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58.33% Fallen from Earth / Chapter 7: The Rescue

Chapitre 7: The Rescue

Dacion's eyes opened to a dark room with a lit candle inside. "Where the hell am i?" Dacion asked.

 Dacion gets up off the ground, he looks around and notices metal bars in front of him. "Am i in a cell? he asked himself.

 Dacion looked around and saw a bed and a toilet. He sighed and said, "I probably passed out when i was trying to help Darius."

 As Dacion was thinking to himself, he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. "You're finally up" the voice said in the darkness of the room. Dacion looked in the direction the voice came from.

 The voice emerged from the darkness; it was Kemar. "What do you want and where am I at?" Dacion asked. "Is that the first thing you say to your best friend, I kind of feel offended a bit. We are at the capital but you're in the dungeon until further notice.

 Kemar grabs a chair and put it in front of the cell. "I know you have questions, so I will try my best to answer them." he stated. Dacion sits on the bed and looks at Kemar.

 "Where is Darius at?" Dacion questioned. "Darius woke up before you and came with a mutual understanding with General Luna so their upstairs making the battle strategy." Kemar answered.

 "Also, can i get my clothes back or do i just have sit here in the cold without a shirt and only pants" Dacion said.

 Kemar stood up and handed Dacion a black shirt through the cold metal bars.

 "They had to help you with your injuries so don't be surprised." Kemar replied.

 "When can I leave?" Dacion asked.

 Kemar reached into his pocket and pulled out keys. "Luna said i should be able to release you since you probably calmed down by now." Kemar said before unlocking the cell door.

 Dacion walked out of the cell and said, "Alright take me to them."

 At the same time, Luna and the group of her knights were planning to recover The king from the Bandits. "That would be the plan to recover the king tomorrow morning" Luna stated before dismissing the group of knights.

 Ahsian, Lawrence and Darius walked over to Luna. "So what will we be doing." Ahsian asked Luna. She looked at Ahsian and said, "You're the only one that has a grasp of the blessing, so you'll be sneaking in to recover King Charles."

 Ahsian nodded his head in agreement. "For you two, You'll be on the assault clearing out the bandits" Luna told to Darius and Lawrence.


 She walked towards the door and said, "Consider this your first mission of the Kingdom of Remark". As Luna walked out of the room, Ahsian looked at Darius and Lawrence and said, "I'm probably her favorite."

 "Maybe because you're the only one simping over her." Darius replied putting his hand on his head.

 Lawrence sat down in the chair and spoke, "Now that the briefing is over, Darius what the hell was that back the Arena". Darius sat down as well and replied, "I saw Dacion injured so i couldn't just sit by and let him get jumped by knights." Ahsian looked towards Darius and said, "I mean i did kick both of your asses so you wouldn't get jumped.... although Dacion snuck me and hit with a mean right hook."

 As they were speaking, Dacion and Kemar entered the room.

 "Dacion has finally awakened after getting his ass beat three times" Kemar stated holding the door opening.

 Dacion walked in and said, "Shut up already and plus i told i wouldn't have gotten knocked out if you weren't beating me up in the Arena tournament."

 All three of them looked Dacion and smiled. "Welcome back Dacion" Ahsian said. Dacion smiled and said, "I'm sorry for the trouble i caused."

 Lawrence stood up and said, "Now that we are here together, Let's sit down and talk about what we know and what we need to do from this point forward.

 They all sat and started giving information about this world.

 "To start off, we all teleported to distinct parts of the world and our physical attributes gotten boosted. But their is also another strange thing. We all know how to hand to hand combat. Kemar stated. "That's probably because of our blessings that we receive from the gods. If i recall the king said something about blessings during my vortex." Darius commented.

"Blessings, I assuming that is superpowers that you, Ahsian, and Lawrence used?" Kemar asked.

 "But Kemar, I thought you used it too, when we were captured by those kidnappers." Darius relayed.

Kemar began looking at his hand, he started thinking. 'Is he taking about when the bandits flew into their own tents. Was that the wind, So I used the wind to push those kidnappers away.'

 Ahsian started walking towards the door. "Wait Ahsian you're not off the hook. When you were fighting me, you said a weird chant that imbued you're hands in lightning. What was it?" Darius asked.

 Ahsian stopped and looked at Darius and grinned. "It's called an incantation. when Dacion left after Luna sent him an errand, She made me spar with her. During the spar, Luna kicked me in my chest which made me pass out. But when i passed out i was surrounded by Lightning and it just came to me. I don't really know how to explain, it was just a feeling when I passed out." Ahsian explained.

 "The same thing happened to me at the arena, it was just feeling." Darius replied.

 Kemar stands and spoke, "Alright now, since we got all the important stuff out of the way. We should head to our room and sleep now. Big day tomorrow so we might need to get our rest in."

 All of them stood up from the table and started walking towards their rooms.

 Dacion stopped walking and said, "Actually, i have to go apologize to someone". They looked at Dacion and nodded before walking down the halls. Dacion turns around and started walking to the front of the capital. As Dacion was walking to the front of the capital, Luna stops Dacion in his tracks.

 "I was just looking for you" Luna said in a evil tone.

 "Aye wait, maybe we could talk it out or something. Plus i didn't beat up your knights that much" Dacion said.

 Luna glared at Dacion then smiled. "You'll coming to the mission with us tomorrow. That's how you can apologize to me." Luna stated to Dacion before walking away.

 Dacion looked at Luna and took a deep breath. "I guess i should head to my room then" Dacion said before walking to his room.

 Dacion walks inside of the his room and lays down on the bed. He looks at the ceiling and thinks himself, "What is this strange burning feeling in my chest, maybe I can sleep it off." Dacion closes his eyes and falls asleep.


 As Dacion closes his eyes, a voice speaks to him, "Don't give up yet...their is still more that is in the future waiting for you."

He slowly opens his eyes, Dacion saw nothing but darkness. But there was a strange white figure standing in front of him. The figure spoke again, "Somewhere in the future, you will have to fight him and kill him. Till then, survive for the world."

Dacion looked at the entity with confusion.

 "W-who are you and what are you even talking about?" he questioned the strange enity staring at him.

Before, Dacion could question the entity more, the darkness began to cloud his eyes.

 "The future will tell." The entity final words to him.


 Dacion's eyes bolt opened; he sits up in the bed.

"The hell was that?" he asked himself.

 He hears a knock coming from the room door. "Hey Dacion, you ready to go?" Kemar asked through the door. Dacion gets up and walks towards the door and opens it.

 "Yeah I'm ready to go" He replied.

 Kemar and Dacion walked towards the front of capital and finds Darius, Lawrence, Ahsian, and Luna with some of knights.

 "Now that everyone is here, Let's go recover the King" Luna stated.

 As Luna said that, everybody left the Kingdom of Remark and headed East to recover the King from a group of evil bandits.

 "We've been walking for a while, are you sure we are going the right way?" Kemar asked Luna.

 "Are you saying that I don't know what I'm doing?" Luna responded.

 "N-no I was just-" Kemar was interrupted.

 As Kemar and Luna were speaking a big explosion came from the path ahead. Everybody stopped moving looked ahead, A massive group of bandits were charging at them.

 "You've gotta be kidding me" Dacion said.

 Luna turned around and looked at her knights.

 "Knights get ready to move around them. We'll let Dacion, Lawrence, Darius, and Kemar handle them." They looked at her with a dumbfounded face. "Ahsian you'll be coming with us" Luna stated before running around the bandits with her knights.

 As they left to go passed the bandits, Dacion and Kemar went on the left side of the bandits and Darius and Lawrence went on the right side of the bandits to hold them.

 "Hey Kemar, do you think it was a good idea letting Ahsian go save the king" Dacion said while running.

 "Yeah it is because me, Lawrence and Darius don't really have a grasp of blessings. So Ahsian would be best option." Kemar stated before punching a bandit in the throat.

 Dacion smiles and gutted punched a bandit. "We're counting on you Ahsian" Kemar said to himself before heading into the battle with the bandits.

 Meanwhile, Ahsian, Luna and her Knights were running towards the Bandit's base.

 "Ahsian, We have came across this base before. It's a five-story mansion with a basement." Luna revised to Ahsian while running.

 Ahsian nods in agreement. "Also, Var is a dangerous man. He used to have the blessing of super speed. But he lost his it after he was unworthy of it." Luna stated.

 Ahsian looks at Luna with curiosity and said, "you can...lose your blessing."

 Luna nods before stopping with her knights. "We'll be heading first to draw the attention of the Bandits guarding the mansion." Luna said before charging to the front with her knights.

 "I should sneak to the back of the base while they get their attention." Ahsian said before running to the back of the mansion.

 As Ahsian reached the back side of the mansion, he looked around and saw bandits guarding the back entrance of the mansion. Ahsian picks up a rock and throws it at a tree. The bandits looked towards where the rock was thrown.

 "The hell was that?" The bandit asked.

 As the bandits walked over the see what the noise came from. Ahsian sneaks around and walked inside of the mansion.

 The mansion has red walls that were covered with markings and sword marks, The wooden floors made a creaking noise every time you walked on it.

 "This place is a mess." Ahsian said to himself.

 Ahsian navigated through halls and found the main lobby. Ahsian looked around and saw holes in the red walls along with sword markings. "This place is messed up down to it's core" Ahsian said to himself. As Ahsian walked across the main lobby, he saw a door that said "basement". Ahsian walked towards the door and opened. He saw stairs leading downstairs. "Well i guess this is where I'm supposed to be" He said before walking down the stairs.

As he walked down the stairs, he saw a dark room with a lit candle.

 Ahsian looked around and heard a voice, "You finally made it."

 Ahsian looked at the direction the voice came from and saw Var standing their. Ahsian got into a fighting stance and looked at Var. "Where's the King" Ahsian demanded.

 "Well he isn't here but he is in this mansion." Var stated before drawing his sword.

 Var charged at Ahsian with his sword, he swung at him. Ahsian dashed back and threw a kick towards him. He blocked then kicked Ahsian in his chest. "Argh!" he grunted before flying into a pile of boxes.

 Var walked up the stairs and walked through the front door. "Ah shit that hurt...where did he go?" Ahsian said. Ahsian got up from the pile of boxes and headed upstairs.

 He looked at the front door and saw Var walking outside. "The hell are you trying pull?" Ahsian asked.

 Var looked at Ahsian and said, "It's cramped in that basement so let's finish the fight out here". Ahsian charged at Var and threw a punch. Var dodged then sweep kicked Ahsian causing him to fall on the ground. "Damn you're kind of weak." Var said teasing him.

 Ahsian gets up from the floor and dashed back from Var. He charged at Ahsian and swung his sword at him, he dodged before kicking him in the stomach. In that split second, Var dodged the kick and punched Ahsian in his stomach. "argh" he grunted before dashing back.

 "How did you even dodge the kick...That's not possible" Ahsian said. Var glared at Ahsian and grinned, "People who used to have blessings are called Remnants, Remnants may have lost the blessing, but they can still use hint of it."

 "So your Remnant, well it doesn't matter, it doesn't change the outcome of this fight." Ahsian stated.

 Ahsian raised his hand in the air and bought it down with a immense force. At that same moment, thunder came from the air and struck down at Var. He blocked it with his sword and charged at Ahsian.

 "As thunder roar through the skies, As it hit the ground, I call upon the lightning emperor!" Ahsian yelled. As he yelled, lightning was imbued on Ahsian's hands. Var swung his sword towards him, Ahsian dodged then countered with a gut punch. "Argh!" he grunted. Ahsian punched Var in the stomach in twice before throwing a roundhouse kick to the jaw sending him flying back.

 He gets up from the ground and picks up his sword. "Beginner's luck plus i still have a lot more in the tank" Var stated before pulling throwing knives out of his pocket. He charged at Ahsian and threw the throwing knives at him. He dodged and dashed back.

 The moment he dashed back, Var was behind him. He swung his sword and struck at Ahsian's back. "Argh!" He grunted before dashing away from him.



 'He moves to fast for me to react, but I know how to counter.' Ahsian thought.

 Var dashed towards Ahsian and swung his sword, he dodged before countering with a flurry of punches towards his midsection sending electric shocks to his body with every punch. Ahsian dashed back before throwing a charged punch towards Var. He caught the punch and kicked him the chest. He dashed behind Ahsian and slashed him right leg.

 "Arghh!" he grunted before falling on his knees.

 Var walked right front of him and pointed his sword at him. "I guess this is the end of our little dance... it was fun while it lasted" Var said before raising his sword in the air.

 In the moment, Ahsian closed his eyes and smiled. "I have another move up my sleeve still." Ahsian said. Var looked at him with curiosity and swung his sword down. Ahsian dodged back and got up from the floor. Ahsian closed his eyes and clenched his fists. As he opened his eyes, a burst of lightning surrounded Ahsian. "How the hell?!" Var yelled.

 With the lightning surrounding him, Ahsian opened his hand making the lightning form around it. "As it ignites within me, as it roar through stormy nights. Storm volley!!" Ahsian yelled.

 As Ahsian yelled, A lightning orb forms on Ahsian's hand. Var charged at Ahsian and threw throwing knives at him. Ahsian dodged and dashed away. Var was behind Ahsian and swung his sword at his back, he dodged then kicked him in the mouth. As he did that, Ahsian countered and threw the shock orb at Var causing a big explosion. The explosion sent Ahsian flying back towards the Mansion. As the smokes clears, Ahsian looked up and saw Var laying on the floor. "I guess i did it then..." He spoke.

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