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A Light Screen appeared in the middle of the throne room of the Blue Palace, Jon stood by it and looked at the people around him.
As expected, undeveloped monkeys.
He pointed to the screen and series of images appeared.
"This is Winterhold."
A map appeared on the Light Screen.
"This is The Pale and this is Hjaalmarch."
The map expanded and some animated scenes started to appear.
"During the last month, Jarl Skald sent his cavalrymen to harass the Giants all around the pale driving them to migrate east towards Winterhold. We are not aware of the situation around in Hjaalmarch but I think some Giants surely appeared there. The western part of Winterhold is a well-monitored area that a lot of refugees come through and there are many rescue outposts stationed around. As the Giants were forced to leave their natural habitat, they mostly feel agitated and unsafe causing there normal calm easygoing nature to turn aggressive. We even witnessed Giants fighting over territory and let me tell you this, you don't want to be between giants witnessing each other, see that poor guy, I don't know how on Nirn this happened but once he took a giant club and was sent to Sovngarde… like literally sent up there to heaven, no one saw him landing."
The Light Screen showed footage of a guard getting hit but a giant's club and getting sent way up the sky.
At first, the people present saw the Light Screen and felt that it is not appropriate to make a magic show in front of the High King, turns out the magic show was a form of a presentation, then pictures showed up and everyone got interested in the magical device, the footage and sounds came from it and it was the last straw for them, they were totally focusing on the screen until the saw a Giant sending a man to the sky and got cold sweat.
That thing that Jon showed them was a famous bug from the game called [Skyrim Space Project]. Jon himself never thought that he would show something like that to the High King of all people.
"All in all, we are having serious problems with Giants sending people to the Sky. The world is going crazy! What else? Horses walking up walls of mountains? Well, we found a solution for the Giants by contacting the Druids from the Cult of Kyne and calling them over to talk some sense into the Giants as well as preparing places for them to settle. Winterhold is not really suited for that new kind of wildlife but we hope it brings changes for the better. Regarding the zealots being sent by the Cult of Talos, the populace in Winterhold and Neo Saarthal is Nordic but have been mixed really well with the other races such as Dark Elves, Wood Elves, Bretons and Imperials, believe it or not, we have some High Elves too and their backgrounds are clean and closely monitored. The zealots are mostly not that welcome in Taverns or public establishments but we keep them monitored and in check with a simple agreement to not go as far as to cause riots and problems, punishments are severe for the troublemakers so everything is going according to the system. We will be happy to lend a hand to Hjaalmarch if they ever needed to adopt our methods."
Jon finished his presentation that included a lot of footages, diagrams, numbers and lots of videos. He finished, took the Light Screen back to the [Cube] with a single clap and returned to his seat.
"…" "…" "…" "…"
"That was…" Falk Firebeard spoke out of line then took out a paper and quill, "… Very Enlightening."
He started to copy what all he noted. Some Imperial assistants also started copying what they saw and had some heated low conversations while glancing at Jon.
Jon's plan was going smoothly, he had a lot in mind and this Assembly was a great place to forge many alliances as all he was doing as of late was just making enemies. He is the kind who like to hide his power and technology to keep them for himself but the Light Screen is not that much of technology to him even though who would see it for the first time would lose his/her marbles. Showing off ones hidden cards may be a bad thing but nations always showcase their strength and ability to solve problems for recognition. Being recognized by other strong individuals has many benefits and Jon was after those strong people.
By understanding what Winterhold and the Dare Dragon Company are capable of right now, it sure attracted a lot of attention. The High King for starter was now fully interested; Count Pavo, the Imperial Envoy was also looking at Jon as someone he needs to reassess; Thongvar Silver-Blood started to feel agitated with the new player that seemed to not be favoring Ulfric; Viarmo, the Bards College Headmaster was also reassessing Jon, Erikur was now holding a larger grudge at Jon for stealing the limelight and Jarl Siddgeir of Falkreath was glaring at Jon as someone who is younger than him and didn't get embarrassed the way he got.
"Thane Jon Dare, that was amazing. Mind if we talk in the first break?" High King Torygg said.
The who were ready to talk with Jon as soon as the break starts were all glaring at him thinking 'You are playing dirty just because you are the High King and beating us to him?'
"Of course, it would be my honor, my king." Jon said.
"Good. Jarl Idgord, I think you can at least do something about the Zealots for now."
"I will try, my king."
"Good, the next matter we need to attend to will be the trades but that will be left for after the break. Viarmo brought many bards here so please, entertain yourself." Torygg said and stood up walking away.
The Jarls and the Thanes as well as the Envoys and the people associated with the event all stood up and headed to the foot tables and the drinks that were prepared for the events. Jon was always fond of mammoth steak and there he found himself.
"I knew I would see you here." A voice called for him.
"Oh, if it is not Miss Vici. How can I be of help?" Jon turned around to meet Vittoria Vici.
"You don't miss a chance to steal the limelight, do you?"
"Part of the job, Miss Vici. The Face of the [Dare Dragon Company] should always be bright and glimmering."
"Hehe! Good, you the type who will survive in a world of business but there are some things that you are missing."
"Oh, please enlighten me."
"You need friends, friends of friends and friends of friends of friends. Up until now, you managed to hole yourself up in Winterhold and swallow the big hunt all for yourself. Not sure how you managed to take Jarl Korir in your pocket but people are already flocking around him trying to hinder you. Don't you think you should keep an eye on that?"
Jon and Vittoria turned around to see Thane Erikur talking with Jarl Korir. The former was forcing some wine to the latter who seemed to be trying to get away as soon as possible.
"Erikur! That clown can kiss my red-haired ass." Jon said and turned his head away.
"Pffft!" Vittoria always spilled out the wine she was drinking and her eyes all turned tear.
Jon patted her back and over her a handkerchief.
"Thank you… you truly are not worried about your golden goose?"
"Why would I?"
"… So it is true. The rumor about you… you know… controlling Jarl Korir with magic?"
"Excuse me?" Jon feigned ignorance. Of course, there was that rumor from a long time ago but Jon was not even bothering with it now.
"Listen, Jon. This is serious. Most of the people around here believe in that rumor especially after what Jarl Korir said about the 'esteemed mages'. Problems will soon come after you after this break."
"Baseless accusations. Simply trying to undermine my efforts of turning Jarl Korir against the pirates of the Blood Horkers."
"…" Vittoria looked at Jon with narrowed eyes and sighed. "It will be a serious crime if the rumor is true. Unlawful acquisition of power is a serious crime, even if the High King and some Jarls are fond of you, they won't simply ignore it once it is proved."
"Humph." Jon snorted and acted high and mighty, "I am glad that you are looking out for a business partner… but as a bed partner, haven't you missed me? Even a little?"
"This is the Blue Palace, Jon. Don't…"
"I heard the [Pelagius Wing] is empty."
"What? It is haunted."
"Don't worry, my Uncle has already left the place."
"My uncle, he loved to haunt strange places. Palaces, lakes, minds… mostly minds. He is a white-haired gentleman with a cane and a purple suit. Very lovable if you ask me but a can be very moody."
"Stop talking about your damn uncle. We are in the palace dammit… meet me at the inn tonight." Vittoria said and looked around to check if anyone overheard them.
[A/n: The [Uncle] and [Pelagius Wing] were Jon referring to the Daedric Quest of Sheogorath in the game. To access the mind realm of Emperor Pelagius and meet Sheogorath in the game, one must enter the Blue Palace of Solitude and go into the Pelagius Wing which is sealed because it was haunted and of course the reason was Sheogorath.]
"Hey, let me introduce you to someone." Vittoria said and led Jon to another table.
"Jon, I introduce you to Uncle Pavo Atius, a Count in the Imperial Court and the Ambassador of The Empire in Skyrim. Uncle, this is my friend Thane Jon Dare, the acting Military Viscount of Winterhold."
"A pleasure to meet you, sir."
"Oh! Thane Jon, a pleasure indeed. We were just talking about you."
Jon Dare and Pavo Atius shook hands.
"These are my assistances Sorus and Leta. We were just discussing the presentation you did and we've got to admit, this was something very new to us. Mind quenching our curiosity?"
"Ahaha, I'd be glad." Jon took out a smaller Light Screen that was as large as a tablet device and started explaining it to Ambassador Pavo then used it to explain the businesses of the company to the Ambassador of the Empire.
Ambassador Pavo was surely a strong character and tried to comprehend Jon's abilities as fast as he could to make an overall assessment. Jon didn't mind that as it was his goal from the start and agreed to answer the questions with convenient answers to himself.
Unlike the Nords who looked at magic with eyes of caution then looked away from it, the Imperials were a completely different story. They tried their best to comprehend the Light Screens and the abilities of Jon.
"I think for a Military Viscount such as yourself, you indeed go beyond the normal expectations. On behalf of his Imperial Majesty, I would like you to work with the Empire more in the future. Please consider my invitation, there is so much potential to your work and so much the Empire can do for you."
"Thank you, Sir Count."
Jon noticed that the Imperials were trying to address him as Military Viscount rather than Thane which is referring for them showing that they recognize his value. Thane and Military Viscount are basically the same titles but one is Nordic and the other is Imperial. The Ambassador was surely trying to rope Jon to the side of the Empire. The benefits following that decision will surely be high as Jon's power may extend beyond his area of jurisdiction and become a full Empire Nobleman.
As the two ended their conversation, Jon and Vittoria started to look for another place to chat in.
"What are the chances, I talk about my uncle and you introduce me to yours."
"Haha, very funny."
"Excuse me, Thane Jon." Someone interrupted Jon and Vittoria's chat.
It was none other than Falk Firebeard.
"High King Torygg is ready to meet you in his study if you please."
"Steward Falk, I will be honored. If you excuse me, Miss Vici."
"Thank you, Thane Jon."
Falk Firebeard and Jon Dare headed away from the throne room to a hallway leading to the inner parts of the palace.
As two red-haired gentlemen, they got acquainted really well. Falk Firebeard was always fond of Jon's methods since his job title became the Administrator of the General Affairs Department. He simply can't live without that title anymore.
As soon as Jon and Falk reached a certain door, Jon was allowed into the study. There, he found a big library and a central table with a few seats around it. There was a Nord gentleman sitting on a chair and checking a few cards with his hand.
High King Torygg looked up to Jon and spoke.
"So… which deck the creator of Gwent prefers to play with?"
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"Which deck the creator of Gwent prefers to play with?" The King asked.
Jon smiled and walked to a chair, Torygg nodded and Jon sat down while moving his robe to the side.
"Skyrim Deck."
"A patriot? Well, I am the High King so I should represent my nation anyway. Skyrim against Skyrim… what a bad omen!" The King sighed.
"Haha! I can't even disagree." Jon felt the irony.
In the Assembly of how to prevent Skyrim from falling to a civil war, this Gwent match is being a Skyrim Deck against another.
Jon and Torygg took out their cards and put it against each other.
"Usually there is a referee." Jon said.
"Yes, Falk."
"My king."
"Would you mind if you become our referee?"
"It would be my pleasure."
Falk took the third chair and the three gentlemen nodded to each other and handed the decks to Falk to check them.
"I must say, I was quite surprised by the way you presented the problem Jarl Skald is causing. You have one-ninth of Skyrim well-monitored and under your control. Must be quiet the labor."
"I am just doing what a Thane should do, be the vigilant eye and enforce the Hold's Law as well as making sure that life is fair and people are happy." Jon said.
"So you provide them jobs under your business and make sure that no one competes with you in the hold you serve?" Torygg said in a questioning tone.
Jon smiled and replied.
"Couldn't have found any better way to take care of those folk. People get greedy when they get power and can't afford an enemy in a wounded hold that is being rebuilt. Gods know how many years will it take for the hold to be back on its feet again. That's why one should be wary of greedy people."
"And does the rule include you?"
"It includes everyone. My place and my position give me both the freedom and the limits I need."
"Ah! I see. Hahaha!"
Jon's answer was right to Torygg's worries. Jon could read the mood and Torygg could read the meaning of words. Just like any other ruler, Torygg should be worried if a force grew too much under his domain and it can't be controlled anymore. Jon answered him as he already understands his worries and gave him the clue of how to keep their relationship healthy, he is content with his position as a Thane and he took fully what he wants, more than that would be over the limits for the norm and that what assured Torygg.
Jon was not the only person who would spread his influence through an entire hold. Names like Maven Black-Briar, Thonar Silver-Blood, Olfrid Battle-Born, Torbjorn Shatter-Shield, Erikur and Bryling, all these people are the tycoons of Skyrim and now Jon Dare is the new tycoon in Winterhold. No one would have bothered with Winterhold especially for Nords who are not fond with the College of Winterhold but who would have thought the next rising star was from there. Not only was the hold wounded by the collapse but it also had low resources and unfriendly nature. Jon's rise was indeed suspicious.
Also, the problem with Jon was not only his rise but also how fast he grew and his mysterious origins. If he was supported by an enemy of Skyrim then it would make a lot of sense but Jon was very interesting to those who looked in his history. An Orphan adopted by a powerful Arch-Wizard for his talent in magic and all his actions proved to be for the good of Winterhold and his loyalty to Skyrim was unstained for now. He even showed good will by opposing both the Stormcloak faction and the Imperial faction that have already started fighting in shadows and his stand was bluntly neutral. The Empire couldn't hate him for it and neither the Stormcloaks. He made it clear that Winterhold is a wounded hold and it is going through a rebuilding phase, any conflict in the hold would bring it apart and he clearly wouldn't take that lying down.
High King Torygg was a supporter of peace and a rise of a Hold like Winterhold meant that people are busy with rebuilding rather than fighting and that was something he wants for Skyrim. For that, he wanted to make sure that Jon was 100% in the same direction as him and not planning to join either side in the conflict yet to come. He also wanted to make sure that Jon won't fall once a true challenge comes up.
"To tell the truth, we were in discussion lately here in Solitude about the Jarlship of Winterhold, we wanted to move the title to a man more capable than Jarl Korir. Our only candidate was you."
"I see, you either had to stop me or support me."
"Right, we didn't know how to stop you quietly though. The person we hoped we can use had cut contacts with us."
Torygg and Jon were speaking bluntly rather casually.
"You mean Kraldar? I killed him a long time ago."
"…" "…"
Torygg who was acting cool couldn't keep up the act and Falk who was checking the Gwent Cards froze and his eyes moved to Jon. Another hidden presence in the room showed signs of energy that couldn't escape the senses of an energy junkie like Jon.
"What? He was spying for Erikur." Jon said it as it was something really natural.
Torygg, Falk and the third presence sighed and shook their heads. Jon was as brutal as the rumors.
Kraldar was indeed a spy of Erikur. Before Jon would come to Winterhold, Kraldar was a Nord nobleman whose family fell from glory after the [Great Collapse]. He was recruited by Erikur to make connections with the College of Winterhold as Erikur was already aiming for the big fish that everyone ignored. Kraldar was to replace Jarl Korir in the game if the Imperials ever take control of the Winterhold and Jon was aware to all of that. He was also aware that if by any chance, Kraldar became the Jarl then Korir managed to come back, Kraldar will get banished to Solitude and stay in Erikur's home which all revealed Erikur's plot to Jon.
Jon threw Kraldar in the sea as soon as the latter started spying for Erikur.
"So you won't become the Jarl? You said you are okay with the limits you have but Jarl Korir is quite the burden, right?" Torygg asked.
"He is a breath of fresh air." Jon replied.
"Hehehe! You two seem to be getting along, would it be that you have something on him?"
"Why? He is my Jarl. How come I betray the man who employed me?"
"Oh! Fine, I won't pursue the subject any longer. Falk, you took your sweet time, how are the cards?"
"… I am not sure how to say this…" Falk was looking at the cards with a weird face.
"I knew it! The creator of Gwent must have all the rare Hero cards." Torygg said with a disappointed face.
"Eh… quite the opposite actually. Not that much rare cards but…"
"But what?"
"Thane Jon is playing with only 20 cards other than the God card."
"Only 20! That's the minimum." Torygg looked at Jon thinking he was underestimating him.
"It is my strategy." Jon said.
"But… 20 cards means you don't have 'Decoy Cards' or 'Weather Cards' or even a 'Horn Card'."
Jon nodded with a smile.
Gwent had many types of cards all of them were categorized as 'Warrior', 'Thief' and 'Mage' as the three major star consolations. They were also categorized as [God Cards] the ones necessary for every player and each carry a blessing, one must have one and only one, no less no more; [Hero Cards] which are the ones that has both power, ability and can't be weakened; [Normal Cards] which are not as protected or powerful but may have one of the various abilities like 'Bond', 'Resurrection', 'Spying', 'Summoning', 'Multi-class', 'Horn' or 'Scorching' or can have no ability at all; [Weather Cards] whose role is to debuff a whole raw of both allies or enemies depending on type as 'Frost' debuffs the warriors, 'Storm' with the archers and 'Rain' with the mages; [Decoy Cards] which are used to take back cards one already played; [Horn Cards] which are used to buff a whole lane of a single type and finally the [Scorch Cards] that can kill the strongest card the enemy has.
Jon was playing with only a few [Hero Cards] and the rest were [Normal Cards] with a wide variety of abilities.
"Mr. Falk, will you please." Jon urged Falk Firebeard to distribute the cards already.
"Fine, I just want to tell you, the High King is no ordinary player, he almost robbed Thane Bryling of [Ysmir Wulfharth] hero card." Falk said.
"Almost." Torygg seemed frustrated.
"Oh, that's a really good card." Jon smiled, "I am not going to lose though." Jon said.
"Suit yourself. I just want to tell you that the High King has twice as cards as you."
"Oh! How scary!"
Jon put his [God Card] on the table and so did Torygg.
"Oh! Kyne card." Torygg smiled.
"Talos Card!" Jon was taken aback by Torygg's choice.
"It is the best. I know you gave it a good effect on purpose."
"Ah! Hehe."
Jon and Torygg received 10 random cards from their decks. Falk then flipped a Septim and it was 'Heads'. Torygg was the one to start.
"I can't believe it!" Torygg's face was ashen.
The end result was… 281 to 89. Jon's win.
Jon played dumb and went hot on the first round making a big number very early which made Torygg decide to forfeit the first round to not waste cards. The second round was the real trap when Jon used all his 'Resurrection Cards' and 'Spy Cards' to bring back more cards and even steal cards from Torygg.
Torygg played with four 'Hero Cards' that barely made a score for him while Jon used three 'Hero Cards' that insanely buffed the Warrior lane relying on the 'Normal Cards' that mostly started with the base value around (4) and the highest one, in the end, was (32). Jon's small amount of cards were utilized to the fullest bringing back all the cards he played with at the first round and all the cards in the rest of the deck while Torygg was stuck to his nose.
"I think I can't go against the one who created the game after all." Torygg said.
"I simply recreated the idea and made the cards. The rules are not mine." Jon said as he took back his cards.
"I see. This was truly a good game. I was more focused than ever." Torygg said with a smile.
Jon was sighing from inside. Torygg was way too easy compared to Sheogorath. Sheogorath insisted that he would recreate the Shivering Isles Deck all by himself and made an unfathomable deck that can truly only be played by mad people. The deck was so funny and infuriating at the same time. Compared to that, Torygg was easy to bully.
"So, have you thought about it?" Torygg asked.
"Excuse me?"
"The Jarlship of Winterhold. It is yours if you wanted."
Jon shook his head.
"Too many responsibilities. I merely want to adventure and study magic in the coming phase of my life so I don't think I can run a hold this thoroughly in the future anyway. The Company can run itself and I created its system so I know how it works but the Jarlship requires more than just the Law of the Hold but also the Laws of Skyrim and the Empire rather than the decisions that I don't want to burden my sleep with. Jarl Korir will do just fine."
Jon declined the offer one last time.
Torygg sighed and nodded. He talked with Jon about various things before the latter left the study.
"Did he pass?" Falk asked.
"He wasn't lying." A voice replied and a woman appeared in the room.
Torygg and Falk looked at here naturally as if she was here the whole time.
"What do you think, Sybille?" Torygg asked.
"He is a bit honest about not wanting the Jarlship. He also wasn't lying about anything else."
"Whoa! Not at all?" Falk asked.
"He may look peaceful and well-natured but… he is dangerous." Sybille said.
"How so?" Torygg asked.
"He detected me."
Torygg and Falk were taken aback. No one can simply detect Sybille. After all, she is a Vampire. The High King knew that and Falk was also well aware. After all, Sybille's role was far too important for the sake of many things in this hold.
"What do you advice?" Torygg asked.
Sybille thought and sighed.
"He is a troublemaker but he is a good friend. He won't betray you first, the Firemanes always honored their words and he seemed like a typical one to me. Also, his origins check came out. Before he was to be admitted to Riften Orphanage, his parents were living outside Skyrim, the trail led us to Morrowind. It seems that they died around 4E 182 when they were doing some work for the clan. Or so the public story goes."
"Is that so?"
"There is a lot of mystery around him. I know you wanted to have him as our man but he is comfortable where he is and as he said, it will limit his authorities but widen his freedom. He will turn 18 after two months, he still has a lot of potential and we can wait. Let Erikur go wild on him and see how he solves it."
Torygg and Falk nodded.
"Fine, let's wait and see."
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