I wake up to jake singing his signature pancakes song. "Bacon pancakes, makin' bacon pancakes,
Take some bacon and I'll put it in a pancake,Bacon pancakes, that's what it's gonna make,
Bacon pancaaake!" he sung. " uhhh, Jake stoooppp", I ask in a very angry tone. " Bacon pancakes", he kept on singing. " Uhh", I toss my pillow over my head in anger, but I was also relived that jake hadn't noticed I was up all night. To make sure he didn't know I was in a bad mood I quickly shoved my shirt and pants on to quickly rush down the steps. "Jake guess what I decided to do?" I asked him. " WHAT?" He says not in anger but as a joke. " I'm gonna visit fire princess", I announces excitedly as possible. " but, Finn do you remember how it ended last time? It was bad you were heartbroken do you really want to go through that again?" He asked as patiently as possible for me to respond . I thought about it for along while before finially snaping to a conclusion. I put a serious look on my face. "Yes Jake, I'm sure I want to visit her. She was my everything and I just want to see if she feels the same way," I slowly sit down at the kitchen table before finally realizing that maybe I shouldn't do this, she might still love sticky buns. I felt tears roll down my face as my emotions overtake me and I start sobbing. I knew I shouldn't have let her come to my mind I knew I shouldn't have but I just had to know she thought of me the same way. If she didn't I may never be able to love again. She was my all She was my beautiful princess not literally figuratively but do you guys get it I wish I knew how to express myself to her. Well will find out when I visit her. I finish sobbing and wipe my tears. I hurried to eat my bacon pancakes as usual, then I played a few games on BMO to calm myself down, before finally heading out to see her.