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3.57% Everyday Life of A Delinquent / Chapter 1: Ch. 1 - Joker
Everyday Life of A Delinquent Everyday Life of A Delinquent original

Everyday Life of A Delinquent

Auteur: AkaneZero

© WebNovel

Chapitre 1: Ch. 1 - Joker

When dealt a good hand, and gamble for that one card in a game poker... it can be a hit or miss. it's meant to be that wild card. A saving Grace or utter misfortune. The joker is symbolized in many ways, but of course, if that card is in your hand and all that's left, you lose. So how would you get rid of it? Exchange it? play it? does winning with it even seem possible?

Drake, was this unfortunate child. Nights he spent in quiet tears hearing arguments, and when suddenly he had a little sister. he looked to his parents in fear, why would they do such a thing? he was already in middle school when this happened. he knew what they were like, so why? they were aware also of themselves. yet they saw this new child as a way to fix things between them. But he knew, this wouldn't work. it wasn't going to happen. so at the same time, he vowed to take care of her. this meant, working. he'd find out occasionally she wasn't fed right. and they'd have to share a room in their small apartment. he worked doing deals for gangs around his neighborhood. picking up and dropping off. when he would get caught. he would run, run like his life was on the line. run like it meant it would die if he couldn't.

by the time he was a freshman, he would have been in juvenile detention once, but allowed out early on account he had a sister and good behavior.

his little sister just started primary school, and he was now in high school. he wasn't close to anyone, but he never moved anywhere special. so others saw him often knowing he was the troubled kid. the one to stay away from, the kid whose bad side you don't want to see or ever deal with.

however, they all couldn't be wrong.

Drake had a few piercings. two along with his right ear and one on the left, and even one along his tongue. he had a cut scar across his left eyebrow, and as much with his reputation as the bad influence, he had the looks to kill with his black hair. firm jawline and smooth skin as he was even slightly tanned. he was quite tall, and his hair dragged to his shoulders and never any longer. His outfit of choice was a slim jacket inside a thick sweater and baggy jeans. even had a necklace around himself that hung low between his pecks. he was muscular on top of it. Wore leather bracelets in one hand and two thin colorful ones in the other. three rings, two on his right that were on his middle and pinky, and his left one around his ring finger. he was the stereotypical bad boy of choice for dramas and shows. no one wanted to get close, but that didn't stop girls around him, confessing in secret or gathering to talk with him.

he would occasionally talk, share some bit here and there, make them smile as he conversed, but it was a drag for him. he didn't enjoy the attention he got, and when he did. the other boys notice, and out of jealousy and one thing would always lead to another. a fight, one that ends with him half beaten and everyone else with broken bones, bleeding and beaten. he didn't show restraint.

he was now, 16. in his second year of high school. a junior as he got held back. his sister, now in the 3rd grade.

It was his first day of school again, and he hadn't changed. now however a J, was on his neck. a tattoo to symbolize the hand he was. dealt. and what everyone who knew him, called him. Joker.

he got dressed, and grabbed his backpack, he woke early in the morning, the sky was still blue and made breakfast for his kid sister. he woke her up, to take her to school early, he prepared her bag with her school supplies, and a stuffed bear that was tattered but her favorite. he honestly spoiled her too much, at least he thought. he hardly showed any emotion which only adding to his bad reputation. still, he was glad his sister could see him for who he was and it was all he could want. he already decides to get them out of their hell hole of a home. to take them to a nicer one. however, even for a nice dream to promise her, he wasn't sure what his future had for him. still, he tried.

it was at this time, after breakfast they were walking outside now, he held her hand as he quietly walked her, and listened to her soft humming. she was far more fail than him, but she was normal and healthy. he did a lot to just provide for her. he dropped her off with a female teacher that got to know them. and she was the second person to see Drake as not some bad child.

"pretty early even in the new term hun?" she said softly and felt Drakes sisters hug her. "It's good to have you again this year to Sarah..." she smiled and pat her head.

"yeah..." is all he said and then bowed his head.

"still not much a talker I see... well I hope your sleeping well at least... and pay attention this year Drake," she said with such a motherly tone with him.

"I can only try... please take care of my little sister this year too..." he said and got down. "be good to your teacher... K kiddo..." he pats his sister and she nodded.

"I always am... be safe at school okay D..." she said with a soft tone and sweet voice.

"I will..." he got up and waved to them both. leaving them as he began to head to his school. he had his phone out. and put in earbuds as well tossed up his hood. he began walking with his hands in his pockets and looked around. the world was quiet in the morning. the air was clear and no one was around to bother him. it was his bliss for a moment in the world he had to live in.

He had stopped at a light and took a moment to stare up. 'rain?' he thought and began to check his phone for the weather. when it turned green. he began to walk again and saw the forecast. "maybe I should get an umbrella...? oh and work..." he looked at his schedule and was soon stopped, as he had gotten a message from one of his counselors. A Man from his detention center checked upon him, and helped him stay in school, but also helped him land a job.

-hey Drake. I hope you're not ditching on your first day like last year, hurry up to school after you drop off Sarah or we will have problems.- it seemed like a threat.

"jeez... I don't need you lecturing me old man..." he said and then replied.

-I'm already at the front of my school don't worry- he sent.

after that, his phone was back in his pocket and he entered the gates, and right away went to the office of the principal.

"my... you early aren't you Drake..." a mature woman said looking at him after her door was opened.

"I don't want to miss out on my future... so yeah I'm here early... can you hand me my classes already old hag..." he told her walking up to her desk.

"ah ah, first those earbuds mister... then the hood... I'll forgive you for not wearing the uniform today, but next time bring it. also, you need to saw please" she said.

"you're such a menace..." he sighed. and did as she asked. "Please, Ma'am, my schedule if it's not too much trouble" he bowed his head and looked to her after.

"That's more I like it... you'll be one hell of a policeman like that, or maybe a lawyer? maybe a doctor" she teased a bit handing him his schedule.

"Stop teasing me... I'm not aiming for anything like that..." he said, but even that was a lie to himself. and she knew.

"oh ho... so have you decided on what you'll be?" she asked curiously and genuinely to him.

"no..." he turned with the paper and left her office.

"What a shame..." she said picking into a pen with her teeth. "You don't have a lot of time left kid..." on her desk was a picture, her husband who was Mason's counselor, and with them was Mason and Sarah. "only two years... you better get to it this year kid..." she smiled softly.

in that same picture, Drake had a smile. A soft hardly noticeable gentle smile.

Mason walked to his classroom, the first one of the day was just a homeroom, so he began to idle away on his phone. more and more students filled up the school and soon his class, until the bell rung. it was the first day, so it was time for introductions for everyone. he stood up, said his name, and just sat back down.

the room stared a second, some who were new thought he had looked cool, girls mumble to one another and gave stares at him that clear showed attraction for him.

sure enough, the class was starting after the teacher got to hear everyone.

his first class was no trouble, and it went off without an issue for once, but it was likely because of the current class, once break came around, things would have surely changed.

the bell rang, and meant it was time for a break. he stayed sat in his seat in the middle of the class that most against the window and looked outside. the clouds were dark and sure enough, a thought came to him. 'I'll go buy an umbrella for Sarah. I should have checked before leaving home...' he told himself, but then remembered the wall of old stains of bottles broken and the messy trash cans and floor around the living room. 'hm... maybe I should also be taking her to my work... or the library... she's in the after-school program so maybe I don't need to head home right away with her...'

"Hey Drake... right?" a boy Said walking up to his desk.

'so it begins hun...' he turned his eyes and looked at the boy.

"whoa... nice piercings man... are your nipples pierced too?" he said, and that got his two other friends laughing.

Drake just looked back out the window. and spoke. "ask your mother how my dick looks buddy... she can tell if it's pierced too if your interested so much."

this got him quiet, and his friends nearly laughed at him, it made others in the class laugh the same, after all, he was the rowdy one, and he just answered back to him

"damn punk..." he said and grabbed his sweater along Drake's neck. pulling him to stare at him. "smart guy hun..."

"let go..." he glared at him, as Drake had a nasty look.

"or what huh...?"

"This is pointless... on the first day of school you want to cause trouble and be the big dog..." he grabbed onto his wrist and twisted it slowly.

"ow... hey! that's hurting asshole..." he let go out of instinct and force.

"no shit genius... when you put your hand on someone... don't expect it to be gentle... especially on me... got that," he told him off and let him go. "sit your ass down."

"tch..." even though, the boy wanted to establish himself as the big guy, and wanted to take on someone who looked so vulgar. he sat back down, and his buddies backed away a little scared even. this got him a reputation quickly for them both once again.

as the news spread, the sophomores, who knew Drake, knew already who some were talking about, and just like that networking among students travel fast.

and quickly the new students knew about the infamous Drake. and, the J that was tattooed onto his left side of his neck. but also his many fights, and time in juvenile detention and as they just spread. It seemed like new ones were just made to make him look even worse.

at the end of the day, those in his class, now all saw him as the rumors said, after his fire back, but also did just tread with caution.

Drake got on his phone and called his sister's teacher. "I won't be able to pick her up because of work... I also doubt our parents will pick her up... so let her stay a while if it's no trouble"

"Yeah, it's no trouble at all Drake... have fun at work..." she said and hung up.

"That's taken care of... now... that man..." he then messaged his counselor once again. -I'll be heading to work now- he had to keep updates on him. not because he was forced to, but it was a request from him.

and got a reply back fast. -alright... do you need money for a bus or something.-

-Nah, I'll just walk it's appreciated though sir.-

-if you say so, be safe then Drake. Enjoy work-

the conversation ended there, and soon he left his school. a small group of girls gathered around him. "Hey, I hey, Draky. let's go to the arcade? or maybe the mall?"

"it's about to rain though... you should head home" he replied looking forward at the crosswalk.

"there's, not a dro-.." water began to fall. "crap! let's go..." she said leaving him as the girls ran to a store to get an umbrella before it was too late.

at a distance, a girl stood under a bus stop looking at Drake. "why does he look so unhappy all the time and sad?" she wondered as her bus came she got on.

Drake then crossed on a green light and headed to work in a different town. he wasn't late at all by any means, and when he arrived, he was greeted calmly by the store owner. "Hey bud, hurry on back... we need you, peak is about to start" he smiled. as it was a family dinner.

"sure... just need a sec to change..." he said walking into the store and further to the back. he took off his clothes and got changed into an apron as we tied his hair up. he was a chef for them. and began to cook for the dinner.

"I heard from my sister you were early today too... you sleeping alright man?" he said, and Drake nodded.

"enough as I'm allowed to..."

"dude..." he knew his life was gloomy. "try and sleep in a bit more, nothing wrong with that... and if you need a place to crash your welcome anytime" he offered him and elbowed his shoulder.

"I..." he wanted to deny what he said, but he knew he was trying to only make him and the mood a little lighter. "I just might... who knows it doesn't sound too bad of an idea..."

"Yeah! sleep is the best part of life... a simple yet incredible thing" he chuckled and kept walking around now. "come in come in!" he was back to work.

he had few people around, few adults who got to understand him or at least know about his situation. and this small fact. made him a bit calmer and happier. he worked making food and dishes, as quickly as they came in, they were gone thanks to Drake.

his shift was over, he only could afford to work part-time, since he had to make time for school. luckily he had a very flexible schedule and understanding boss.

"good work D. tomorrow your free sp don't worry about it okay!" his boss to him.

"ah? you sure... I was scheduled though" Drake said.

"Yeah man, don't sweat it... go and pick up that little sister of yours," he said. and soon another older male spoke up, the second man in charge. "how about I drive ya Drake. beats walking doesn't it?"

"your shift is over?"

"why else would I be offering."

he nodded. "alright sure... thanks, man. no prob, let's get out of these clothes already, I can't wait to have a bear!" he said putting an arm around Drake.

they both got changed into their casual clothes again, and his boss soon stopped them. "here... for you and your kid sister"

"thanks a lot," he said and took the tray of food.

shortly after they left, Drake got into the car and began to get taken to the school of his kid sisters, where he was dropped off. the sun was setting, and with a waiting teacher and litter sister, he got out and felt his sister hug him. "big bro!" she smiled and held onto him.

Mason looked to the teacher. "sorry if I'm late... " he pats his sister's head and soon even picked her up. he was incredibly tired but still used his strength to pick up his sister, who was tired herself.

"not at all, hurry home now, and be careful..." she said to him and waved as Drake left with Sarah.

he took her home. as she slept and drooled on him. he looked to his apartment and saw the lights were on. "tch..." he walked inside and heard some fighting. he ignored it, after putting his earbuds with soft music into his sister's ear and walked to their room. he laid her in her bed, and helped take off her bag, and removed his own. he sighed and waited for them to stop. but, what he ignored was too cruel for anyone.

"YOU BITCH! THIS ISNT ENOUGH FOR RENT... GO BACK OUT THERE..." A door was slammed and shut. and he knew his mother was now back outside. he truly couldn't care anymore for them. they were a lost cause. while he heard yelling, and cries, his sister, listened to music, she was gently patted on her head even.

while she left. Drake teared up from one side of his face and quickly wiped it away. 'just why... do you have to burden her huh...?' he felt anger but didn't show it. he was sad yet showed non of it. he just watched his sister sleep for now. when it got dark, his father passed out drunk, Drake prepared the food that was cold heating it up, and also then prepared a bath. he slowly woke up his sister so she could eat and they could bath together.

that took less than an hour since it was late, he couldn't keep her up, and neither could. he had to be up early and leave home to drop off his sister. so, they did it all, ate and bathed then back to bed. he slept on the floor by the bed while the bed was all hers.

When morning came again, he woke up early and did the usual again. making breakfast but only for his sister this time. and then got them clothes ready for school once again and he had his uniform this time. it was always like this, and it never got any easier for him.

Day and night, he tried to keep his sister away from the trouble, to never be like what he was, or ever see what had to or hear what he had to. he did his best to protect her the best he could. day and night, year after year, since the moment she was born. it never was any easier.

next chapter
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