A week passed since the conversation with Nurina and Laaneth.
I completely stopped my magic training after my meeting with the Augur, and now I am training my body like the old times.
My strength has increased due to the increase in Vitality. It is the energy of life after all. The more one have, the more stronger he gets, and it also vary in quality.
My training became more extreme. I enchanted some objects to make them heavier and also ran around the circular roof of the College.
I did go to town lately from time to time and checked on everything, it all was all going smoothly. The Whistling Mine business is getting better and they started to build some lodging outside the mine for the miners. The Master Huntsman was also working smoothly, his group survived an attack by a bear thanks to a scroll I gave him for situations like these. The lumber business however was not smooth at all. Those who wanted to lumber started leaving the town to the south of the hold so I made business contacts with them and they will provide us when we need.
I also sent Ongeim to Solitude, he was to buy a lot of furniture for the Bathhouse and my Manor too, I had my eye on few places in Solitude so it will go smoothly for him. The Ship will also go to Dawnstar to buy boats and fishing tolls, the fishermen in Winterhold lacked all sort of the important stuff so I extended a hand for them.
The General Trader, on the other hand, started running a while ago. Birna was buying from me and selling to the town folk in the reasonable prices they could afford. This may have caused some decline to the inn's business but no one can complain about that.
All these good events added to the towns liveliness and to my popularity. Adding the Bathhouse which will flood the town with money, I think I did a good job.
Trudvar kept recruiting more boys from the town, I was putting together some groups to guard the businesses I own and the ones I am investing in. The best way to cover this force is by enlisting them as my sailors as I nearly have 43 of them.
I never knew this but buying weapons for that number of guards attracted a very unwelcomed attention. The Imperial Legion's fleet that was stationed in the northern waters sent few people to question about the weapons once they heard about. Apparently they heard the news in Dawnstar or someone ratted my business here.
With few nice words of me doing business and establishing a small trading company, they left me alone leaving behind some words of warning. This made me change some of my plans.
Now, I need my own blacksmithing workshop.
My best choice is the townsfolk, there are two old blacksmiths that had some problems with work and needed money. Guess who showed up!
I convinced them to work together and take few students. They needed a tanner and some other craftsmen so I started doing my best to answer their needs. I also convinced them to work in a big workshop that I will construct for them when I have the chance.
I actually own the land necessary, or I own one forth of the town's land, but all the masons were busy. Also they will take a rest after the work in my Bathhouse and my Manor so it will take some time.
Speaking of my Manor and the Bathhouse. They are almost done. My Manor still lacked most of the necessary pieces of furniture but the Bathhouse was already good to go.
More importantly, the opening day is tomorrow. It felt like a boulder that was finally cracked after the long work.
The good this was the reaction of the College's people. Some were really looking forward to this more than even me. I guess advertising was never a problem here.
The real business will start with the Bathhouse tomorrow, before I leave for my journey I need to make sure that everything is working smoothly and Korir wouldn't do anything funny. Even though he was restrained by the 'Programming', I don't know what accident may happen when I leave for nearly half a year.
My first plan was to make it impossible for him to mess with me, but also I decided to leave the town in secret and spread a rumor that I am making an intense closed door training in the College. There actually is something like that.
After finishing my daily training, I headed to clean myself and eat. My head is still distracted with the business though.
My room was warm and cozy, Jull was not here as she went to the roof for spell spamming training. This only left me and Nefertiti which was left with Nurina from the morning.
Nefertiti was playful as ever, she liked to jump on everything and go into every crate. I even made her a small house from wood and she called me 'best hooman ever'. The next hour she started having a bad mood and got angry all of a sudden when I sat on my desk and started studying some spells. I don't know the exact reason but she was acting spoiled most of the time lately.
Speaking of my studies, the spell that I found in Hob's Fall Cave that was called 'Corpse Explosion' is something really nasty.
I now can cast it perfectly and also went to the Midden and tried it on skeevers. I must say that this spell is invaluable when it comes to wars, when the undead or a corpse explode, all sorts of nasty diseases spread. I burned down the place I experimented in just from the idea of something leaking out. This may cause a plague.
The spell can be casted on already dead corpses but it would be much easier to use it on one's own undead. It ravages the fake soul of the undead so it causes it to explode, to use it on corpses actually needs more energy.
Imagine if one rallied his undead into the enemy lines then used that spell, both physical, biological, and psychological damage would be great.
I was satisfied with this spell and couldn't wait to use it in battle.
My next study was on the Anti Undead spell. The Sun spells are the best counter to undead and I had my mind to on a new one. An Expert level spell that casted as a 'Missile', it is a strong one and needed time to evoke, charge and cast. I called it 'Ultraviolent'. I decimated the undead on its path like nothing. I even asked Nuruna to conjure a strong undead to try it on and the result was satisfying.
After that I learned a spell Nurina gave me, it was the 'Bind' spell, an Alteration spell that can trap foes and bind them with aspects of 'Speed' and 'Weight'.
I wanted to put some time in training Inner Magicka Control but it was not good with my current condition.
After a day of boring and dull work, I took Nefertiti and played with her until she slept. Jull came late and stayed in the room to take care of Nefertiti.
I dressed myself and went to town.
I had to make sure that everything is perfect for tomorrow.
Upon descending the bridge, I walked to the Bathhouse building that was being guarded by five of my men.
My appearance caused their sleepy eyes to sober and they stood for the Boss. It feels damn good to be the Mafia Boss around these parts.
I went into the Bathhouse and the place was quite. The building us divided into three areas. The main building which had a courtyard and few rooms around it, the design was made to allow water to flow around the rooms, under the courtyard was the basement that had most of the magic machines for pumping, desalination and filtering the water. The other sides of the building were the south wing which served as home for the girls and the north wing which was the management and the services, also the manager's office was there.
I walked into the building and looked around, I didn't sense any presence here. When I used 'Scan', I found them in all in the south wing.
I walked there nonchalantly and knocked on the door. Few seconds later, Elishka opened the door while peaking outside.
"What's up!"
"Oh! It's you Boss. What are you doing here?"
"Came to check! Something wrong?"
She barely opened the door and all I could see was her face.
"Just give me a second!" She said and closed the door then opened it a minute later.
"Come in Boss, but keep quiet."
I didn't know what was going on so I walked inside lightly.
The place was warm in here. Looking at Elishka, she was barely dressed, her curves were visible under the light clothes she was in. And it barely covered anything too.
"I am seeing something nice here!" I couldn't hold back my grin.
"Sorry Boss! We didn't know you are coming and I was in the middle of training the girls before tomorrow?"
"Training, huh! Getting ready for the big day?"
"Yes Boss!"
"Hmmm!" I smiled slyly, "Can I peek?"
Elishka giggled and said, "You are the Boss so you can just take a look around."
"I don't think the girls are that comfortable around me yet." I said, "And it is much fun to peek."
Yes, I maybe me but I learned peeking at a very young age. Who taught me? Well, it was Delvin and Brynjolf. The main target was normally Vex who always found us, I wasn't taken to be taught anyway, I was just the scapegoat who get caught while they run. Well, that was the case until I tied Brynjold once and left him under the mercy of both Vex and Tonilia. I couldn't do that with Delvin yet.
So, peeking in my own Bathhouse sounded so much fun no matter how anyone thinks how wired it is.
Anyway I heard a lot of pleasant voices from the wall next to me, according to Elishka, the girls were training with each other.
"Look like they are having fun!"
"Thanks to you Boss, these girls found a warm home and a good place to live in. They have food and all what they can ask for. Also if you compare them to the before you will get surprised!"
"Yeah, I saw some of them actually gained some weight and look healthier."
They indeed don't look pale like they used to be, and they look much better now.
I walked with her and inspected the place well, some girls passed by and the started gathering their clothes that were as light and revealing as Elishka's but they only got glared at by her.
"Mistress, did th... oh! You're here Boss!"
A girl came and greeted us, she looked familiar.
"Oh! You are that 'Make Winterhold great again' girl."
"Hehe! Yes Boss, my name is Jvanka!"
Oh! I remembered something unpleasant! Must be a coincidence! Gotta be!
"No! Ehem, sorry, ehhh! nice name, heh heh, who, who are you named after?"
"I don't know Boss."
"And your father is?"
"His name is 'Jonald the Drumph'. A stone mason."
Oh! I remembered something unpleasant again.
"A, a stone mason huh! He must have build many walls!"
"Yes Boss. He always dreamed about building the biggest wall in Winterhold!"
"Oh! Thank you Jvanka! Excuse me."
I just couldn't hear this anymore, and took myself away.
This is madness!
"Are you okay, Boss?" Elishka followed me when I walked away.
"Yes, just remembered something."
My head was spinning from the headache that assaulted my out of nowhere. I was having some second thoughts about the walls in Winterhold now.
"This way Boss!"
"Where to?"
"Didn't you want to peek?"
Ah! I almost forgot.
Where Elishka stood was on the stairs to the next floor. There seemed to be an opening in the wall enough for one too peek on the whole room.
Just as I looked through it, the blood ran through my head and I felt a weird sensation in my nose.
Retreat! Abort peeking!
I looked away immediately!
No! I must be strong! I must withstand it?
I will look again.
I am ready this time!
Let's do it!
"This... this is!"
"Like what you see Boss?"
Some girls were doing this! Some girls were doing that!
Point is, I don't know what was this or that!
This was mostly a girl on girl action and it was my first time seeing in live.
"Hey Elishka!"
"This won't do. Let's find a room?"
"Are you okay, Boss?" Elishka followed me when I walked away.
"Yes, just remembered something."
My head was spinning from the headache that assaulted my out of nowhere. I was having some second thoughts about the walls in Winterhold now.
"This way Boss!"
"Where to?"
"Didn't you want to peek?"
Ah! I almost forgot.
Where Elishka stood was on the stairs to the next floor. There seemed to be an opening in the wall enough for one too peek on the whole room.
Just as I looked through it, the blood ran through my head and I felt a weird sensation in my nose.
Retreat! Abort peeking!
I looked away immediately!
No! I must be strong! I must withstand it?
I will look again.
I am ready this time!
Let's do it!
"This... this is!"
"Like what you see Boss?"
Some girls were doing this! Some girls were doing that!
Point is, I don't know what was this or that!
This was mostly a girl on girl action and it was my first time seeing in live.
"Hey Elishka!"
"This won't do. Let's find a room?"
I looked at her an started losing my reason.
"Boss, this, this won't do! If we do it with you now I may not be able to be ready tomorrow!"
"Why is that I wonder?"
"It's just, just that Boss, you, you do things a bit strong!"
She was stuttering on her words and retreating back until she had no room to retreat more.
"And do you think it is right for a healthy young man like myself to see all that and just stay cool headed?"
I trapped her to the wall with my arms and got closer.
"Yes, the Boss is a healthy young man, but maybe too healthy!"
"Hmmm! What is that about?"
I was not planning on letting her go anyway. I started touching her body which was burning like fire.
"Listen Boss, I know yo, no don't touch here *moaning* this, not, Boss."
"Something you want to say, say it quickly!" I was going insane from that sinful body of hers but I figured she wanted to say something.
"Can, can you please not do it hard like last time? We just, just can take it easy."
Now that I think about it, Elishka may think that I do it a bit hardcore because of our two times before, she is the kind who doesn't like that, it seemed.
I calm myself down and breath normally.
"Fine, take me somewhere we can do it."
Elishka nodded and walked to the next floor, she was giving me a great view of something nice.
When I followed her I felt that someone was looking, some girls seem to have noticed us and started peeking.
I don't mind anyway.
Elishka walked to a room and I followed in. It was a big room with a big bed, full furniture and all.
"Your room?"
She nodded to me and smiled.
"Can you leave everything to me?"
So she wants to take the lead.
Well, haven't tried that before but fine by me.
"Sit down, would you like to drink something?"
Is she trying to make it a bit romantic or something? Hmm, I don't understand but I'll play along. I sat on the bed's side and followed her with my eyes.
"Thank you!"
She handed me some wine in an elegant goblet and sat next to me.
She started talking about this and that, apparently she wanted to cool my head first. I must admit, she knows what she is doing.
A while later, we stuck to each other and she put my hand on her chest and got entangled in a long kiss that way.
Elishka is something else after all, everyone has their talent they are the best in and her talent is sex.
After fondling her chest and kissing her for a while, she fixed her position and I removed these pieces of cloth that hid that beautiful body.
What I saw made me lose my words. Elishka's body is like none other. Her voluptuous hourglass figure, white skin and brown hair made everything so desirable, her large eyes hazel eyes, round face and cheeks showed nothing but beauty.
She was standing on her knees on the bed and bended her body down to take another round of kissing.
After a while of sucking my soul by her lips, she crossed her arms under her beasts and closed them to my face.
I answered her call and held her waist then attacked her beasts with my face, I bit on her nibbles and played with them and she was smiling and switching me from a breast to the other.
After that she stood and undressed me herself while making me kiss any part of her that comes to my reach.
I was pushed on the bed too, just as my clothes were down, she descended on 'little Jon' with her breasts and started rubbing, we would take a chance to kiss with each round.
After doing it for some time I felt her taking 'little Jon' in her mouth, it was being tormented left and right and I felt that feeling again. Elishka is expert in this part. Her tongue is doing wonders now, I had to fix my position to see her doing her magic.
I felt intoxicated by pleasure yet she was not done with me, when she took her time tormenting 'little Jon' in her mouth, she moved back to me and started assaulting my body and kissing me everywhere she could reach.
Unlike before, Elishka was enjoying herself too this time. She is not a bathhouse wench after all, she is my business partner and we have to keep the relationship warm.
I was leaning on the bed all the time and watching this amazing show, also I was not the only watcher, there were some peeping toms watching hus from outside.
Ignoring them, I took Elishka and draged her on the bed beside me then targeted her sinful booty. Her booty was glorious and proud, a full round bubble butt that drives people insane was now under my full control.
I took time with it, this sinful booty needed punishment and all I did was biting and playing with it. Elishka was moving her legs happily and smiling at me all the time.
I stood up to fix my position on her and went on another round with that crazy booty, my hand slipped between her hips right to her pussy, the place was warm and nice but we aren't doing it this early.
I took my time, then started going all they way up through her back to her left shoulder and all these curves until I finally reached her lips once again and we forgot ourselves in a kissing deadlock.
"Jon, do it."
"So I finally took the green flag."
"Hehe! Yes, ride your lordship!"
"How can I decline such an offer?"
She was in a good mood after I agreed to go softcore with her, even cracking jokes and tickling her was making it better.
Finally, I took her from her back and pushed her down, she was squirming playfully and shaking her butt left and right for me.
It indeed jiggles.
Let's go in.
I fixed myself behind her and aimed 'little Jon' into her oven, that sinful pussy shall get wrecked tonight.
As I got in, I moved in slowly for her to adjust, I wad planing to put all of it in.
"Did it get bigger?"
"You like it?"
"Just don't go crazy like last time!"
"Got it!"
As we were talking, I was already on top of her and leaned on her flawless back to kiss every inch of its beauty, she twisted herself to face me and we kissed as I started thrusting in. She was also in the mood and moved her hips make it faster.
We continued like this for some time before we decided to change position.
I took some rest and lied on my back.
'System, show me stamina.'
I am not even there yet.
Elishka lied beside me and we went into a cuddle.
"You are really enjoying this." I said, this woman was all smiles.
"To tell you the truth, this is the first time I do it on my terms." she said.
I thought so, she worked in a Bathhouse until she became a MILF like this, no one wouldn't take her to just make her do what she wants.
She had a thing for kissing and I started to like it, she was a master beyond my league in terms of experience so I was seriously learning from her too.
She lied over me while kissing for a while, as she finally took her time like that, she sat up and moved herself on top of me.
She is going for 'cowgirl'!
She took 'little Jon' in to its end, I could feel it reaching deep until it reached an end.
Just as it reached to this point, Elishka started moving herself up and down, and my oh my!
Everything is moving everywhere. Every times she went up and down her breasts were going around and up and down.
She then leaned on me and her breasts were moving everywhere all over my face, I grabbed them and took it one with my mouth, she was moaning while moving herself and the stage got heated once again.
This was it, we were losing it together this time.
I hugged her tightly and moved my hips faster and faster.
She was moaning and hugging my head into her chest. It's a bit nice here but no room to breath.
Feeling we had to do it faster, I moved my body with her on top of me then twisted myself and became on top of her.
She locked her legs around my waist and I moved my hips like mad. She was moaning loader and pulling her hair with a hand while hugging on my head with the other.
"It's coming!"
"Don't stop!"
This was no good but things went out of hand already, I was about to cum and there was no way from this.
She also came with me and we were our bodies were still clinging on each other.
I wasn't out of the woods yet, she was pleasuring herself with all she got and kept kissing me again and again.
My senses came to me so I checked my stamina again.
<SP: 64/103>
"I still can go two more times."
"I don't think I have any power left."
I guess Zena took most of the burden from her last time.
"Anyway, I need to wash some!"
"Come, let's the first one to bathe in the Bathhouse be you."
"Well, I own it so why not!"
We went to a bathing room naked and bathed for the whole night.
I can't enter the College now anyway so I'll be staying in Elishka's room.
During the bath, we got closer than just the wench and the client relationship from before.
Anyway, this was my official first night with my sex friend and business partner, Elishka.
My senses came to me so I checked my stamina again.
<SP: 64/103>
It increased, huh!
"I still can go two more times."
"I don't think I have any power left."
I guess Zena took most of the burden from her last time.
"Anyway, I need to wash some!"
"Come, the first one to bathe in the Bathhouse will be us."
"Well, we own it so why not!"
We went to a bathing room naked and bathed for the whole night.
I can't enter the College now anyway so I'll be staying in Elishka's room.
During the bath, we got closer in relationship and became more familiar with each other, more than just the wench and the client relationship from before.
Anyway, this was my official first night with my sex friend and business partner, Elishka.
Next morning, I sneaked back to the College.
Nonetheless, I was excited as anyone else, the Bathhouse is opening today.
I had arrangements with the boys today. We are going out to celebrate.
Rusning who was busy in his research lately as well as Holman and Svadall, I also brought Morbagog and Mahran who worked with me in most on this Bathhouse.
We met at the afternoon and I took them to spend money in the Bathhouse. The College students were flocking the place and it seemed that business has started earlier than usual.
The day was spent quickly so as money, of course I was earning money too but no one knew that, all that was told to public that I only invested here and made the Bathhouse possible!
I also sat in a place to hide from most people, I wanted to see how people will react to the Bathhouse in the first day.
Of course I made prices high to just suit the students and not the townsfolk, it was going my way anyway.
At evening, some unexpected visitors popped up.
First, it was Eilel whose nose was bleeding, I had to make the guards chase her out.
Next, some teachers came in, I was expecting them anyway.
After that, some Altmer boys came while hiding their features, they didn't want anyone to know they came. Sigh! Typical High Elves.
The most expected one was teacher Tolfdir, the old bones was healthy as ever when he came, he was hiding his features too but I found out.
This was better than I thought, with this much customers, I don't think I will have to worry about the towns economy anyway. This is a true game changer.
I left the place to Elishka and the girls with some words of encouragement and went back to the College.
I had an exam in less than a month and I have to be prepared.
▪Bad Hooman!
"Hooman!" (Nefertiti)
"What do you want cutie?" (Jon)
"You abandoned me, Nya! Bad hooman, Nya!" (Nefertiti)
"What's with her Jull?" (Jon)
"She is in a bad mood since yesterday!" (Jull)
"Yes, Nya! I smell another one on you, Nya!" (Nefertiti)
"Another what now?" (Jull)
"Jull, When did you start to understand Nefertiti? No, wait! wait!..." (Jon)
I BIGLY apologize for publishing 6 hours later than the time. You know when that grandpa visit and you have to sit there listening to his 70 years of wisdom sermon.
it was painful! forgive the Daedric Princes this time.
We have that grandpa too.
The Cultists:
-Thorfinn Hammer-Fist
-Alex Martz
-Astarot Attor
-Daniel De la mar
-chancy orr
-Marvin Ulrich
Three weeks have passed and now it is the 1st of Sun's Height (July), 4E-196. An annoying Middas (Monday) as any other.
I just finished the Rank Up exam and ranked to Evoker. Not just that, but as someone who worked on the Atronach Mounts with Nurina, I got to submit a Flame Atronach Horse spell.
Of course, I didn't give them the Arabian Horse one, I gave them the bulky Nord horse that runs like a duck.
All that time, rumors were going around about me riding on a Fire Horse in town and many people came and asked about it but I turned them all down.
I just submitted that spell and made it more complicated than normal so it doesn't go around easily.
I didn't really want to submit it but it was the best one I do, all my other spells were a bit over the norm, and by submitting it after the Rank Up exam, I now have the qualifications to rank up to the 'Scholar' rank but it would take a while before I start thinking seriously about it.
By the way, I ranked first in the exam too but it wasn't by a spartan over the top score like last time, I just got the full mark and nothing looked weird about it. Well, until I discovered that the second student rank didn't even get close to me.
I am being looked at once again.
Unlike last time, I am now known as the leader of the Creation Club and the Thane of Winterhold, no one can mess with me.
Speaking of the Creation Club, we made few good achievements and got credited for the machines in the Bathhouse which I asked Elishka to submit a request for. This all added to the popularity of our team and some new members joined.
Eliel handled the new members as I was mostly the mascot of the club anyway. My job was to put projects and give them ideas, I also help but I leave most of the work to them like any good boss.
The most interesting new members were Rundi and Brovir who just ranked up to apprentices and were my roommates when I first arrived here. They are brothers and twins at that. Still, the disagreed with each other over every little thing, but they shared an overwhelming love for mead.
They wanted to open a meadery that can rival the Black-Briar and Honningbrew meads.
I heard their ideas and promised them support as long as they establish that meadery in Winterhold. I also gave them some warnings about the dangers of their research and all that.
Why would I do all that? Well, there is something here that most players wouldn't really know.
Rundi and Brovir are NPCs from the game, they may not give any impression to a player like me and they were hard to remember at first but these two along with Yisra and another student were under a quest called 'Missing Students'. The player has to go look for four students that have gone missing just two find four horrible death accidents occurred to them.
This is a College quest that got cut from the game but one can actually find the corpses anytime around Winterhold.
I intend to change that.
Rundi and Brovir are two good fellows and deserve saving, Yisra may be an arsonist but she is a talented mage and a friend, I met the fourth student once but I will at least give him an advice.
The Creation Club was doing just fine now. But there is one more important news.
We are submitting the two projects we worked on now.
To submit such a project, we had to go through some regulations and paperwork but we left that to Eilel, perverts are good with paperwork anyway.
The first project is the Magickameter which can measure one's Magicka. It was met with some suspension at first but I made sure it was working well by comparing it to my system. It showed nearly 520 MP but of course, I would keep that a secret to myself. When it was submitted after the exam, some students from the other clubs wanted to try it but their reactions were not that friendly, an Altmer student made a fuss when the device showed 130 MP for him and the same score for a Nord student, this caused more problems but the submission overseer was Teacher Tolfdir himself who confirmed that the device is right as the racial difference was mostly in talent but not Magicka, when Tolfdir himself used the device it went over the 1000 MP mark by a little. Actually, the device was made with a common soul gem which its capacity doesn't exceed the 1000 MP.
The device was submitted and adopted by the College. This gave enough contribution points to the team for a rank up and a big reward.
The second device was the Dareumeter that I shamelessly named after myself, it can detect the output frequency and block it if it goes haywire. Unlike the Magickameter, this was completely under my name as the lead researcher and a device that made the submission overseers, as well as the other teachers, jump from the scare when they heard the description. For them, this device is just too great to not stand up for. As I intended, it was a glove with a measuring device on its back, when a spell gets cast, it detects the flow of Magicka in every phase of the spell. Once it goes haywire, the glove cancels the spell. The value of this device in their eyes was high so I prepared few of it and gifted them to the overseers immediately. It is not that expensive.
This alone secured me enough contributions to advance for the 'Wizard' rank. I still lack some other qualifications but I will take my time anyway.
Of course, we celebrated and all, the rewards of the College were always generous and I was congratulated by Savos Aren himself.
After this point, I had no more work or researches I want to do at the College. Also, I was packing my things for the journey.
Before I leave, I had to check the town.
It has been a week since I moved to my new Manor, I called it 'Seamist' Manor. Most beautiful and artistic buildings have its unique names like 'Lakeview' or 'Honeyside' so I called this way.
The place was great. The furniture was good and everything looked as I imagined.
I finally had my own kitchen where I can try making the food I wanted to make long ago.
I want to make noodles, shawerma, kusharie, pizza, and all these good stuff but my experience in cooking is not something to be proud of so I will learn bit by bit.
My room was the most amazing place in the world in my eyes right now. Jullanar wanted to make the attic her own room so I gave it to her anyway. Nefertiti also loved the place and ran around everywhere.
In the basement, there was a door made of Dwemer metal that has three keyholes and looks sturdy as hell. This was the combined work of me, Morbagog, and Mahran. Of course, the three keyholes were just a distraction, the original keyhole was behind a brick in the wall and it needed a special key to open.
This door leads to the vault. A safe room reinforced by metal and contained most of my money and important research papers, it is also made to keep the artifacts that I will obtain in the future.
Other than that, I tried to think of planting some winter herbs around the manor but will leave that for later.
Other than the house, the Bathhouse was working just fine and it made some good income. The town started to feel the circulation of money and things started looking good. I also sneaked to the bathroom a few times to spend the night with Elishka.
All in all, life was going well.
I went to my room and threw myself on my ridiculously large bed to get enough sleep for tomorrow.
Tomorrow became today, and the morning was cold. I returned to the College and went to see Nurina, Laaneth and my friends.
Nurina heartlessly gave me another shopping list. I was waiting for something more but I was told off.
Laaneth gave me a tome with some ideas and spells she worked on and told me they will prove helpful in the adventure.
After that I left the College and met with Ongeim, I told him to meet me some time from now in Windhelm and bring an extra crew with him. I had some business there.
Finally, I gave Trudvar some money and a new weapon, I also took my hammer, the Agni-Ra, back. I'll be needing it in this journey.
I had my gear on, my scaled armor from the tournament and all. I covered myself in a traveling cloak and carried Nefertiti who was warped in some warm fur. Julls followed carrying a knapsack.
Just like this, we sneaked out of town under the cover of daylight. Don't ask how.
As we walked a fair distance away from the town we I conjured two fire horses and Jull conjured one.
We put our stuff on one and rode the others. I don't think Jull or Nefertiti can handle a high-speed ride so we just rode on moderate speed.
Six hours passed and we reached 'Whistling Mine', I went down and greeted the people over here. It was also a good chance to rest from riding.
The place has changed.
On the other side of the road, a small village was built. This was not here before and definitely looked like progress to me. I think I can fund them to make an inn here.
I didn't stay for too long, I wanted to reach the Shrine of Azura before the sunset.
The shrine is on top of the mountain that the cave is under, there is a steep route but I will have no problems with it.
Normally wolves live in this area but one of the perks of riding a Flame Atronach Horse is that the wolves won't dare to approach.
The path leading to the shrine is found not far south of Whistling Mine and rises sharply to the west. To reach it, one should travel southeast along the path from Winterhold in the direction of Windhelm. If the weather is clear, it is possible to see a long way in all directions.
After two hours of fast riding, the shrine showed itself sitting atop a stone fort-like structure that was supposedly built by Dunmer, who revere her.
There is an altar in front of the massive statue, in front of this is where a woman Aranea spends all her time worshipping.
To the right of the altar on a level below is a small camp consisting of a small tent.
We arrived right before the sunset and climbed the stairs to the Alter area where I remember Aranea spends her time.
Indeed there is more tents than I thought and some more Dunmer people who came for the pilgrimage as it seemed.
I looked at the massive beautiful statue and felt the wonder of its beauty, I don't know who exactly build it but they are artists.
Azura of the Crimson Gate, also known as Azurah, the Queen of Dawn and Dusk, Mother of the Rose, and Queen of the Night Sky, is a Daedric Prince whose sphere is dawn and dusk (the magic in-between realms of twilight) as well as vanity and egotism.
Azura is one of the few Daedra who maintains the appearance of being "good" by mortal standards and presumably feels more concern for the well being of her mortal subjects than other Daedric Princes. She is one of the few Daedric Princes who constantly maintains a female image, and is perceived accordingly.
Although she is never overtly deceitful, the way Azura always gets what she desires in the end and how titanic events always follow her interventions can be portrayed as disturbing.
Her followers acknowledge that she is "cruel but wise". While she is considered one of the "good" Daedra by the Dunmer of Morrowind, elsewhere she has been known to be allied with Molag Bal, who is known to the Dunmer as one of the Four Corners of the House of Troubles. The people of the Iliac Bay region believe that Azura bewitches some of her followers to become her "lovers" and "virtual slaves".
Azura's realm in Oblivion is called 'Moonshadow' is a realm created and ruled over by her. The realm claimed to be so beautiful that visiting mortals are half-blinded. The realm contains flowers and waterfalls, majestic trees, and a city of silver. The wind smells of perfume, and the realm is known to have rain. Azura lives in a rose palace and is welcoming to mortal travelers.
This is what all I could remember from reading about her. For her to be the first Daedric Prince I try to deal with then I sure am not bad.
I was in deep thought that even Nefertiti in my hand didn't move and kept quiet.
"Azura ha.." A voice came from the side that made me jump away.
The one who spoke was a Dunmer woman in the robes of monks, she was covered in fur because of the cold weather and looked a bit bothered.
"Ehem! Azura has seen your coming, traveler. It was not curiosity, but fate, that has led you here." She said.
I looked at the woman who seemed to be Aranea, the priestess of Azura.
I looked at the statue and smiled, "Well, even curiosity is a fate. But I guess Lady Azura can see me coming from miles away, I mean, we can see her statue from Winterhold of the sky is clear."
"No, Azura has given me the gift of foresight. I had a vision of you walking up the steps to this altar long before you were born. You have been chosen to on be her champion. I know it is unexpected, but do not worry. It will all unfold as she has predicted."
"You must go to a fortress, endangered by water, yet untouched by it. Inside, you will find an elven mage who can turn the brightest star as black as night." She said, "It is cryptic, I know, but Azura's signs are never wrong. I believe the fortress may refer to Winterhold. Ask if they know this elven enchanter."
"I guess I know who I am looking for. But can I camp here for the night?"
"You are welcome here!"
"Thank you!"
"May the twilight guide you."
I left the woman and told Jull to bring our camping gear, this will be a cold night.
▪On the mountain of Azura's Shrine.
"Hooman, what is that, nya?"
"This is our Kingdom, Nefertiti."
"Our kingdom, nya?"
"Yes, anything under the sun is our kingdom."
Sacrifice the stones on the Alter of Votes.
Pray in the Temple of Comments.
Go my faithful Cult!
The Cultists:
-Thorfinn Hammer-Fist
-Alex Martz
-Astarot Attor
-Daniel De la mar
-chancy orr
-Marvin Ulrich
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