deposited them to one side and made a hasty retreat. Sunny went over to the trunks and looked questioningly at Falco. He nodded as he spotted the insignia on the top. "Rom Fury said these were coming. We did not expect you until tomorrow --,"

"What are they?" Sunny asked

"Clothing," Falco replied, "Everything you will need for your stay here."

She pulled the latches on the center trunk and lifted the lid. She ran her hand over the top gown and smiled faintly. "These are beautiful," she stepped back as the women began to unpack the trunks.

"Come lady," one woman urged, "Bathe away the ride from Fra'mora, then to bed with you."

Sunny did not argue, she followed the woman into a room that like Fra'mora had a large stone pool that was heated and had a constant flow of hot water. "I am called Aria," the young woman said gently. "I will help settle you. You need a good night's rest, tomorrow promises to be very busy."

She was already too tired to protest having the woman help her disrobe. She stepped down into the water that was liberally scented with lavender oil. Aria tied up Sunny's copper hair in a band and then slipped out to allow her privacy.

Sunny looked around the room, it was stone that was clad in plaster. The ceiling was of light oak planks and supported by heavy wooden beams. The floor was stone tile. She found the basket with a sponge and soap, and she washed away the ride from Fra'mora as well as the entire evening. She wondered why Gabriel had been so fearful. After a few minutes of soaking, even that did not seem important.

Aria returned and gently urged her to come out and dry off. When Sunny tried to attend to herself she found that she was so sleepy that she did not even mind that Aria also took over that job and placed a soft nightgown over her head. Sunny silently put her arms into the openings Aria held open for her.

"Come now, you will sleep and then in the morning you can discover Ranjai Tor with the master."

Sunny murmured sleepily and Aria helped her into the bed and drew the covers over her. Sunny fell asleep almost immediately.

Aria left the room, closed the door, and reported immediately to her master. She walked into the large study, "The lady is asleep, Rom."

Nicodemus nodded. "Thank you, Aria." He said as he turned away from the fire that burned in the grate. "If you would; see that she rests peacefully through the night and let her sleep until mid-morning."

"I will Rom," Aria responded. She was happy to have such a responsibility. Not since Brianna had been a young girl had Aria been called to care for a young lady. "The Roma will not object to my being Ne'Median?"

"No, she will not, Aria," Fury answered. "You will find the lady to be very kind."

Aria smiled happily. "Good night Rom Baro."

"Good night Aria," Nicodemus answered.

Nicodemus turned and studied the fire once more. It made sense to him now, that he would have an affinity with Ne'Medians. He carried their blood. It would be very surprising to his brother, to know he too, carried the blood of a Ne'Median princess! He smiled to himself and turned to enter his private quarters. He poured a strong liquor into the decanter that sat on a small table alongside several other bottles and glasses. He sat on the edge of his bed and sipped the dark red liquor. He set the glass on the bedside table and propped all the pillows up against the headboard. He eased back into the cushions reaching for his glass. He would probably not sleep. His thoughts were a jumble of questions and feelings that needed sorting out.

He finished his drink lay back and stared up at the folds of the tapestry that floated over his bed. As the room began to lighten with the cool grey of predawn, he closed his eyes and drifted into a half-sleep. He knew that it would not be long before Falco arrived with a change of clothes and the unsaid orders to bathe and attend to his morning routine. He smiled. Falco was a good steward! 

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