A/n: Sorry for the sudden break… a Heatwave started a few days ago and actually caused a malfunction to the old Telephone box which feeds the modems in my neighborhood. You are free to imagine the heat.
And big thanks to @shadow_phang... 🤑💋💕
Almost four months ago, Jon left this house and those people to attend a meeting in Solitude. A lot has happened ever since.
He was confronted by Thane Erikur in a debate that he splendidly won yet it ended up with Erikur going overboard announcing his evildoings of going after Jon's brother, Wulfur. Jon had to travel through space to Markarth and fight a horde of Forsworn to save his brother only to end up getting captured for two months and facing a massive dilemma. Even though it was a predicament, the experience Jon's gained was massive and he got a huge insight into his power serving as a period of training his body and reaching a high level of understanding. As Jon started to heal up and get back on his enemies, he was captured once again by vampires and got dragged to Coldharbour only to put his effort in creating one crazy artifact to escape the place.
Now, he was sitting on his bed surrounded by all his family and friends in a heated reunion.
Hilda cried too much as she looked at his sorry state. Jon didn't hide his injuries anymore and told what happened to him, how his Labours started and how he is handling them. Nurina would have whacked him with her staff in a fit of anger but she was silent as a stone.
Jon knew why.
She had a traumatic experience with the Daedra when she was young. Something that she can never forget or forgive the Daedra and would never get them involved in her family. Knowing that Jon was on good and bad terms with some Daedra made her just stay silent.
He had a troublesome fate and she already saw this one coming. She also knew that he possessed the [Skull of Corruption] and always wanted him to abandon the damn staff but she trusted him to do the right thing on his own.
Anyway, Jonrad had to comfort his son and welcome him home after the long absence. Some tears were shed and some laughs sounded and the mood finally reached a point of stillness. Jon was surrounded by Alina and Aela as he sat beside Jullanar and caressed her hair.
Jullanar has fallen ill when Jon's power was cut. She got better with time but was still sickly and weak. Being her Spirit Guardian, Jon knew the reasons behind her case and had already decided to heal her with all his power but he had to heal first.
Unfortunately, [Pride] wasn't the answer. [Pride] is part of Jon so it can be only as powerful as Jon in best cases, healing such injuries and Jullanar's case at the same time will require an extreme solution.
"I hope my actions just now with the whole message thing didn't do you any problems with your plans." Jon said.
"Not at all, the morale of the people are on the rise after your appearance. We had some chaotic situations with people abandoning their jobs and people actually leaving Winterhold but now things are calmer even with an enemy on the door." Alina said.
"Yes, the locals didn't forget that day when you came of Flame Atronach Hawks and defeated the pirates from two years ago."
"Ah! I see."
Jon smiled and turned to Jullanar who was lying beside him.
"And how are you doing?"
"I am fine. They just don't want to let me get out of this bed." She replied.
"Lair! You are the one who doesn't want to get up and cry all night… oh…" Aela retorted.
Her reply was blunt and she realized that Jon's face changed once he heard it. He became silent for a while before kissing Jull's forehead and whispering something to her. She smiled widely afterward.
"What about you, troublemaker?" Jon asked Aela with a warm smile.
"Me? Good. I hit the road between Winterhold and Whiterun more than often nowadays and to keep track of the chaos. Kodlak keeps the contracts up north all for me now."
"Good to hear."
Jon patted her head and stood up.
"Where are you going?" Jull asked.
"Keep resting, there is a lot of things need to be done." He said as he turned around, "There is a lot of things that need to be done, I am sorry to involve you in this shit show but we are going to end it."
The ones he spoke two were Jonrad, Hilda, Nurina, Sigurd, Tormund, Jenna and Wulfur.
"What do you have in mind?" Wulfur asked.
"Hm? My plans are mostly regarding my own. I gave total control to Alina." Jon nonchalantly said.
"Wait! What do you mean?" Alina asked.
"I am pretty much not experienced with rallying men and making a strategy unless it is a street fight or ordering around my undead. Armies are not my cup of tea so I'll leave it to you and I will act as the mascot." Jon patted Alina's shoulder.
"What about the men… everyone is now expecting you to come out and drive away the enemies with a big spell or some shout."
"A big spell? You already have the 'Tower of Music' functioning, right?"
"Its basic function is amazing on its own but the function we need to activate will need this, here you go."
Jon took something and put it in Alina's hand. Literally, everyone in the room jumped away when they saw it.
"What?" Jon tilted his head innocently.
"..." Alina's eyes went blank the moment she was handed that thing casually.
"That is… that is…"
"Why is it… here?"
"I took it with me."
"Boy, you escaped the vampires with that?" Nurina jumped behind Alina.
"Yes. I didn't mention it?"
"You didn't!"
"That is?" Hilda wondered.
"My God!" Wulfur went rather pale.
"You ugly bastard!" Jonrad cussed at Jon.
"Say that again, old bastard." Jon was aggroed.
"Leave him alone now. What is that?" Hilda went between them.
"An Elder Scroll." Jon casually replied.
"Ah… damn! An Elder Scroll!" Hilda realized the identity of the strange looking cylinder object.
"I… Why do I have an Elder Scroll in my hands?" Alina asked.
"I brought it."
"Oh… right. Now, what did you want me to do with it?"
"As I said, the 'Tower of Music' has a basic function and a function that needs an Elder Scroll. Here you go."
"I see, so those extra files that I didn't understand were about this function… Are you really serious?" She asked.
"I am sure that you will manage." Jon patted her shoulder back with a smile.
"Is there anything we need to worry about?" Tormund asked
"Nah, grandfather. Jon's plan will work with this." Alina comforted the people around her then took a large sheet and warped the Elder Scroll with it. "We should safekeep it and not let it get scratched."
Alina's earnest action made Jon laugh.
"What's wrong?" Alina asked.
"Elder Scrolls are objects that exist out of space and time. They are basically invulnerable."
"Oh… oh! Okay." Alina felt embarrassed for not realizing that, "At least, let's keep it out of sight."
The heavy atmosphere was lifted by the light situation and a state of calmness took over.
"Damn, it is good to be back." Jon exclaimed.
"You must be hungry. Should I fix you something?" Hilda said.
"Thank you, mother. I am starving." Jon replied.
As the room started to get emptier, Jon spoke to Alina.
"You seem happy."
"Yes, you returned." She replied.
"Oh, okay! And why do you keep smiling like that?"
"I…" She was about to brush it off but someone interrupted.
"She is happy that you returned without some Vampire Girl with you. Lady Alfe was teasing her with that joke." Jullanar said.
"Oh, right. There was that Vampire Girl whose name is Serana. Sadly, her father is the boss of the vampires that took me and she couldn't simply come."
"..." "..." "..."
Alina, Jullanar and Aela were all silent
"WAHAHAHAHA!" Jullanar held her belly and burst into laughter.
"GODDAMMIT!" Alina cussed out loud.
"Damn vampires! One can't sniff them out." Aela became depressed.
"Oi, what's going on?" Jon sensed the off situation.
Alina didn't reply and walked out.
"Hey, where are you going?" Jon called.
"Humph!" Alina didn't seem she want to reply.
"Just… I see! Okay, I'll give you some time to cool off. Can you tell me where is the thing I asked you to bring? The dagger [Keening]." Jon followed her out.
"I don't know! Why don't you go ask that bitch Alexa?" Alina broke away and left Jon dumbfounded.
[A/n: Fanservice here.]
"... Hey, what happened while I was gone?" Jon looked back but there was nothing they could tell.
"The dagger is kept in the vault." Jullanar said.
"Mhm! Thanks." Jon nodded and went on his own.
The house felt so much more beautiful after almost four months of absence. Jon took his way down to the basement to find Wulfur standing there working on something that looked like a large saddle.
"Hey, what are you up to?" Jon asked.
"Alina has some plans of her own for the coming fight. I am just making sure everything is us according to the sketches." Wulfur said.
"And that is?"
"A new toy for the… Council of the cousins, Haha! Hafthor begged me for it. You will see it when the time comes."
"Haha! Looking forward to it then. Are we all set with the battle preparations?" Jon asked.
"Yes, it's all covered."
"Cannons, ballistas, Tesla towers and all?"
"Fine, keep up the good work."
Jon left Wulfur headed directly to the vault, he opened the brass door and walked in to find a few mounds of gold and gems in the small room.
"Sigh! Looks like I am not beating Scrooge McDuck anytime soon."
(I agree.)
"Shadow?! Motherfucker! Where were you?"
(What are you talking about, motherfucker? Where were you?)
"The hell! You took your tail and disappeared before I got dragged by the Vampires."
(Vampires?! What exactly did I miss? You were going to fight the Forsworn last time I saw you. After that, I couldn't find you anywhere.)
"What the fuck do you mean? Shouldn't you be in my head?"
(Do I look like a fucking imaginary friend to you? I was out there doing my business?)
"The hell? Fine… good! Very good! The Dawnguard DLC was about to start 2 years earlier."
(... The fuck!)
"I even got an Elder Scroll."
(... Okay, start from the beginning.)
And Jon started from the beginning.
"... Now, mind telling me where on Nirn did you disappear?"
(I'd call it Earth rather than Nirn.) Shadow murmured quietly.
"Wait! What?"
(What? Nothing.)
"What are you talking about? You just said Earth."
(Did I? You must be imagining things.)
"Hey, don't fuck with me! You just said Earth!"
(No, I didn't say that.)
"Damn you… You are on Earth!"
(No, stop it. We'll talk later, bye.)
"Hey! Shadow! You fucker… dammit!"
Jon was absolutely baffled by what happened just now.
He thought he understood the mystery of Shadow as a High Ranking Spirit bound to his reincarnation but things seemed rather more than just that.
Shadow messed when he was using telepathy with Jon and his thoughts slipped. Something about Earth.
Jon sat on some mound of gold coins and wracked his brain around the matter. It can be anything at this point judging by how flustered Shadow was.
He knew there was more to this than just what he thinks but this is his first time finding a lead about Earth. Just to what extent is Shadow involved with Earth?
Jon thought and thought for almost an hour but nothing came to mind. He couldn't tell from where should he start solving this puzzle.
"Ah, fuck it!"
Whether it is Shadow's origin or the connection between this world and the past one, Jon had no basis to work on other than some theories and speculations. It held no meaning towards the truth behind everything of course but he can only hope for the bits and pieces he gets from Shadow. Of course Jon has no intention of returning to Earth, 15 years have passed and he already stopped grieving for his old life and of course the people there have already buried his corpse and moved on.
Now that the mood was ruined by stupid Shadow, Jon gave a hearty sigh and stood up looking around.
"Alexa, what's up?"
<Good morning, Jon.>
"Oh! You got an update? Your voice sounds a bit… less feminine now… your tone is also mechanical rather than harmonious! Who changed the settings?"
<Second Admin Alina.>
"... I… I see… that's what you get for giving your girl the password. Sigh! Fine, restore the old settings and set their access to First Admin only."
<Confirmation Required! Also, Second Admin has left a message in case you have done this Action.>
"... Really? Check."
<*Smiling Emoji*>
"... Fuck! Cancel Action." Jon broke in a cold sweat. "Alina is scary!"
"Alexa, where is the thing?"
<The shelf behind you.>
Jon turned around and saw a neatly decorated box. He opened it and saw [Keening] encased in its Dwemer metal handle and blue crystal blade covered in layers of protective enchanted sheets. Of course they have done so because touching [Keening] without proper protection is lethal.
[Keening] is an item of a set called the [Tools of Kagrenac], the three artifacts that were the core part of the secret behind the Dwemer disappearance from the world and the rise of the Three Living Gods (Demigods) that ruled Morrowind, the Tribunal.
The dagger [Keening], the hammer [Sunder] and the gauntlet [Wraithgaurd].
[Sunder] was designed to produce a certain power of Tonal Magic that can strike the [Heart of Lorkhan] to make it produce an amount of pure primordial godly energy that can be flayed by [Keening]. [Sunder]'s produced energy and [Keening]'s absorbed energy are lethal to the wielder, here when comes [Wraithgaurd] with its enchantment that can nullify the lethal effect.
All in all, [Sunder] produce a high quality Magic attacks, [Keening] absorbs the Essence Energy, and [Wraithgaurd] protects from all manners of Magic Energies.
Jon sneered and removed the protecting sheets from [Keening] then held it with his bare hands. He wasn't worried the slightest.
"Now, what is left was acquiring [Sunder] and [Wraithgaurd]." Jon murmured to himself, "Who could have told that they are just around the corner?!" Jon's plan was going smoother than ever.
"And people wonder why I chose Winterhold to be my home. It is simply the best, hahaha!"
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*The day of the Battle*
*Alina's front, Neo Saarthal*
"Daughter, what is that?"
Sigurd stood with a pale face beside Alina, the father and daughter pair were in a stone circular room at the base of the Tower of Music. What was in front of him was simply something that scared the ever living out of him.
"That? It is a Magicka Reactor."
"THAT is one? Aren't those things just some small trinkets?"
"Trinkets? Father, Magicka Reactors are the crown jewel of Jon's creations and Winterhold's core of power. They are artifacts of absolute genius."
The Magicka Reactor in front of Sigurd and Alina was a bit too large. It can be compared with a small boulder with the height of four meters and the width of eight. Indeed, this thing was created by exploiting a massive stockpile of Stalhrim and Soul Gems. This Magicka Reactor has the ability to produce 80 Mega MP on the Magickameter.
Powering a massive artifact like the Tower of Music needed that much power after all.
As Sigurd and Alina proceeded further in the facility, they saw some people in distinctive robes.
"These are?" Jonrad asked.
"Winterhold mad scientists. The former Core Members of the Creation Club, one of the College's most formidable student clubs. The always turned on, Eliel; the Nerd Orc, Morbagog; the big cat who loves small things, Mahran; and the arsonist, Yisra. They are misfits in society but somehow Jon found them."
"We found him. He taught me how to make people naked with my voice." Eliel said as she offered a handshake to Sigurd.
"Yes, whatever you say." Alina held Elie's hand away. "Guys, take us atop the tower, please. We need to install the last piece."
"Understood, this way." Mahran said as he led the way to a small room with a lever in its center."
The group followed him and Sigurd kept looking around.
"Why are we all cramped up in a small room?" He asked.
"Just wait and see." Alina replied as Mahran pulled the lever.
The floor shook for an instant and started to rise up. Sigurd looked at the ceiling with worry but it was rising up with them.
"What in the world…"
"It is a lift developed by Mahran in imitation of the Dwemer lifts. It moved by those four big gears in the corners and draws energy from the large Mega Magicka Reactor." Morbagog explained.
"Yes, This one has come to a conclusion that lifts need very small parts under their floors to move the big gears. I came to Boss Jon with the idea and he helped me with the design. Small machines are really marvelous." Mahran continued.
"How small?" Sigurd asked with worry.
"Very small! Tiny. Isn't that amazing."
As worry started to appear on Sigurd, Alina spoke.
"It is nothing dangerous father. I checked everything myself."
"Okay, daughter."
As he said, the floor shook once again. Sigurd hurriedly held to his daughter.
"We arrived, father."
Mahran opened the lift's door and all found themselves on a wooden roof. The top was not as vast as the base which was easily imaginable from looking from the bottom of the tower.
The was a pedestal standing in the center of the roof and Alina walked to it revealing the Elder Scroll that she hid in a cloth.
"Lady Boss… is that? Is that?" The four mages recognized the Elder Scroll right away.
"Yes, and if you want answers, go ask Jon."
Alina brushed them off as she installed the Elder Scroll on the pedestal and made sure it stays hidden.
Sigurd surveyed the place and looked down the tower.
It was indeed deserving to be called a tower, a building so high that it overlooked everything around as people looked so tiny from the top. The tower's height was almost 70 meters, an impressive height for the age's builders but even though, the tower was still not complete.
Only from the base of the tower up to 30 meters was just covered in stone while the rest was metal and wood hurriedly made to counter the attack on Winterhold.
Sigurd had to give it to Jon, the design was like none other in this world. The tower was a massive 'A' with curved sides and pointy long top. The circular roof was just a small part of the whole thing.
"Jon said that the original version of this tower was built only with metal with the towering height of 300 meters." Alina came behind Sigurd and spoke.
"Come on! There is something like that out there in the world?" Sigurd scoffed her off.
"You know… his past life." Alina said with a smile.
"Haha! And you believed it?"
"Why not?"
The two became silent for a while. Sigurd then turned to his daughter with a small smile. A long black hair that resembled his as well as the same slim face of a Moonblade. Other than that, her big eyes and delicate features were all from her mother. His smile only grew wider.
"Seeing you this old, building such things and preparing for big battles. Your mother would have been so proud of you." He said.
His words were unexpected for his daughter's ears but she received them with a smile.
"Thank you, father."
"Here, take this." Sigurd put something in his daughter's hand.
"That is… father! You can't be…"
"Take it… it is the Silver Hawk ring your mother gave me. It bears a powerful Blessing of Kyne. Give it to that boy when he is man enough to ask you… and when he fixes his face too."
"Father, this is… this is the best thing ever." Alina hugged her father right away.
He froze for a second before hugging her back.
As they parted, their eyes were a bit wet even in this strong blowing wind atop of 70 meters.
"Fine, go now." He said.
"I will but before I go, here is what you need to do." Alina turned around and looked at the other four. "Eliel will man the tower according to the principal I gave you, Mahran will make sure that the energy flow is going well and will be responsible of maintenance, Yisra and Morbagog will man those two Dwarven Ballistas on the sides. If anything came flying, shoot it down."
"Father will be here to supervise and protect you, he is one of the strongest people you will ever meet in your life so don't be worried while working here with him. And father, those four may be misfits but they are excellent mages whose generosity drove them a bit to the edge of their minds. They will handle it all."
"As you see, daughter."
"Good, now that everything is all handled. I hope you all luck."
"You too, Lady Boss."
"You too, daughter."
Alina walked to the edge of the tower and whistled.
A few seconds later, a large shadow covered the top of the tower.
"Whoa! That thing again." Sigurd said with a wide grin.
The newly arrived was Lokthur (Sky Tyrant), the Snow Cap Gryphon of Alina.
She held to its neck's feather and jumped atop of Lokthur.
"See father, he grew even more in one month. Children grew so fast." She laughed.
Sigurd nodded to his daughter with a smile as he saw her fly away on the Gryphon.
"They indeed do, child."
*Wulfur's Front*
Away from Winterhold to the North, a large band of Warriors gathered on the beach of the Sea of Ghosts. Firemanes, Moonblades and Dare Dragon Troopers; this force was something hidden from everyone by Alina. There were faces like Skadi Firemane and Tormund Firemane in the group, none could underestimate what this group will do in the battle even though the plan was kept a secret from the normal soldiers.
What was most interesting was not the force itself but the place they have gathered around, it was a cave with a massive entrance away from the sea and all. Something that none were allowed in other than the top brass of the three entities.
Wulfur, who just came from Winterhold, walked between the tents and arrived at the cave. He walked in right away and was greeted by Vladimir Firemane.
"How is Jorna?" Vladimir asked.
"… Sick worried… she wanted me to stay." Wulfur said.
"Mother said that people women become very overprotective when they are pregnant. It is said that Hafthor's mother killed a bear when by her pair hands she was pregnant with him." Vladimir said.
"That's Hafthor we are talking about. He will take us to Oblivion one day by his actions." Wulfur retorted.
"Sovngarde, brother. Sovngarde where we will drink, eat and fu… fornicate to the rest of our days until the Battle of the World's End with Shor." Hafthor popped up out of nowhere.
"How much did he drink?" Wulfur asked.
"Don't ask me, that's why you are leading us in this fight, not that dumb fool." Vladimir brushed Hafthor away.
"Come on, brothers. I am not even drunk yet." Hafthor retorted, "Look, before you come, we had something we needed you to know."
Hafthor walked in the cave and the two followed until they arrived at where the rest are. There was Frejya, Ragnar, Lela, Veka, Zal, Kera, Zend, Gunmar and the rest of the Firemane cousins.
"Zend, you are the eldest. Announce it." Hafthor spoke to Zend son of Njord.
"Well, why not? I am a married man so I can't be involved a lot on your follies yet today is an exception." He said as he raised a horn of mead to Wulfur. "Wulfur, you are always a brother to our brother Jonhild even more than us and we all envy you for it. You stole young Bjorna's heart so we know you are a lucky man among men. Thus today, we the Council of Cousins agreed to announce you a brother, a cousin and a Firemane. We also took the Elders agreement but the Council of the Cousins is what matters. To Wulfur!"
""""To Wulfur!""""
The boys and girls laughed loudly but Wulfur was frozen in his place. He was just trying to realize what he heard once again.
"Congratulations, brother." A voice woke him up from his mind-numb state.
Wulfur looked behind him to see his sister, Svidi.
"Wha… Why are you here?"
"Well, I wouldn't have missed this moment for the world." She said as she hugged Wulfur. "You are now a part of a family, we always wanted that since the days of the orphanage, right?"
"But… sister, you are my family… all that I need. There are Bjorna and Jon and the others…" Wulfur was flustered.
"And it will keep getting bigger. Cheer up! I can fit anywhere, you know." Svidi patted her brother's arm as she joined the party of the Firemane.
Wulfur watched her closely as she sat beside someone in particular, it was none other than Hafthor.
Wulfur sighed in his heart. He sensed the chemistry between the two since almost a month but that was one weird match, the gentle quiet girl and the foolhardy brash boy.
He couldn't help but drink his horn in one go.
"That's the spirit." Vladimir and Ragnar approached. "Now, are you ready to discuss what we are about to do?"
"Yes." he replied and walked further in the cave.
There, one could see a quiet place with a big bonfire and large silhouettes. Skadi Firemane saw the boys and nodded for them to approach.
"Alina's counter plan is all relying on us, are you boys ready?" She asked.
"Are you, mother?" Wulfur said back.
"Ah! You'll get yourself killed, I know it." She said as she led them further in the cave.
Loud footsteps or rather thuds were heard, Wulfur and the rest gulped as they witnessed the mighty beasts deep inside.
"This will be one glorious, counter-attack." Skadi said with a manic smile.
*Jon's front*
"You know, when you told me Winterhold was fun, I was really convinced with that Bathhouse thing and all but you really got me good. Never have I ever thought that I, Brom of Jehanna, would jump in a dark hole in the earth with a tall maniac like you."
Brom the Mercenary was complaining to Jon all day long.
"Shut up, you are the one who agreed on this." Jon retorted.
"I mean… yes, you can buy my soul with 500 Golden Septims each day you are hiring me but not drag me in Winterhold's most infamous death trap."
"I just showed you I can take us out of this from where we entered. Don't make a fuss."
"Are you serious? Even if you are Jon Dare, the cursed child of the Firemanes or even Azura's Laborer; you want me that the two of us will conquer the 'Sightless Pit' alone."
"Like a piece of cake."
"Urgh!" Brom groaned as he gave up on Jon.
The two of them were in what seemed to be a very old Dwermer Ruin. One that was badly damaged with death traps and Falmer all over the place.
Jon wasn't using anything other than a lever-action crossbow and shot down all the Falmer in his way.
The Falmer, or the Snow Elves, are a fallen race of Elves that degenerated over the years from the days of the first era. Those Falmer are now just some alien race of the underground that survives on eating lost adventurers and insects or sometimes cannibalism. One of the worst nightmares for adventurers were those Falmer.
Jon was acting stealthy relying on the weak senses of the Falmer and shot them with silent bolts of his crossbow. If any large band of Falmer came out, he would let Brom summon his Daedric Band of Dremora and annihilate them.
"I must admit that using [Sanguine's Rose] to train your own band of Dremora is genius. You even made those Dremora escape the realm of Mehrunes Dagon and become some sort of Liberated Dremora that live in a pocket realm and even hear your call without [Sanguine's Rose], genius indeed." Jon said.
"I want to say that I hate prying eyes but the way you analyzed things right now made me prideful and scared at the same time. You are something on your own, Jon Dare."
"Thanks. I've seen that technique of conquering a Pocket Realm on Oblivion by a force of your own with a Necromancer Clan called the Black Bone once. A real marvel."
"Actually, I stole the idea from them. Haha!"
"Good call."
Brom of Jehanna was a real genius in Conjuration even with a cheat item like [Sanguine's Rose]. Conjuring Dremora was the trickiest as they were cunning and manipulative but Brom has completely tamed a band of Dremora and trained them in a spartan way. He even called the 'Daedric Band of Jehanna' after the Sacred Band of warriors from his hometown.
As the two exchanged notes in Conjuration, Jon and Brom arrived at the end of the ruins. The two have sped run a Dwemer Ruin with stealth and surprise attacks. Jon even promised all the treasures in the ruins to Brom other than what is inside the Sightless Vaults. By the time the two finished everything, they arrived to a Dwarven Pedestal that seemed to fit a certain item. Jon took out the 'Attunement Crystal' and it to fit on the pedestal right away. It started to revolve and make sounds like an engine.
"You can take it on the way out and complete your Labour." Jon said.
As the two opened the large gates of the Sightless Vaults, another part of the ruins met them and Jon started to tread carefully. This place wasn't something he played before.
As he arrived at the innermost part of the ruins, he was met with a vast sealing chamber. Jon smiled as he saw what was inside the seal.
He proceeded to solve the riddle of the room right away by fixing the steam pipes and it took him almost an hour. As he rotated the last valve, he felt something from the walls of the room.
Loud metallic thuds were moving towards him. A ridiculously large Dwemer Centurion made of Ebony was standing in front of Jon blowing a strong steam breath at him.
"WATCH OUT!" Brom shouted but Jon didn't move an inch.
The steam overflowed in his place and enveloped him completely. The Ebony Dwemer Centurion walked forward a few steps as it confirmed that its enemy was still alive.
"Weak!" Jon's voice sounded and in his hand, the [Elder Staff] appeared.
Jon pointed the staff towards the Dwemer Centurion's head and his will was translated, the Staff elongated like a bolt of lightning and its pointy tip hacked through the Centurion's head.
The Dwemer construct was disabled just like that and fell down.
The room of the sealing chamber opened for Jon to walk in and there they were, the solution to Jon's dilemma.
[Sunder] and [Wraithguard].
[A/n: An official mod on the Creation Club by Elianora and other modders. 'Legends Lost' adds Sunder and Keening to Skyrim.]
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