Moon Bear slipped out through the crumbling wall that surrounded the city in the far province that opened to the deep forests that separated his home of Ne'Media from the confusing and dangerous world of his friend Nicodemus Fury.
The time just before sunrise was the quietest and for a Sith, the most relaxing. The world was still. Even the night hunters were returning to their homes and settling down to sleep. He slipped through the dense forest his eyes, ears, and body tuned to the movement of the forest. He paused briefly to catch his breath. Moon Bear raised his head to taste the air. His whiskers extended to catch any vibration in the quiet forest. There was nothing. He continued at a slower lope until he came close to the encampment of his father and the Sith warriors.
Moon Bear was greeted by his friends with brief head butts and welcoming murmurs. As he came up to where his father camped, he slowed his pace and stopped just outside Stone Tiger's tent. He trilled softly and received a call to enter. He did.
"You are well, my son?" Stone Tiger rested golden eyes on him, and Moon Bear lowered his gaze respectfully his ears shifting forward to further show his respect.
"I am well, my sire. I have come from Nicodemus Fury and have seen the woman." Moon Bear said.
"Come and sit, Moon Bear," Stone Tiger said waving to an area set as a place of relaxation. "Tell me."
Stone Tiger watched as his son briefly combed his fingers through the ruff of hair that covered his neck and upper chest. It was a telling sign that Moon Bear was collecting his thoughts and his words carefully. This intrigued him! Stone Tiger sat and was silent as he watched his son get up and pace the area around where his father sat waiting.
Stone Tiger sat and regarded his son. He was especially proud of his youngest offspring. He had demonstrated at an early age all the intelligence and prowess of an exceptional Sith warrior. His other siblings were strong and had talents of their own, but Moon Bear was more. Even Gaddis himself had taken notice of Moon Bear.
"I have come from Fury, and he had the Daj with him. She can walk the spirit trails." Moon Bear paused to examine the scar that ran across his arm. A battle scar, it had healed, but the scar was a wonderful badge from his worthy adversary that had nearly killed him and had made Nicodemus Fury his blood-brother. "There is a sickness in Nu'Ada, and it comes from her land of Arwyn! Only her blood can bring the cure. She is a Da'ark Magicker!" Moon Bear growled.
"I'm afraid you are ill-informed, my proud Sith cub!"
Moon Bear jumped up and faced the tent opening. As soon as he recognized Gaddis, he immediately lowered himself to one knee and bowed. Stone Tiger rose and bowed toward Gaddis. "My liege,"
Gaddis waved a hand toward Stone Tiger and Moon Bear. "Do not stand on ceremony! I am not officially here! But you, Moon Bear are incorrect. Siobhan is not a practitioner of the Da'ark – what she possesses is far more powerful than mere witchery."
"The Daj Sultana is of noble and royal blood," Stone Tiger replied. "Siobhan carries the same blood as the emperor!"
"How can that be?" Moon Bear murmured then when Gaddis glared at him, he cringed and hunched his shoulders, waiting for a blow from the emperor or his father.
"It is a tale that will take far too long to tell," Gaddis said. "But listen well Moon Bear, you will return to Nu'Ada, and you will assist the Daj Sultana –"
"I will not—"
"You will not?" Gaddis stepped toward Moon Bear and reached out to grasp the young Sith by the scruff. Moon Bear growled low in his throat, but Gaddis shook him. "Let me remind you that you are my subject! I have given you a command!" Gaddis let go of the dense fur around Moon Bear's neck and moved away to observe the young Sith. "Now, you will do exactly as I tell you to do! You will continue to take certain information to Nicodemus Fury and return with information you learn from him. He has helped you numerous times and you have blood bonded – do you honor this bond? Or am I to assume you dishonor him as well as yourself?"
"No, my liege!" Moon Bear said.
"Then tell me what you have learned," Gaddis said.
"There is a sickness that has come to Nu'Ada from Arwyn," Moon Bear began, "The Daj has a blood-spell that carries the cure."
Gaddis threw a look at Stone Tiger then back to Moon Bear. "You said she travels the spirit trails. You saw this?"
"I did, my liege!" Moon Bear declared. "The Daj can travel the spirit trails and appear in physical form. She brought Nicodemus Fury to Tara'Nechtan."
"From where?" Gaddis wanted to know.
"From Ranjai Tor."
Stone Tiger growled low in his throat and Moon Bear saw the looks that passed between his sire and the emperor.
Stone Tiger waited, his eyes fastened on his emperor for a long time then he nodded to Moon Bear to continue.
"The Daj said that once the cure was in the blood, then those cured would then cure others who fell sick."
Gaddis was silent, but he nodded to Stone Tiger his consent to release Moon Bear. The Sith commander turned to his son, "Go now, my son. Eat and rest and in the morning we will talk further."
"Yes sire," Moon Bear responded and bowed toward the emperor. "By your leave, my liege!"
Gaddis nodded and the young Sith slipped through the tent flaps and was gone. Stone Tiger folded his arms over his chest and regarded Gaddis silently.
"Perhaps I should keep Moon Bear close for a time before he returns to Fury?"
Gaddis sighed heavily. "Perhaps for a short time. But I want to return him soon."
"This sickness, will it reach us here?" Stone Tiger asked.
Gaddis nodded. "It will come here. But it is as Moon Bear reported, the blood of the Daj has the cure."
Stone Tiger looked toward the opening of his field pavilion, "I will speak to my son again. He will return to Nu'Ada."
Gaddis made ready to leave the Sith commander and paused, "It may be time to visit our Daj. With a small escort of Sith."
"We travel to Ranjai Tor?" Stone Tiger asked.
"Yes," Gaddis replied. When he got to the pavilion's exit he looked back at his Sith commander, "Stress to Moon Bear the cost we will pay if we lose this opportunity. If the prophecies are true, then we have a chance for peace!"
Moon Bear's sensitive ears caught the conversation between the emperor and his father. He knew he was spying for the emperor and carrying information back from Nicodemus Fury. What information he returned to help Fury was beneficial to keeping the peace in both lands. The emperor was doing this to keep peace, but with Kaderyn leading the daemons – they were losing the battle. He tried to understand what was happening and his role in all of it, but he was confused, and he was tired. He moved away and headed to a quiet spot to rest.
Stone Tiger bowed his head toward his Emperor. "It will be done."
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