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84.02% Dragonborn Saga / Chapter 630: The Grey Wolf Movement

Chapitre 630: The Grey Wolf Movement

[A/N: IT'S MA BIRTHDAY. I'm 27 now... God, I'm old. This past year was a good year for my life even though I am a slow ass writer. God has blessed me with Marriage and good luck. I am thankful. I hope the best for you all. Let's finish this Novel before I get 30. Peace, y'all!]

While Jon's advice put a clear route to the future of Solitude, some complications were coming towards the Court that is currently left without a Jarl.

There was a clear shift of administrative power that suddenly went towards the Castle as the Imperial Authority was starting to take over everything. While they were clearly and openly overstepping their authority, there was no actual authority to oppose them and the entire court of Solitude was still in shambles.

After all, the Imperial Authority is the one that will put a Thane on the Chair of Solitude and make them into a Jarl.

There are many Thanes in Solitude aside from Thane Bryling but they had little authority, power, and popularity compared to her. They were like some Court Jesters in the time of Torygg who would come to be useful once or twice in their lives.

As for the one that matters, Thane Bryling was currently leading the investigation of what happened in the Castle.

"I said you can't stop me from investigating further, Rikke. This is my duty to see through." Thane Bryling shouted at a Legion Legate.

"As a Legate of the Legion, I am under strict orders to keep outsiders from interfering in the castle affairs during drills. But as your friend, there's really nothing I can do." Legate Rikke replied.

"This is unacceptable! Our Jarl died by the blades of the assassins who completely infiltrated your castle. Your castle was simply nothing in front of them and you still speak of the Legion's abilities? Well, it's all clear now that you can't deal with anything."

"I am sorry, Bryling, but until the situation is resolved, the castle will be sealed under secret drills." Legate Rikke said and retreated back behind the castle gate.

Just a few minutes ago, Thane Bryling received news that an order came from General Tullius to move all non-Legionnaire military personnel off the premises of Castle Dour and seal all the ins and outs. Except for the Temple of the Divines which will be heavily guarded 24/7.

It is safe to say that Castle Dour was originally the Barracks of the Guards as well as the place where the Imperial Garrison stays. Now that the guards were officially kicked from their own barracks, the situation was nothing less than scandalous.

General Tullius was wiping the ground with the entire court of Skyrim to show how powerless they are and even when Thane Bryling tried to intervene and return with them under the guise of investigating, the Legion started some sort of a drill to keep outsiders at bay.

Moreover, it seemed that many guards of the city were being reeled into the legion and many guard posts were taken over by Legionaries. The unrest among the guards only grew more and more as their city was being slowly devoured and taken over by the Legion and turning into a full Imperial City rather than a Nord one.

"Do we look like some pushovers to you?" Bryling shouted at the Castle's Gate but no one even responded to her.

Her rage almost reached the sky but there was little she could do in her hands and no Jarl to support her back. Still, that was far from over to her.

"Captain Aldis!" She called and a bearded man wearing a Guard's Armor approached her with soulless eyes and a sad face.

"Yes, my Lady."

"How many men do you have and what posts do you still hold?" She asked.

"As for the men, it is a little over 300 compared to the Imperial Garrison of 1000. As for the posts, we have the Blue Palace all the way to the castle gate. We hold the market still and we have some presence in the residential areas." He replied.

"Ignore the inner security of the Palace since there's nothing to guard there no more. Focus on the streets, push from the market all the way to the city gate as much as you can. Don't let the Imperial Patrols order your men around ever again. Do that with only 150 men." She ordered him.

"It won't be an easy task and we have the other 150 as the night shift." Captain Aldis replied.

"No." Bryling shook her head, "150 are both the day and the night shifts."


Captain Aldis looked at Bryling with questioning eyes as he couldn't think of a possible way to make her demands possible.

"The other 150 will be spread over in the Dockyard and the shantytown outside the city." Bryling said.

"But that… that is impossible, my lady." Captain Aldis spoke in a shaken tone, "The Dockyard has been under the Legion influence even before the incident."

"Just do it. The offense is the best defense and as long as we press over the security of the Dockyard, the Legion won't be able to take an extra step towards the Blue Palace." She said.

It seems that Thane Bryling is willing to go head to head against the Legion and their General no matter the consequences. The insolence of being led around by a military governor from Cyrodiil can't be accepted anymore.

"One last thing, my Lady." Captain Aldis spoke, "About the guards' pay and barracks location."

"As for the pay, the Blue Palace can still pay without a problem. As for the Barracks…" She paused a little before continuing, "My house will do… go to my Housecarl and transform my house into a barracks."

Sacrificing her house for the cause, that was exactly something Bryling would do and part of the reason why she is the most admired law keeper of this city. And as she started to take action and fortify the authority of the Palace, the guards started to admire her and fall in line even more than before. Even rumors have started to spread between the populace of Solitude about the sudden power struggle and all the Nords with a large majority of the non-Nords were all supporting Thane Bryling heart and soul.

The guards moved by the commands of Captain Aldis and started to take their first step into retaking their city.

"Heh! Seeing you preach against the Legion, one would mistake you for a Stormcloak, my lady." A voice came from where she wasn't looking.

Bryling turned to see who spoke such treacherous words only to meet Jon Dare's most frequent envoy, Jon Dare himself. He came over followed by Falk Firebeard and Sybille Stentor along with some key figures of the hold.

"Even if it is you, my Lord, these are no words you can joke around with." Bryling spoke back to Jon with zero chills.

"Alright, alright, my bad." He raised his hands as he approached and stood with her and all those who followed him under the shade of the castle.

"Very vexing, isn't it?" He asked, "The long-time ally turning to be like this."

"I don't believe in such a thing as Alliance." Thane Bryling replied, "The Powers of the World are always looking for ways to exploit each other and as of this moment, we have fallen out of grace. The only thing to believe in is Honor and some were born free of it."

Her words were causing ruckus the more she spoke but that was part of her charm. Speaking those words at the hearing of the Imperial Legion needed a lot of guts and she had all the guts a human can have.

"My Lady." Falk Firebeard spoke before all the people gathered, "While we were all wailing in our homes over the milk that was spilled, you were out here all this time interrogating the assailants and looking for the truth of what happened. You gave yourself no time to grief and barely ate while carrying on everything you can do."

"Falk!" Bryling interrupted him, "Why are you… speaking like that? It is my duty as you… know…"

She paused a little before looking at everyone around her and feeling that something was staged. Looking at Jon Dare who was smiling ear to ear, she knew this famous stage master is doing something here.

"My Lady." Sybille Stentor stood beside Falk, "Nord I may not be but I've taken my home in this city many years ago and so I believe I can speak for your honor in the stead of those who know your honor and valor."

Not only them but all the people standing behind them from the lesser thanes and the influential figures agreed with both Falk and Sybille in a heartbeat.

"We all agree to nominate you as the new Jarl of Solitude." Falk spoke those words that Bryling feared the most.

"That's impossible!" Bryling replied, "No matter who nominates who, the final say over this matter must come from…"

Bryling paused and looked behind her. The only one who can nominate a Jarl is the Emperor and the ones who practically make the list of nominees are the Imperial Authority of Skyrim, the one that is antagonizing them now. From this list, the Council of Thanes chooses a new Jarl so long there is no direct heir for the previous Jarl.

But this time, the people were choosing and she is the choice. Not the Empire… but the People. Bryling realized the meaning of such words and to her, it embodied everything important she believed in.

But the Jarl's seat… it still held a big meaning.

"We know of no one who can lead us at this moment except for you, Lady Bryling. You have every hour of my waking and resting at your service." Falk pledged.

"Despite our personal differences, the duty which you upheld up until now is what kept this city together. You have my counsel and magic at your service." Sybille pledged.

One after another, the lords and ladies of Solitude pledged loyalty to Bryling as the new Thane despite the clear Imperial discrimination towards the members of the Solitude's Court.

"And I, Jonhild Firemane known to you as Jon Dare, a friend of Solitude and a fellow Nord, witness the loyalty and allegiance pledged by everyone who is present in this place to Lady Bryling and would personally carry your words by my fastest caravans to the Imperial City and present a legal Notice to the Elder Council." Jon said those words as an ally of Solitude.

He then cleared his voice and took in a strong breath of air that made the air around Solitude become unsettled. The words he spoke next echoed in the city not too loudly and not too softly but were heard by all.

"On behalf of the Court of the Blue Palace, we plead to those who witness this event from the loftiest among us and the respected commoners to go and pay their sincerity to the Blue Palace by Pledging their Allegiance. A scribe shall stand on its gate and receive your names that will be sent with the official document which nominates Thane Bryling to the position of a Jarl. Those who fit are the citizens of Haafingar from all castes of society, so long they have come of age and are fit for military service. May the Blessings of the Wolf Banner be with you all."


The words which Jon spoke in the name of the Blue Palace Court became very unsettling and disturbed the advantage held by the Imperial Authority. Castle Dour was working like clockwork in order to negate the effects that the announcement had but more news flowed in.

- Jon Dare was supporting the Blue Palace and advocating for Thane Bryling as the new Jarl.

- The Dare Dragon Company will carry an official notice to the Imperial Council with the name of every citizen that supports Bryling as the new Jarl and it is packed with names just from the first hour of activity.

- Thane Bryling donated her house to be the new Barracks of the Guards, and the Guards of the City are increasing their presence around the positions they were locked away from by the Legion.

- The Blue Palace Court used the opportunity of the Vote held in front of the palace to recruit around 200 new guards.

- A fortified carriage started moving from a place within the residential area carrying Gold and Silver all the way to the Blue Palace in order to replenish its coffers.

And all the previous events happened in the span of two hours. Even while disadvantaged, the hidden currents of Solitude were moved by a series of secret visits from Falk and Sybille to all the influential faces in the city and by using the name of Thane Bryling as a face and the name of Jon Dare as a backer, they reeled in a lot of support way too fast.

The Strategic Center of the Legion, which was hatching a plan for the next month in order to seize control over the city, lost everything in those two hours by the momentum which was displayed by the Nords and their neighbors.

But the most disturbing piece of news was what follows. At the gate of the Blue Palace, the housecarls handed the Wolf Banner of Solitude to Thane Bryling and gifted to her a shawl made of the hide of a grey wolf.

Those who saw Lady Bryling while wearing this shawl pledged their loyalty again and called themselves the Grey Wolf movement, a political movement that aims for the liberty of the people and upholds the honorable Nordic traditions. Their first accomplishment is the Notice that carries the will of the people to the highest court in the world with no mediation or fear.

The situation of this morning was flipped immediately as the Blue Palace closed its gates when the Imperial Authority of Skyrim sent an envoy to discuss the incident that was caused in order to lessen the severity of the situation. The action was met with an absolute disdain from the people of Solitude.

"And so it all worked out." Jon raised his cup to the other three in the room. Lady Bryling, Falk Firebeard, and Sybille Stentor.

"By throwing me under the wagon." Bryling smiled and drank her cup.

"No one is throwing anyone under anything." Jon said, "The Imperial Legion just attempted a takeover. They used you the moment you were the weakest and just kept kicking."

"Things may get violent." Bryling replied.

"Their loss." Jon replied back, "Remember that we skipped them and sent our demands to the Elder Council directly."

"But the Emperor won't just let us have an easy way with the Legion." Falk said.

"The Emperor will do nothing. By the time it arrives, the Emperor will start moving towards Skyrim and the Elder Council will be the one in charge. Imagine the discord that exists between the Council and the Legion. By the time it arrives, the Elder Council will gladly suppress the Legion from gaining a firm stronghold away from the Imperial City and will foil their attempt through Jarl Bryling."

"I still hate the sound of it." Bryling said.

"Hate it or love it, the duty that comes with it requires someone of your caliber. Right now, you need to fill your time with service to the Hold and garner a lot of popularity to keep the people on your side." Jon said.

"What do you suggest I do?" Falk asked.

"Dragonbridge was asking for help the last day we were here with Jarl Elisif, heavens keep her soul. I promised her to help the people of Dragonbridge but it would be a grand feat that the future Jarl herself come for the help." Jon said.

"I understand the situation but I still find it distasteful to use the people's trouble for my gain." Bryling said.

"Think of it like this. Your gain is their gain." Jon replied.

"True." Falk agreed with him.

"Either way, I sincerely thank you, Lord Jon, for your assistance to the court in our time of need. You have proven your honor and once we can stand properly against the Empire, we will work on repaying you." Bryling said as she shook hands with Jon.

"Such a thing isn't necessary. I don't care so much about honor or whatnot but I thank you still." Jon replied.

"You don't care for honor? Aren't you the man who called his own staff Pride?" Bryling asked jokingly.

"I'd like to say that as I wield my Pride, I control it rather than it controlling me." Jon replied.

"Indeed. The more of our flaws we control, the better we grow." Bryling agreed with him, "What else do you control rather than being controlled with?"

The question was deep but it was still curious and it made Jon smile.

"I control my Greed, Wrath, Pride, Lust, and Gluttony." Jon said, "But very soon, I will control Envy."


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Chapitre 631: Nordic Hustle

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💥💥 Small Teaser: Envy has been created on Chapters 644 💥💥


"So he decided to work openly against us."

"I am sorry, Sir. But we may have acted way too soon."

"Are you doubting my leadership, Legate?"

"Of course not, Sir. I was only saying that we antagonized the court members way too hastily."

"We can't wait. The winter funds have almost run out and the lowered taxes have harmed us more. The Stormcloaks are getting provisions from God knows where and you expect me to not seize an opportunity to feed the Legion?"

The General and the Legate had their usual argument this day as well. As a Nord, Legate Rikke tried to ask General Tullius to be lenient when dealing with the Court of Solitude while he insisted that seizing the opportunity would be best for the Legion's provisions issue.

He aimed to secure the Legion enough political power to be able to receive more funds from the Nords for the war efforts. The number of Legion Soldiers under his command may have been doubled thanks to the relentless recruiting campaign he established but the numbers became his problem.

On the other hand, the Politicians of Cyrodiil may have limited the winter funds of the Legion so that it doesn't have too much power than needed. While the Legion is fighting against the Stormcloaks, they have to beg for money from the local lords and scrap whichever they can so they make ends meet.

This may prevent the Legion from overstepping its power but will also cripple it to some extent.

Somehow, that limiter balanced the power which the Legion had but its commander, General Tullius, wanted to use this chance and remove that limiter.

He had Jon to blame for the fall of his plan but there's no way he would deal with Jon anyway. At first, the General attempted to provoke Jon by trying to snatch his monopoly contract which failed then he tried to reel in the Dragonborn by the Lord's Mail armor which also failed. So now Jon is foiling his attempt to take over Solitude.

Just how to deal with that annoying man?

"General Tullius Sir!" At that moment, a soldier rushed into the meeting room.

"Report." The General responded.

"Two reports came just now. One from the Blue Palace and one from the City Gate." The Soldier said, "The watchers stationed around the palace report that Thane Bryling along with a small force of Guards and Jon Dare were seen heading on horsebacks and going out of town. The City Gate Sentries report the arrival of Thane Brina Merilis."

"Finally, she arrived!" The General became relieved at last.

"General… General! Wait!" Legate Rikke ran after General Tullius as he walked ahead, "Brina Merilis? The former Legionary? She was the candidate we're after all along?"

"That's right." The General replied as he looked back.

"But… this is the first time I hear of this?" Rikke said.

"I've kept it from everyone. I didn't want a certain Jon Dare to find out "somehow" and foil the plan. I also sent a formal notice to the Elder Council to assign Thane Birna of the Pale as a temporary Jarl to Haafingar until we find an excuse to keep her."

The General was planning all along and had his secret game happening in the shadows without the involvement of his right hand, Legate Rikke. This means… he suspects a mole under his command… a mole that is most likely a Nord.

It felt like an insult but one the General didn't speak and thus wasn't accountable for. Of course, he can't tell his Legate everything he does as strategic plans require a certain level of secrecy.

But that is no strategic field since the General is personally dappling into Politics.

"But Thane Birna isn't from Solitude or even Haafingar to begin with! She's from Dawnstar." Legate Rikke spoke following the General down the stairs.

"And?" The General asked.

"The People here won't accept a Jarl they have never heard of." Rikke said.

"As I said, the position will be temporary until they start seeing her as one of them. Don't you Nords bond too fast?" The General replied.

"No! Many won't let it just slide." Legate Rikke understood what General Tullius wanted from the start and gnashed her teeth.

First, he would force his own Jarl on the court of Solitude to divide and conquer them. Second, since the new Jarl was someone who served in the Imperial Legion, she will easily submit to the higher authority of a General. Third, the Legion will have access to all the funds it needs from Solitude's treasury aside from the War Tax it receives. Fourth, and as the most vital thing, Thane Brina Merilis isn't a big fan of Thane Jon Dare.

The last reason was certainly something very important in order to push Jon Dare's influence out of Solitude. During his rise to power, Jon Dare's first enemy was neither the pirates he eradicated nor the bandits he hunted to extinction, the first enemy he made was his neighbor, the city of Dawnstar.

Dawnstar was known to be a dock for all the ships that trade in the Sea of Ghosts and while it was modest, it was working just fine since the coast of Dawnstar was clear of any rocks and always provided service.

But Winterhold became the jewel of the north overnight. It overshadowed Dawnstar almost completely as Jon Dare constructed his docks and his ships. He even cleared the water with his own hands and magic as he secured safe ways for the ships to pass by and witness the marvels of the reborn Nordic city.

Meanwhile, Dawnstar suffered a setback after another and lost its prestigious spot when Jon made contacts with both the Great Houses of Morrowind and the East Empire Trading Company. All the focus was on him and he delivered an excellent service beyond what is expected. Dawnstar and the entire Pale had a rising amount of unemployment and many of the populace migrated east.

There was also that accident when Jarl Skald the Elder of Dawnstar took a family member of one of Jon's friends as a hostage in order to vex them and got his city raided and his longhouse burnt in an old school Nord raid.

Thane Brina Merilis wasn't a fan of Jarl Skald the Elder and his Stormcloak tendencies and even posed as opposition for his childish actions but she was nonetheless a member of Dawnstar and felt insulted by Jon Dare many times over he annoyance with Jarl Skald. Setting her up against him is a good move for the Legion.

And there they all gathered down at the city gate.

Thane Jon Dare of Winterhold and Whiterun, Thane Bryling of Haafingar, Thane Brina Merilis of the Pale, and following them was General Tullius of the Imperial Legion, Military Governor of Skyrim, and Commander of the Northern Imperial Legion.

Rikke felt like her head was about to hurt so badly.

Jon's mount was a large Flame Horse Atronach that looked both majestic and devilish as he seemed to have lent Bryling a similar one, compared to Thane Brina and General Tullius whose mounts were ordinary horses that seemed agitated from their Daedric counterparts.

"General!" Jon called, "I believe this is our first time meeting in an official ceremony."

"Thane Jon." The General returned the greeting half-heartedly and refused to shake hands with Jon.

"I see we're blocking the road of Thane Brina, excuse my poor manners." Jon said.

"It is nothing, Thane Jon." Brina Merilis passed Jon and Thane Bryling to stand by the General.

"Come on, Thane Brina, we're all friends here. No need for such stiffness!" Jon laughed loudly and acted all friendly before looking between the General and Thane Brina, "You two do your own thing, we'll catch up later over some mead since I am running out of time."

Jon Dare seemed to be eyeing what the two were up to as he smiled and rode ahead past the gate. Thane Bryling rode after him in a composed manner.

"My Lady, I am sorry for your loss." Thane Brina spoke to Thane Bryling.

"Thank you for your sincerity, my Lady." Bryling replied.

"I do wish to pay my respect to our former High King and Queen." Brina said.

"I won't be escorting you sadly, my Lady. If you excuse me, I have my duties to attend to." Bryling said and ignored both Brina and the General.

Following Bryling, there were over 20 Armed Guards who seemed to be prepared for a raid or something as well as a Priest riding a horse and carrying an ornate tray that has a War Horn and a Circlet accessory.

"What is that?" General Tullius asked.

"That is an offering for the dead." Both Legate Rikke and Thane Brina replied before looking at each other and greeting the other politely.

"Is it another Nord tradition? Where are they taking it?" The General asked.

"To an Altar. If the offering wasn't taken to any of the Eight Divines, it is probably being taken to the Ninth. The Horn belonged to High King Torygg and the Circlet to Jarl Elisif."

"They are offering it to Talos? Don't they fear that we may pursue and arrest them?" The General asked.

"Jon Dare is not one to shy or hide whatever unreasonable acts he does." Brina Merilis said, "Before the Stormcloak Rebellion, he was known to be hunting official Thalmor Justiciar publicly. Now that he is casting his flaming steeds in the city, he won't shy from wiping out an attachment of Imperial Soldiers."

"So becoming a criminal isn't something he minds?" The General spoke in an imposed manner.

"There won't be evidence to hold him accountable, General. He makes sure that even the corpses turn to dust that is scattered with the wind to Oblivion. He also performs the rites of Soul Trapping on the people that have great animosity towards him in order to prevent them from returning as undead and haunting his Northern Paradise." Brina Merilis said as she kept staring at Jon Dare, "He may give you the illusion that he is playing by the rules but the moment you believe that, he would have already cheated, doubled down on his bets, drained everyone else's money, and hogged all the pot for himself."

"When men acquire too much power." The General sighed.

"As I said, he would give you the illusion of playing a politician just to let his other plans pass by. I accepted your offer for the reasons you have told me, General, but if this turns into a losing game, I am afraid the consequences will be severe." Brina said.

"We know his aim, Lady Brina. His means may be radical but we only have to wait for the Elder Council to approve your Jarl Title. Jon Dare is going to send a caravan to Cyrodiil but what he doesn't know is that we have already sent ours an hour after the death of Jarl Elisif. We also won't let his Caravan just pass quietly." The General replied.

"I see you have prepared." Brina said, "But not enough."

"What do you mean?" The General frowned.

"You are making this whole situation about Jon Dare if you haven't noticed. He's a conman so he is making you focus on something rather than his actual goal, General. You never really know what trick the magician will play next."

"So it is a trick?" General Tullius asked.

"If it is only one." Brina laughed and pointed towards the Castle Gate.

There, a caravan was seen entering the city bearing the black and red banner of the Dare Dragon Trading Company. It was timed with the announcement that a caravan will come to bear the will of the people to the Emperor and so this is the target.

At the end of the caravan, Jon Dare stopped with his atronach horse and another person met him. That other person was clearly a woman and she exchanged an obvious smooch in the middle of the road with Jon. As she turned, General Tullius recognized the woman and felt uncomfortable.

"As I said, you don't know the magician's next trick." Brina said, "Now, he pushes his beautiful assistant to the stage just to distract everyone."

Seeing Alina Dare, who was leading the caravan, General Tullius was worried about what game was happening but also pleased that the person he selected to assist him was an expert in the tricks of Jon Dare. This time, it won't end like the incident of the Dare Dragon Company's Exclusive Contract over Winterhold Resources (which ended in a disaster) and the incident over contacting the Dragonborn.

Jon's caravan that was heading to the Imperial City is here in Solitude and it will be easy to track.

"Let's go and make some plans." The General turned with his horse and hurried back to his castle with Thane Brina and Legate Rikke following behind.

The game was afoot and everyone was ready to hog the big sweet roll known as the Hold of Haafingar. Little did they all know of a Crisis approaching with the dark skies.


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