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Chapitre 3: Kattegat

Thorfinn was in a deep slumber, and while in his slumber he was having the most amazing dream about finally ripping off Rebekah's dress and laying with her. Though just as he was about to do the deed the image was ripped away from him and instead he found himself awake and in his bed soaked with cold water.


Thorfinn breathed out for air as he looked around for any sign of an attack, but quickly fell out of his small bed and onto the wooden floor. As he gained more of his mental faculties he realised that there were people present and they were laughing at him. Looking up with a frown on his face he saw Gyda and Bjorn, the latter had a bucket while the former was trying to stop herself from falling over with laughter.

"What in the gods are both of you doing," Thorfinn asked with a tired look on his face as he let his head fall to the ground.

"You may be happy to stay a boy forever, but I am ready to become a man," Bjorn said as he placed the bucket on the ground still laughing at the sight of Thorfinn.

"Could you not have shaken me awake," Thorfinn said as he dragged himself up from the floor and sat back on his bed.

"You looked as if you were having such an awful dream, your body was so hot I thought I may cool it down for you," Gyda said with an evil smirk on her face.

"I think it is perhaps because you were calling for Rebekah in your sleep," Bjorn commented earning an elbow and a scowl from his sister.

"What time is it? Have you had a morning meal yet?" Thorfinn asked stretching as he did, he looked around and saw that the other labourers were not in their beds.

"We've had our morning meal and are almost ready to leave," Bjorn said as he threw some of Thorfinn's clothes at him urging him to get ready.

"You should've woken me earlier," Thorfinn said as he started to change.

"I tried to but it was like trying to rouse a dead man, had you not been breathing I thought you'd have already passed on," Bjorn replied.

"I'll be out soon just give me a few moments," Thorfinn said as he started to get changed.

Bjorn nodded and walked out of the labourer's house leaving Gyda and Thorfinn alone. "Where did you go last night?" She asked as she crossed her arms with a glower on her face that Thorfinn couldn't help but smile at.

"You look every bit as fierce as your mother Gyda," Thorfinn said as he put his fingers under her chin.

Gyda moved his hand away with a tut "Do not avoid the question Thorfinn," she said sternly.

Thorfinn sighed "I went to Kattegat to see Rebekah," he admitted much to Gyda's annoyance.

"Why were your clothes so muddy?" She further interrogated.

"Her brothers caught me in her room, though I managed to get away, they could simply not match my speed," Thorfinn said arrogantly as Gyda still looked at him with a look of displeasure.

Gyda sighed as she saw that Thorfinn's clothes were not on straight so she started to fix them so he looked presentable for the Jarl. "If you insist on going after dangerous women you must be more careful Thorfinn," Gyda warned, she had heard about Mikael Mikaelson's reputation as a warrior from her father, he had told her that he once cleaved a man in half with a swing of his sword, she imagined that his sons would have similar prowess.

"They did not catch me Gyda, I will be fine," Thorfinn said as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"You know the story of what the gods did to Loki when he angered them," She said trying to steer him away from his current course.

"They are not gods and I am not Loki, today I become a man and soon after I will return from the raids with more wealth and reputation than I had before," Thorfinn said dismissing her words.

Gyda sighed and handed Thorfinn a pouch "I saved you some breakfast, Father and Bjorn will be leaving now, join them before they leave," she said gesturing to the door with her eyes.

Thorfinn smiled "Thank you Gyda, what would I do without you," he said cupping her face with his hand before leaving.

"Freezing your balls in Hel most likely," she replied making Thorfinn laugh as he walked outside just in time to see Ragnar kissing Lagertha goodbye.

"Be careful you two, don't anger the Jarl again," she said sternly to Ragnar as she returned the kiss. She then knelt beside Bjorn and cupped his face "When I next see you, you'll be a man, make sure your father doesn't get into any trouble," she said whispering the last bit to him making him smile and nod. Lagertha kissed his head before standing back up and waving them goodbye.

Thorfinn hopped the fence and joined them on their path before they could leave "I thought we'd have to leave you behind boy, try not to sleep too much next time," Ragnar said with a smirk as they walked on the road to Kattegat.

It took a while but they managed to get to Kattegat just after noon. The town looked a lot different than it did last night, the streets were full of people from all across the region all coming to bring their children to the 'Thing' to get their armbands and swear loyalty to the Jarl. Thorfinn was a little nervous as he knew there was a chance he might be recognised despite his efforts to disguise himself; his heart yearned to see Rebekah again but knew the risk would be too great on a day like today, so he decided to focus on the upcoming Thing and his ascension into a man.

As they walked through the roads of the town Bjorn was lifted from behind "Bjorn!" Rollo, Bjorn's uncle shouted as he hugged him tightly.

Ragnar snickered as he set Bjorn down "Rollo, it's good to see you," he said cordially.

Rollo nodded to him "Brother," he said back. He then looked to Thorfinn and smiled.

"I haven't seen you in a long time boy, the last time I saw you, you followed me around like a chicken asking me to teach you how to wield an axe," Rollo said with a laugh as he rubbed Thorfinn's hair.

"Come let's go and get a drink," Rollo said to them all getting a nod of agreement from Ragnar.

"I think I'll explore the town more before we attend the Thing," Thorfinn said as he escaped the grip of Rollo.

The large man only looked at him with amusement "Not even a man yet and already hunting for a woman," he said as he clapped Thorfinn on the shoulder.

"The boy has a lust inside him once unleashed will consume all the lonely women of Kattegat," Ragnar joked.

Thorfinn laughed with the men before he turned around and walked deeper into Kattegat. "Do not miss the Thing or you'll be the oldest boy in Kattegat!" Ragnar shouted before walking off with his brother.

As Thorfinn walked through Kattegat he found himself walking back to Mikael's longhouse. When he realised this he stopped walking and sighed before taking a seat in a wooden crate on the side of the road. "You have taken my seat," a gruff voice said from beside him.

Thorfinn looked up and was surprised to see an eyeless man with thick black woollen robes. Thorfinn stood up respectfully "I apologise old one," he said offering the seat back to him.

However, as he gestured to the crate the man grabbed his hand. Thorfinn tried to pull back but the man sniffed him like a hound would. "Ah yes, Thorfinn Fjallsson, the foundling, of the earth and hills," the man said roughly.

Thorfinn drew his hand back roughly and the man relinquished his grip "Who are you?" He said suspiciously as he took a step back from him.

The man looked up and gave Thorfinn a better look at his face. His face looked burnt and his eye sockets were empty, his lips were black and his teeth sharp. "I am merely a man both cursed and blessed with words, not of my own," he said ambiguously.

Thorfinn just continued to look at him suspiciously "I should be leaving," he said as he turned to leave.

"The gods have said much about you Thorfinn, so much that we all may be corpses in the ground before I finish," He said.

Thorfinn looked at him with a bit more interest "Are you the seer? The ancient one?" He asked, he had often heard Ragnar mention such a man that lived in Kattegat, that he was their way of conversing with the gods and learning of their fate.

"That is what they call me, but I only convey what the gods allow me to," The Seer said as he stood up from the crate and walked through the doorway behind him. His interest piqued Thorfinn followed him inside to see him playing with some runic symbols made from bone.

"You will tell me of my fate then ancient one?" Thorfinn asked as he sat down.

"I will answer what I am allowed to answer," He replied.

"Will I become a great warrior? Will I achieve greatness?" Thorfinn asked.

"The true extent of what you'll achieve goes beyond my understanding, I see flashes of visions that allude me, I see a great stone pyramid in a place untouched by the sea, I see large iron houses that reach the sky." The seer then began to start coughing, he reached over took a cup off the side and drank some water.

"Will I marry Rebekah?" Thorfinn asked nervously.

"You will be forced to make a choice, you will Marry Rebekah, but in return, the doors to Valhalla will forever be closed to you," The Seer warned.

Thorfinn looked at him with confusion "Why would the gods forbid such a match?" He asked incredulously.

"I only say what the gods allow me to say Thorfinn Fjallsson," The Seer repeated.

"The gods love you Thorfinn, no other man would be allowed such knowledge, but one god, in particular, will always protect you, feel honoured that you have earned her love," The Seer said to Thorfinn making him confused once again.

"As you become a man today you will start to notice your body changing in other ways, embrace these changes as they are gifts and not something to be shunned," the Seer told him.

Thorfinn still confused just nodded and stood up, but before he could the the Seer took his hand and licked his palm before placing his head in it. Moving back slowly he left the Seers house and emerged back onto the streets of Kattegat, it was clear to Thorfinn that the seer was talking nonsense and falsehoods 'Homes made of iron that reached the sky,' he thought to himself with a chuckle.


Thorfinn rushed into the Jarls Longhouse as others poured inside. Looking over to the centre of the room he saw Ragnar, Rollo and Bjorn, and so started to push his way through the crowd towards them. He started to sweat a little when he saw Mikael Mikaelson and four of his sons sitting around him all looking the fierce warriors they were; Thorfinn thanked the gods none of them looked his way thinking he was no one.

"Where have you been? No matter come sit," Rollo said as he slapped the seat next to him.




The murmuring and the talking of the hall stopped as a man standing at the front banged his cup against the arm of his chair. "That's Svein, if he were any closer to the Jarl he would be his wife," Ragnar whispered to him and Bjorn.

Svein gestures to the doorway where a man and woman both walk through "Jarl Haraldson and his wife Siggy," Svein announced. Both the Jarl and his wife took their seats on the throne while Svein made other announcements, Bjorn and Thorfinn got bored very quickly as they talked of a man who had been accused of thieving, then of a man who had been accused of murder, but had insisted that it was an act of self-defence.

Thorfinn didn't focus on that though, he was too concerned with the fact that Elijah Mikaelson was looking directly at him. 'He can't know...' Thorfinn tried to reassure himself as he focused back on the thing.

"As the law was not adhered to in this situation, I have no choice but to sentence you to death Eric Trygvasson, how do you wish to die?" Haraldson asked.

Thorfinn could see that Eric's body was shaking with anger but that anger quickly turned into resignation "Beheading Lord..." he said with grit teeth.

"Granted," he said as he gestured to his guards to take him back to his cell.

"Now before we finish does anyone else have something they wish to say," Haraldson asked.

A large man with greying red hair stood up and walked before the Jarl and his wife "Hestein, it has been a while since I've seen you in my halls, I do not see your sons. Did they not come?" Haraldson asked.

Hestein didn't say anything and just stood before the Jarl "My friend? Are you well?" Haraldson asked as he leaned forward in his chair.

Hestein who had been still before suddenly looked up at the Jarl "I apologise my Lord... these past few moons have not been kind to me... my lands have been plagued," he said his voice cracking slightly.

"Plagued by what my friend? Have you been raided?" Haraldson asked.

"No, my lord... I have been plagued by something worse... something evil," Hestein said in a grave tone.

The hall started to mumble and whisper at Hesteins words some with concern and some mocking. "Tell us Hestein, tell us what plagues your land," the Jarl asked.

"A restless spirit my Lord... a Draugr," Hestein said loudly to everyone in the room. Sounds of laughter and mocking words filled the room as most of the men present thought Hestein a fool.

"Father, is there really a draugr on his land," Bjorn whispered to Ragnar.

Ragnar shrugged his shoulder "Men sometimes see what they believe to be real," he said ambiguously.

"You expect us to believe a Draugr plagues your lands Hestein?" Svein said with a mocking laugh.

"Mock me if you wish Svein, but that does not make my words any less true!" Hestein shouted.

"This monster has come to my home every full moon and hurt my family," Hestein added.

He then started to become emotional as tears started to fall from his eyes "My wife... My boys... all killed while I could do nothing," he wailed as he fell to his knees.

"Please, Lord! My daughter is the only one I have left! I can't stop the Draugr by myself, please help me Lord," he begged as he crawled towards the Jarl's throne.

The Jarls guards grabbed Hestein before she could get close and dragged him back. "You bring me stories of spirits and Draugr, but what you have not brought is evidence, I will not spare my men to go around chasing legends," the Jarl shouted before gesturing for his men to throw Hestein out of his hall.

Hestein struggled against the guards "PLEASE LORD BY NEXT MOON WE SHALL BE DEAD!!!" He shouted desperately, but the Jarl ignored him until he was out of sight.

The Jarl then laughed "Now that our storyteller has finished we can finish this gathering," he said causing the room to burst out in laughter.

"Tomorrow we shall feast! And talk about the summer raids!" Haraldson shouted as he stood up with his wife.

The men in the hall all started banging their cups against the table as the Jarl left the hall with his wife. "Come there's nothing more to see here," Ragnar said to Bjorn and Thorfinn.

Everyone after finishing their drinks stood up and began to file out of the halls back into the streets of Kattegat. Ragnar, Rollo and Bjorn went a bit ahead of Thorfinn causing him to fall behind slightly as larger men pushed in front of him. As he got outside he felt a hand grab his arm and drag him off to the side "You must be Thorfinn, I must say you do look much better when you're not covered in mud." Thorfinn looked up at the person who grabbed him and felt a pit form in his stomach as Elijah Mikaelson looked down at him with an almost malevolent smile.

"I think you may have the wrong person..." Thorfinn said as he tried to pull his arm away.

"No no I think I do have the right person, now will you come with me or will you cause a scene," Elijah said as his grip tightened.

Thorfinn grits his teeth before nodding his head. If he caused a scene by trying to escape then they'd find out he visited Rebekah's room last night, at the least they might cut his balls off. Elijah dragged Thorfinn away from the main group and off to somewhere more isolated, he kept on walking until they were outside the city and up upon a hill overlooking the bay.

Elijah then threw Thorfinn down to the ground "What do you intend to do to my sister?" He asked sternly as he took a seat on a boulder.

Thorfinn spat out some earth that got into his mouth and stood up while dusting himself off. "I intend to make her my wife and give her a life worthy of her," he replied.

Elijah hummed "Are you sure you're not looking for a place to get your axe wet, I've heard of how the women talk about you in town."

"Those who talk do not speak for me, I will take Rebekah and no other!" He shouted.

"Rebekah said you belonged to each other, I hope for your sake she is right," Elijah said as he picked up something from behind a boulder and threw it at Thorfinn's feet.

"I promised my sister I would do what I could to ensure your survival in the summer raids, that means making sure you don't get killed by the first man you encounter," Elijah said as he flourished a wooden blade. Thorfinn looked down at the wooden blade before him and laughed.

"I don't need your help, I have been training on my own," he said as he went to pick the blade up to return it to Elijah.

Elijah stepped forward and kicked him as he bent down sending him tumbling backwards nearly falling down the hill they were on. "You are as green as spring grass, you will be cut down by the first man you come across," Elijah said with a laugh as he kicked the wooden sword onto Thorfinn.

"Get up and fight."

(AN: Draugr and other supernatural things will exist in this world, dragons too, don't you remember the saga of Beowulf. Anyway Thorfinn is like most other Vikings, arrogant and prideful, he's also only a kid so he believes himself to be better then he is. He will be trained by Elijah in sword shield and axe. Hope you enjoyed the chapter)

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