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8.12% Dragonborn Saga / Chapter 60: Power Up!

Chapitre 60: Power Up!

I am not a smart person and I'll never claim to be one, as smart people would back out in a situation like me.

It seems that these Blood Horkers work under some big clan called Blood-Sails.

Which means I am facing a Jarl who is backed by pirates who are backed by some superpower and I must make it through!

Feels like my kind of adventure.

One needs to fight some super hidden force from time to time to keep up a good health!


I feel miserable!

Let's just face what is coming at us now!

I'll deal with that Korir in a way that would make him regret crossing my path.

A helmet he wants? A helmet he will get. With something extra of course.

Enthir, as any other thief, was a slimy bastard but he was easy to deal with.

He also showed me some of his 'collection', I bought a book called 'Wind and Sand' and a Grand Soul Gem.

'Wind and Sand' is an important book that came from Hammerfell for those who want to research the 'Air Magic'.

Normally the Destruction school had three forms of 'Energy' that are considered as elements, the Flame and Lightning who are known as legit energies and the Frost who is an alteration of the energy nature to its coldest form. After all, Frost Magic is not Ice Magic even though it can cause ice to form.

Saying farewells to Enthir, I headed to Nurina's.

Nurina was lazing around, she got energetic when I told her what I have done in Winterhold. She also seemed to know a thing or two about what happens in the town.

I definitely didn't tell her about my bathhouse plan but I said I wanted to make some project there. That wasn't entirely a lie. The bathhouse is just a way to make a money circulation in Winterhold and as long as it is successful, I'll start a new business immediately!

She also was concerned about the journal. Hilda seemed to have told her about what happened but the journal had more serious matters, including the thing with Laaneth. She was really planning on supporting me on what is going to happen from now on.

She also seemed to have finished another Atronach Spell in one day. It was a Flame Wolf Atronach but few times larger than the normal thing. It also needed a more powerful Atronach to expand the body that much.

Last thing we talked about was the plan to deal with the trouble from the Jarl of Winterhold. Gotta admit, Nurina can be scary when she plans for something mischievous.

I also gave her the Grand Soul Gem I just bought and asked her to enchant my Skyforge Saber.

We argued once again about the enchantment but I won this time, my enchantment was a bit tricky to handle but the result of its success will be scary.

Unlike my Agni-Ra which relied on the Sun Element to deal more damage, this enchantment was a double enchantment that had two effects and they were nasty.

The first is 'Burden', this enchantment will put weight on any object the blade touches for some time including objects and and people, the second enchantment is 'Paralyze' which is going to do what its name said.

This weapon will devastate its targets, I am proud of it for some reason.

"So, how will you deal with Korir?"

"The man asked for a helmet. It would be a shame if he didn't wear it so I'll ask him in public to put it on."

"What is the point?"

"Well, you can imagine what an enchanted helmet would do if it was enchanted with a curse, right?"

Nurina opened her eyes then narrowed them. She thought for a while.

"Fine, but what will happen if you got pursuers?"

"I will not be going to Hob's Fall first, I also have some business arrangements I need to see to first."

"Oh! I am looking forward to see what you will do."


I headed out just before sunset, Nurina helped me with some of my researches and I guess I am ready to go and test the new spells now.

I chose to go above the 'Hall of the Elements', the roof can be accessed through any tower and from there the roof itself is circular and one can go around the college easily.

The weather was cold and a bit windy but it was just perfect, some students were here to but everyone was doing his own tests.

I chose the farthest place from anyone and now was everything was ready.

The first is from the 'Detection' aspect, now my new spell was 'Pinpoint'.

It's a spell that can mark anyone or anything and will make me detect it better.

My plan was to wait for any bird and cast it on it, and here was it.

An Ivory Gull flew past my head and I started spamming the spell like a mad. It finally hit the bird on the seventh try.

Nothing happened to the bird and I am sure it didn't even feel anything, now for the result.

I felt a special feeling when the bird got further, I can close my eyes and still sense its location but as it got to a certain distance, I could feel it no more.

This was wonderful, I kinda took liking on the spell, but it had more applications than just this. If it got associated with Space or Soul magics it can become 'Space Mark' or 'Soul Mark', useful for both 'Teleporting' and 'Telepathy'.

The current use for the spell also was not bad, it can be considered a 'Lock On' spell, I casted it on another bird then casted 'Sun Fire'. The spell wouldn't harm a living being but it scared the bird when it homed after it.

The second spell I wanted to test was a new aspect for the first time. It's the 'Force' aspect. Basically it is Telekinetic Force.

Telekinesis is a high end spell that drains a lot of Magicka but this spell is a smaller version of it. It's called 'Grip' spell.

It's basically as it's name, my naming sense is kinda honest so I won't be calling it something like 'The Grip of Might' or anything, just 'Grip' will do.

I took out a tankard I picked on the way here and threw it ahead. Evoking a new spell was kinda pain and my Magicka was not very focused yet. Still, I was too good to make a spell go haywire.

After few tries I managed to grab the tankard with the spell, it moved up and down easily. 'Grip' can create a controlling effect with the same size as a grip and add some shiny effect to that. When I become better with it I'll be able to choke people with it or maybe crush objects with it.

Telekinesis can do the same but the effect can take larger objects.

The next spell was from the same aspect, it was called 'Force Bullet', and just like the name, it would make a bullet from Telekinetic Force. It had a nasty effect when it took that shape.

The next spell I wanted to try but was a bit illegal was a 'Soul' magic. The reason for its nastiness was because it was an attack that would harm the Astral Body. I called it 'Soul Scorch', this was just as nasty as it sounded. I'll try it on some bandit later.

There was also that spell that I was dying to learn since the time in Solitude, it is that 'Soulfire' a spell that I mistakingly categorized as a Soul magic but was an 'Inner Magicka Control' just like the notes of The Augur said. I had no real way to test its effect but I could get the feels of it. It can power up an enchanted artifact directly from the Magicka pool and don't consume the Magicka of the artifact itself.

After moving the 'Sound' and 'Light' to alteration, I tried to make new spells for them. My failure was epic at these two for some reason but in a desperate act, I combined the two aspects in a 'Blast' spell and called it 'Flashbang', it can make a high pitched explosion with a nasty light effect, kinda similar to these Flash Bangs that the police uses.

From the new spells that Nurina gave me were the 'Bound Bow' and 'Bound Spear'. This was good, I wanted these two spells for a long time, the Spear is the best weapon to use on horseback and the Bow is the best counter weapon against Mages.

I didn't put any effort in Conjuration or Destruction this time, I skipped directly to Illusion.

My first aspect was the main aspect of Illusion and it was the aspect of 'Mind', the aspect that holds most of the Illusion tricks like Fear, Fury, Calm and all that.

The spell I learned was 'Paralyze', its effect was common and was one of the very favored spells between mages so it was greatly evolved and widly used. I cast it on a bird which lost all of its senses and fell, I caught it though! That's why I was practicing 'Grip' first.

The next aspect of Illusion was 'Will'. This was a tricky one.

Wills are hardly broken or manipulated but some small altering can cause a great effect.

This spell was called 'Insinuate', just like how Lucifer (or Satan) insinuates people, this spell has a similar effect of causing suspicions to be remoted to the mind of the target. It was a weak spell but if it was used in the right way, it can be my new magnum opus.

Next aspect was the 'Vision', I learned a 'Night Vision' spell. The effect was great.

From the same aspect I made a 'Blindness' spell, I don't think it would have any use in actual combat as I will be more focused on harming the target, not blinding it.

'Holy Smite' was my new original Sun spell based on the 'Fireball' spell, it is also an Adept level spell.

And another new spell was 'Paladin's Aura', a Sun Cloak spell that can make all undead suffer damage.

After that, the spell I wanted to try was 'Reflection Ward'. A Ward that can reflect all magic like a charm. I wrecked my brain around that one since the time in Riften and finally made it.

The last thing I wanted to check was something I managed to comprehend after I made the 'Force Bullet' spell.

I took the tankard and put it on the edge of the wall. The sun was already setting and only a small red hue was there.

"Hehehe! I hope this will work!"

I positioned the tankard really well and ran back ten meters. And now! The moment of truth.

"Ehem! *breath in* *open eyes widely* F..."

"Excuse me!"

"*Cough* *Cough* *Cough* ..."

"Ah! Sorry, I surprised you!"

"Ehem! It's oka.. it's okay now."

"No, I am deeply sorry! I just wanted to say if you are going to blow that tankard with a spell, then do it that way! This way is the direction of the docks and the sailors always complain about stuff falling on them from here."

"Oh! So it was like that! Thank you miss, I'll do it that way."


"Fine now."

The girl gave me a thumbs up!

Okay, let's do it again!

"Ehem! *breath in*"

*Chatter* *Chatter* *Chatter*

What is it now?

I looked back to see some students looking my way and talking.

"Something wrong?"

"No, we just think you will cast a big spell so we will just watch from a far." The same young miss said.

"Okay! Fine!"

Boy! This is embarrassing!

"Ehem! *breath in* ..... FUS RO DAH!"


Let's just say it all went well!

Yes! Let's just say that!

Despite the fact that these 'Students' pissed themselves!

And the light snow on the roof flew everywhere!

Some teachers ran up to check out what happened but I was taking the stairs down. I even gave them direction, the wrong one of course.

Reaching my room was a struggle but thank goodness I had my hood on.

Thinking about the shout! My head is still feeling light from it.

It was marvelous! I felt like the space was being torn when the last word was said.

But I think I was mistaken to do it around these students! None of them had the strength to stand after they witnessed the power even though they stood behind me.

Anyway, I'll cower into my room and call it a day.

But, something was not right! I am afraid this kinda looks like my room but something changed.

"Welcome back Jon!"

Oh! That's Julls, so she did some redecorating, she is also calling me by my name.

So she moved our beds beside each other and brought a wooden tub from somewhere, there is also a meal on the table.

"You did all that?"

"*Giggles* so tell me Jon!"

"Tell you what?"

"Do you want a bath? Do you want dinner? Or, do, you, want, me?"

° ͜ʖ ͡ – ♡


"Hmm! Jon."


[A/N: Okay okay, sorry. Jeez! Ungrateful bastard. *10 seconds back in time*]

"You did all that?"

"Ah! Yes."

"Hmm! Thanks, you better head to bed now! We have a ship to catch tomorrow!"

"A ship? Aren't we going to that cave?"

"What? No, not so soon!"

"Where are we going then?"

"Hehe! We are visiting a friend in Dawnstar!"


"Jon's Spells"



-Magicka Outer Control:



Dispel - Drain

-Detection: (Energy, Matter)

Scan (changed from detect)

Pinpoint (NEW!)

-Force: (telekinesis) (NEW!)

Grab (NEW!)

Force Bullet (NEW!)

Featherfall (moved from alteration)


Scorch (NEW!)




Supply Undead






-Inner Magicka Control: (NEW!)

Soulfire (NEW!)





Burden - Feather


Stoneskin - Flameskin

-Light: (moved to alteration)


-Sound: (moved to alteration)


Create (NEW!)

Throw Voice (NEW!)

-Combination: (NEW!)

Flashbang (NEW!)




-Control Summon:

Command - Banish

Bound - Unbound

Supply Daedra

-Bound Weapon:




Bow (NEW!)

Spear (NEW!)

-Conjure Familiar:

Mouse, Cat, Falcon, Owl, Wolf

-Conjure Undead:



-Conjure Atronach:

Flame: Normal - Horse

Frost: Normal - Utility






Fire Bolt - Fire Rune




Lightning Bolt - Lightning Rune

Chain Lightning - Lightning Cloak





Courage - Fury

Calm - Fear

Paralyze (NEW!)

-Will: (NEW!)

Insinuate (NEW!)

-Vision: (NEW!)

Night Vision (NEW!)

Blindness (NEW!)






Drain Vitality


Steadfast Ward

Reflection Ward (NEW!)

Quadrant Ward



Sun Fire - Sun Rune

Holy Smite (NEW!)

Paladin's Aura (NEW!)


#Special Powers:


-War Cry (Buff Allies, Scare Foes)

-Standing Stone:

Shadow Stone:

Hide in Shadows (Sneak Buff)

Blue (Combat Speed buff)

-Blood Lineage:

Resis Fire



-Unrelenting Force:

Fus: Force

Ro: Balance

Dah: Push (NEW!)

El_Don El_Don

This Daedric Prince is planning to write a new novel!

Also sorry for the late update!

Had a situation!


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