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91.66% Fate's Re: Zero Transmigration: The Legendary King Awakens / Chapter 11: CH 10 What happened to me?

Chapitre 11: CH 10 What happened to me?

"Rem sees..." Her voice was still stoic and neutral, but there was a small edge to it. "Alex-sama does smell weird in Rem's opinion, yes."

"Really? Ahhh, maybe I should take a bath after this if I smell weird." Alex nodded thoughtfully, wearing a contemplative expression. "By the way, Rem, do you have free time after you finish your duties tonight?"

"Rem usually does. Why?"

"I'm a foreigner here, and I noticed that the currency used in this country is different." Alex said, "Since I'm going to live here from now on, I want to learn about it. I also want to learn more about this kingdom. If you don't mind, I would like you to tutor me in that aspect."

For the first time since their conversation started, Rem raised her head, looking directly into his eyes. Icy blue met forest green. The former's gaze was just like its color—cold and freezing. Right now, Alex felt like he was being judged, and he wouldn't be surprised if he actually was. Thanks to that Witch's scent, he was in a very difficult position.

"Why not ask Nee-sama?" Rem asked in a monotone tone.

Alex's face turned dull at the question. "Yeah, like that would happen," he said in an equally flat voice. "I don't think I will learn anything if I spend time with her."

They would probably spend most of their time arguing rather than him learning anything. While Alex did enjoy Ram's presence—her bantering and talk reminded him of home—he knew he would have to learn about this world if he wanted to survive with his sanity intact. And if he wished to really learn, then he needed to rely on Rem.

Not to mention he had already seen how Ram 'taught' Subaru in Canon. Safe to say, she was clearly not a very good teacher in his opinion.

And at the same time, he was going to make her trust him or, at least, prevent any hostilities before they started. The image of a defenseless Subaru being pummeled to death by her crossed his mind, and Alex held back a grimace. The idea of someone living under the same roof as you literally smashing you to death was not very appealing.

"Why? Nee-sama is a great person," Rem asked again, offended by someone dismissing her sister.

"I know, but we will spend all the time arguing rather than me learning anything." He decided to give an honest answer.

Hearing that, Rem had to admit he had a point. She had briefly seen how the two interacted when they came to the servants' quarters.

"Besides, I prefer blue over pink." Alex added with a shrug, prompting Rem to blink.


"I mean, you have blue hair and eyes," he mentioned while gesturing to her. "Blue is more refreshing; I like it. I think you look better than your sister."

"... Rem will consider Alex-sama's request," Rem answered thoughtfully after a small pause. "Rem makes no promises though."

"It's fine, and if you don't want to, that's also fine." Alex dismissed her response with a smile and shrug. "I won't force you."

Rem didn't give any verbal response, only nodding to him, all while continuing her work. After a moment, she leaned back and wrote the results on some paper before returning her gaze to him. "It is done, Alex-sama. You can leave if you wish."

"Sure." Alex nodded, putting his coat back on. "By the way, Rem, tomorrow morning around three or four, I will spend my time in the backyard practicing. Emilia told me to tell you or Ram so could you two please inform me when breakfast is about to be served?"

"I see, very well. Rem will inform Nee-sama as well. Does Alex-sama need to be awakened?"

"No, but if you pass by my room around seven, then please check if I am already up. If I'm not, then please wake me up."

"Understood." Rem nodded to the young man. "Lunch will be served soon, Alex-sama. You can wait in the dining hall if you wish."

"... I think I will skip it." Alex said after a moment of consideration. "I'm not too hungry right now. If someone is looking for me, please tell them that I'm in the backyard either practicing my swordsmanship, mana control, or engaging in some kind of physical activity." He really needed to train seriously if he wished to survive in this world.

Rem blinked once before nodding again. "Understood. Should Rem save your lunch for later?"

"No, it's fine. You don't need to prepare lunch for me. I'll just eat when it's dinner time. Thank you, Rem."

"Don't mention it, Alex-sama."

With one last smile, Alex turned and walked away. Rem's blue eyes remained locked on him as he turned his back, never once straying. Only when he was out of her sight did Rem's lips curl into a small frown, her eyes narrowing in suspicion.

What was that man planning?

Truthfully, Rem did not like him. While she did feel grateful that he had helped Emilia-sama, who was doing Roswaal-sama a great favor, the scent he radiated...

At first, Rem did not smell any Witch scent from him. As a matter of fact, the first thing that crossed her mind was... power. He smelled of raw power, raw mana. As if he was Od Laguna that took the shape of a human, pure power in the form of a man.

And she found herself momentarily captivated when she looked at him. The way he carried himself, the way he walked, every gesture he made. He was very... charming, to say the least. There was a regal aura that seemed to emanate from him, adding to his already appealing appearance.

Then, when she had the opportunity to get a better scent of him, her awe turned into pure terror and horror.

The Witch's scent.

Though small and concealed, the stench was still there—hidden, lurking, and clinging onto his powerful aura like an insect burrowing in the dirt, like a parasite...

If someone with that much power possessed a Witch's scent, then... he was undoubtedly dangerous! Dangerous with a capital "D," as a matter of fact!

The power she felt was enough to make her feel like a small insect, and now it was combined with the Witch's scent. Terror and fear were the only things she felt the moment she realized just how dangerous this person was.

It took every ounce of control she had to not show any signs of fear, of weakness, while taking his measurements. She was sure she still slipped a few times, and she suspected that man caught her tenseness but decided not to think too deeply about it.

She was tempted to scream "NO" when he asked her to spend time with him at night! Hell, she even tried to push it onto her sister, something she usually didn't do, as she didn't want to trouble her.

But it seemed that man insisted on choosing her, and he had good reasons for it as well...

And then he started comparing her with her sister, and…


'What the heck was that?' Alex thought while still glancing at his hardwood that was standing proud. He was feeling very uncomfortable at the moment as he had just avoided a situation where he could have ruined his relationship with Rem when it hadn't even started so he wasn't in a good mood.  

As Alex contemplated his newfound feelings and desires, he couldn't help but wonder about the transformation he had undergone. His body was no longer entirely human, having become part dragon. But what puzzled him the most was the surge of arousal he had experienced in the presence of a girl as if had never had any contact with a woman.

"What happened to me?" he mumbled to himself, running his fingers through his hair in frustration. "Why did I get aroused just because I was around a girl as if like a harem protagonist who never had any contact with a woman?"

It was perplexing. He was not the same Alex who had left his old life behind. His body had been transformed, enhanced by the potent mixture of dragon blood and magic. But this newfound strength came with unexpected consequences.

"Was it because of my new body or the dragon blood inside it?" he wondered aloud. "Or was there something more to it?"

As he pondered these questions, he couldn't help but think about the legends and stories he had heard about dragons. In most fantasies, dragons were depicted as possessive creatures with an insatiable hunger for treasures and maidens. They were known to hoard both riches and women, guarding them fiercely.

"Did I somehow get that nature?" he mused, his mind racing with possibilities. He had heard tales of male dragons surrounding themselves with a harem of female dragons, fulfilling their primal desires without restraint.

The thought both intrigued and unnerved him. He had always prided himself on his self-control and rationality. But now, with the dragon's essence coursing through him, he felt a new, primal urge stirring within. It was a desire he couldn't easily dismiss or ignore.

He knew that he needed to come to terms with this newfound aspect of his nature. Whether it was a result of his dragon blood or the transformation of his body, he couldn't deny its existence. It was a part of him now, and he needed to understand it.

As he contemplated his next steps, he couldn't help but wonder how this aspect of his nature might affect his interactions with others, especially women. It was a journey of self-discovery that promised both challenges and revelations. And as he embarked on this new chapter of his life, he knew that he would need to confront not only external threats but also the complexities of his own desires and instincts.

Alex shook his head.  

No Alex you don't have time for the birds and bees as you could only satisfy your dragon if you are able to live. 

Alex got rid of his current thoughts and   

Alex sat cross-legged in a quiet corner outside of the huge garden, his brow furrowed in concentration. His surroundings were still, the only sound being the faint rustle of leafs as he adjusted he was reminded of what he did in his free time. He had spent days poring over various mana theories, meticulously absorbing the knowledge from online sources within the different universes in his last formal life.  

His mana pool was vast, almost overwhelming in its sheer capacity. But having such power was pointless if he couldn't control it effectively. Alex had read about different theories and techniques to regulate and harness mana, and he was determined to put that knowledge into practice.

Even if all it was just the imagination of a guy writing a book while something was his dragon.  As this world itself was also just a imagination so it can't be denied that all the shit he had read is real.  

Taking a deep breath, Alex closed his eyes and focused on his breathing. He imagined his mana pool as a reservoir within him, a wellspring of untapped potential. With each inhalation, he visualized drawing mana in from the world around him. With each exhalation, he pictured his mana flowing smoothly through his body.

He began to recite the different theories he had learned, each one offering a unique perspective on mana manipulation. He followed the instructions meticulously, attempting to feel the ebb and flow of mana as it coursed through him. It was a delicate dance, a balance between his own energy and the ambient mana of the world.

Hours passed, the sun setting and casting a warm glow through the window. Alex's brow was slick with sweat, his concentration unyielding. He could feel the mana's currents within him, sometimes surging too fast, other times faltering. It was a challenge to maintain control, to prevent the mana from overwhelming him.

He recalled the advice he had read – learn to regulate and control the mana, and learn the flow of mana within your body and outside. Before using anything, get used to the feeling of the flow of mana. It sounded simple in theory, but in practice, it was proving to be a painstaking endeavor.

As the night deepened, Alex's focus remained unbroken. He adjusted his posture, finding a more comfortable position to continue his meditation. He delved deeper into the theories, drawing upon them to adjust the pace and intensity of his mana's flow. It was as if he was tuning an instrument, trying to find the perfect harmony between his energy and the world's mana.

Gradually, he felt a shift. The mana's flow became smoother, the surges and faltering less frequent. He continued to meditate, honing his control, until the first light of the moon began to filter through the beautiful floor fields. Mental  Exhaustion tugged at him, but he pressed on, driven by the progress he was making.

When the moon was high as two cute battle maids started looking for him, Alex opened his eyes. He felt drained, as if he had expended a tremendous amount of mental energy. But he also felt a sense of accomplishment. He had gained some control over the flow of his mana, a feat that had seemed insurmountable hours ago.

With a weary but satisfied smile, Alex stretched his limbs and stood up. He knew that gaining full mastery over his mana would take time and dedication. But this was a step in the right direction, a foundation upon which he could build. As he left his room to greet the new day, he carried with him a newfound sense of determination and purpose.


Here's the revised version of the text:

Around the same night...

In a sense, Rem was at a loss for words at that moment. She didn't know what to say. It was the first time someone had chosen her over her sister without knowing anything about them. There was a strange sensation in her stomach, not unpleasant, but she quickly dismissed those feelings.

That was obviously a trick... He can't be trusted... While the witch scent around him was small and barely noticeable, it was still there.

Roswaal-sama had instructed them not to act rashly since the man was too dangerous, and coming from him, it carried significance. But the archmage had no choice, given that he was indebted to him for helping Emilia-sama. If news got out that her insignia had been stolen...

It would be detrimental for the household...

What should she do now?

She bit her lip. She needed to ask Nee-sama about this!

"I see... So that was the situation..." Roswaal said thoughtfully. For once, there was no sign of his usual playful aura.

"So, what should we do, Roswaal-sama?" Rem asked with anxiety, her sister standing by her side.

"... It's a difficult situation. I understand just how traumatizing this is for you, Rem." The clown mage said, looking at the blue-haired maid. "But in any case, as I mentioned before, there is nothing we can do."

Rem's expression resembled someone who had just been slapped, while Ram looked frustrated.

"Roswaal-sama, allow me to replace Rem," Ram suggested. "We only spent a short time together, but if it's me, I'm sure that man wouldn't—"

"No, unfortunately, we can't do that," Roswaal interrupted. "As much as I want to ensure Rem's safety, I'm certain he has his reasons for choosing her over you." Though Roswaal had a guess as to why Alex picked Rem over Ram, he kept it to himself. "For now, we're at a disadvantage. As much as I detest it, we have no choice but to let him make the first move."

Upon hearing this, Rem looked crestfallen, while Ram appeared displeased with the final decision. Seeing this, Roswaal carefully chose his words to reassure them.

"Do not worry. I'm sure that boy won't do anything to Rem. Obviously, for now, he won't cause her any harm." Not yet, at least, but he left that unsaid. The boy had plans involving Rem; Roswaal could deduce that just from the report he received from the blue oni. "For now, we'll humor him. Rem, you'll go and 'tutor' him as he desires. And please, remain as discreet as possible."

"Yes, Roswaal-sama."

Seeing the maid's acceptance, the clown mage frowned, his expression slightly regretful. "To ask this of you must be very difficult. I apologize..."

"It's fine. It's Roswaal-sama's order, and Rem will follow it." Rem responded politely with a bow. "Then, Rem will go to Alex-sama's room now."

"Please do, and Ram, you can go with her if you want. I'm sure he'll 'understand' why Rem has company."


The Court Magician observed his subordinates leaving, his gaze lingering on the closed door of his office. His complicated and thoughtful expression transformed into a smirk the moment he was alone, as he began pondering his guest.

The boy wasn't foolish; Roswaal acknowledged that fact. Just from their earlier conversation, he had glimpsed an inkling of the young man's intentions. However, Roswaal was equally adept at reading people.

Alex Pendragon was a cryptic and sharp individual. He was a skilled liar, adept at concealing falsehoods beneath the truth. The display had surprised Roswaal slightly, but he had centuries of experience on his side. He wouldn't allow someone a fraction of his age to outmaneuver him.

While not a Pawn like Ram and Rem, Alex was still just a piece on the board. He might have reached the end of the board, capable of transforming into whatever he wanted, but he remained a pawn in Roswaal's game of chess. And right now, he was playing the role of a Knight.

Roswaal was well aware of how uncomfortable the young Knight's presence was for Ram and Rem, especially Rem. He wouldn't be surprised if she erupted at the Knight at any moment, but he couldn't allow that.

Especially not when even Puck seemed to support the boy's presence.

He wasn't taken aback that Emilia was in favor of Alex; however, Puck's endorsement was truly shocking. If the cat spirit sanctioned his presence, the consequences of harming the boy would be dire. Not at all desirable.

He already had an inkling as to why Alex wanted Rem. The boy was perceptive and had keen instincts. He must've realized that Rem was uncomfortable around him and aimed to improve their relationship.

Naturally, he had his own agenda. Roswaal could discern it in his eyes—ambition, purpose, a destination. It reminded him of himself in his youth, eager and resolute, though his determination was unwavering now, all for his mistress.

He likely desired to establish roots in the mansion, a firm foundation. Roswaal would allow it, for it aligned with his own objectives. Roswaal needed Alex; he held the key to freeing his mistress from her captivity. Likewise, the boy required their assistance, even if he tried to conceal it.

'It seems this year is shaping up to be quite intriguing,' Roswaal mused with a chuckle.


"Due to that, Ram cannot allow Alex-sama to be alone with Rem," Ram stated with an impassive expression.

"Why? You didn't explain anything!" Alex retorted, his left eye twitching, a frequent occurrence as of late. Hopefully, it wouldn't result in any permanent damage.

"Ah? It appears Alex-sama isn't as sharp as Ram thought. To not comprehend such a simple explanation."

"You barged in here along with Rem and offered no explanation when I asked. Was your brain incapable of constructing a coherent response?"

"Nee-sama possesses exceptional intelligence, Alex-sama. Her words transcend the understanding of mere mortals."

"Rem is right. Ram is not to blame if Alex-sama fails to grasp the quality of Ram's response."

Alex's eye twitched again. "So it's two against one, huh? Fine, I'll concede. And you, Ram-san, as I expected, you seek reinforcements because you can't handle me alone. I'm disappointed in you for enlisting someone else in our dispute."

"Actually, Ram included Rem in the conversation so Rem could prevent Ram from dulling the sharpness of Alex-sama's tongue. It would be a shame if such eloquence were lost."

In the end, he hadn't learned anything that night. And for obvious reasons, he had grown to despise clowns more than ever, especially those of the magical variety.

He held a profound disdain for that clown.

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