"Jamie Anal Queen Potter, get your second-trimester ass in here, or I'll invite Sirius to double-stuff your backdoor and obliviate the experience from you." Lily Evans Potter said.
Jamie, captain aurorer, who, on one drunken night, was tricked by Sirius into a slight name change, pushed the mediwitch out of the way to get to her wife. As a pregnant witch from a noble house in her second trimester, she could get away with murder. She tossed some galleons on the solid 5 out of 10 woman for her trouble.
"I changed my name back; why does everyone keep calling me that?" Jamie glared at the practically useless blowjob machine on the ground. Her balls weren't so full that she would tolerate such a useless pureblood's presence. "Clean yourself up and get someone who isn't useless."
"Bloody hell, you're supposed to be on the side of light." The medi witch said.
"We both know why I enchanted the buttplug you're using for our anniversary, and stop roughing up medical staff." Lily moaned as contractions wracked her body.
Being a witch was incredible. Jamie was kind enough to move her painfully full ballsac out of the way as her little bundle of terror entered the world. After hours of intense orgasms, her first child Vergil came into the world. Lily groaned as her 20-inch cock ejaculated, covering the medi witch in jizz. Practically a pint of futa cum covered the poor 5/10 pureblood on the floor, still clutching the galleons Jamie tossed her.
"Not a word from you slut." Lily said.
Jamie silently cut the umbilical cord and conjured a ruler.
"What are you doing, Jamie?" Lily asked.
"Checking our first girl's dick size, I bet it's bigger than the Longbottom bitch. 6 inches we'll show her, won't we, Harry." Jamie said.
Lily rolled her eyes at her wife's antics. She never had problems from her cuck with that thought; she couldn't help but wonder where Sev Snape was. If that bitch was getting dominated by the so-called dark Lady with the retarded name, Lily would be pissed. Lily preferred her cuck sucking her cock while Jamie plowed her pussy. Maybe it was time to bust out the chains and whips to show Sev who owned her.
"Something is wrong," Jamie said.
"What the bloody hell did you say?" Lily said.
Less than a minute in the new world, Vergil noticed something odd. She had a dick and balls and a vagina. It was there seven inches, hanging significantly longer than what was natural. At first, she thought it was a growth, maybe even cancer. That thought left her when the glasses-wearing, obviously pregnant woman held her up with one arm and took a ruler to Vergil's dick with the other. When she heard the woman proudly proclaim seven inches, Vergil cracked. It was only a little, but something inside her broke, or that's what she thought until her bones suddenly ached.
Vergil was a reincarnate and previously male. In his world, life was cheap and ritual sacrifice was the most direct path to power. So seeing the woman carrying her, waving a stick, and making things happen threw Vergil for a bit of a loop. But compared to the white-hot pain shooting through her, it was inconsequential. After all, even reincarnating couldn't remove the rituals Vergil completed. She felt a pull from somewhere before a hospital vase shattered.
"I forgot the magic video recorder," Jamie said.
"Put our newborn daughter down, get your ass to an apparition space, and get the camera. I swear, Jamie, I will roast your ballocks and feed them to my cuck." Lily said.
Even through excruciating pain, Vergil realized that her mother wasn't someone to mess with. On the contrary, she was a force to be reckoned with, even on the birthing bed. Lily chose that moment to stand up and wave a stick. All the sweat, blood, and liquids vanished even from her clothes.
Vergil didn't know how many lives it cost to make a stick do that, but he quickly realized his family was well off. That was promising if Vergil could get a few hundred sacrifices, her rituals would ensure her body became much stronger, faster, more durable, and her regeneration would greatly increase. The situation she found herself in was suddenly extremely promising.
That's when her mother shoved his face on her breast, and the pain was replaced with overwhelming hunger.
6 months later, Vergil's little sister Harry was born with black hair and green eyes. Vergil pulled at her red hair but couldn't figure out where the other recessive redheaded gene originated. Then again, she had both parts, which was wild. From what she could tell, her mother, Lily, was the one in charge as the new money that married into the Potter family for the noble titles. The generation before, Jamie was dead from a disease called dragon pox shortly after Lily was married to Jamie. It didn't take a genius to see what was going on. New money didn't rise from the muck without slicing some throats. Vergil could respect that.
Unfortunately, he couldn't find the ritual room or the slave quarters. While he could locate the house slaves, killing them was not done. What kind of noble killed the help they relied upon? That was only done in declining houses, a clear sign of a family losing its grip on power. As a toddler, it was unlikely he was expected to capture his own sacrifices. While many families introduced the concept of sacrificial rituals early, it was clearly not his family's way. The Potters were considered a light family, which meant they couldn't afford to operate too openly. It was impressive how well hidden the sacrificial ritual room had been and the slave quarters even more. Really Vergil had so many questions.
Vergil climbed out of her crib and stood up. It was early evening, so feeding time wouldn't come for another few hours. It was the perfect time to explore, but she would have to dodge the sentry outside. Two house elves always watched his room after his last couple of escapes. Each was diligent and learned to sweep their vision and change rotation unpredictably. Vergil used his advanced strength to climb the wall by making little groves for his fingers.
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