The stage flickered back to life, the lights now turned back on. June couldn't see the audience much when he was performing, but now that the lights brightly shone on their faces, he could see the red eyes and their tear-stricken cheeks.
He smiled to himself.
Well, it seemed like his message was delivered.
Kim San joined him on the stage with pursed lips, his hands folded over the microphone.
"That was…an impeccable performance," San said. "I didn't know I needed to hear those words until today. I almost forgot about the existence of the song, yet you made me recall it. I'll be sure to listen to it when I get back home."
Jia heard someone sniff beside her, so she directed her gaze to her mom, who appeared to have been touched by Tongman's performance.
Jia had tears welling up in her eyes, too; however, she held back in case June saw her in the front rows. Even if she wanted to bawl her eyes out, she had an image to keep!
Check 'I Accidentally Became A Superstar' on my profile!