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0.79% Dragonborn Saga / Chapter 5: Why is it Leaking?

Chapitre 5: Why is it Leaking?

The night in Riften carries many dangers, as ruffians and degenerates roamed the alleys. On the surface, it was a quiet and calm city… but thieves lurked in the darkness, meanwhile the guards snooze in their posts. Near to Mistveil Keep, the castle where the Jarl lives, there was a two-story wooden building, commonly known as 'Honorhall Orphanage'.

A figure emerged out of the darkness, barely seen due to the lantern on the front door. Delvin was about to knock on the door, but then he stopped, hesitating for a second. This was an orphanage after all, so it was not that common for him to come near this place. And also there is another problem.

To register a child in the orphanage, one needs to meet with the 'Headmistress'. The headmistress was someone very familiar with Delvin, and she also was a Dunmer (Dark Elf) called 'Nurina'.

Nurina was a very beautiful woman with grey skin and crimson eyes. Dunmers are not a strange sight to see in Riften, after all, their home 'Morrowind' was on the eastern borders of Riften.

The Red Mountain erupted in the fifth year of the Fourth Era (4E-5), leaving many Dunmers with little choice but to find refuge in Skyrim, or other parts of Tamriel.

[A/N: 4E stands for '4th Era', 5 is year 5]

Delvin knocked on the door, expecting to see the beautiful dark elf greeting him.

Footsteps could be heard from the other side and the wooden door opened slowly.

Delvin, who gave his back to the door turned around with a friendly face, only to have his expressions turn sour.

'…Right, I forgot about this old hag.'

The one who opened the door was Nurina's assistant, Grelod, an unfriendly woman who glares at everything and everyone; even the stones on the road's side has their share of her glares. Her nickname, 'Grelod the Kind', is quite ironic, since she treats the children with severe discipline, and punishments if they disobey her orders.

"Who in Oblivion is dropping off another brat at this hour? I— M-Malory?" although surprised by the unusual visit, Grelod was looking at the figure in front of her with scorn and more hostility than her usual glares.

"Where is the headmistress?" Delvin asked with discomfort. He rather not let her lay a finger on the infant he was carrying.

"What is your business with the headmistress?" Grelod insisted to ask. It was a surprise that Grelod had not attempted to call the guards, unlike any other sane person would do if they encountered a professional thief. Perhaps, she thought her nasty attitude and that glare of hers would suffice in dealing with thugs like Delvin.

Unfortunately for her, Delvin is one of the Guild Masters for a reason. Even though he is a thief, he had the aura of a killer. His eyes turned cold, and he moved his left hand to his back. A second later Grelod could hear a dagger being unsheathed.

"I don't have time to deal with a hagraven right now. Stand aside, and let me speak with the Headmistress. Or else, I might have to start an extermination." intimidation is one of the most powerful instruments that thief can have on his or her arsenal. With a rough, fearless tone and enough willpower, even merchants would yield to it.

She hurriedly took a step back, sucking her teeth in utter defeat; of course, she could have called the guards, and then Delvin had to make a run for it, but it would ruin her reputation. Although his intimidation wasn't completely effective, it had done its job. She would rather let him do whatever he pleased, as long it doesn't affect her or the children, strangely enough, then to be a laughing stock for the rest of her days. She nodded, and closed the door.

A minute later the door was opened again, this time, another woman appeared. She was so beautiful that she could steal the moonlight with her radiance. She had pointy long ears and dark violet lips. Her nose was thin and very fitting for her face. Her body was slim, and the size of her breasts and the curves of her waist were impressive. What stood out the most, however, was her crimson beautiful eyes and her arched brows.

Delvin barely held himself from changing his expressions… she was a woman that could ruin a nation.

"No wonder Grelod is a feisty old bitch. Many children would rather have this fine beauty take care of them, rather than a hag." he mentally noted.

The woman looked at Delvin with a friendly smile.

"What brings you in this hour, Mister Malory?"

"A favor... I came for a favor. Not for the guild, but for me."

"Fufu, I knew you would come to ask for another favor one day, Delvin." her prowess, her fine beauty, and her gentle confidence were indeed dangerous. Although she was just teasing, her seduction can even make a Guild Master sweat.

The woman stepped outside the entrance and closed the door behind her.

"...What is it?" she asked.

Delvin looked to space beside the orphanage and nodded, a second later a girl walked out, and she was carrying a baby that was sleeping peacefully.

Due to the thieves nature of sneaking and walking in the shadow, the kid was never awoken. As the girl was walking nearer and nearer towards Delvin and Nurina, she stopped and removed her hood with her left hand, while keeping the boy with her right.

"Headmistress." she greeted.

"So it was you, Tonilia".

The girl had brown skin and black hair with grey eyes; these were some features that pointed to 'Redguards', natives of Hammerfell.

From the atmosphere between the dunmer and the Redguard females, it seemed that there was a history between them.

Tonilia stepped forward and handed the baby in her arms to Delvin, and from him, he offered the child to Nurina. She looked between the kid and Delvin, then she takes the kid in her arms.

"Too beautiful to be yours."

These were the first words to come out of her mouth, and Delvin's face immediately stiffed. Tonilia was barely holding her laughter, resulting in a 'pfft' sound.

"He is the child of someone I owe my life to, and I can't entrust him to just anyone." Delvin says in firmness.

"So he is not just another child you will charm with words of wisdom and drag him to the Ratway to be your lackey? " Nurina's words seem to have hit the nail on its head.

Delvin quieted down and was having conflicted feelings about how to reply to such accurate words.

He decided to only shake his head denying her accusation.

"His mother is someone that resembles you so much… she was alive the last time I saw her, but she was being chased."

Nurina looked to the child and her face turned serious.

"In what way does she resemble me?"

"I cannot share much detail on that… but both you are monsters, I'm sure you'd get along quite nicely."

"Then, this little one have to grow healthy, and be a strong man." Nurina raised her brows and looked at the child and with a smile.

The child with red hair reacted by yawning in his sleep and leaning his head on her bosom. She couldn't help but smile vividly.

"What is the boy's name and does he have any belongings?"

"I would appreciate it if you register him in an earlier date than today." Delvin recommended.

"Why?" Nurina tilted her head, not understanding why would Delvin request that.

"We don't want any unwanted attention around him, especially from the cities' latest visitors." Delvin explained.

"Thalmor?" Nurina opened her eyes wide in a shock, she unconsciously hugged the child tightly.

"H-He's less than a year old! They wouldn't inflict harm towards an innocent child… would they?"

"These bastards don't care for such things. If they ever find out his heritage, they will most likely put his soul on a Black Soul Gem, just for sport." Delvin spoke with hatred.

Then he continued "I'll keep my eye on the kid from the shadows, his only belonging is a journal left by his mother... I will be safe keeping it until he is old enough."

Nurina nodded silently.

"And watch out for him from that 'hagraven' Grelod." Delvin warned her. The last thing he'll ever want for the boy is to have a miserable childhood.

[A/N: Hagravens are a horrific cross between an old crone and a bird, they fire AoE magic and can be found in the 'Reach' west of Skyrim]

"Go away already, before any guards come by and get suspicious. I know what to do." Nurina began to be cautious, and shoo away Delvin from the orphanage.

Delvin gave a wry smile before heading into the darkness.

"Kid's name is Jon."

He whispered, then disappeared into the night.

Nurina turned around and closed the orphanage's door with the child.


[A/N: 1st person POV once again, MC is back]

Was that light just now?

I am out of the damn headset!!!!

Finally, phew, I already have VR phobia, I really thought I will never make it.

Damn, the light is too bright! Did Fatty and Four-eyes drag me out of my bed? Don't tell me I will wake up in a hospital after two years of blank memories!

No! No! Definitely not! Calm down me, yes keep calm.

Now let's see where this light is coming from.

Oh!? What is that? This hospital has a weird taste of decoration? I mean, a wooden ceiling is too weird in this part of the world, right?

Maybe it's some weird place where they treat people for less money… I knew it! These guys really did it this time! Man, wait until I, your daddy, comes home and teach you a lesson!

Now, to the matter at hand, where is this annoying light coming from?

I look around to my left and open my eyes widely… is that?!!! A fireplace? In Egypt, these things don't even exist.

"Waah! Waah!"

Wait, what the hell? I am pretty sure I was saying "Is anyone here?"

Wait a second… this furniture looks so damn familiar.

I-I can't believe it... I'm in game?!!

Didn't I get out? But look at the place, I downloaded too many realism and immersion mods till I mistook it with reality?


This is the best thing I've ever seen, WOWSERS!

Can I take a screenshot? Doesn't seem I can… Not important! Anyway, why am I not moving?

As I am trying to get up, I discover something strange!

Oh, so that's how it is. I am a baby… A BABY???!!!

Babies? In Skyrim? This 'Origin of the something' mod is getting better and better... Skyrim modding at its best ladies and gentlemen.

So, I guess I am a lost child and I grow up in someplace. Then the main story starts when I get older...…..

PERFECT!!! This is exactly how I imagined it to be.

Anyway will I wait for anyone now or should I save the game?

Let's just... OH MY GOD! A GIANT!


Nope, that's not what I wanted to say! I only said "OMG! A giant!". Stop embarrassing me!

"So you finally woke up!" a womanly voice sounded from that giant… Oi, why do I feel so uncomfortable? Am I being carried up? Wait… this is no giant…. If it was a Giant, then it wouldn't be this attractive…

By the gods, it's a beaut- beauti- beautiful Dunmer??!!!



(E/N: It was confusing to have them side by side.)

Stop it! Seriously! Why am I making these damn noises?

"Ehehe… you look so lively!"

The Dunmer's voice-acting is so top-notch, who did such a fine job? And who could make such a fine looking NPC? Not even 'Ethereal Elven' mod can make the elves that good? Was it Elianora's doing? Gotta be hers.

'Have to take a screenshot dammit'


Let's ignore that voice… I can't find a way to screenshot at all, not even the mental control can do it?

Then let's save the game… by the way, where is the HUD?

Escape, not working? Save, not that either? Okay, let's….

Wait a minute! waitaminutewaitaminutewaitaminutewaitaminute… what is that feeling… Ah crap! I need to go to the bathroom. But why is it that I'm about to cry?!!

'Ehem, is there a toilet around here?'

"Ewaa waaah waah?"

Not good, it's leaking, why is it leaking?

This is Skyrim, right?

There are no toilets in this game, right?

There are no babies in this game, right?

This is not reality, right? ....Right?

No, don't take my clothes off. Please! D-Don't look at it, if you do, it will destroy my dignity!



(Chapter has been edited by Josue561)

El_Don El_Don

I, the Author asketh thee to comment and shareth thy opinion about the novel, If it be true thou art a Skyrim playether, then I wouldst beest(be) joyous to taketh thy mod suggestion.

next chapter

Chapitre 6: The REASON?

I really waited for six hours to pass so the headset would force me out, but it wasn't just six hours.

It was six years.

Six years after arriving in this world, many things are different from the Game I used to know. More people, more space.

The world is bigger, much much bigger than what it was in the game. I am to the tip of my nose in foreign waters.

I may know some locations in Skyrim, some events that will happen in the future, I know many secrets and treasures whereabouts.

But the people around me are not some NPCs, they are real people. Humans, Elves and Beast-folk really co-exist in this world.

I questioned the reality of this world so many times but I can't seem to be in a dream or hallucination, it led me to even question the world I was in before but that won't make anything understandable too.

This world is not some fabrication or a dream. What kind of a dream can be so vivid and warm? What kind of world can give this amount of data unless it is a real world?

I see it everywhere, in people as they are not fixed to certain moves and routine like it is in the game.

I see it in nature as there are so many things I haven't seen in the game.

I see it anywhere and everywhere, many people thought of me as a troubled or dark child because of my out of age behavior, so I started to get along with the other kids in the orphanage.

'Honorhall Orphanage' known nationwide in Skyrim as the largest orphanage, it was considered the only orphanage in the game but there seems to be one in the city of 'Markarth' and another in the capital, 'Solitude'.

I am glad I was in Riften though, I got to meet with Nurina.

Even though I miss my family in my past life I feel that Nurina is a family to me.

She clearly favors me over the other kids, I know that, they know that but she always says that she raised me since I was less than a year old so she treats me as a relative, I owe her more than what I can possibly pay back in a lifetime.

She was one of the people that never appeared in the game, I am not sure if mods are taking effect in this world or not, but me being here was due to the mod called 'Origins of the Lost'.

I requested to learn how to read and write from her at the age of 4, she never would have thought I already know how to do though. Actually this is just English so I am not in strange waters, even though it's not my first language.

About my first language, I kept writing notes with it and mummer it to myself, just to not forget who I am or what I once was, I wrote these notes in secret and they were about all what I could remember about the mods, lore, secrets and event's that will happen in the future, I had to keep the knowledge that I am sure it will be of good use in the future.

Grelod once found some of my notes in my native language and accused me of doing 'Daedric' rituals.

[A/N: Daedric refers to Daedra which are a group of gods that are evil and do mess with the world with more freedom than actual gods]

This f*cking old crone doesn't leave me at peace. She hates Nurina and me, and also considers both of us her archenemies. Of course she does and why not? The only one who can stop her from beating the kids is Nurina and I always lash out at her, Nurina always tells me to respect thy elders but I am sure she excluded Grelod from the start.

In the game Grelod always mistreats the children and abuses them, in that game Nurina doesn't exist, I don't want to believe anything bad will happen, but I won't let anything happen to Nurina even if it costs me my life, I swear on it.

Aside from Nurina and my gang, there another person who visits me from time to time, he is Delvin, and not just any Delvin, it is Delvin Malory.

THE Delvin Malory from the Thieves Guild, this man is a master at the sneaking skill, just what is his relationship with me?

He's a Breton so he can't be my relative thank god, I love to be a Nord in this country of Nords, because of a very disturbing reason. 'Nords are racist' and there are only two racist races in This world that I know of and they are Nords and Altmer (The High Elves), which means no more bullying.

Now introducing my gang, they are Yosolda, Svidi and Wulfur.

Yosolda as everyone who played the game knows, is the chick that roams the market in the city of 'Whiterun', she lost her parents and came to Riften and she has a strong desire for making money and being a merchant, Svidi and Wulfur were a sister and brother, Svidi is a quiet girl but was good singer, and Wulfur is an honest and kind guy.

We usually play whenever it's possible and they treat me good so we are on good terms.

Spending the days in this peaceful manner is not good for me, Yosolda is already learning how to count money and how to speak to people, Svidi practice most of the time to become a bard and go to the bards' college while Wulfur accompanies me to read and learn from Nurina, he also helps Yosolda in her weird ideas of buying and selling worthless stuff.

These guys are already six years old and they are so dependable and hard workers, if I was like that in my past life then I would have become something much more than just a lawyer.

It's decided, then I will do not just my best but my bestest, this world can kill anyone easily so best is to prepare and meet the world ready go.

My first choice in a fantasy world with sword and magic is to learn the damn magic and the skills of the game, but there is a big problem I faced long ago. I can't access the skill menu or the magic menu.

Of course this is reality there is no such thing as system or a handout but I never asked, right?

I go to Nurina's room and knock on her door, she answers and says "come in."

I go inside right away. One of Nurina's habits is that when she sees me she always smiles, she heals everything with that smile, even though her smile would give me a trauma when I first came to this world but let's forget about that.

I sit on a wooden chair opposite to her, she puts away a book she was reading and looks at me silently.

"Nurina, I want to learn magic." I just got right into business, Nurina's brows rose up, then she closed her eyes and smiled, "finally." she said while widening her smile, and then she opened her eyes and leaned her body on her arms while resting her forearms on her knees like some sort of gangster.

"Brat, you always read about magic but you never asked about spell tomes, what took you so long?" she said while being amused with the situation, so she was waiting for it huh?

"My friends are working hard for what they want to achieve, I don't want to lag behind." I replied nonchalantly.

"You don't have any dreams or goals?" Nurina asked again. Dammit it's that question, the same one I failed to answer in my past life so many times.

I have to answer carefully this time, "I don't want to be a bard or merchant, I wanted to be an alchemist but you said materials need a lot of money, I wanted to be a smith but I feel learning magic now is more important than anything else." I gave my best answer.

Nurina nodded while raising her brows again, "Anything else?" she asks.

Damn, I put all the good answers in one go, let's play a six year old for now, "I- I also want to protect Nurina.", not a bad answer even if I say so myself.

"Cut the crap." Nurina answer was as accurate as ever, I feel so sad for myself, why can't my innocent child act work on her.

"Fine, I will teach you magic, but only Restoration magic." Nurina declares as she takes out two yellow books with a drawing of a light spirit on top of it.

"These are 'Healing' a self-healing magic and 'Healing Hands' a magic that heals other people." I receive the books with high spirits.

"Can't I learn some Alteration magic?" I asked with a poker face.

"And what do you want it for?" Nurina asked with puzzlement.

"To mess with Grelod of course." I answered with a sly smile.

Nurina smiled back slyly too, mainly she was the one who I learned fox-mode from so we always had this kind of conversations. She went back to her desk and took out two brown colored books with a tree drawn on them.

I could read 'Alarm' and 'Stoneskin' on them.

WAIT a second here!!

These are mod spells. The two of them are from mods, 'Alarm' is from 'Apocalypse' mod, it is a magic that alerts you when an enemy crosses the a certain perimeter, and 'Stoneskin' is a magic that adds a layer of protection for a certain time but it's altered by a mod called 'Balanced Magic' from its vanilla version which is called 'Stoneflesh' that changes the character appearance in that of a stoneman, 'Stoneskin' only adds a transparent layer of protection.

This is serious!

This means mods most certainly are affecting this world, this maybe not bad, but that is strange.

Thinking about it there are only four conclusions I came up with.

The first is this world already existed but when I came to this world mods made changes.

The second is the world was formed after my death in the VR headset.

The third is that this world is an illusion.

The fourth is this world already existed but some conditions were met with my mod list that made my reincarnation in this world possible.

The first is scary, the second is absurd, the third is not good at all, but the forth is the most possible conclusion I can come up with.

So to summarize what happened to me; it is that I overloaded my mod list with realism mods that was not over the quota of the mod amount, but the amount of information itself had caused my brain to get overloaded and fall apart which resulted to my death, this information possibly made some kind of effect on me, or rather on something not visible like my essence, due to that effect some conditions must have been met like for example; the data in the game matched the information in the world and something like {my soul took over or replaced Jon's soul} like when you move a file in a folder and the folder has a file with the same name already there, so the new file has to replace the existing file.

This is too absurd, this can't be real. I am saying that the indecent in the VR headset had changed the information of me renaming me to Jon and for some reason the information vessel (let's call it soul) moved from Earth to Nirn and replaced the person that I have matching information with, what explains that even more is that Jon was already born but I don't have any memories of that time he lived in this body.


Only one mystery remains. What is the reason that led my soul from Earth to Nirn?

El_Don El_Don

I, the Author asketh thee to comment and shareth thy opinion about the novel, If it be true thou art a Skyrim playether, then I wouldst beest(be) joyous to taketh thy mod suggestion.

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