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71.1% Dragonborn Saga / Chapter 533: Side Questing

Chapitre 533: Side Questing

What's up Dudes and Dudettes! It's Don speaking. Sorry for the unannounced delay. Many things happened lately and I was to stay isolated for a few days due to getting close to a Coronavirus case. I am Fine thankfully but I've come to hate the basement so damn much.

Anyway, I unlocked Chapters 534, 535 and 536 on Patre0n so you can go and read them for >>FREE<< before they are published here. Here is the Link: http://bit.ly/4dx5dx

Stay safe indoors!


In his office, Jon was writing all the details about his last night's research.

The [Golden Claw] is more than just a key to open a sealed chamber, it actually possesses a number of Magical qualities on its own making it one of the weirdest artifacts Jon has ever seen.

The ancient enchanting technique resembled that of Ahzidal's but wasn't it. As the successor of Ahzidal, Jon was very aware of how these enchantments worked.

What he discovered was that the enchantment on the [Golden Claw] is not a regular user-beneficial enchantment but rather an area beneficial enchantment. It means that the claw is useful to the area around rather than being used personally.

To make it simpler, Jon understood why Lucan, Riverwood's Trader was so attached to the [Golden Claw]. The reason is simple and that is the fact that the claw brought his trade Good Luck.

It is simply a very effective good luck charm or as Jon would put it an educated term, a Blessed Item of Fortune.


[The Golden Claw]

- Blessing of Fortune


"If the claw was effective enough to make a simple uneducated trader feel its effect, how will such a thing affect a large scale financial establishment? say the casino or… the Investment and Trade Bank!"

Jon couldn't ignore the fact that combining this Artifact with the new Investment Banking system would be like adding wings to a tiger… or extra fluff to a cat.

It is basically cheating but there is one thing Jon knows about using Luck related magic, it always has a drawback and must be used very carefully as it is so powerful to the point where it may manipulate Fate at some points. This hedge magic was something which always intrigued Jon as he knew of many methods to manipulate it; the [Old Man's Coin] which he always carries, the [Crown of Barenziah] which was lost somewhere in Skyrim as well as praying to a Deity known by the name Sai. It is to him that the disease [Sai's Affliction] is attributed which is a strange disease that causes those who pray to Sai too often to experience bad luck instead of good, Jon explains that phenomenon as a Fateful Drawback.

Still, as an expert in the Fate subjects and the Hedge Magic, Jon would use the [Golden Claw] to manipulate any Economic Depression situations in the Dare Bank. There is nothing like using exploits now that he finally has access to one.

Still, all of this raises a very important question.

"What can the other Dragon Claw keys do?"

Jon is aware that there are 10 Claws in the game, each made of a certain material that goes from Iron all the way up to actually diamond. If these insanely powerful claws were used as keys to unlock the most important vaults to the Dragon Cult then the dragons must be the ones that made them. If his guess is correct, they may have been items of great value to the worshippers of the Dragons.

More to that, the Dragons must know about these important Artifacts at the very least.

But wait! What about the Dragon Priest masks? Aren't they just the same? Actually, they are more like badges of office now that Jon thinks seriously about it but there must be more.

"The Dragon Cult, eh!" Jon began deeply thinking but he was feeling that something is amiss and he needed to investigate more.

In the meantime, he must gather all the Dragon Claws and the Dragon Priest Masks. They exist in the old strongholds of the Dragon Cult. Most of these strongholds are still sealed shut but others were used by Nords in later ages to bury the Kings (like Korvanjund) or to seal dangerous cursed criminals (like Folgunthur).

Aside from the Dragon Claws and the Dragon Priest Masks, there was the Stone Tablet known as the Dragonstone. It would seem that this stone can be used to track down the Dragons all around Skyrim but it is not working probably perhaps due to how ancient it is.

Now, it is time to send the excavation teams. Jon won't possibly go after these things himself as most of his movements from now on will be as the Dragonborn.


After a long day of work, Jon met with the manager of Saarthal's museum, Silus Vesuius and the leader of the excavation team, Mjoll the Lioness. Jon saved Silus from being damned to Oblivion by Mehrunes Dagon and offered Mjoll a sponsorship for all of her adventures as long as she agreed to be hired as an excavator for the DDC. While Mjoll is more righteous than anyone else around Jon, he knew exactly what she can't refuse and offered it to her. Now she has funds and manpower to follow her around as she pursues her passion.

Jon gave both Silus and Mjoll a number of tasks, most of them are about keeping an eye on those historical sites and obtaining the Dragon Claws and anything else worth having.

After getting all that ready and done, Jon spent the following few days administering the Company, Winterhold and the Bank's construction. It was all happening at a rapid pace and the results were satisfactory until now. Aside from that, Jon was focusing on the news coming from the other Holds.

First, the rumor about him killing the first Dragon was hard to believe for some but when the news about the second Dragon were spread wide and the sight of the battle near Rorikstead was confirmed, everything started to change. The songs of the Dragonborn were heard for the first time in Whiterun taverns then traveled nationwide to Solitude and the other holds. In such desperate times, the people clung to the hope that is a Dragonborn rather than Jarls and Leaders.

Second, Riften and Dawnstar sent their envoys to Winterhold reporting multiple sightings of Dragons and requesting to establish a method of fast contact with the Dragonborn which Jon complied to without a question. He put on the [Helm of the Dragonborn] which was iconic to him and conversed with those envoys with the presence of Jonrad who dejectedly acted as his son Jonhild by standing at a visible distance. The act was a success seeing how the father and son pair were close in appearance which resulted in another fight between the two later that day.

Third and most important piece of news was the Imperial Legion. It seemed that General Tullius didn't receive the news well and mobilized a few ships towards Hjaalmarch. Jarl Skald the Elder of Dawnstar acted rashly and sent a few longboats in a night raid which intercepted the Imperial ships and lit them on fire. The losses were minimal and thanks to Jarl Idgrod Ravencrone mobilizing a relief party and stopping Jarl Skald from doing anything too foolish, the Imperials retreated on land after getting their ships completely useless.

That navel skirmish was completely orchestrated by Jon. While it doesn't seem like anything related to him, Jon had a few agents inside Dawnstar who tipped off Jarl Skald about the Imperial Ships. Jon also tipped off Jarl Idgrod about the skirmish, giving her the opportunity to take timely action and stop an open conflict.

Analyzing this situation was done by Alina who completely understood that General Tullius was trying to show off some muscles after the latest accident in Winterhold. The Penitus Oculatus agents were surely active trying to minimize the impact of the blunder but if there is anything Jon is good at, then it is his big mouth and loud voice. He bragged for three days straight about what happened that day in front of every envoy that visited him.

Soon afterward, the Imperial Embassy sent a very seasoned diplomat to Winterhold in order to see Jon's complaints about the situation and minimize the damage. They also requested an audience with the Dragonborn but Jon said he doesn't know where his "friend" is at the moment as he seemed to have gone somewhere to train. Jon just didn't want to act rash without assessing his political opponents this time first.

His decision proved to be wise when he received the background check of the Diplomats. Most of them were not just politicians but also Mages and Members of the Imperial Cult and the Cult of the Ancestor Moth.

Until knowing their motive, Jon kept his Dragonborn side away.

The pull and push situation started moving inch by inch and many words were said with no actual benefit. Jon was officially done as he finally decided to make another big scene.


"My Thane."

"How are your cat caring lessons?"


"You seem to be doing just fine. Nefertiti said that you passed as a cat person."

"Thank you, miss Nefertiti… I guess."

Jon clapped his hands as he stood off his desk.

"Alrighty! Pack your stuff and meet me at the secret Portal, Lydia. Let's do some Side Quests!"

"… Alright."

And on some day, the bored Dragonborn decided to do some Side Quests.


Whiterun, the hub of Skyrim's trade and its vastest Hold, a place that was torn apart by the war yet kept its core, the City of Whiterun, away from conflict and the sieges.

Jon, Lydia and Nefertiti were today's team. Jon was covering himself with a big cloak and a hood to not stand out despite his noticeable height.

The first thing that met them upon going out of Breezehome was the sight of an argument between the Guards and two Alik'r warriors as Breezehome is actually close to the city gate.

"Look, you've already been told you're not allowed here. Turn around and go back the way you came." A Guard said.

"We're causing no trouble. All we ask is to look for her." Alik'r warrior #1 said.

"I don't care what you're doing, after what happened you're lucky I don't toss you in jail. Now get lost." The Guard replied.

"We will be back. This is not over." Alik'r warrior #2 said.

As the two Alik'r warriors were about to leave, they saw Jon and assessed him to be a mercenary. In actuality, Jon was trying to give off that impression.

"You there. We are looking for someone in Whiterun, and will pay good money for information." The Warrior spoke to Jon.

"Is that so, friend?" Jon put on the airs of a Nord and nodded, "Let's see if I can help."

Long story short, these warriors are looking for a Redguard woman who escaped Hammerfell some time ago and probably not using her true name. Jon knew this boring quest very well and wanted to play it in a different way. In the game, this quest is all about finding the Redguard woman and handing her over to the warriors or assisting the woman to kill the warriors.

Sounds simple enough? Nope. In the history of video gaming, this quest in particular was like an unscratchable itch to many as no one knew who is right and who is wrong. Is the woman truly a hunted criminal or are the warriors actually assassins sent after her? Whoever the bad guy in this story happens to be an agent to the Aldmeri Dominion which is something Jon doesn't tolerate. Sadly, the game doesn't spare a single goddamn hint other than mild behaviors and baseless speculations of both the hunted woman and the leader of the warriors.

After accepting to help the Warriors, Jon directly headed towards the Bannered Mare Tavern in Whiterun's Market. Along the way, he met with a beautiful single mother called Carlotta Valentia who was as charming as the game described her to be. Jon had to beat up the bard harassing her and gained a sack of potatoes as thanks.

Back to the Redguard Woman quest, Jon knew the woman's identity to be Saadia, the inn maid in Bannered Mare. He approached her silently and did the same script from the game but when he tried to ask her more than what she said, she claimed that she was tortured by the Aldmeri Dominion after the fall of the city of Taneth and pointed to the large scar on her face.

Jon said he would help her and indeed he went out searching for the Redguard Warriors until he tracked down their den and confronted their leader, Kematu. Jon didn't kill Kematu as Saadia requested and agreed to lure her outside the city for Kematu and his warriors to capture her.

Once that was done, Jon started altering the game events from this point. He suddenly attacked both Kematu and Saadia, knocking them out and throwing them in a room inside the Haven Cube.

From that point, Jon started interrogating the two using [Lust]. He played them well until they broke to the effect of the desire to tell the truth and it was surprisingly a better plot than what the game offered.

Was it Saadia who betrayed Hammerfell and sold the city of Taneth to the Dominion?

Was it Kematu who was hired by the Dominion to hunt down Saadia for speaking against them?

"The answer was both. Both of them are agents for the Aldmeri Dominion… Well, in Saadia's case, she was." Jon said.

"…" Lydia looked at him as expressionless as she was the other day.

Jon decided to continue the conversation with himself.

"Well, you should say 'But, my Thane. As much as you are handsome, you must be mistaken. Why would those abominable spies hunt down each other?' … or something along those lines."


"Oh, but here where you are not seeing the bigger picture, Lydia. During the Great War, Saadia indeed betrayed the city for the Dominion in order to rule it under them. No one found out about her deal until the Dominion left Hammerfell and gradually, those who didn't resist the Dominion were weakened politically. She tried to get support from the Dominion once again but when they refused, she threatened them to expose their political secrets so they sent Kematu after her. In the end, they are all just some traitors scum."

Jon finally declared the situation and clapped his hands together. Neither Saadia or Kematu were to survive what comes next as Jon incinerated them without leaving a trace.

"Case closed! Let's get some cold honey mead for tonight."

A slow start for Jon side-questing but who knew the next quest would turn into a freaking war… Lydia was feeling it for some reason.


• Patre0n: bit.ly/4dx5dx

• YouTube: bit.ly/2dx3dx

• Discord: discord.gg/gKcKva7

• Instagram: @don_dokhmesy

• Twitter: @eldokhmesy22

next chapter

Chapitre 534: Attack on Thalmor

Hi, guys.

So Patre0n has started following a new sales taxation protocol on pledges which got me concerned and I went through that long page of Terms and Policies (too damn long) and thankfully, we are mostly safe from this situation. For those of you who live outside Europe and the United States, this doesn't concern you at all (mostly). As for those who live in Europe and the US, the taxation is only limited to Streaming Content, Downloadable and Physical Goods. In out case, we only work with Support, Recognition and Exclusive Community Access so all of you guys are exempted from taxation. To be safe, check out you National or State Law to avoid misunderstanding.

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Side Quests were fun. Slowly but carefully and on the span of two days, Jon started finishing most of these side quests that he could remember. It gave him a great nostalgia and an incredible insight on how his actions and decisions can affect everything around him.

He even got himself involved in the feud between the Grey-Mane clan and the Battle-Born clan. Even though Jon Battle-Born and Olfina Grey-Mane were already married, the political feud from the game happened nonetheless but it was way less intense. Unlike the game when the Battle-Borns were taking an indifferent attitude towards the situation of Thorald Grey-Mane who was captured by the Thalmor, this time they were actually a bit open with the Grey-Manes and told them some details that their son was captured somewhere in Solitude to force the Grey-Manes to switch sides as it seemed that they have contacted General Tullius for the release of Thorald but they didn't say anything regarding the Thalmor.

Even though the feud was much lighter than what happened in the game, a feud is still a feud and the ones who were harmed the most by it in the game were also the same ones who were harmed by it now, Jon Battle-Born & Olfina Grey-Mane.

After Jon's return to Skyrim, Jon Dare and Jon Battle-Born met after the subjugation of the first dragon, Mirmulnir. Jon Battle-Born is one of the few people who knew the true identity of the Dragonborn as a personal friend to Jon Dare and a Company Executive. When he heard that the Dragonborn offered help with Thorald's situation, he was the first to don his armor and carry his sword for the cause.

Just as that happened, Avulstein Gray-Mane was also carrying his dane axe and wearing his armor to free his brother from captivity. Of course Jon revealed that Thorald was captured by the Thalmor and the only way to get him out is through. Knowing the Thalmor, some powerful mages must be present in a Thalmor stronghold and the fight won't be easy thus Jon insisted on hurting some Talos Cultists as mercenaries and a small Warband was formed in a cave north to Whiterun after clearing it from bandits.

The number reached 50 combatants of the strongest fighters from various backgrounds. All of them were aura masters from different age groups who came together to save the people that were imprisoned by the Thalmor in Northwatch Keep.

As the men were put together and recognized the Dragonborn as the youth who wears the Horned Helm, Jon instructed them to go north on horseback towards The Pale and take raid the pirate camps hidden in that area to take their Longboats. In the span of one week, the group managed to reach their designated location and created a big scene by eliminating three pirate camps in two nights.

With 50 hardy Nords and 3 Longboats in good conditions, Jon led them into the sea traveling west north to Hjaalmarch and Solitude. Along the way, the Warband of the Dragonborn made a name for itself by destroying every pirate ship in its way all the way to the shores of Solitude. There, the Imperial Fleet met them and tried to force them back but with the identity of the Dragonborn and the fame of the Warband, the Nord officers of the Imperial Fleet showed reluctance towards their commands which by its part led to the Fleet commander appeasing the tension by letting the 50 Northmen pass.

What can go wrong with letting 50 Warriors led by a Dragonborn pass anyway?

Either way, the Warband made another accomplishment by successfully getting rid of the dangerous pirates that were lurking around the mouth of the Karth River under Solitude who were led by the Argonian siblings Jaree-Ra and Deeja.

Following such an achievement, the 50 men landed in Solitude's docks and loaded up for more raids against the pirates. The clans of Solitude tried to invite in the Dragonborn but the ships left as soon as they landed. Until now, one week has passed since they moved from The Pale. Jon was sure of how those 50 men can fight and how he should employ them in the next battle.

During the next two days, the band landed not too far from Northwatch Keep which was used by the Thalmor as a prison and made contact with a nearby fishing village to announce their presence. Meanwhile, Jon and Nefertiti went towards the Keep to scout it from the shadows and figure out a plan. It all went well and Jon found a total of 7 Thalmor High Mages, these were the ones in charge of the whole scene.

With this information, Jon returned to the village to openly make a ritual dedicated to Talos and ordered a man from the Warband to disguise himself as a villager and tip off the Thalmor in the fort about them. Without a single suspicion, these Thalmor sent a Justiciar along with ten Dominion Soldiers to arrest the man who openly conducted a ritual and led him back into the Fort.

This whole thing was staged from the beginning and as soon as the arrest happened and the man was taken, Jon and the rest of the Warband showed up in the village and asked for their friend just to make a proper excuse for what follows.

And what followed was carnage.

The Dragonborn and the Warband of 49 Warriors raided Northwatch Keep at night. As soon as the Thalmor were alarmed of the raid, Jon had already infiltrated the Fort and hid in the darkness.

{Hooman, 160 feet north on the wall.}

{I see him.}

With the torches of the Warband being thrown around the fort to start a fire at anything burnable, Jon was inside assassinating the High Mages with [Mehrunes' Razor].

He marked the dagger, flipped the [Old Man's Coin] then threw the dagger with all his might at the mage 50 meters away.

Instant Kill!

Jon teleported near the dagger using his mark, took it out and attacked anyone nearby before jumping off the fort's wall and running away.

"ASSASSIN! Catch him!"

There was no way he would be caught in his current momentum. He had a Warband distracting the Thalmor outside and killed everyone in his way.

The reason why he had to do such a thing instead of venturing alone into the fort and killing everyone was to make fame for himself aside from being just a Dragonborn. His abilities are clearly that of a Warrior rather than a Mage which is something to the liking of all Nords and his talent in leading raids is as legendary as Ysgramor himself. He wanted the Nords to associate the number 50 with the 500 Companions of Ysgramor so that his popularity increased further.

The other reason he did such a move was to prevent the Thalmor from using hostages against him. It would be very troublesome if he found a blade pointed at the neck of a helpless prisoner and he can't do anything about it.

With the mages dispatched and the prisoners located, Jon went inside the fort's dungeon and broke the man who was imprisoned free.

"You alright, Jon?"

"I am, Jon."

"Then take your sword and shield and don't let any Thalmor near those prisoners, Jon."

"Thanks, Jon. Leave some weapons for those men locked over there, we will defend this place together."

"Good, Jon. Here you go." We will break the Gates now.

"Good luck, Jon."

"To you too, Jon."

Jon and Jon parted ways in the Dungeon as Battle-Born remained to secure the prisoners and Dare went to join the attacks.

Outside the Keep, the situation was extremely chaotic as the Dominion Soldiers were mobilizing the defense equipment from the front of the Keep to its back where enemies are not supposed to attack. The Warband chose to attack from the back despite the walls being higher and thicker to force the Dominion Soldiers to move the arrows and shields all the way to the back but when they finally got the signal from Jon, the Warband retreated and circled around the Fort to attack from the front. This caused the Dominion Soldiers to move all their equipment once again.

This time however, the Warband was not just shooting arrows and hiding behind trees and shields, they were forming a particular Shield Formation that resembled a battering ram as they marched towards the Gate.

There was no way this formation would work. What they were trying to accomplish is by no means possible unless they have a High Mage themselves or the assassin inside the Fort shows himself and breaks the gate open.

The truth which faced the Thalmor was different. Once the Shield Formation reached the gate under the constant arrow and spell attacks, a dangerous presence was felt at the gate and those who were above the gatehouse lost their consciousness.


The gates were blown away and the Dominion Soldiers' defense formation behind them crumbled with the two massive blanks of wood flying at them turning anyone in their way into meat-paste. It was then when the raid truly began.


Jon shouted a Battle Cry and the axemen flowed in like water. The fort's yard was overtaken and the walls were being cleaned from any Elves almost instantly. The rear of the fort showed some resistance as the Dominion Soldiers managed to cause some damage to the Nords but Avulstein Gray-Mane served his dane axe the necks of those Elves. Jon even sent out Nefertiti to kill any Elf that seemed like a threat.

Inside the Keep, the fight started as Jon Battle-Born secured the dungeon against the elves who tried to use the prisoners as hostages. He had a band of prisoners with him that assisted him in the ambush. As the fight outside was nearly done, the backdoor of the dungeon was opened and the Warband flowed through. From the main gate, Jon shouted once again and broke in all by himself cutting the Elves to shreds with a Greatsword.

As he walked the hallway of the Keep, the doors opened from left and right as the Nords were killing and pillaging, they even had some Dominion Soldiers tied up and dragged out of the fort as prisoners.

Jon finally reached the torture room where he expected to find Thorald Grey-Mane. Kicking it open, he easily expected an ambush that he withstood by a shield as he pushed against the ten or so Elves before he swung the greatsword with one hand to kill them all.

Jon Battle-Born and Avulstein Gray-Mane followed him in as they stormed the last room where Thorald Grey-Mane was chained to a wall.



"What in Oblivion? How are you here? I thought there was a war outside?"

"There is a war outside."

"… Wha…"

"Come, let's get you out."

Jon Battle-Born and Avulstein unchained Thorald and helped him walk out as the Warband was finishing up things.

Elf prisoners were taken and the important documents were secured. As the prisoners were made to kneel in the keep's hall, a round of beating and kicking started especially from the ones who were imprisoned in the Fort. Jon simply distanced himself from the noise and skimmed through the documents while mumbling.

"Slave trading, human experiments, sexual assaults, mass murder, assassination orders, espionage… if these documents land in the hands of Ulfric, the Empire is totally fucked if they covered for this knowingly." Jon said as he kept those papers in the Cube.

Rumors can travel all they want but hard evidence would make a very disturbing stance if the Nord Nobles were to react to this. Of course the Empire is mostly unaware of what happens in Thalmor prisons and those who are aware would be traitors. The White-Gold Concordat gives the right to hunt down the Cults of Talos, not to commit racial crimes but simply speaking, the Empire wouldn't be able to deny its knowledge and even its citizens would lose faith in its credibility.

By tracking down those leads and legitimizing them, Jon would have the Empire itself by the balls.

"Nefertiti, on the way back, would you please drop by our Imperial friends and leave them this gift?" Jon ripped off a page from a document and gave it to Nefertiti.

She appeared from his shadow and turned into her human form then took the paper and tried to read it but to no avail.

"Human scratchings make me dizzy."

"Good luck… oh! And stick around the Imperials for a while, tell me what face General Tullius makes when he sees it." Jon said as he returned back to the Warband.


It was a dark face… very dark even by Redguard standards.

General Tullius was having the worst month of his life.

People have a Midlife Crisis and he was having Midlife Disaster. Not only did he lose Ulfric Stormcloak in Helgen but he ended up causing Winterhold to switch from the Neutral stance to the Stormcloak Faction. Yet now as the month was finally going to pass, he received news of a Nordic Warband led by the rumored Dragonborn acting heroically and clearing up Pirates, which was a good thing, until the damn Thalmor decided to arrest a member of the Warband.

All hell broke loose a few nights ago when the Warband led by the Dragonborn raided Northwatch Keep and pillaged every last scrap in the place freeing all Nord prisoners and taking Elf prisoners for themselves. The Warband then hurried back to Dawnstar and handed the elves over to Jarl Skald the Elder who rewarded them with Gold.

On the other hand, Military Legate Rikke informed him of a note delivered to her by a little girl. This note was a ripped page from a Dominion Report that contained details about some Imperial Officers receiving bribes from the Dominion to overlook their ruthless activities.

This was a scandal from a whole new level and it would harm the Empire in one go if left unchecked. The General ordered to bring out those officers and put them on secret trial then execute them swiftly and report them as missing in action.

"So… this Dragonborn… he is going to be another pain in the ass, isn't he?" The General asked.

Legate Rikke refrained from answering and focused on the Report.

"Here is what we know from Legate Julia's visit to Winterhold. The Dragonborn was there during Helgen, he is the man who was about to get executed when the Dragon attacked. He used to work for Jon Dare during his stay in Cyrodiil. The Cult of Ancestor Moth dictates that if this man is truly a Dragonborn, then there are incredible changes that will happen to the World. Seeing the Dragons and the situation with the Thalmor, we are in those times, General." Legate Rikke said.

General Tullius felt his skin crawling with the mention of Dragons but he kept his act together.

"I don't need cults and prophecies to win me the war, Legate. I need reliable information." He said as he slammed the table in frustration, "The Elder Council has kept the identity of Jon Dare as Krilon from us until that disaster happened, had I known he is of importance to the Emperor, things would have gone differently. Now I have to worry about Jon Dare and his Dragonborn running wild to solidify their stance."

Seeing his frustrated face, Legate Rikke kept her cool.

"Well… the East Empire Company advised us not to cause a situation with him."

"Are you suggesting that I should have listened to those gold-diggers merchants?"

"Jarl Elisef also advised us to keep a friendly relationship with Winterhold… and I had the same opinion."

"Well, congratulations! All of you are right and I am the fool in this party." General Tullius tossed a mead bottle across the room in a fit of anger.

After a minute of taking some breath to let the negative thoughts out. General Tullius turned back once again and took a seat reviewing the reports in front of him.

They were all accurate and well-detailed reports. Even the Corruption investigation proved to be thoroughly accurate, the thing that almost frustrated him all over again.

Still, in these reports he could read a certain name that wasn't actually written. In the past month, General Tullius developed the sense of sniffing out Jon Dare's presence in those reports. The changes of Winterhold, the relationship between Jon Dare and Vittoria Vici, the Bard's College espionage activities, the Warband of the Dragonborn, the Dragon Attacks. Jon Dare had either a direct or indirect fingerprint on each and every report here.

It is as his name was written between every word in those damn papers.

"Oblivion! If we are living in a novel about this Jon Dare, he wouldn't be this much, right?" He said and looked at Legate Rikke.

She followed the report with her eyes and made a helpless face.

"What will we do in this case? He knows too much." Legate Rikke said.

General Tullius looked at her trying to find an answer in her face but she was as helpless as he is. He then simply raised his shoulders and replied.

"Let's not bother with him. We'll have to cross his path in the future so let's keep things quiet for now. Maybe we can win something next time." The General calmly decided to leave the matters with Winterhold alone.

He may not like to admit it but he was rash when dealing with Jon Dare. Jon's return was very timely with the late chaos which put a lot of strain on the mind of General Tullius especially with the late sightings of the Dragons.

Dragons… those creatures left a terrifying mark on the General who always thought he had seen it all. If a Dragonborn is what it takes to kill a Dragonborn, then the Dragonborn it is. He won't stand in his way.

But he can't lose ground like that. The General finally felt some inspiration after one month of constant failure. If he can make an alliance with the Dragonborn, he can slip through the brash Nordic politics without and solidify the stance of the Empire.

Still, the Thalmor are a hateful bunch who will stand in his way. If that's the case, then there is a certain Jon Dare who has a kink of murdering Thalmor, he can always hit the Thalmor with that rock. They have truly offended the General and the Nords this time, it will also be a good opportunity to clear the Empire's responsibility from the scandal.

Still, the Dragonborn comes first.

What would a Dragonborn need?

"Legate, ask the Penitus Oculatus to compile a file on the Dragonborn… and check out any treasure we can get the Empire to send us?"

General Tullius had a devious idea to get close to the Dragonborn. He may be a military man but he is still a sly Imperial like the rest of his kind.

He smiled faintly as he felt his apatite finally better than the past few days. There was that thing with dried fish and wine somewhere around that table next to the wall. He could find the wine but no trace of the fish.

"Strange! Did Rikke eat the fish?"


• Patre0n: bit.ly/4dx5dx

• YouTube: bit.ly/2dx3dx

• Discord: discord.gg/gKcKva7

• Instagram: @don_dokhmesy

• Twitter: @eldokhmesy22

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