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93.93% DxD: The King of Dragons / Chapter 62: Chapter 60: 1st Rating Game

Chapitre 62: Chapter 60: 1st Rating Game


In a circle, Mordred was currently in a meeting with his kin. So the Nekoshous, forbidden couple, and the rest of the kids group were not a part of the meeting.


"So, who is going to be the one who will show the punk that wants to humiliate Sona how unfair this world is?" Mordred started.


"Ooh! Ooh! Me! I want to try and kill that filthy devil. I haven't hunted down a devil yet. Katerea is different you see? If she was more skillful, I would've been dead." Mo-chan raised her hand immediately.


"Those who agree to Mo-chan's request, raise your hand." Mordred asked for a vote. It was a democracy after all.


Nobody raised their hands, all of them wanting a piece of the action. They would be known throughout the whole underworld due to the match being public.


So the meat head part of their draconic soul was all fired up.


"Rejected, anyone else? Then I want your reason for wanting to fight as well." Mordred looked at them and Vali went next.


"Ahem, as the scion of the Lucifer. I would like to show these peasants how the host of the vanishing dragon will destroy this cretin called Zephrydor. My left hand is already throbbing due to my power." Vali went kukuku as she gave her presentation.


"Divine dividing is on your back..." Ise pointed out with a deadpan, not even reacting anymore to her chuuni phase.


"And won't you be targeted by the great king faction for being a Lucifer? With you being extra strong, they'll definitely try something." Dulio analyzed the situation.


"Un, so why don't you sit this one out Va-chan." Lavinia agreed with Dulio.


"D-don't call me that... I am the devil, c-calling me Va-chan, insolent." Vali huffed at her.


"Then, rejected." Mordred thought those were pretty good points, so he shelved her for now.


Meanwhile, Dulio had a wry smile on his face. Because he can't really fight, or he would need to unseal his control on Zenith Tempest.


He has a tight lid on his sacred gear. And it would be a disaster if he used it in public. The temporary dimension they were in isn't going to be able to hold Zenith Tempest at all.


Lavinia wasn't interested in battling little pricks. And she would rather spend some time with Mordred and the other kids.


"How about you, Lavinia?" Mordred asked her and she shook her head with the sleepy look she always had on her face.


"I can't, Mo-kun. Remember this? They'll be in an uproar if I use it against a devil. Even though he isn't an heir, he's still a high class devil in name." Lavinia explained and he nodded.


"Then, it all comes to you." Mordred looked at Ise and she was put on the spot. Ise is the one with the least aggressiveness, unless provoked.


And she doesn't do well with crowds at all. The human side inside of her brain was getting stage fright already. Just thinking about being watched by millions of people made her anxious.


"Uhhh, shouldn't you represent us Mordred? You know? As our leader and all?" Ise started sweating and Mordred nodded at her, seeing her distress.


"Heh, what a pussy. You should call yourself the dominated dragon. Ddraig must be rolling in his sacred gear right now." Vali smirked at her.


"Ha!? Do you really wanna go? It might be incomplete. But I am about to surpass my limits and reach my 2nd form!" Ise hissed at her and they started butting heads.


"I guess it is a good choice for me to go fight them all." Mordred thought about it. Ignoring the heavenly dragons.


"Un, you'll do great~" Lavinia smiled at him. "But I can't show you guys off." Mordred pouted.


He can't even show them his swords. Or it would be a slaughter. The only viable weapon he could use is Dojigiri.


"Let's do this the old fashioned way then, Ise." Mordred squinted his eyes and Ise nodded.


"Scissors, paper, rock!" Their hands blurred and Ise was of course slower than Mordred. So she lost to him.


"It's decided then, you'll be showing off at the rating game, meeting adjourned." Mordred immediately finished the meeting.


"Aww, I really wanted to skewer a devil. They're so much fun to fight, they're really arrogant. So it is very satisfying to shove my sword against them." Mo-chan was frustrated.


"Don't worry, you can stab Katerea with your sword later when you spar. She didn't react as expected from my punishments, so she'll be your sparring partner." Mordred gave Katerea as a punching bag.


"Okay, but I can't stab her to the hilt! That's what's fun about stabbing people." Mo-chan pouted at him and he shrugged.


"That's just the way it is, she's our maid now. Don't hurt her too bad. Make her improve so she would be useful in battle. Our household's maid must be like Grayfia." Mordred nodded sagely.


The Lucifuge maid was perfect at her job. Sirzechs would have been definitely booted out of his position ages ago if it wasn't for Grayfia's help.


"Kuu, I'm going to be watched by millions of people. I don't feel so good." Ise grabbed her stomach.


"We've had a trial by combat Ise, we'll cheer you on from the side, don't worry." Morded chuckled as Ise sighed heavily.


"Why did Sona had to get the attention of that prick? And Sera-tan couldn't help but take advantage of this." Ise groaned.


"Well, we are getting a secretary anyways. Katerea can't handle our faction and you know that." Mordred explained why he accepted Serafall's little scheme.


"Did you at least see our new secretary? Is she hot?" Ise tried to fish for information.


"She has pink hair and is beautiful I guess. Mom's still prettier though." Mordred nodded sagely.




"Is it ready, Diodora?" A teen with blue hair was talking with another that has black hair.


"Of course Zephrydor. One for you, and one for all of your peerage members." Diodora handed him a box that was filled with bottles that contained black snakes.


Just like the one that Katerea used when she tried to raid Japan.


"Heh, that bitch won't see it coming. I'll power up to ultimate class with this." Zephrydor immediately took one out and inserted it inside of his chest.


"Be careful, you might attract suspicion if your strength suddenly inflates." Diodora noticed that his demonic power skyrocketed and Zephrydor laughed.


"Heh, how would they know? We have no recorded rating games yet. That Sitri heir will be my bitch." Zephrydor smirked as he reveled in his increase of power.


He then left in a magic circle and Diodora shook his head wistfully. "Why aim for devils? Playing with holy maidens is much more interesting." He had a twisted smirk on his face.


__A few days later__


"Are you ready, Mo-kun? Give em hell!" Serafall was the one officiating the match. It gave her a convenient excuse to laze around and ditch her work.


Her sister's marriage is on the line. So the great king faction didn't really hassle her for it.


"We're ready Sera-tan, don't worry. I think we'll be able to show a pretty nice game." Mordred shrugged.


"Kekeke, I wonder what face that little scumbag would show when I reveal that you're Sona's champion?" Serafall smirked wickedly.


"Hah, you're pretty twisted Sera-tan. The pillar clans know that I have many Longinus users in my group." Mordred smiled wryly and Serafall chuckled.


"Hmph, that bastard should know his place. Setting his eyes on So-tan. I would've killed him instead if it wasn't going to backfire heavily on me." Serafall glared as she imagined Zephrydor's face.


"Well, So-tan is a good friend of mine too. So we'll definitely show him his place." Morded smirked and Serafall nodded in excitement.


"Yeah! Beat him up real good! Tear his arms and beat him with it! Slice off his balls and make him eat it!" Serafall's eyes turned bloodshot.


"Wow, you really want this guy to get killed huh?" Mordred was a bit surprised by her rage.


"Well, imagine if someone makes a move on your mom and she can't do anything. And they want to turn her into a sex toy." Serafall gave him an example and he froze.


His anti-dragon runes glowed to life and his eyes turned into slits. Serafall sweated due to the sudden pressure he was emitting, but he quickly reeled it in.


"I understand now, my eyes have been opened. Zephrydor Glasya-Labolas will get a beating of a lifetime." Mordred nodded at Serafall and she smiled in satisfaction.


Mordred teleported to the waiting area and everybody noticed that he was in a bad mood.


"Everyone, change of plans. This Zephrydor fellow is going to regret being alive." Mordred was emitting bloodlust and they immediately nodded.


"Changed your mind? This is going to be a bloodbath." Mo-chan licked her lips and she gave a toothy grin.


They waited for Serafall to announce the rating game and the long awaited match began.


"Hi~ this is miracle Levi-tan!" Serafall winked and the crowd went wild.


Deviltube even streamed the rating game and a lot of devils were watching the match.


"Nee-sama..." Sona sighed and Rias patted her on the back, knowing it all too well.


"So, who's going to represent you?" Rias wondered and their other friends were also curious.


"Mordred, that guy dares to try and make demands of the Sitris? Falbium Asmodeus must be miffed right now." Sona smirked as she fixed her glasses.


"M-Mordred!?" They were all in shock. He beats them up all the time in training like stealing candy from a baby. So they knew that Zephrydor is going to be minced meat.


However, they were also curious about how Mordred fights someone else. Someone that he genuinely wants to beat up.


"Mordred fighting, huh? I'm getting fired up. Maybe we'll see how strong he really is? He is fiercely protective of his friends and family. So perhaps we'll see?" Sairaorg grinned.


He was ready to throw hands with the Baels. And Sairaorg met a partner that he could count on. Shirone and Kuroka also taught him sage arts. Increasing his ranking to the top.


"Don't be conceited Sai, Mordred is much stronger than you think. And I'm learning how to use natural energy as well. I've been spending more time with him. I couldn't measure his real strength." Rias shrugged.


"Stop speculating, Serafall-nee is about to introduce the players." Latia chided them and Seekvaira started preparing to slow down her perception of time to see how they would use magic.


"We'll be having a fight on a field, as requested by Zephrydor Glasya-Labolas. And speaking of the devil, here he comes with his peerage." Serafall introduced him flatly.


"Kekeke, they won't be able to hide here." Zephrydor wanted to show off.


"And at the other side, is the handsome king of knights! Mordred Pendragon everybody! Kyah! He's so dreamy~" Serafall shamelessly supported Mordred and his group.


He appeared in the vanguard, wearing armor for a battle. (pic)


Mo-chan was also decked in her full plate and the gang's ready for a rumble.


"You know the rules, and so do I. Players that lose consciousness or are dealt a fatal blow will be taken out off the stage! Now, we will begin the rating game of Mordred Pendragon vs Zephrydor Glasya-Labolas!" Serafall teleported them to the pocket dimension where they'll fight.


"Serafall, don't you think this is a bit too much? Are you really going to let Zephrydor fight them? They're dragons who train, you know?" Sirzechs who attended to support Serafall smiled wryly.


Older devils know just how strong dragons can be. Ddraig and Albion were having a pissing contest, but their determination gave birth to divide and boost.


And the deus trinity had to have a ceasefire just to stop them.


"This is troublesome." Falbium Asmodeus who was a Glasya-Labolas got sleepy as he needed to come for Zephrydor.


"Heh, let him die." Serafall smirked, knowing the young devils. They most likely do not even know Mordred.


"Shh, it's starting. I'm not gonna lie, this is kind of entertaining." Sirzechs chuckled as he waited for the game to start.


Rias is getting trained by Mordred, so he had a rough idea of how strong he really is.


"A Pendragon? That declining family? Are you the only one that the Sitri heir can get her hands on?" Zephrydor insulted Mordred immediately, clicking his tongue due to seeing his pretty face.


"Keep yapping, mongrel." Mordred squinted his eyes and he nodded at Ise who flew to the skies with her red wings that signified her connection with Ddraig.


"Shut your trap you limp dicked scumbag. I'm the red dragon empress of domination. And I will show you what we're made of." Ise glared at Zephrydor's whole peerage and the wind in the dimension started to get stronger.


"This is just my normal form." Ise released her aura and she was definitely at the upper echelons of high class due to her low mana reserves.


"Hmph, what's that going to do?" Zephrydor released his demonic power and Serafall frowned immediately. Followed by Sirzechs and Falbium.


"That shouldn't be possible. Rias-tan and her friends are the only young devils that are in ultimate class. And at the bottom of the barrel at that." Sirzechs furrowed his brows, smelling foul play.


"Then you're gonna love this. Ha! This is super vegetare 1. A form that could break the balance of the world." Ise immediately jumped to Satan class level of mana and the dimension they were in started to tremble.


"H-her dense mana is causing tremors in the rating game dimension." Sirzechs blinked at her sudden power up. They only had information that Mordred cleaned up the Tepes. But they did not expect that one of the heavenly dragons already achieved a balance breaker.


"And this... Is to go. Even further beyond! DDRAIG!" Ise shouted and she started to harness natural energy to supplement her transformation.


"AHHHHHHH!" Ise's veins popped and arcs of lightning began appearing all over her body.


"Her strength is skyrocketing! What in the world is happening!?" Falbium's sleepy expression turned into shock and Ajuka even teleported over, sensing a huge energy signature.


"Ajuka, you have to see this. One of the heavenly dragons is upgrading her subspecies balance breaker even further." Sirzechs pointed at the screen with a dumbfounded expression.


"Amazing... A subspecies balance breaker of the boosted gear. And she is also powering up even more." Ajuka analyzed her transformation with his Kankara formula.


"Her power multiplied again by two, can her body handle it?" Serafall got worried for Ise instead of Zephrydor's little group that was almost getting flattened to the ground.


Clouds formed in the sky and lightning started to fall down. A storm of energy was rolling off of Ise in waves as she panted a bit. "It still isn't perfect, but this is the second phase of my forms." Ise squinted her eyes.


"Now, now, don't get too cocky Ise. After all, I am your rival and you can't get all the spotlight. I who am about to awaken." Vali started chanting her juggernaut drive.


Vali emerged in thick armor and the blue wings of divine dividing glittered. "Half dimension." She raised her hand and the whole pocket space of the rating game began to compress.


"Quick we have to strengthen the dimension!" Sirzechs urged the other Satans and Ajuka was already on it.


"Damn, those kiddies are monsters." Mo-chan commented, shaking her head at her seniors who powered up.


"Don't let them steal all the attention." Mordred took out a golden sword and he put it in front of him. The space behind him rippled like golden water that was disturbed. And his collection of swords slowly appeared.


The Satans choked on their spit when they saw the holy swords that he took out from his inventory. And the weaker two of the four even began to sweat as they saw them. The swords felt like the bane of their existence.


Black arms appeared on Mordred's body and he equipped his swords, looking like an Asura that was about to commence in divine combat.


"Balance Breaker." The rest announced and the ambient mana that leaked from them immediately flooded the area.


Pillars of ice appeared all over the place and they caged everyone inside. Hail and ice beginning to rain down furiously. Quickly lowering the temperature near absolute zero.


A violet dragon made of holy flames also manifested and it roared. Releasing a pulse of fire that almost incinerated Zephrydor's group to ashes and dust.


And they weren't done yet, Dulio's eyes glowed golden as he released the divine storm of Zenith Tempest. Not even compressing them inside of bubbles because he didn't need to.


"Silence." Mordred spoke and Zephrydor's group that were shaking in fear couldn't raise their voice, no matter how hard they screamed.


"What a shame, a son from a pillar clan. Turning out to be the scum of the earth. I guess that's very devil-like. You have spares right? Then it will be fine to get rid of you before you cause an incident." Mordred raised Excalibur and Caliburn. Emitting golden light that blinded all of the viewers of the rating game.




Thanks for reading everyone, ciao.

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