In the game, [Bardic Knowledge] was just a minor power that would increase the Stamina Regeneration by calling out for a spectral drum to keep playing a motivative tone or whatever.
In reality, this thing is simply too overpowered.
As long as one has a minor understanding of a certain instrument, one can summon a spectral version of it and make it play. Depending on the type of instrument and the type of tone being played, a buff or a debuff can be cast.
What are the possibilities of such power?
Let's say… for a person like me, it is limitless.
Instead of summoning a spectral drum, lute or a flute… I can summon a Piano, an Organ, a Violin or even a French Horn.
But does it end there?
Nope. Anything that can make music is qualified to be summoned in a spectral state and that includes, Gramophones, Stereo Speakers or a DJ Mixer.
Well, I don't know how they work but I at least studied something before about the speakers so I'll manage.
I couldn't wait to use such power but I had to return to Mundus first as the air of Apocrypha was giving me chills. I would be mad if I stayed longer than that anyway.
Thankfully, the way of return was easy and I read [Book Book: Untold Legends] once again and my consciousness faded. Next thing I know, I was laying on the ground covered by some disturbing tentacles while Jullanar, Aela and Nefertiti were looking down at me.
"Told you he's a pervert." Jull said to Aela.
"It is so eerie, how could he stand such a thing being on his skin." Aela looked at me with disgust.
"Hooman is immune to any sensation except fluff." Nefertiti defended my honor and reputation.
I staggered up from my place and cracked my stiff bones. Without replying at them, I took the Black Book and returned it to its place after making sure it was well sealed.
"So, what were you doing opening a Black Book without us knowing?" Jull said.
"Unfortunately, each [Black Book] is one person ticket to Apocrypha. And you know I wouldn't pay a visit to Oblivion unless it is urgent. Also, I picked the book with the least evil aura."
"I see."
Opposite to Jull's understanding expression, Aela turned pale.
"You just said you had sex while skydiving which none of us tried before so him going to Oblivion on a whim is not that strange, okay? We'll all get there in the end." Jull explained.
"..." Aela was trying to understand the logic.
"Don't worry about her. She is an Adrenaline Junkie so she'll fit in just right."
"Oh, welcome aboard, wolf girl. So, what was so important that made you go to Oblivion?"
"I wanted to fill some Soul Gems with Daedra Souls and got a nice reward in the way. You should try it some time."
"I'll pass. By the way, that operative that you sent to Morthal returned with this item. You said you wanted it."
Jull handed me a dagger hilt.
"Oh, that's the hilt of Mehrune's Razor. I'll put it with the blade shards."
"And we are going."
Jull pulled Aela out of Space 51 and headed out to show her the rest of the Cube spaces and I started reorganizing the room and put the Shards and the Hilt together. Now I only need the Scabbard and the Pommel.
And now, it is time.
I cast [Bardic Knowledge] and made headphones and a microphone connected to each other.
"Yes, Hooman."
"See that thing?" I pointed at the mic.
"Mhm." she nodded.
"I want you to fluff at it. Give it all you got."
She tilted her head then looked at the mic.
"... Okay."
She seemed hesitant at first but she switched to normal form right and I put the headphones on right away.
I started hearing the sound of her movement as she approached the mic.
Goosebumps overtook my whole being.
It is finally happening.
She walked by the mic and rubbed her body on it... it was then.
The sound manifested in my headphones was clear and carried a strong magical energy. She got closer and purred at the mic.
It really happened!
The Cat ASMR!
I think I saw Holy Cat Goddess smiling on me for a second just there.
Cat bless!
After experiencing a full session of the glorious 'Cat ASMR', I returned back to the workshop space in the Cube, I started using the Soul Gems with the Souls of the Seekers and fused many of them together until I got a Grand Soul Gem.
Now, the enchantment I was working on should take the characteristics of the Seekers who are the Daedra that gather knowledge for Hermaeus Mora. With souls that has curiosity as a part of their behavior, I am sure the Radar Enchantment will work just fine.
Still, it needed time for the trial and error stage. I know it will work because the Soul and the Enchantment worked together really well.
I powered the device by a Magicka Reactor and it started showing signs of response to the space. The Screen started working as I predicted and a 3D map appeared on it, the map took the shape of the Cube Spaces I put together and started to act as I expected immediately.
It had a few modes installed. [Hostility Detection], [Search] and [All Detection]. They function as they were called.
The soul of the Seeker is an Undying Daedric Vestige so it will try to act on its own and go wild but an Enchanter like me won't leave such a thing for the chance, I put many restraints and seals on the soul gem and the enchantment so that the soul of the Seeker remain in an illusion loop that it has returned to Oblivion.
Daedra are impossible to kill and the rule applies even on the lesser ones. If a Daedra was killed, its fake soul which is known as the Vestige will return to its origin in Oblivion and will go through a rebirth to become the same Daedra once again with everything intact.
This meant that the Daedra creatures are not really living or dead. The living creatures need an Aedric vessel called the 'Soul' and the Undead need a magic vessel created by Necromancy. The Daedra is something in between powered by the Vestiges of Oblivion but they are still fit to use in Enchantments even though they are really dangerous.
One of the examples is the tale of Feyfolken. A quill that was enchanted by the soul of a Daedra called Feyfolken that served the Prince of Wishes, Clavicus Vile. That quill could change any script written by it into a beautiful piece of art that no mortal can write anything like but there was a cost. That quill would possess its user until his demise which will probably be orchestrated by it.
[A/n: I recommend reading the tale of Feyfolken in a book with the same name in the game.]
I, on the other hand, made sure that such a thing doesn't happen to my little Radar over here. I need it to be restraint and work as I command. The device has a metal case to contain its parts which were a Screen, a Magicka Reactor, an Antenna, a Control Orb, the Command Gems (which are enchanted gemstones linked together by Elven steel wires) and three switches. They all were arranged in the metal case together and only the Light Emitting Screen was installed outside above the case.
Looking at it, I had a weird feeling.
"Did I just create a magical Macintosh Computer?"
-Will take a break on 1st of April.
-No Extras for now cuz I am stocking chapters till 31st of March.
-Will return on 12th of April.
-[Patron Extras] will be saved till return.
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And it was just the start.
For the following three days, I just locked myself in my laboratory and started working on all the new ideas that I got. The Soul Gems with Seeker Souls didn't run out yet and I invested a lot of gemstones on my work.
I came up with two new things after all that.
I now have a [Surveillance Orbs] devices with a new Memory storing system. The memory gems were not as good as the original Memory Crystals that appeared in Hammerfell and Clockwork City but they were storing changing enchantments and reading the data back so it sounded pretty much like the 'Magnetic Storage' method that was used in electronics on Earth.
I added a 'Facial Recognition' ability to the [Surveillance Orbs] and it started to take notice of details and seek the face shapes of the people walking around the town. After I installed them around Neo Saarthal, the next day, they alerted me to a boy who was stealing from the food storage. A very good result, I would say.
The next device I came with was an upgrade of the Auto-Targeting system on the Tesla Towers fixed on the walls. I can now make install the Mechanism on the [Anti-Air Ballistas] and the [Magicka Cannons].
Speaking of which, a new generation of Magic Cannons was applied in Neo Saarthal different than the Naval-Grade Fireball Canons. These [Magicka Cannons] would shoot blasts of blue Pure Magicka and the damage was a bit scary. I got the idea from the function of the Bloodskal Aura and created something similar that can work on Magicka Reactors.
Why did I do all that? Arming the town and adding complicated Magicka defenses?
The answer is not easy to say but I am afraid. Actually, I am terrified.
The Dare Dragon Group has stayed kept a low profile for long enough and we started to attract a lot of attention lately especially after I started moving on a wide range and clashed with the Intelligence Agencies of the Empire and the Stormcloaks.
I wasn't worried at first because of my personal strength but let's face it… Winterhold is not strong enough to remain intact without me. I don't want to be a hero who saves Winterhold every time. I just want to sit around and watch it save itself and handle things on its own.
And who knows, maybe I may not be able to save it one day and a tough situation comes up. I need a superpower behind me.
I have a lot of money that I can't spend it all in one lifetime so it was the time to start doing something actually useful with it.
And the last thing is that I made many enemies recently and I need my town to survive the trials yet to come. No defense is enough for the chaos that will arrive in the latter half of year 4E 201. I won't get satisfied if I don't have enough defenses that can be as strong as the [Dare Fleet], strong enough to repel an army from just the walls.
Anyway, Jullanar started yelling at me after three days of being completely engrossed in work. I was dragged back to Winterhold town and thrown into the bathhouse to have a shower.
"I am sorry, the inspiration is not something I should push away when it comes. I really wanted to work like that for a long time."
"Shut up! You and Alina become so obsessed when you start saying magical terms I can't comprehend. What on Nirn is that Magical Engineering? It is so complicated! Even Alchemy is not that…"
"No, Alchemy is not predictable so it is fun. The word I am looking for is…"
"Yes! Why do you have to dig deep behind every truth like a sane person? It may ruin your head."
Jull was really pissed.
"Well, I guess that's how you see things. Magic is about the truth of things."
"No, it is supposed to be about blasting things off and having fun."
"Calm down, Sheogorath."
Her madness was really acting up tonight again.
"What are you two talking about?" From behind the vapor of the bath, Aela voice came out.
She walked in the bathtub with a towel wrapped around her chest and waist. I only grinned and cast [Telekinesis] taking the towel away from her.
"We're talking about Magic."
"... Whatever, I don't get it anyway." She hid her body with her arm and went in the water away from me.
She seemed to be still taking distance from me after all that. I just winked to Jull and she nodded.
"I am going to bring some drinks." Jull said and walked out. It was only me and Aela now.
"So, what do you think?"
"About what?"
"What you saw."
"... It is alright. Winterhold is way better than what we heard about and the work her is good."
"I am talking about myself." I said.
"... What do you mean?"
"You said that all us lord do is to sit around on their butts all day and do nothing brave or adventurous."
Aela looked at me for a while and nodded.
"I am not going back at my words."
"I will only say that you proved that you are different but that doesn't mean the rest of the lords are."
"Well, that's good."
"Me… being different."
"... Are you always this smug?"
"All day long. Come closer!" I signaled for her to come closer but she seemed hesitant.
I stood up and went to her.
"What should I do to turn your head around?" I asked as I sat beside Aela and closed on her.
She remained unfazed unlike each time I get close to her. She then turned around and looked at me.
Her eyes were not as cold as before, instead, they were bright and gleaming golden. I could feel her gaze so sharp but so frivolous and her smile was wide and clear.
She was just like a wolf, no, she was always she-wolf. Her gaze alone made me feel like she wants to gut me open and eat me from inside.
"I said that you proved yourself before, can't you take a hint?"
As she finished speaking, she jumped from her place and sat on my legs facing me and hugging my head closer to hers.
"Oh, I see! You were already on board."
"Hehe!" She giggled with smiling eyes of a beast. "You go to Oblivion just to fill some soul gems and took me for that Skydiving. I don't think there is much excitement one can offer another."
She is a true Adrenaline Junkie. What on Nirn did I do to have a Holy Maiden, a crazy girl and adrenaline junkie in my life? Are there no normal girls out there?
"Sigh! Fine, but that was just a normal day. The crazy stuff haven't started yet."
"Oh! Now you are making me wet." She shivered from excitement and her nails dug in my skin.
We were acting like mad people and started breaking stuff at only the foreplay. For safety purposes, I pulled us into the Haven Cube. But officially, I got a third girlfriend at the end of the day.
-Will take a break on 1st of April.
-No Extras for now cuz I am stocking chapters till 31st of March.
-Will return on 12th of April.
-[Patron Extras] will be saved till return.
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