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50% Entomophobia / Chapter 2: The Warden of Decay, The Sovereign of Pestilence, The ...

Chapitre 2: The Warden of Decay, The Sovereign of Pestilence, The ...

Yep, just as one would expect.

Sitting in place would get boring after a good bunch of time. Although I am not limited to sitting in place, walking or running would be just as boring.

And to think I got sent here just because of this little thing ... quite annoying thought.

I mean, come on ! Just a little taking over the hell couldn't lead to such a thing.

Damn Justice and Lucy, fucking hypocrites.

But I couldn't do anything against it. There was no way of getting out, even for someone as powerful as myself. I don't have anything to go off and my powers are of no real use, I don't know any dimensional or space tricks powerful enough to free myself from here. Considering that, I'm stuck.

I, the most powerful demon to ever be known, bounded by such a foolish thing. How pathetic.

I would start crying, but I can't. There is no such a thing for demons.

I could also start to despair, but I can't. There is no such a thing for individuals of my power.

As such, I am stuck here, in a pinch. Waiting. For something.


Now that I look back at the things, I didn't need any hell domination. I needed no rule.

What I needed is probably an acknowledgment. Acknowledgment that I am the most powerful, that I am one and only Beelzebub !

Such a petty mistake led to me being here. Quite hilarious if you ask me.


I wonder, how much time has passed ?

I don't know about any sign that time even functions here. Maybe if I were to get out, only a few minutes would pass from the time that I got put in here ? That is quite a funny thought. If it were to happen, I can say something like 'Fools ! Your trap has failed !' or 'You idiots, did you think that such a mere thing would be able to stop this all mighty Beelzebub ?!'.

Their shocked faces would make up for this whole eternities that I spent in here.

Or, a few hundreds of years have passed already, then I would be able to ... finally be free. Really, this ruling does not appease to me the same way it did back then.

What would I even rule over ? Status of queen herself didn't give anything, anyone could just do what they wanted, that is what hell was basically. What did I need this rule for ? Heh, foolish of me.


Maybe I should do something ? Even if I am sitting here, I should still be able to do few things. Let's see ... maybe I should make a little home for myself in here ?

It seems that I will be here for quite a long time, might as well. But what if I suddenly leave ? Then my work will be abandoned and-

No, it doesn't matter for this All mighty Beelzebub ! Such a castles are only a mere thought !

With this, I got for a little working and tweaking on this huge castle. There was no materials to make it, so I had do make them myself. Using one of my numerous abilities, I was able to create a kind of brick, made from the darkness that was shrouding the Abyss. It should be solid enough to be named the hardest brick in the whole world. Or the Abyss in that case.

I still needed thousands of them, which is totally no problem for such a powerful individual ! However, I think that it would be easier in my humanoid form ... well, might as well.

I switched into my other form, transforming myself into the body similar to ordinary demons. White horns, contrary to normal dark ones, decorated my hair. Only the most powerful demons possess white horns, it means that demon is extraordinarily powerful or is highly situated. A latter part to include Lucy.

Last time I remember, I was one of the only ones in history to have them.

Back to my glorious castle. As it would be too much work to put them in place myself, I used my magnificent powers to get them in place. Only real problem would be supplying this bricks, and for me, it is not.

Brick after brick and thought after thought, I continued building a dream-like place, ideal for such a glorious individual.

After going through every detail and every project in my mind, I was able to create it !

Although it felt like an eternity, I did manage, resulting in a monumental castle on the horizon. As one may have guessed, it's walls were dark, just as dark as its surroundings in this abyss.

I really wonder how am I able to even see it ? If dark color mixes with dark color then it creates just more dark, so it is kind of defying physics.

Well, my powers also do, so I guess you can qualify them as a little less powerful than mine.

Well, now how to describe it ... hmmm ... okay, let's go with that.

So, this mighty castle looks like that ! ——>

Yes, yes, no need to thank me. You shall be grateful.

As such, I decided to stroll around it. That is what I built it for, might as well.

Going through the majestic gate, I came onto the plaza, just as glorious as the gates.

A dark plants covering the entirety of its walls, covering them beautifully.

Going further inside, a beautifully decorated hall that leads to the throne room was present, shining in a dark glim.

Throne room itself is the thing that I am proud off the most. A huge, seemingly endless pillars stood on the sides, making a way before the throne. A way itself was decorated with a long, purple-black-red carpet.

The best part is the throne itself.

It was made from the condensed darkness, compared to everything else in the room that was made of a simple darkness put together.

Six fly like legs enveloping the throne, making way for a crimson crystal stationed on thrones top.

Yes, I must say that it exceeded my expectations. But, let's not waste the whole eternity staring at an ounce of my magnificent work when there is so much more to look at !

Going behind the throne, one would meet a crossroad.

Left path would lead you towards the living quarters. About 50 rooms ready to take the guests in, quite comfortably may I add.

All rooms, of course, had been categorized. I can't just put important people on the same level as some pests.

First 30 were for servants, minions or whoever might it be that is of no real importance. They were of no real quality, just a simple bed and a mirror on the wall.

Next 10 were for companions of real guests. They were of way better class than first 30, meaning that they are someone important. They were armed way better, having a double size of servant's bed, dressing table with a mirror, and a wardrobe.

And the last 10 are for, you guessed, a special guests !

Contrary to other rooms, these took a little while for me to make.

Enormous beds, large mirrors, various decoration, all present and made by this dear self.

That would it when it came to left wing, let's go to the right now.

On the right side of the crossroad, many halls, kitchens and different spaces were created.

You could find, let's say for example, a huge dancing hall, a little smaller dining hall, washing rooms and other useful places with all equipment necessary.

That is the place where most important meetings would proceed, be it official meetings, celebrations or grieving.

What is left is a path forward, leading straight into ... my own living quarters !

As one would expect, I would take care of them the most. As much as I didn't care all that much for any guest living in living quarters or any invited individual partying in my halls, I would always put myself at first.

My living space was a mansion in between the walls of my castle, looking like a modern house. Two floors, parter being a place for a normal kitchen, living room, a toilet. Second one had a few rooms worth of living space, all of them armed in a TVs and modern equipment. Even though it won't work.

Why did I make it in the first place then ? Haha ... you see, I saw some people having these, so I thought that it would be a good idea ... hehehe ... hehe ... hehe ...

*Nervously cleans her head with a handkerchief.*

A-Anyway ! I did showcase the castle, I will be going into something of a sleep state, as sleeping here just doesn't work.

It should be interesting from now on.


I changed my mind, it is getting boring. I built everything there was to build and tried everything there was to try. Results ?


After doing everything there was to do, I am forced to do things over and over and over ...

Really, it would be quite nice if someone was here with me. They would be able to tell me how magnificent I am, or just ... talk to me.

Yeah, that would be great.

There was nothing to do to entertain myself, resulting in me simply sitting, laying, or whatever position I was currently in.

At least there were some flies in here, making it somewhat more comfortable to decay in here.

Somehow funny, The Warden of Decay, decaying in this strange space. heh.


1198367 ...

1198368 ...

1198369 ...

No, it's too boring.

I tried counting seconds that supposedly pass around me, however from how long I am here, I can tell that time is not the same as in hell or mortal realm.

I was currently in my fly form, resting before the castle. I really liked just standing here, sometimes looking back onto my castle.

After quite some time, I tried other things.

Poetry, architecture, cooking. Whatever you can say.

Eh, they became boring few days worth of time later.

I dunno, can't something crazy happen ? Like, some monsters that I can fight off, or a port-

Right in that moment, I felt a space around me twist in an unnatural angle. Normalny, it would resemble a straight string, put with other strings stacked on each other, each representing a reality.

If I know that, why didn't I try to escape this one ? Very simple, this reality is not like your normal reality.

First, there was no concept aside of darkness. No time, no space, nothing to go from. If one is powerful enough, they can try and create portals between 'strings', but here, there was nothing to create it from. No kind of energy, nothing to base it off. I think that this is what makes this place really good at trapping entities.

So, the question is, how this portal came into existence ? There are three things that could happen.

First. Someone read a very powerful incantations and did everything it says, making it fulfill its purpose. Which is highly unlikely, simply because no one would make a portal to such a hellhole just because they were bored.

Second and the most favorable one. Someone is trying to get me out of here ! It would be really nice of them, so I would take a chance.

Third one. Someone is trying to force their way in here. Which is, quite ... weird. I wouldn't want to get here in the first place, but I guess it's their choice.

Only thing I can do is try and force my way through it. As much as I can't make a connection with other 'string', if it's a portal, then I can force it fully open. Let's hope for the best.

I allowed it to fully come into existence, making a purple circular-like shape.

I could see through, there being ... a living room ? Who would dumb enough to open a portal to this place from a simple living room ?

The walls were blue ... quite good. But, color. I didn't see one in what felt like eternity. Quite relieving to see one.

Well, the most interesting thing was a girl standing before the portal, gazing into it.

Neck-long black hair and glasses on her eyes. Most surprising fact is, that she is human.

How could a human open the portal ? They don't have any magic of sorts as far as I know. But maybe just something changed in the time I wasn't there, does not really matter. If it is the human, a simple acting should be enough.

"What is this ? ... Did someone open the portal at last ?"

I said with a note of genuine surprise. I was surprised and simply transferring it into a voice wasn't any real problem.

Human seemed a little surprised, but I continued on.

"... Greetings, little one. I am Beelzebub. And you must be the chosen one ... The Queen of Hell ... and that means ... I am nothing but a humble servant. Enter the gateway and claim your rightful throne."

As much as it pained my pride to say that, I didn't have any other option.

While talking, I was trying to secretly access the portal, moving towards it.

It was the results that forced me into this. After a few seconds of going towards it, a distance between me and it didn't decrease. That means, I was not able to access it. And in turn, that meant, that it wasn't any powerful being, but an incantation, serving a purpose of going into the abyss.

This is not a way out, sadly. At least I can make her go into the portal so I would have some company.

"Hey, isn't this a one-way banishment portal ?"

Said a very familiar voice from the sidelines. I glanced towards it, revealing a very familiar figure. A CEO of hell, Lucifer.


I couldn't help but say that. There goes my chance for some company.

"Beel ! And here I hoped I would never see your face again."

Lucy replied, looking in my direction with quite ... I don't know how to describe a look on her face.

"Feeling is mutual, my dear Lucy."

I couldn't help but talk back. I didn't have any meaningful conversation in ages, might as well talk for as long as possible.

"Old friend of yours ?"

Asked unfazed figure of a human, not having any intention to enter the portal apparently.

"Yes dear, don't believe a single word from Beelzebub the Exiled. Most dangerous kind of demon. Forever sealed inside the Abyss. Ask Justice, she was a High Prosecutor back then."

"Yeah, it was awesome ! Wish you would have seen this epic battle."

Added another figure belonging to, apparently, FORMER High Prosecutor.

"If you step through the portal, your soul will get imprisoned too. Only madness awaits you there."

I decided to interrupt.

"I have been here for quite some time and found no madness yet. Quite disappointing, really. A bit of madness would be refreshing, all one can find here is darkness and loneliness."

I spoke with a little melancholy in my voice. It would be quite nice, going mad for some time, it would provide a different mindset.

"Just ignore this pest, I will close the portal after dinner."

She said as she started walking away.

"I will get out one day."

"We will be ready."

She replied, going out of my sight.

So, I guess that is another centuries of boredom- huh ?

Portal abruptly closed off, contrary to what Lucy said.

I looked around, sensing another being and meeting with eyes of the girl. A human.



"Wait, what ? ... You, how did you ..."

I was at loss of words. This girl, even when she heard a warnings from Lucy, still did that ? It is, unbelievable.

"I simply can't believe you just did that. Have you really bought this Queen of Hell crap ? No, that simply doesn't add up, so why ..."


"Doesn't matter."

I chose to just ignore why would she do this, rather not questioning humans moral code.

"Since we are stuck here for quite foreseeable future, I think I should at least properly introduce myself."

I stood up, widening my wings and calling back all of the flies.

"I possess many names, The Sovereign of Pestilence, The Warden of Decay, The Mistress of Flies, The ..."

I looked back at the human, only to see her stare at me, frightened. Oh my, I must be getting old.

"... Where are my manners ? I have a guest, I think I should make myself more presentable."

I said as I started changing back to my humanoid form, my body lowering and condensing.

After few seconds, I stood up, dressed in my finest red suit.

"Here. I think you will find this form a little more comfortable to converse with."

I said, putting one hand on my chest and other in the air, pointing into the void.

"Where was I ? Ah, yes ... Also known as The Mistress of Flies and The Queen Crimson. Pleased to meet your acquaintance."

I said, with one hand behind my back and the other offering a handshake.

I think that few hundreds years to come will get way more interesting.

[Cut !

Yep, I will end it right here, leaving you hanging.

I will go into this direction, and make it multiverse. You can't stop me, you can only drop few comments, which would be much more appreciated than power-stones.

Beelzebub the best girl.


Also, fuck autocorrect.


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