I was three standing in front of my sleeping beauty in her chamber. Jull was nursing her and Nefertiti was guarding them. It is no wonder now that Alina was tricked to go to the Tower of Dawn by an envious bitch from her clan. I understood everything once Nefertiti reported that she noticed the same evil sensation she could feel from Quagmire on that bitch.
To explain what happened from the start, we should go back to three days ago when we left Quagmire.
What we experienced was beyond sense or belief!
After Vaermina let us go from her realm, I remember waking up in the inner sanctum of the Tower of Dawn and no one was there waiting for us. All I could find was Alina, Jull, Wulf and Nefertiti lying on the ground around me.
The next thing I found was the cursed staff, the Skull of Corruption, floating not far away from me. It was emitting an aura as if it was communing with me... calling for me to approach and claim it, reluctantly I took it and covered it with an old piece of linen cloth.
After that, I tried to wake up Alina and the rest but they were all fatigued. They were hungry and their power was fading.
I couldn't understand why but I started to heal them right away, still, only Nefertiti showed signs of responding and woke up.
"Hooman... hungry!"
That's what she said. From that alone, I understand what is going on and why no one came for us.
We have been gone for more than what I expected.
It all made sense now. We were inside the realm of Vaermina, the law of time around an Original Spirit must be ruled only by them. It seemed that Sigurd was taken away by his clansmen.
That time I transferred a lot Magicka into the four companions of mine until I almost exhausted myself, their conditions got stabilized. After that, I cut a piece of my robe and covered Alina's eyes with it, the wounds around her eyes were not normal but it will be her power that will she need to deal with such wounds.
From the point onward, I conjured a few Flame Atronach Horses and put everyone on them taking the way out of the cursed place.
The way to the Moonblade Clan was not easy. A snowstorm insisted that we should stay the first night in a cave leaving me awake all night to fend against the attacks of the hungry packs of wolves. Nefertiti fully woke up in the next day followed by Wulfur and Jullanar. Alina was the most exhausted one so she didn't wake up and made me more worried.
That day we ate grilled wolf meat which tasted so terrible but even I was hungry.
At the end of the second day, we reached the mountain range where the Moonblade Fort was located and walked the hard way up the storm was still blowing hard.
The first thing that we encountered was a large gate blocking the road, it was the checkpoint where the Moonblade forces had on the mountain road. After trying to call for anyone beyond it, we discovered that it was abandoned probably due to the storm, bypassing it with 'Teleportation was the only option but I had to use 'Eye of the Mind' to see past the gate and teleport through it.
I was using magic to solve every problem that we ran into for the past few days to the point of exhaustion. Even though everyone except Alina was up, they were still weakened greatly, even I had to supply Alina with my Magicka to warm her from the inside.
Beyond that gate was a straight road to the Moonblade Fort. Who welcomed us was a small force dispatched to deal with the intruders that got detected going through the gate, on the lead of that force was a girl called Elsa Moonblade, the culprit that I yet to know was behind all this mess. Once that girl's eyes landed on Alina, who was laying on a Flame Atronach Horse, I could see shock and clear killing intent towards Alina from that girl. Before I could even react, Nefertiti transformed to Beast Mode and jumped towards Elsa baring her fangs and brandishing her claws. This would be a clear aggression towards the Moonblade so I hastily pulled the oversized cat from her tail.
What amazed me that time was Nefertiti's actions, she sensed all kinds of killing intents before and didn't even react like this. I had to apologize for her actions saying that she was on alert all night.
The girl who was leading the group almost wanted to seize Alina and kick us out but I wouldn't let her so much lay a finger on Alina. My words were clear back then, lead us inside or stay out of our way, either way, we are going forward.
I didn't expect the skin of that girl to be so thick but all the clansmen behind her cleared the way and reluctantly she did so.
From the behavior of Nefertiti, I knew that this girl is troublesome for Alina to be kept alive but I later found out that she was behind the whole mess.
Once Sigurd met us, he almost fainted when he saw Alina. My reunion with Jonrad wasn't as warm but Alina's state was bad. I stopped him from removing the blindfold on Alina's eyes. I could only convince him that Alina overused her eye powers to fight off the nightmarish realm she was trapped in and she is just resting.
I can't let him what has become of Alina's eyes, nothing good will come from that at all.
The good thing about Sigurd was that he trusted my words in the end as we had already trust each other as we knew that the both of us want the best for Alina.
And now we arrived at the point where I sat down in Alina's room looking at her sleeping in a weakened state and Jull was beside her. They both looked so weak and pale after going through that nightmarish realm.
I didn't know what to do to wake her up but I knew that she needs time to be able to wake up. I can't allow anyone else to see what happened to her eyes, this situation is far from over and needs to be contained.
The next day, Alina showed signs of getting healthier and Jull also took a fair share of rest. Wulfur, on the other hand, fell to fever and I went to nurse him for the day. Nefertiti, who regained her health faster than anyone, reported that she sensed some weird movements around Alina's chambers last night.
I didn't want to leave anything for the chance as I knew who was moving suspiciously. It was that girl Elsa and her ugly little sister.
To chew the flies away, I went directly to meet with Sigurd, who regained his youthful shape, and talked to him face to face while most of the elders were present.
"I want that girl Elsa locked away." This was what I said in front of everyone just like that.
"Jon Dare, we realize that you are an ally but don't take it too far. Elsa is one of the Moonblade's finest daughters."
"Exactly! She is to be wed to Zend Firemane and her sister Kaja is to be wed to Ragnar Firemane. Who do you think you are to think you can talk shit about them?"
Some of the Moonblades were very displeased with my demands. The person in question herself was shocked by my direct demand and made a tranquil face once she got defended by her clansmen.
I ignored them and looked at Sigurd. He made a calm face and replied.
"What are your reasons?"
"First, she is the main suspect of conspiring to send Alina and my friends into a danger zone. Second, she showed a very disrespectful attitude towards Alina on many occasions. Third, she delayed Alina's arrival yesterday and wanted to kick us, Alina's company, away from the gates of the mountain…"
I broke out Elsa's actions into detailed crimes that made her look worse and worse, still, every time I came up with something, voices of objection rose to debunk my accusations.
Still, Sigurd always signaled them to shut the fuck up.
And finally, I came to the last things I wanted to say.
"... Lastly, I don't want an unwanted presence roaming around the chambers of my fiancee."
No one said anything that time. These idiots just stared at me then looked at Sigurd with eyes wide open.
Sigurd face didn't change one bit. He was just sitting there indifferently while looking down at everything and everyone.
He then grinned.
"If my son-in-law wishes for it, then it shall be. Take that girl away to the Tower of Redemption!"
The voice they were waiting to speak out and teach me my place just shook the hall with these words. Two guards of the Moonblades moved towards Elsa and dragged her away in voices of plea and stares of shock.
This was just the start I tell you.
Wait until Alina wakes up… just wait!
AN: Sorry about yesterday's chapter. I was applying for a job, law related and all. I guess it is my first step to get reincarnated to Skyrim.
Also a big shout out to Jordon Gotthold! Finally, Patreon is getting some attention.
And we hit 10K collection... HOORAY!
Sigurd didn't do this awesome move on his own, it was a fully planned act from the start. I wouldn't be able to act in the Moonblade Clan this disrespectfully anyway. Still, the reaction of the people around was worth it. Announcing my engagement to Alina on such short notice was a bit hasty but I needed it to be able to act on her behalf. Sigurd, after all, is the patriarch and can't go around taking his daughter's side easily. Also, what is better than a former professional lawyer to defend Alina.
Anyway, that girl Elsa was dragged away like a chicken taken for slaughter. I kept looking at her coldly until she was taken from my sight. Now, my status as Alina's fiancé can't be looked down on, I am a Firemane even though I was announced as a distant relative with the bloodline.
All this and that kept the atmosphere inside the great hall awkward. I was still receiving some gazes of hostility but whatever... they are all can go to Oblivion as far as I care.
Sigurd called the clan meeting off and I was invited to his study.
"Little rascal, I may have given my consent but that doesn't allow you to go around with a smug face like that."
After that outstanding performance of mine, this guy said that.
The nerve!
"Old man, I am not going to argue with you anymore. I'll just take Alina and leave." I said and turned around.
"Hey! Wait!"
At that moment, Sigurd dropped the attitude. He noticed that I got him and diverted the topic immediately.
"... How is Alina's condition?"
"Sigh! She is alright. Her eyes are healed but she can't… you know… turn it off anymore!"
Sigurd nodded and lowered his head gloomily.
"Why is it you?" He asked.
"Excuse me!"
"... Why is it you who can't get hurt by her eyes? What is the secret?"
Oh! I see…
For these words, I sat down on a chair opposite to Sigurd and started remembering how did it all go.
Vaermina, that vile Daedric Prince, she wanted to use Alina for her own amusement. Just like how I got the staff that can spread the terror of Vaermina in the Mortal Plane, Alina's eyes got bless, or rather cursed, by Vaermina.
Her eye power became more powerful than before, very much powerful that they can actually cause material damage. Wulfur and Jullanar accidentally saw her eyes after Vaermina put them back and they couldn't stay on their feet anymore, part of the reason why Wulfur fell ill the past few days.
Jullanar was a lucky one as she has more flexibility than Wulfur and strangely more Vitality, she recovered immediately after I applied some healing. The ones who didn't get affected one bit were me and Nefertiti. Even though I understand why Nefertiti did not get affected as she is linked to my power and she is blessed by Hircine, I don't understand why I don't get affected by Alina's power at all.
Some of my theories are dependant on the Dragonborn stuff which is rather everything is dependant on. I am not really upset but I'd rather have something other than Akatosh's blessings and all that.
In the end, after a week of being trapped in Quagmire, I got the 'Skull of Corruption' which is recorded in the books of history to have ridiculous abilities, and Alina acquired more eye powers. According to what we know, Alina can detect lies, scry other places, see some futures, tell fortunes, and after awakening, she can see clearer, further, slower and can use a 'Fear' type illusion power from her eyes. Alina herself hated the power she gained after awakening and never used her eyes in anything other than telling lies from truth. Now, Vaermina forced Alina's eyes to be always on the awakened mode, not just that but it seemed that Vaermina did something similar to what the Augur to me and Hircine to Nefertiti did and added something like an Astral Extension so that Alina's eyes can do more damage and cause not just ordinary state of 'Fear', Alina's eye can now cause 'Psychological Terror' and can make people sink into their own nightmares and god knows what else.
Vaermina won't just use me as a way to gain nightmares by that staff I got but will also force Alina to do so by her own eyes. Such cruelty…
I guess I was lucky to not lose anyone of my friends to that Daedric Prince and her Realm.
And now, to answer Sigurd's question as for why I don't get affected by his daughter's eyes, I wouldn't be able to say all that.
"Maybe something related to 'Fate' or whatever."
That's all I could say.
'Fate' as a term is an interesting topic but one that can't be understood fully. Even the Greybeards and the Psijic Order rather not directly interfere with it. Actually, if I, the Last Dragonborn, is to be stripped from my own Fate as a Dragonborn before the prophecy is fulfilled, I may lose everything.
It is not something to worry about but 'Fate', 'Prophecies' and 'The Elder Scrolls' are all related and can be said as the hardest topic to discuss between us, the students of Mysticism.
"... Father-in-law, you don't need to worry. I will do whatever it takes to help Alina out of that dilemma she is in. My Master will never let her student suffer like that, we are a strong line of Mages and we take care of our own, there is definitely a solution."
"Yes, boy. For her sake… yours and mine too."
Sigurd replied and looked depressed. I stood up and was about to go but I halted my steps remembering the important matter I was here for in the first place.
"That girl Elsa or whatever, I am not done with her, you know that, right?"
Sigurd looked and nodded.
"Anyone who tries to so much put a finger on Alina is a goner. I don't care if it is my niece or whatever but she has to pay for sending my daughter to a cursed realm of Oblivion."
Sigurd said in a bloodthirsty tone. His killing intent activated his Aura subconsciously and that atmosphere around that monster felt overbearing to the extreme. This youth-like old man is another 60 years old monsters on par with Jonrad and Hilda, not far than Nurina too.
Just why doesn't he show off and act as lawless as I do? He would have solved a lot of problems rather than looking depressed all the time.
"It is fine, father-in-law. I will take care of the matter, just tell me when do the guards switch shifts for that Tower of Redemption?"
"Around midnight. Don't be too careless!"
"You can count on me."
With that all said and done, I left Sigurd's study for Alina's chambers.
In front of Alina's chambers, Nefertiti was stretching her limbs after taking a nap in her Beast Form. None of the servants of the Moonblades dared to come close to the oversized cat and thus Alina's matters were only handled by Jull.
Even though Alina woke up earlier, it was only a slight response to her surroundings, she could be fed and listen to some words. She was still blindfolded though.
I tried to remove the blindfold but she panicked and almost cried. She said that they sometimes feel like burning and sometimes cause her pain but that a normal reaction to the changes in her eyes. She needs to adapt to the changes first before she could feel comfortable once again.
I spent the whole afternoon analyzing the magical power in her eyes but I need an expert's opinion. That's why I will take her to Nurina as soon as possible.
As I went into Alina's room, I was charmed once again with the elegance of it. It's fine furniture that was personally imported from High Rock, her soft covers and stuffed dolls, the calming incense that was imported from Hammerfell, her bed's red canopy that made it feel like a queen is residing there.
What can I just say? I didn't notice the beauty of this place at first as I was worried about Alina but now it felt came back to life after she woke up.
I sat in front of Alina who was wearing a large robe and sitting silently on her bed. She seemed to have fully awoken but still remained blindfolded. Jullanar, was sitting beside her reading her some book. I am glad to see their relationship becoming this close.
"How do you feel?" I asked while caressing her soft small hands.
Alina smiled softly and nodded.
"I feel okay, Seni… Jon."
"Yeah, you need to get used to calling your fiance with his name from now on." I replied.
Alina smiled and didn't say anything.
I was used to her covering her lower face so I was used to read her mood through her eyes but now it became somewhat upside down as her eyes were covered.
"I am sorry if Sigurd and I rushed in so fast. It was…"
Alina hurriedly but her index on my lips signing for me to stop.
"Being your fiancee is just made my life better and better, no matter how sudden it came, I now don't feel sad about what happened to me… I… just…"
"I understand!"
I said while taking her hand close to me and kissing its back.
"I swear I will find a way to help you see again." I said then pulled her close to me. I couldn't help but hug her.
On the side, Jullanar was looking at this pink scene while smiling. My hand move on its own and pulled her in my embrace.
"You too, I swear I will heal your eye."
It was a bit too greedy for me to have two beauties all for myself but I am a greedy person and I admit it. These two beauties are my future wives and I don't care about anyone's opinion.
"Yeah yeah! All these sweet words and…" Jull started to ruin the mood but...
… her two butt cheeks got spank by Alina and me almost at the same second.
In this warm atmosphere, a small creature stuffed herself between the three of us and squirmed to fit in the place.
"Hooman! So warm!"
Oh, I almost forgot her meowjesty!
Now, with a beauty on the left, a beauty on the right and a cat on my lap, I can proudly announce that House Dare is coming to be in a splendid way.
With all the membered gathered we need to…
"... Let's spill some blood!"
"Yeah, it's about time." Jull agreed.
The four of us separated from each other and started to get ready to go to the Tower of Redemption.
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