The sunset was spectacular! When Sunny woke up from her nap, Falco had let her know Nicodemus had left to attend to business. He gave her no more information. It was either because he had no information, or he had been so well trained that he would not readily give information even to Fury's mother!
She left Nicodemus' bedroom and retired to her room. It was very quiet in Ranjai Tor. She sat on the balcony of her sitting room and watched the sky turn from a fiery red, and indigo as the bronze disc of the sun slipped behind the mountains.
Where Nicodemus Fury was Sunny could not discern. He had suddenly gotten better at hiding his thoughts and his actions. She could have pressed and found out, but it was best to let him go about his business without her interference. If and when he wanted her to know – he would come and tell her.
Her thoughts went back to Nicodemus Fury. She felt something deep and passionate that she had never experienced with anyone else. At least she thought so. But as she considered the Ne'Median Emperor she wondered if that attraction came from the blood bond or springing from somewhere else. Sunny felt the chill of the evening begin to seep into her body and she rose from her chair and headed to the sitting room where she knew a fire would be burning.
She walked into the large common room and found it empty, but the fire was burning nicely in the grate, and she went to curl up in one of the chairs and watch the flames. Sunny had only just settled in when she heard voices down in the entrance hall. She heard Nicodemus' voice, then Falco's and several others she was not sure of, but judging from the low rumbling tones of the voices - it was someone of importance!
The doors of the sitting room swung open, and Sunny was stunned to see the Ne'Median Emperor and Nicodemus Fury striding through the door side by side.
Fury spotted Sunny where she sat by the fire, "We have guests!"
Sunny got to her feet and stepped out into the main part of the room. "Your majesty, this is a surprise!"
Gaddis smiled pleasantly at her and bowed slightly. "Greetings to you, Daj Sultana. I trust you are well."
Fury headed over to the liquor table and held up a decanter. "Something to warm you after your trip?"
"Yes, I believe I will!" Gaddis replied, joined Nicodemus at the table, and accepted the glass of liquor he was handed. Falco appeared with a laden tray, which he deposited on the low table and disappeared, closing the double doors quickly behind him. Gaddis sipped from the glass Fury handed him and toasted Fury, "A fine vintage!"
Fury indicated they should sit, and Sunny came over to the couch and they all three took seats and made themselves comfortable. Gaddis leaned forward and took one of the meat pastries, bit into the savory morsel, and chewed. Under normal circumstances, this gathering was already extraordinary --- but the fact that the Ne'Median king sat as an ordinary guest in the home of a Nu'Adaian nobleman was preposterous!
"To what do we have the honor of your visit?" She asked.
Gaddis leveled his dark amber gaze over at Sunny, "I have heard some disturbing news."
Sunny glanced over at Nicodemus and drew a deep breath before she began. "Then you've heard about the sickness. Do you remember from any of our previous visits, telling me about a sickness that had come to your people?"
Gaddis lowered his head in thought for a moment then nodded. "Yes, I do remember."
"It has come to Nu'Ada and I'm afraid it may come to Ne'Media." Sunny scrubbed her hand over her face with the sudden weariness that began to creep into her mind. "It originated from a healer in Arwyn. There is good news though – we can administer a vaccine made from my blood serum for the most seriously ill. Being forewarned may have helped the sickness from spreading."
Gaddis frowned first at Nicodemus then over at Sunny, "The Daj Sultana carries the only cure? How do you propose to do this without killing yourself?"
Sunny shrugged her shoulders. "At this moment, I believe I may be the sole donor. But there will be other donors – you among them. I have directly contracted the infection and overcome it. So, my blood carries the strongest cure."
"There will be those who will not contract as severe a form of the illness," Nicodemus said. "Then other blood donors will be suitable to help protect the people of Nu'Ada, Ne'Media, and Arwyn."
"And if the sickness becomes stronger?" Gaddis wanted to know.
"We must work quickly to prevent that from happening," Sunny said. "When we found out in Arwyn, Nicodemus acted very quickly to quarantine those who had fallen ill there and after they arrived in Nu'Ada. We may be ahead of the spread."
"You can only do what is humanly possible," Gaddis said looking at Sunny.
"As soon as we have enough of the serum, it will be made available to the most seriously ill," Sunny replied.
"What do you need from me?" Gaddis asked.
"Try to limit your people's exposure to any outsiders," Sunny told him. "You probably should limit contact until you receive the serum."
"Is it possible that not all of the candidates from Arwyn will become sick?" Gaddis asked.
Sunny nodded. "I hope there are many who never fall ill, the healer in Arwyn created the sickness to adversely affect those of the Wolfe clan and possibly those in the Badger clan. If we can concentrate our efforts on only those who do fall sick and isolate them and their families until they are well, it may halt the spread. Last time my great-grandmother quarantined the sick in Arwyn until they improved." Sunny replied. "I didn't find any mention in her notes she had quarantine areas in Nu'Ada. This time, we have quarantine tents here at Ranjai Tor and Fra'mora. It would help if there was a quarantine area in Ne'Media for those who contract the sickness. They need to be isolated with their families."
"It will be done," Gaddis replied.
"We will soon have Sirens trained to give the serum," Sunny said. "As soon as we get a way to deliver it, they will be dispatched to help give the shots."
"What do you need in the way of supplies?" Gaddis asked.
"I have several men and women working on a prototype. From what I have seen so far, I believe it will work as well as the instruments in Arwyn." Nicodemus replied.
Gaddis nodded. "This healer in Arwyn has committed such treachery – why does he now help undo what he had set in motion?" He studied Sunny for a long moment then he leaned forward and caught Sunny's emerald gaze and held it. In the span of a few heartbeats, he saw something in her he did not like. "You hold this healer in thrall in Arwyn?"
"He needed to stay and help repair the damage he's done!" Sunny responded sharply.
Gaddis glanced over at Nicodemus. "The ability to hold someone in thrall is Da'ark magic." He stared hard at Sunny, "If you have this ability it will consume you – if you are not strong enough to keep it in check."
Sunny glared at him. "You don't think I'm strong enough to control myself?"
"Are you?" Gaddis asked.
She turned away and stared at the carpeted floor. "I don't know."
Gaddis angled a look at Nicodemus. "Then I ask you; are you strong enough to do what is necessary should she fall under the powers of Da'ark magic?"
Nicodemus chuckled bitterly at the thought. "I have dealt with Da'ark magic before."
Gaddis accessed Nicodemus frankly, "Yes, you have."
"The compulsion is gone! The healer has remained to help undo the damage he's done." Fury told him.
Gaddis was not convinced but he pushed his concerns away and got to his feet. "Very well! I will allow this serum you say will protect my people from the sickness."
"We'll begin spinning out the serum and it could be ready by tomorrow evening," Sunny replied.
"How long will it take you to deliver the first of this serum?" Gaddis asked, "Traveling overland is dangerous particularly now that there is a break between the Sith and Kaderyn's daemon army."
"Are the passes through the mountains still open?" Nicodemus asked pointing out the doors of the balcony, "It would cut many hours of travel time if we could travel that route."
"Access will be granted," Gaddis said perching once again on the low couch and directing his golden gaze at Nicodemus. "I will have my fastest Sith warriors waiting near Ranjai Tor to escort the Sirens and the serum back to Ne'Media."
They all nodded in agreement and Gaddis reached for another meat pastry. He chewed appreciatively and dusted his fingers on a linen napkin that was laid over one knee. Nicodemus continued to sip his liquor then angled a questioning look at Gaddis.
"Since you are here, I would like to ask you a question,"
Gaddis directed an appraising look at Fury. "You may ask your question, however, I may not be moved to answer it!"
Fury scoffed lightly. "I understand,"
"What is your question?" Gaddis inquired.
"My father had a secret that you threatened to reveal. What was it?" Fury asked.
"That died with Jacob Fury." Gaddis replied glancing at Nicodemus, "Quite frankly it is none of your concern!"
"But it is!" Sunny returned. "Why did Jacob Fury hate Siobhan Dannan?"
Gaddis sat up and leaned forward, his golden eyes snapping irritably at Sunny. "Your quest for the truth will only lead to more unanswerable questions!"
Gaddis handed his empty glass to Nicodemus to refill. Fury sent a withering glare at the Ne'Median then rose to refill both his and Gaddis' glass. When Fury handed the liquor-filled glass, Gaddis sipped the dark honey-colored liquid for a moment, "Very well; to the point of it then! You are attempting to root out the truth of why Jacob Fury refused you to have any contact with the Dannan or her daughters."
Nicodemus nodded silently.
Gaddis placed his glass on the low table in front of him and reposed gracefully against the cushions of the couch where he and Nicodemus sat. "If you were to go look up in Siobhan Dannan's journals you will come to find the entry of a young Sith female by the name of Janai Ye'kari. She came in secret to the Dannan for healing. She and many of her Sith village females had been repeatedly abused by a strike force from Nu'Ada. They were spoils of war. It is common to take captives and find pleasure whenever you like," he sent a hard look at Nicodemus then reached for his glass and drained it. He sat back and slowly twirled the glass in his hand. "A young commanding warrior had taken notice of Janai and rather than turn her over to his men, he kept her for his pleasure alone. No doubt he rationalized in his mind; he was sparing her from mass violation by keeping her for himself."
"Oh, my God!" Sunny declared. "Are you truly saying that Jacob Fury ---,"
Nicodemus raised a hand to silence her. "Go on," he said softly, his dark eyes riveted on Gaddis.
"Janai named her captor; If you don't believe me," Gaddis replied pointing an imperious finger at Sunny, "You can find it in the Dannan's record book. Every Dannan kept meticulous records of all their visitors."
"I don't believe you!" Sunny snapped.
Gaddis shrugged his shoulders lightly, "As is your will, but then it is not up to you to believe or disbelieve."
"Was there a child?" Nicodemus whispered.
"Indeed!" Gaddis cheered. "A fine Sith male!" He smiled mildly and looked mournfully at his empty glass. Nicodemus got to his feet and began pacing. The liquor he had drunk had gone sour in his gut and was threatening to boil up in his throat.
Nicodemus drew a deep breath. "Who is my brother?"
Gaddis looked over at Sunny then watched Fury pacing back and forth for a moment, "My Sith commander."
Sunny gasped, "Stone Tiger?"
Gaddis nodded with a bemused look on his face as he continued to study the pacing nobleman. He rubbed his fingers over the linen napkin again but did not lean forward to take anything more from the tray of pastries. "Being so filled with regret I suppose; and threats of having the truth revealed -- your father made provisions for his Sith family. He did, however, keep them secret from even his sons and his good wife. When he discovered that Siobhan Dannan treated Janai he thought she would reveal his indiscretions."
"She did not," Nicodemus said. "The Dannan is bound to secrecy!"
"It was enough to keep his silence," Gaddis said as he flicked imaginary lint from his sleeve. "He was so determined to go to his Ard Ri with his information that I had no choice but to use my knowledge of his crime to stop him."
"What was it he was going to report?" Sunny asked.
"That the Dannan family of Arwyn are direct descendants of my ancestors." Gaddis grinned at her, a smile of pure malevolence. "Jacob knew the truth of the Dannan's, and it was his self-righteous bigotry that kept his sons and the Affaron princes from even considering wedding a daughter of the Dannan. What is delicious," the emperor continued with perverse glee suddenly sparkling in his golden eyes, "Jacob Fury never knew that the blood of Ne'Medians flowed in his veins as well!"
Nicodemus shook his head in great disappointment. "Why did you not tell him?" He asked Gaddis, "Why keep that from him?"
"As difficult as it is to believe," Gaddis told them. "I rather liked the man and revealing his additional stained past would have certainly killed him. The hate he carried for me was the thing that kept him alive. He was deeply flawed and prideful, arrogant, and at times even mercenary – but war creates all kinds of heroes and villains great and small."
"The hate he carried for himself destroyed him. Who else knows?" Nicodemus wanted to know.
"Only those in this room."
"And Kaderyn?" Sunny asked.
"He knows nothing," Gaddis stated.
"You were both meddling in lives that were not your own!" Nicodemus said, giving a hard look at Gaddis.
"Meddling?" Gaddis questioned. He laughed at the thought. "Perhaps so, but Jacob Fury is gone, there is no more threat – I thought! Not until the first daughter came along." He waved a hand over at Sunny. "When I got word a first daughter had returned to Ballencoo, I admit that I was curious about Colleen's granddaughter. Especially when without any training, this girl spectacularly fouled Kaderyn's plot to assassinate the Ard Ri!"
"But you knew the secrets of the Dannan," Nicodemus said, "It must not have been much of a surprise when Siobhan showed all the signs of being the Daj Sultana."
Gaddis nodded in agreement. "Yes, yes that is true, but I did not know truly until our lady here discovered and connected with the Shai'Alomar dagger. Only then did I know for certain."
"And prepare for the coming prophesies?" Nicodemus asked.
"Is there some kind of apocalypse coming?" Sunny muttered sullenly.
"Depends on what side you find yourself supporting," Gaddis returned. He drew a deep sigh and looked up into the vaulted ceiling of the room they sat in. "There have been many signs of your coming – some good and some bad."
"What harm would there be in a united world? Eyru would finally have her peace." Nicodemus replied sadly. He looked down at his clasped hands.
Sunny glanced over at Nicodemus, "United? You mean Nu'Ada and Ne'Media together?"
Gaddis waved a dismissive hand at them. "It would never be, and frankly; I enjoy being the emperor of Ne'Media."
Nicodemus glanced over at Gaddis. "As long as the Partholan holds power, and those families continue to support Affaron – to which my sister belongs – it would be sedition to go against him."
"Perhaps so, but think on this Nicodemus Fury," Gaddis told him. "A Fury sitting on the throne of Nu'Ada, carrying the blood of Nu'Ada and Ne'Media. When the time is right it could have interesting possibilities--;" he left whatever else to be said float into the upper rafters of the room.
Nicodemus got to his feet once again and began to pace. Sunny could feel his agitation and something else – it was dangerous. The notion of usurping the throne of Nu'Ada was tantalizing but when Fury felt Sunny's presence he pushed her out of his thoughts with a shake of his head. "No. It is treason!" he said finally and sat down.
Gaddis shook his head in mild disappointment then leveled a look at Sunny. "So, you have more secrets revealed laid bare for your inspection! Can you now say you are satisfied?"
"It was I that wanted to know," Nicodemus said. "I asked Siobhan to take me to the day my father was leaving. He would not see me. Now I know why."
Gaddis inclined his head a fraction then got to his feet and went to the fireplace. He reached for the fire poker and prodded at the logs. He watched the angry sparks fly up. "There is more to this tale."
Sunny and Nicodemus exchanged surprised looks before turning their attention to Gaddis where he stood gazing into the fire. He replaced the poker and turned his back to the fire. "Stone Tiger is Moon Bear's sire. It was arranged that this Sith warrior would carry my information to you, Nicodemus Fury."
"This is unbelievable!" Nicodemus said. "Moon Bear is my nephew!"
"Delicious, yes?" Gaddis cheered.
"Does Stone Tiger know?" Sunny asked Gaddis.
"Yes," Gaddis replied. He stepped away from the fire, took his glass to the liquor table, and poured himself another glass. "This vintage is delicious, you can taste the sun and mountain snows."
"Does Moon Bear know?" Sunny asked Gaddis
"He does not know." The emperor said then looked at Nicodemus curiously. "Still thinking of the possibilities?"
Nicodemus scowled at the emperor. "No!"
"Liar!" Gaddis flung back and chuckled at the outrage in Fury's eyes.
Nicodemus turned to Gaddis, "I will check on your escorts and their horses."
"My Sith commander will be waiting," Gaddis replied. "He came as my escort but is curious to meet his brother."
Nicodemus stopped at the door and looked back over his shoulder at Gaddis. "That makes two of us!" he sent an odd look over at Sunny then back to the Ne'Median, "I will return shortly."
Gaddis watched the elder Fury disappear behind the doors. "Fury could easily wear the crown of the Ard Ri."
"I don't think he wants it," Sunny replied, "I believe he enjoys the title of ne'er-do-well."
Gaddis chuckled softly. "Indeed, but he has the heart of a king if he were to only admit it to himself." He tilted his head slightly at Sunny in question, "I sense an intimacy between you and Fury that was not there before. Am I to accept him as your mate or is this merely a physical attraction?"
Sunny went to the doors that looked out on the balcony, the sun had completely gone, leaving only whispers of light low on the mountains. "I have not had time to sort it all out, but I do love him."
Gaddis joined her on at the windows. He smiled faintly at her pensiveness. "You will wear the mantle of the Daj Sultana well, Siobhan – but your heart will need to grow used to the many levels of love, affection, dedication, and passion of those who will pledge themselves to you. I confess – as old as I am – must count myself in that number."
She turned from the window and looked up at him. "Tully said much the same thing to me in Arwyn."
"Do not be frightened of it," Gaddis said softly, his golden eyes were dark and stormy. "Relish it. Bask in the fire that will ignite your blood. You carry the blood of royalty, Siobhan, and now that it has awakened in you, many will fear it, and many will try to harness it, but you can bring peace. We all want that."
"I will do everything I can to make that happen," Sunny replied.
Gaddis smiled fondly at her. "You will not do it all on your own," he told her. "You will have help – when the time is right." He stepped close and drew her to him. His golden eyes were dark as the flames in the fireplace. His mouth covered hers, and when she did not reject his kiss, he lifted his head to gaze into her eyes. "You will hear from me again soon, Siobhan."
Sunny felt a warm flush flare in her cheeks. Gaddis turned and left the room, swinging the doors wide as he exited. Sunny followed after a moment and stood at the top of the staircase waiting for Nicodemus to return.
Gaddis strode out to the courtyard where his mount and Sith escort waited. Nicodemus stood with Stone Tiger. They were speaking in low tones, but no doubt they were quickly becoming acquainted. When Gaddis took the reins of his mount from one of the Sith escorts, he walked over to Fury and extended his hand to him. "Take care, Nicodemus Fury. Watch after our lady."
"I will," Fury answered. He met the Emperor's fiery golden gaze with a challenging glare of his own. Fury was more than aware of the attraction Gaddis had for Sunny. Whether it was reciprocated, he could not be certain. That part of Sunny seemed to be shielded from him.
Gaddis could almost 'hear' Fury's thoughts. He paused, considering whether or not to delve into the relationship Fury had with Sunny. He was in a similar position as Fury in that he could not reach what Sunny chose to shield from him concerning Nicodemus Fury! It was apparent that Fury was devoted to Sunny on many levels, and Gaddis was satisfied that he would protect her with his life.
Gaddis stepped up and seated himself in the saddle. He gathered up the reins and the horse responded to his master's command to back away a few paces. "She carries the protection spirit of Annwyn Mor."
"You have sensed it as well?" Nicodemus said softly. "It is strong, as it is dangerous."
"Yes, it is very dangerous to those who mean Siobhan harm," Gaddis murmured then threw a wicked grin over at his Sith commander, "We will see one another again soon. I will send Moon Bear to you. He will report directly to me or his sire. One of us will respond immediately if you need us."
The Sith escort maneuvered their horses around the Ne'Median Emperor, and they moved swiftly out of the bailey and were gone. Stone Tiger was the last to depart. He raised a hand in farewell to Nicodemus and Fury returned the gesture.
Much has kept me from my story! I apologize for leaving things in such a state! I continue to have outside tasks that keep me away from my installments -- but I will upload as often as I can! Thank you for your patience.
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