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51.63% Game of Thrones: The Legend of Jon Arctic – ASOIAF/GOT GOT / Chapter 77: Chapter 77 - Artican Trade in Westeros 04 (Dorne 02).

Chapitre 77: Chapter 77 - Artican Trade in Westeros 04 (Dorne 02).

[Chapter Size: 2700 Words.]


Thrid Person POV

Dorne, 295 AC.


Silence enveloped the atmosphere of the place for a while, Jon and Nyra Sand stared at each other in a unique way as if everything around them had vanished, leaving only the two of them, yet neither of them uttered a single word, just two pairs of eyes, one grey with a green circle and the other purple, locked onto each other here.

Nyra was the first to break the silence amidst the hostility of the locale. "Hello, my name is Nyra Sand. I apologize for my uncle. He did not mean to offend and if he did, on behalf of House Martell, we humbly ask for forgiveness." Nyra spoke in a non-political tone.

Jon still stared at her, wondering who she was and why she seemed so different from any woman he had ever seen. "I want to leave, your uncle wants to provoke us, we came for business, but it seems he is not receptive, so we are leaving, this was until your uncle wanted to threaten us." Jon, despite feeling odd about the girl, still maintained a firm voice, wanting to leave Dorne.

The girl wanted to punch her uncle at that moment, but she kept her calm and spoke with the intention of not letting them leave without speaking to her adoptive father. "Please! We apologize for the misunderstanding, my father is very interested in speaking with you, we will compensate you for the misunderstanding, just give a chance to meet the protector of the south, I promise you won't regret it." She said, not wanting Jon to leave.

Jon just stared at her for a while, his men were ready to act at any moment behind him, so they waited for their king to decide, while Jon looked at her, thinking for a brief moment, he no longer planned to stay, but this girl caught his attention. Then with a sigh, she spoke again. "As long as you arrange our stay, I think we can meet your father." Jon commented, making the Dornish men relax a bit seeing the giants lowering their huge weapons.

The girl gave a small smile before looking at those giants for the first time and even felt a shiver thinking about the kind of chaos they could cause if Oberyn had entered into conflict, Nyra went back to her uncle, who seemed a bit cautious still, imagining he must have been quite surprised since those giants got off the ship and he was about to face such creatures head-on.

"Uncle, I hope I can take it from here..." Nyra approached and spoke to him, finally snapping him out of his daze to look at his niece.

"Yes... I'll let you take over..." He said reluctantly, but not being able to do much about the situation.

Nyra nodded and turned her attention back to the man from the north. "May I know your name, I wasn't here when you announced it." He asked calmly.

"I am Jon Ártica, responsible for the fleet and a newly-formed kingdom a few years ago." Jon spoke calmly.

"It's a pleasure, Jon Ártica, I am a Sand, I hope this won't bother you while I'm leading you through Dorne..." He commented, hoping his response wouldn't be negative.

"No, it doesn't bother me, your uncle seems to have hostilities against the Starks, their blood runs through my veins, I hope you and your father won't have issues with that like your uncle did." Jon commented, looking into her eyes.

Nyra couldn't say she wasn't a bit bothered by that, but she kept calm and still wanted to know more about this man. "No... I don't mind and my father certainly won't mind either, as I mentioned before, we will compensate you for the troubles caused by my uncle." She commented and asked her guards to make way through the crowd and turned back to Jon.

"Should I call you King Ártica or Lord Jon?" She comments before proceeding.

"Call me Jon, titles need not be held in a realm outside of my own, but as long as you don't insult me, my family or my kingdom and my men." Jon shrugged, as long as he was not disrespected like before, he didn't care how people called him here.

"Alright, but I will call you Lord Jon then, since calling you king might be an insult to Robert Baratheon," she said, and Jon felt a certain hatred in her tone. "You may bring a limited number of soldiers, as we could not house more giants if you had more of them on the other ships," she comments, looking at the large men, and Jon nods.

"Gather only a small group; I want my sister and my wives with me," Jon comments to one of the royal guards, who immediately leaves, and Nyra feels a bit disappointed when she hears him mention wives, in her heart, but she remained diplomatic on the outside.

Jon gathered a group to go to Sunspear, bringing some carts with their goods and provisions to spend a few days away from the ships if needed, "I hope you don't mind us bringing some direwolves..." Jon turns to Nyra next to his uncle, who now remained silent.

"Well... if you ensure they won't wreak havoc, it's fine, since we have giants coming off the ship..." She comments, no longer very surprised, direwolves were easier to believe in the existence of than giants.

It didn't take long for Arya to come out on her wolf alongside Ghost at the prow, Seryna and Ygritte came out with their mounts shortly after.

"Jon! It's really hot here..." Ygritte complained, wearing a thinner dress than she was accustomed to, but still not liking the heat.

"The heat is really bad... But you're not going to melt because of it, are you?" Seryna teased next to her.

"..." Arya rolled her eyes and continued on her way without caring about Jon's wives.

"Everything ready?" He waited for Ghost to approach before mounting him and looked at his men already off the ship.

"Yes, my king." The royal guard affirmed, and Jon nodded, turning his attention to Nyra with the Dornish people.

"Can you lead the way?" Jon asked.

"Yes, my lord, let's go," she said and continued on her way with her uncle and cousins following her.

He followed through the streets of Dorne while the soldiers cleared the way to the city's largest structure, the Dornish people could not be more surprised, first Jon leading atop a giant white wolf, something they never expected to see in their lifetime, while there were other dangerous and large animals walking and looking at the crowd for any sign of danger. The children pointed with fear and admiration toward Ghost's red eyes.

Then the adults of Dorne, in turn, became more afraid as the ground trembled with a group of giants passing through the streets, looking with a certain admiration at the armors and giant swords with shields, there were at least 20 of them in the group, marching with discipline, ready to face any eventuality, while looking around trying to understand how people lived in such a hot place.

The men of the North also did not stay behind, as their complaints could be equal to Ygritte's. They looked at the crowd with curiosity, while maintaining their march in their armors.

The dwarfs did not limit themselves to making comments while looking at those people, the people of Dorne were quite shocked with a group made entirely of dwarfs, carrying large shields and hammers without seeming to care about the weight, wondering if what they were seeing was something real.

Jon sighed looking at his group as he turned his head, if one day he was in a war in this kind of terrain, they would be at a disadvantage, after all, his people are accustomed to low temperatures.

"Do you like Dorne?" Nyra approached Jon leaving her uncle aside and looking cautiously, not at Jon, but at his direwolf, since her horse seemed quite scared.

"You can approach." Jon said and with a look at the horse, he entered its mind and made it serene, even approaching on its own, surprising Nyra seeing her horse so calm and even moving on its own, she looked at Jon with suspicion, wondering if he had done something, but kept her questions to herself.

"I have never been in Dorne, as far as I remember at least... because as far as I know... I believe I was born here," Jon comments, breathing in the hot air.

"You are Ned Stark's son, aren't you..." She comments. "Your mother..."

"That doesn't matter much now... She's dead, isn't she?" Jon shrugs, as he thinks of the late Ashara Dayne.

"Yes..." The rumors that Ashara Dayne and Ned Stark had a bastard were a subject discussed in Dorne as well in some noble circles.

"Anyway, tell me about this land, I know the Martells have great connections among the Rhoynar, even you have their blood." Jon comments, he hadn't seen much about the war between the Rhoynar and Valyria, but was interested in hearing about it from one of their descendants.

Nyra sighed, considering her blood ran from both civilizations. "It's true..." Nyra began to tell what she knew and had studied as they continued towards the castle.

Ygritte and Seryna exchanged looks, since they saw something odd, not in the way Nyra looked at Jon, after all it was normal for women to look at Jon as if he were a piece of bone, but what they found strange was how Jon returned his gaze to the girl, he was transparent in his desire.

"This is really disconcerting..." Seryna murmured.

"He's already acting like this with the first woman we meet in the south... I really don't expect him to return home with a group of women." Ygritte murmured with disgust.

"What are you talking about..." Arya asked looking at them with a questioning look.

"Nothing too important..." Seryna wanted to change the subject.

Jon continued listening to Nyra's story, "But you also have a Valyrian appearance." Jon commented looking at her when she finished.

"Did my eyes give me away?" She asked with a small smile.

"Not just the eyes, but your beauty, your face, all of them scream Valyrian to me." Jon comments calmly, already familiar with so many men and women from Valyria itself besides its descendants on the iron throne.

Nyra had to lower her head embarrassed by Jon's compliment when he mentioned her beauty with a blush on her face, "Thank you..." She said murmuring.

Sunspear had saved Nyra from a certain embarrassment as soon as they arrived after Jon's words, the place was quite large and Jon whistled as soon as he saw its gates. "I like the architecture..." Jon had never seen the place, not even in green vision, so seeing it for himself was an innovative experience.

"Let's go in... my uncle is surely waiting to talk to you." She comments and the guards open the gates as Jon's group of nearly 70 artisans enters the courtyard organizing themselves in disciplined rows.

"You said he has his own tents, right?" She asks and Jon nods pointing to the wagons being brought by the dwarfs. Nyra leads him to the front of the castle as soon as Jon gets off Ghost along with his wives they are greeted by another woman, more Martell in appearance than Nyra.

"Let me introduce, my sister." Nyra started, "Arianne Martell, my father's heir." Nyra introduces Arianne, who looks at Jon with interest.

She had been informed by her father to receive their guests after hearing about the confusion in the port, Doran had asked Arianne to bring him to him as soon as they arrived. Arianne was already surprised to hear about Giants at the port and that her uncle had almost gone to war with them.

She was already prepared to receive them and see the creatures, but seeing them in person was something entirely different, when she saw that group of giant men pass through the gate, she almost felt her ground shake and was afraid, having never seen anything like it, even her sworn guard, Sand, was quite scared.

Then she saw her cousin leading the main group with the young man on top of his wolf, Arianne couldn't say she was more fascinated with that man, in his armor and riding that creature, looking like this young man had come out of a fairy tale with that breathtaking appearance, she was quite excited to meet him, even take him to her bed and make her father marry him.

"Hello, my lord. I've heard you are Jon of the Arctic, as my sister introduced, I am Arianne Martell, heir to my father. I am here to apologize for his inability to receive such a unique guest, as he would certainly like to be here, but his leg issues prevent him from doing so, I hope you forgive him before joining him." She spoke politely, and Jon nodded, understanding.

"It's no problem, my lady, we can see him as soon as I settle all my men, and we can bring some things for him to see, since we intend to open trade with Dorne, I would like him to take a look at our products." Jon comments.

"That's great!" She said with some joy and looked at Jon trying to seduce him. Nyra wanted to slap her cousin in the face, while Jon's wives wanted to do the same but restrained themselves. However, Jon didn't seem to care much about the girl, he certainly knew of her intentions, but seeing how the guard intensely looked at her by his side, they were already lovers, and Jon doesn't like that kind of woman.

Jon returned to his men, they began to set up their large tents in the courtyard space to spend a few days, since Jon wanted to have some guards to protect him, especially due to the initial hostility of Oberyn Martell, so he didn't trust his hosts much and had already tamed all the rats and birds of the place, ensuring that no harm would come to them without Jon knowing. He only came because something caught his attention towards Nyra Sand, so now he addressed Nyra and Arianne who were waiting for her to finish organizing her men then returned to his wives.

"We are ready to see your father. Can you lead us there?" Jon asks leading the group with his sister, wives, his ministers, and 6 royal guards to enter the place with some dwarves bringing a large crate behind them.

"Yes, let's go see him." Arianne said and led the way inside. Oberyn had already entered as soon as they came into the place and from what Jon could see through a rat in the main hall, his brother was scolding him for what happened at the port, saying that this Arctic force could be used by them and they wanted to see Jon's intentions, the Arctic king just shrugged, not caring much about what he might find in this noble and continued on his way confidently.

"My king... I am confident that we will have good results in this transaction, despite the initial conflicts." Said a minister to Jon.

"I am certainly confident as well, now let's meet the famous Doran Martell." Jon commented and they continued passing through the entire castle, until Arianne and Nyra led them through the Water Gardens and finally stopped in front of the door to what would be the main hall.

Jon sighed as the door opened after an introduction from Arianne and they proceeded to negotiate for the first time since leaving the Arctic with their fleet and products.

Racoon here: 

I know this chapter barely moved, only introducing the characters and their thoughts, but I didn't continue it because the next one will have many dialogues, I can already see it.


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