Sorry for the sudden disappearance, I'm kinda ashamed of how many I was having those lately so I put a 4K chapter in your hands. I just had another job interview that got me nervous for a few days. I was also down on Brain Efficiency lately so I went on the Wiki and updated Jon's page then added a page to explain the Cultivation so far so go check it out. just Google "Dragonborn Saga Wiki".
Also, big flipping thanks to the new awesome patrons who are making my day:-
@Tristen Kent
@Nimbus Artz
@Josephuz Libunao
« The College of Winterhold »
"Auntie, can I please pass by?" So innocently and polity she asked but the stares she received were so cold, hell, colder than the storm raging out right now.
To sum up how it went wrong for Poor Vittoria Vici, it all started more than a year ago when Jon dropped by her mansion during her birthday. This and that happened and he ended up giving her some sealed letters to deliver according to the dates written on them.
As an affair and business partner, Vittoria had good faith in Jon that whatever he says will always end up profiting her so first, she tracked down all the people Jon wanted to send the letters to and went after them after the beginning of the new year.
The first one was Jullanar and thankfully she was nearby at Narsis. Jullanar would kill Vittoria if they were to be alone or so Vittoria thought, that's why she left the letter with one of Jon's trusted associates known as the Old Woman of Mournhold and escaped Morrowind before Jull tracks her down.
The others were all in Winterhold which saved a lot of time. Vittoria arrived and looked at the company building but no one was present so she tracked down Wulfur who was by far the easiest person to deal with. If he could deliver the other messages for her, she would avoid a lot of trouble but sadly, he was surrounded by the most fearsome trio relatives of Jon. She could only deliver their letters and ran for her life.
Next would be either Alina or Nurina. Alina is always cold towards her while Nurina only met her once or twice which is a good thing, she may not even remember her. If she somehow went to Nurina and left the rest of the letters with her, she could slip out of Winterhold without a heart-attack or a near-death experience.
Still, the first person she ran into at Nurina's Chambers was a middle-aged Dark Elf lady in commoner clothing who was blocking the narrow hallway. Even for a Duke's daughter, Vittoria humbly requested the woman to let her pass addressing her as "Auntie".
But the stares… forget about the Four Nords who were enjoying the breeze of the storm, in this chamber, there were four Elf ladies whose eyes were so scary to the point where they would banish a Daedra back to Oblivion with just those stares.
Who are they? Well, Vittoria could recognize three out of the four.
In front of the fire pouring the tea in a cup was Laaneth, a famous Daedraologist and a Conjuration teacher. Also, an acquaintance of Vittoria's cousin, Emperor Titus Mede II.
On a sofa-bed, Nurina and Faralda were sitting opposite to one another and each was massaging the other's foot. It was natural as the two were known as a couple.
Lastly was that "Auntie".
"Lady Fyr, please have your tea. I'll deal with the visitor." Laaneth said as she offered the Auntie the tea and dragged Vittoria out.
Fyr, huh? Something about the name being similar to that of Divayth Fyr, the strongest and oldest known mage on Tamriel or something.
Yeah, Vittoria just handed the letters and thought how nice that storm was. She even got a coin for her trouble like a poor little Courier. By far, this is the hardest earned coin Vittoria made in her life. The one coin she felt like she had a true adventure making.
Now now, didn't Jon say something about his Magic's Heritage being a fourth generation to Divayth Fyr through Alfe Fyr?
"Man! What a day to be alive!" Vittoria said as she walked towards Sea Mist Manor.
Meanwhile in Nurina's chambers, Laaneth walked in with the letter.
"Ah! Yes! Hmm! That… Ah! Shit"
"Nurina, stop it. I'm just massaging your smelly feet." Faralda said.
"Yes, babe. I'm massaging your foot as well."
"Actually, your hands are so thin to the point where it hurts." Faralda disengaged the massage and walked away.
"No! Babe, wait. I'm sorry. Hmph! Meanie." Nurina was lying on the sofa trying to reach for Faralda who went away. In the end, she collapsed on her face as she was too lazy to move.
"Old hag… I mean Auntie, do you have any booze?" Nurina asked.
"Brat, quit pestering me. And who was the one who drank all the Ash-Fire Mead yesterday." Alfe replied.
"Bleh, it tasted like feet."
"So you finish all our stash and not even be thankful." Laaneth came by and put the letter on the coffee table pointing at it for Nurina.
"You three are invading my place. My place, my rules." Nurina said.
"Well, your place has the thickest walls and the biggest fireplace so excuse us." Faralda said.
"Hmph! Y'all can have a trip to Oblivion for all I care about, it is nice and cozy this time of year." Nurina didn't bother and kept to herself.
The Dunmer lands are hot and Elves don't function well in the cold thus they tend to gather in groups and warm up together.
Still, as annoying as it is, Nurina could be a brat on any of them any day of the year without them complaining about her scoundrel attitude. The person in question was also depressed for the past year and a half since Jon's departure.
Nurina noticed the letter addressed to her and took it to see what kind of rude person would butt into her hibernation like this.
"Who sent this?" Nurina asked.
"The Courier girl didn't say." Laaneth replied.
"Courier and a girl?" Faralda tilted her head.
"Happens in Valenwood." Alfe justified.
"Aha!" Faralda and Laaneth made understanding noises.
"Aha your asses! This is Skyrim, not Valenwood." Nurina scoffed at them as she opened the letter.
So much for her carefree attitude, the first word in that letter was like a heavenly thunder striking her head.
She jumped off her sofa and looked with wide eyes. The other could understand it all from her reaction and became silent in anticipation.
Unlike how the lovestruck Jull who took an hour to read every word and fall in love with it, Nurina read the letter in a matter of seconds and remained still.
She then folded it fast and made it disappear.
"Things are going to happen ladies." She said.
"What things? How is Jon?" Laaneth asked.
"He's fine but the letter is dated back a year ago. He sent many letters to warn us about some events that will take place half a year from now." Nurina said.
"What events?" Faralda asked.
"The usual human stuff, war, and stuff. He knew I am not interested and skimmed the politics over." Nurina said indifferently about politics.
"A war? Do you have any idea how can this impact us?" Faralda face-palmed.
"Winterhold is becoming more and more lively and the college is getting richer. If the war is about Talos and Elves then we will be impacted. Shouldn't the Arch-Mage be informed." Laaneth said.
"As I said, I don't involve myself in politics. Whatever it is, Savos already knows, he has a Spy in every court called a Court Wizard." Nurina said it plain and simple.
"Oh!" Laaneth and Faralda nodded but they were still doubtful.
"Our heritage's Symbol is to keep ourselves as far as we can from politics. Nurina is conducting herself right." Unexpectedly, Alfe spoke for Nurina.
"But… isn't Jon bring the Shadow Jarl of Winterhold involvement with politics?" Faralda asked.
"That's a misinterpretation to what Jon is." Nurina said, "A mage should be rich, very rich and as rich as possible. The boy simply started with a business and made it grow, his involvement with politics is mild as his position doesn't require much politics. Winterhold held no political weight in the past and still holds none without Jon's business. All his following involvement with politics were for the gains of his business and his minor position as a Thane, there is a big reason why he is not a Jarl."
Nurina's explanation was simple but deep. Jon was indeed much less of a politician and more of a businessman even though his business supported a whole hold.
"Is there anything else?" Alfe asked.
"The rest is personal between me and my cute disciple. Be jealous, all of you!"
• Name: Nurina Aren
• Titles: Priestess of ???, Archenemy of ???
• Race: Elf (Dunmer)
• Age: 207
• Level: ???
• Class: Arch Mystic of ???
• Energy: ???
• Condition: ???
• Bloodline: ???
• Birth Sign: ???
• Blessings: ???
Mirrors, fabled as objects that hold a strange Magic as all mirrors were connected and each has a tale to tell.
But among all the mirror, Alina would stare at hers with a strange feeling.
How can a mirror be able to reflect her Beauty? Should a mirror be this able?
Was it true that the Nymphs couldn't be seen because they are extremely beautiful to the point that the light of their reflection is unable to interpret their image?
Strange! She feared to never see herself in a mirror but at the same time, she strived to reach the point where mirrors are unable to reflect her image life the Nymphs.
As the self-proclaimed most beautiful young lady on Tamriel, she would always try to bring about the qualities of the fairest of them all thus she would stand in front of her mirror for some time every day studying her own beauty and how to cultivate it.
That is true, she could do that. Back when she was trying to break into the Heart Formation stage, she was struggling with her thoughts diverting about many things. People train themselves for power and each had a personal reason, Alina wanted to protect what is hers but that not a good enough reason.
As attaining power goes against the Binds of the World and the Way of Aetherius, the CHIM is to achieve the Royalty and that is by becoming selfish. Alina finally understood her selfishness and that was her beauty thus as she put her heart into becoming more beautiful through training, she advanced forward smoothly.
Jon was almost the same but Jon's selfishness laid in power and life in general but Alina wasn't a power-hungry person like her husband. Anyway, her beauty was being refined the further she advanced and she had to understand her beauty more for the sake of her advancement.
Now as she possessed a peak-human body like Jon with the Eternal Flesh that never grows older, Alina was right on heels with Jon in terms of the level and her speed was astonishing for the simplicity of her heart's selfishness.
Now in front of her mirror, she stood nude feeling her curves and sways thinking carefully of the possibilities and the potential. Her naked body was still wet from the bath she took and droplets of water were gradually and slowly sliding one her perfectly rounded breasts, on her stiffened shoulder backs that showed nothing of crudeness or blemishes, her abdomen that was flawless sculpted by her graceful abdominal muscles, her well-rounded buttock that wasn't a single millimeter larger or smaller than it should be, her back above it as it gave a breathtaking arch, her legs that weren't by any means not fit with the rest of her frame, but atop of this all was her face that couldn't be described in words.
She tilted her head and put her hand under her cheek to feel its soft buffness as she added a charming smile by her full red lips and blinking softly with her wide eyes that had her iconic crimson pupils all gave her rounded face a charm that takes anyone's breath effortlessly.
"Heavens, this is tiring." She mumbled.
"Huh?" Hearing her, a voice questioned.
Alina finally took the chance to look aside from her beauty to the other naked girl sitting beside the mirror.
"Aela, didn't I say that you should wake me if I lose myself in the mirror once again?" Alina asked.
The girl in front of her was Aela, a beauty on her own savage accord but she sat on the mirror's chair just staring at Alina as well.
"Wake up, girl. I just had you in the bath an hour ago." Alina flicked Aela on the forehead.
"I… I was… damn!" Aela came back to herself and put her cold palms on her face to push away the seduction of Alina.
"Are you alright?"
"Don't ask me that, I'm barely keeping a straight head after what you have done to me in the bath." Aela complained.
"Ok, my bad." Alina pleaded guilty right away.
Being the lonely wife for a year and a half, Alina only had her sisters to rely on when it comes to relieving themselves. The lack of little Jon was fatal at first but the three were already experienced in ganging up on Jon together. Sometimes they would go on foreplay together if Jon is occupied with one of them which gave them the motivation they needed to sleep with each other.
Of course, this meant that their styles had to change to fit the next sexuality they started to delve into but Alina soon became proficient at handling other girls making both Aela and Jull fall for her touch. Lately, when her femininity and beauty started to overflow, her effect became intoxicating for the other two. In other words, when Jon was struggling with the so-called "gay scene", Alina had the lesbian scene up and running.
"Okay, as a punishment, make a chair." Alina said.
"Oh come on." Aela complained.
"Don't forget that you are grounded."
"It had been almost half a year."
"No one told you to go find Jon and sleep with him before me." Alina seemed to be vexed about it.
Aela reluctantly agreed and went down on her knees and hands.
"Thank you." Alina moved and sat on Aela's back while patting her butt.
"You're a pain."
"Heard that you like it."
"From Jon."
"There is a difference?"
"Jon is a daddy, you are a bully."
Alina went down closer to Aela's ear and spoke softly.
"You like it anyway."
The two smiled in naughtiness and Alina sat up to comp her long straight back hair.
"How is your training so far, wolfy?"
"Fine, still behind you and Jull though."
"I told you that you should stop being a Werewolf if you want to advance forward smoother. Training becomes easier the less you associate yourselves with the forces of Oblivion." Alina said.
"I said I am not giving up the wolf… It is more than just a commitment or faith." Aela replied.
"Then you need to keep refining the wolf. I'm not sure how it ends but you should have let Jon take a look at it once you were with him instead of hopping on dick the first minute you see him."
""Fine fine."
Aela was following a different form of training than the normal Magicka Gathering training. The soul of a Werewolf is different as it is merged with a Soul of a Beast from Oblivion. As the forces of Oblivion aren't friendly to breaking the shackles of the world, Aela had to learn how to reverse the process and Shackle the Wolf soul in her fully taking control of the transformations then Refine the soul of the Wolf, after that she would Merge it with her soul which is a level similar to the Heart Formation stage.
Anyway, she was following her own path like she always chose and had the support of Alina.
While the two were chatting, a small creature appeared in Alina's vision. It was akin to a palm-size girl that floats around with a green hue.
"Alina! Alina!" The girl called
"What is it, Little Gleam?" Alina replied at the Fae that seemed to be familiar with her.
Indeed it was familiar, Little Gleam is a spiritual extension of the Eldergleam tree, the Elder Fae that has a great influence between the other Fae creatures of the northern parts of Tamriel. Little Fae can be said as a soul familiar to Alina which draws energy from her to perform High Green Magic just like Jon and Nefertiti with the Shadow Magic.
Little Gleam also does a lot of things for Alina like helping with the Forest project that aims to change patches of Winterhold snow wastes into woodlands to produce lumber and shield from storms, the agriculture research project that aims to enhance the ability of farming wheat in Winterhold, and finally for surveillance and Intel gathering.
Little Gleam landed on Alina's shoulder and said something to her. Alina nodded to Little Gleam in the end.
"We have a guest." Alina stood up off Alea's back.
"The Vici woman."
Vittoria wasn't popular being one of Jon's amorous affairs. The other reason was her being clinging to Jon and still keeping her engagement from the Snow-Shod clan's heir.
Still, Little Gleam flew out of the house and manipulated the plants blocking the gate to let the almost-frozen Vittoria in.
Vittoria saw the gate opens and started running inside then the manor's door also opened for her. Finally, she was inside the warm and cozy house.
"He… He… He*sneeze* *sniff* Hello! Alina! Anyone home?"
Vittoria's miserable state was to pity but at one unlit corner, Alina and Aela were grinning. They finally stepped out as Alina was wearing a very then robe covering her body but shaping the canyons and curves as the light reached her. On the other hand, Aela was putting on some fur on her shoulders enough to cover her breasts and wrapped a sarong around her waist.
"Welcome welcome. It has been a while, Ms Vici. What is the Emperor's Cousin doing here at this time of the year?" Alina said as she walked past Vittoria and sat on a chair with Aela standing behind it.
"Al… Alina… Aela… you monsters!" Vittoria was looking at the two with wide eyes while warming herself beside the fire.
"Tch tch tch, something wrong? The weather's not to your liking?" Alina asked barely on the verge of laughter.
"How on God's green Nirn… are you two wearing this little?"
"Hmph! Puny Imperials." Aela looked down on Vittoria.
"Aela! Where are your manners? Offer her some fur." Alina said.
"Alright." Aela smiled slyly and replied.
All of a sudden, Aela partially transformed into a Werewolf getting her arms covered with ginger fur aside from the claws and the scary shape.
"…" Vittoria was silent but almost on the verge of tears.
"No, dummy. We are done bullying her." Alina scolded Aela in a fake tone.
"Ah, right. Hah!" Aela headed inside to grab an extra fur to Vittoria.
"I hope you are getting warmer." Alina said.
"From all the wrong places, believe me!" Vittoria spoke with a broken dignity and obvious self-pity.
Alina smiled wryly and shook her head as Aela handed an enchanted fur coat to Vittoria.
"So, Ms Vici. To what do we owe the pleasure?" Alina asked.
Vittoria regretted coming to see Alina in such time. Even though Alina's beauty was soothing and charming, Vittoria was already on Alina's bad side since the start. Her encounter with Alina was fated to turn this messy.
She stood off away from the fireplace and walked to Alina taking out two letters from her bag.
"To you." She handed one to Alina and another to Aela.
"You're delivering messages now?"
"Wulfur said the same but at least he was nice. Can't say the same about the elders with him. And I got a coin from Lady Nurina so I'm not complaining." Vittoria said as she miserably returned to the fireplace.
"You must've been through a lot. We shouldn't have bullied her." Aela said.
"Wait! You delivered letters to them which means…" Alina stood up.
"It is from Jon." Vittoria continued for her.
Instantly, Alina and Aela broke the seals and opened their letters.
A long silence followed as the two stuck themselves near the fireplace alongside Vittoria to read the letters. On the other hand, Vittoria took out one least letter which was directed to her.
Mumbling mumbling, the three read their letters and became silently still looking at each other.
"I guess we all know what to do." Alina said.
"I can't believe it. This will change everything." Aela shivered.
"I must prepare a lot of funds, find all these places around the holds and make sure the Village my father shall build is funded." Alina concluded.
"I know but… this plan. Why does it have me in its center?" Vittoria asked.
"Well, good for you. It means Jull won't get to murder you any time soon."
The three threw their letters in the fireplace and made sure they are destroyed. Alina then weakened the fire and recovered the ashes. She took the ashes into an empty flower pot and dug out some dirt with her hand from the pots nearby.
"What is he doing?" Vittoria asked.
"Just watch?" Aela replied.
Alina mixed the ash of the letters and the dirt together then added some seeds and water.
"Gather round." She called the other two and joined hands all together around the flower pot.
"What is going on?" Vittoria was still fearful.
Alina didn't reply and started mumbling but eventually, nothing happened.
"Something's wrong. You guys are low on energy?" She asked.
"I'm okay." Aela said.
The two turned to Vittoria who seemed to be the reason why the ritual didn't work.
"I'll grab a potion or…" Vittoria understood the situation and was about to grab a potion but Alina stopped her.
"That will take time. Hold still." Alina pulled Vittoria closer and grabbed her face.
This situation only meant one thing as Vittoria found her lips facing Alina's as the two were entangled in a slow-mo kiss.
Alina was clearly the dominant female as she had her way with Vittoria who began to lose her sense of the world and moaned under Alina's effect.
As Alina let go, Vittoria was already drenched in sweat not bearing the clothes on her body. She was hazy and swaying as if she just had a strong shot of mead.
In all actuality, Alina was just transferring Magicka through contact, a method she is used to with Aela and Jull. Still, Vittoria was just one of Jon's women so she didn't care much. On the other hand, Vittoria had already fallen to Alina's move and almost forgot the world.
"Let's do it again." Alina systematically restarted the ritual and it worked with the help of Little Gleam. In a few minutes, three white flowers rapidly grew from the flower pot. Alina picked them immediately and handed one for each.
"What are those for?" Aela asked.
"Ladies, make sure to chew and not eat. Let's see what Jon is up to."
By this, Alina managed to create a tracking spell after Jon. The three chewed on the flowers for a minute then started having visions.
White sand, light blue sea, warm sun, tropical forests, ivory palaces, a large wild party. Something too alien to Skyrim.
It was Summerset Isles.
• Name: Alina Dare (Firemane)
• Titles: Crimson Moon, First Lady Boss
• Race: Human (Nord) {Akaviri Ancestry}
• Age: 19
• Level: Late Flame Heart Formation
(Game Level: 57)
• Class: Master Diviner Mystic
• Energy: 5736/5736
• Condition: Normal
• Bloodline: Moonblade (Serpentborn, Crimson Moon)
• Birth Sign: The Lady
• Blessings: Talos, Kyne, Mara, Dibella, Totem Hawk, Vaermina
• Name: Aela
• Titles: The Huntress
• Race: Human Werewolf (Nord)
• Age: 21
• Level: Mid Star Beast Unity
(Game Level: 48)
• Class: Alpha Werebeast - Master Beast Ranger
• Condition: Normal
• Bloodline: Hunterborn
• Birth Sign: The Thief
• Blessings: Hircine
• Name: Vittoria Vici
• Titles: EEC Manager, Her Ladyship
• Race: Human (Imperial)
• Age: 25
• Level: 8 Magicka Gathering
(Game Level: 8)
• Condition: Normal
• Birth Sign: The Tower
• Name: Little Gleam
• Titles: Alina's Soul Familiar
• Race: Fae (Eldergleam's Soul Extension)
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Just a couple of chapters to wrap it up before the game start. Game Starts on Chapter 505! A 4K chapters for the sweet readers. Happy Friday!
« Skywatch, Summerset Isles - 12th of Rain's Hand, 4E 201 »
Fair weather and fresh air; despite being the busy port city as well as the black market and the home of the Thieves Guild in the Isles of Summerset, the great city of Skywatch was also the beautiful maiden bathing on the shores of the Abecean Sea. For a certain someone, that gave him one of the most nostalgic vibes of a similar city he used to live in before his reincarnation but aside from the similar air and the familiar vibes, Jon had his own brand of troublemaking that he had to live up to.
The beautiful white shore on the outskirts of the city shook with loud music and the cheers of hundreds of Altmer young men and women. Those were mostly students of the Magic Institute across Skywatch, Alinor and Firsthold who came here for vacation.
Which vacation?
It is the Spring Break.
There was no such thing as a Spring Break on Tamriel but ever since the last Summer of year 4E 200, there were strange accidents of unlawful celebrations that involved a lot of the young adults around the city of Skywatch. These festivals involved disturbingly loud raves, mass skooma usage, public fornication and wild orgies.
The Summer of last year was just the beginning when some young adults of the high and the middle community were invited to spend time together at the beach for a celebration. The situation escalated as they invited more friends until the situation was alarmingly annoying to the authorities. The celebrations lasted for days sometimes.
The following Autumn was expected to be the time when the young adults come to their mind after the summer but that couldn't be anywhere near to the truth. Somehow, large amounts of Dunmeri Weed were smuggled through Valenwood and started to appear in these autumn festivals. Even a new trend started to appear among the young adults involving what is referred to as Autumn-leaf Bikini which was exactly what it is called.
Struggling through the Autumn, it was surely time for the parties to end when the winter comes but oh boy it was just beginning. These parties were just too damn warm that no one bothered leaving them. Liquor and drugs were all over the town by the beginning of the new year. It was rumored that a certain young adult wore a red outfit and captured a few Caanerin Deer then made them pull a slider that was creating frost under it, he kept traveling between Skywatch and Firsthold distributing liquors and skooma. Later, he was announced as a wanted Criminal and wanted posters of the bearded guy were distributed around Skywatch.
It was very clear that by the end of winter, spring will be the worst of all seasons and it was. Skywatch city became one of the busiest cities not just for trade and business but for crazy raves of the Spring Break. The Temple of Auri-El has declared a state of emergency then dispatched Vindicators and Inquisitors to stop this moral degradation but it was too out of control.
The culprit was never found but it has almost been a year and no one was held to blame. All that was known was that he/she is very skillful in magic and doesn't leave a single trace behind.
"Look at that party. The Altmer really don't stop wasting money." A hippie-looking Altmer young woman with brown curly hair said as she inhaled from her smoking pipe and passed it.
"Please don't lump us decent people along with those rich kids." Replied the one who received the pipe from her, an Altmer with a lite goatee beard and moderately muscular arms with a number of tattoos on it.
"Look at you, cutie, trying to act all high and decent! Don't forget we are the party starters."
"Jon's plan, Jon's money. Why not have some fun while we're at it?"
"What about your sister?"
"Sis is over there."
As he pointed, the Hippie Altmer turned around to see a Punk-looking female Altmer walking towards them carrying a surfing board.
A year has passed since the events of Hegathe, a lot has changed if not everything. Mirren started to change into masculine looks which but the end for Jon's demands about the gay scene, Isha was the same Isha but she became brighter and more cheerful now that her enemy was out down and Miranda had the most change of all, her long blonde hair was now a green/blue/pink colored. Of course, the three were in their swimsuits.
"Sup?" Miranda joined the two in the cabin as she grabbed a bottle of liquor and started cooling by magic.
"The party is going wild." Mirren said.
"So is the sea. Go catch a good wave while you're at it."
"I thought you were with Jon." Isha said.
"I only saw him this morning. He must have gone at it again? Ask Nefertiti."
Isha stood up and looked above the shed to see a black-haired teenage girl with a taller figure than her peers sitting above the cabin and closing her eyes.
"Kitty, where is your human?" Isha called.
Nefertiti pointed forward towards the sea. Isha looked ahead but she saw no one above the water.
"He's at it again?"
"I'm trying to focus."
Nefertiti seemed in no mood to hold a conversation so Isha just ignored her and returned to the others. Their cabin was actually a mobile beach bar used by the team to conduct business and start parties.
The truth is, Jon wanted to waste as much money as possible but somehow ended up making more. Directing a Party turned out to be a very successful trade.
Still, as all his actions were unlawful, he seemed to be getting more and more into them for the thrill of it. Not everyone knew this but Jon was looking for a distraction. Not because he was bored or free but something was scaring him. At least Isha understood that. What can make a guy like him get scared and try to indulge himself in a year worth of thrill? She didn't want to know. She really didn't.
As she was thinking while serving a drink, a voice started coming from the city's direction.
It was the lookout they stationed at the city, the one that warns them before the City Vindicators. These were the spellblades of Skywatch who serve its Kinlord and Kinlady.
The party stopped real quick and the Altmer young men and women started using magic to escape. As a race that is efficient in Magic, stealth and movement spells were common, even teleporting short distances away was possible for the apprentice mages around the place.
"We need to leave." Mirren said.
"Fine, let's gather our stuff, today's party is over." Isha started sorting out the things they left lying around the cabin and closed tight.
Around the beach, Altmer soldiers in Elven Armors started flooding the area catching anyone they get their hands on. They all spotted the cabin where the Isha, Mirren and Miranda are then charged at it.
"The criminals are over there. Get them!"
The dispatch of Vindicators was right about to surround the cabin and break into it but the cabin started to glow all of a sudden and disappeared in a flash.
• Name: Miranda Aldmeri
• Race: Elf (Altmer)
• Age: 29
• Level: Mid Ebonblood, Foundation Building
(Game Level: 35)
• Class: Expert Martial Ranger
• Energy: 3544/3544
• Condition: Normal
• Bloodline: Aldmeri (Unforeseen)
• Birth Sign: The Serpent
• Blessings: Mephala, Baan Dar
• Name: Mirren Aldmeri
• Race: Elf (Altmer)
• Age: 29
• Level: Mid Ebonblood, Foundation Building
(Game Level: 36)
• Class: Expert Martial Duelist
• Energy: 3667/3667
• Condition: On Steroids
• Bloodline: Aldmeri (Unforeseen)
• Birth Sign: The Serpent
• Blessings: Mephala, Baan Dar
• Name: Isha
• Titles: The Spear Battlelord
• Race: Human (Redguard)
• Age: 24
• Level: Late Ebonblood, Frame Building
(Game Level: 38)
• Class: Expert Storm Spearmaiden
• Energy: 3899/3899
• Condition: Morphed into Altmer form
• Birth Sign: The Steed
• Blessings: Ebonarm
The cabin clearly teleported away which was one of the reasons why the authorities never caught the party managers. This has happened every time they try to do so. But still, this time someone was left behind.
Nefertiti was clearly forgotten above the cabin. Once the Teleportation function was activated, she was just sitting on air without any support. The Vindicators couldn't believe what they saw.
"Surrender now!"
Even though they had a teenage girl in sight, they never believed that the party managers had finally made a mistake and left someone behind. But still, something was really unusual about the girl to them. Unlike Isha who changed her appearance with the Polymorph Juice, Nefertiti was with her human appearance whose skin was human pale.
"Is that?"
"A human? On the Isles?"
The Vindicators have never spotted Nefertiti before which made her sudden appearance right now a first of its kind accident, this was major news to them. Humans were by no means allowed in the docks let alone inside the Isles, the xenophobic Thalmor government barely let in the Bosmer and the Khajiit but humans… that's a big no-no.
"Get her!"
Like mad hounds, the Vindicators charged from all directions at Nefertiti. It was a "kill now ask questions later" situation. Despite being a young teenage girl, humans are absolutely unforgivable to set foot on the isles.
Nefertiti was disdainfully looking at those people around her not minding their attitude this far, she was wearing an innocent black schoolgirl swimsuit and looked absolutely adorable. The fact that those Vindicators discriminated against her based on race is going to be their demise but that's will take time.
She felt the blades and spears coming at her from many directions making it almost like there is no way to escape. However, she twisted her body in weird supernatural flexibility that defied sense; she jumped up from a point where no one can jump, twisted her body mid-air, curled her limbs to avoid injury then flipped back again to land on the head of on the Vindicators' Captain.
Aside from the confusion of how she pulled it off and the shock of how they lost to her like this, the Vindicators were terrified to try to attack above their Captain's head, the captain that was unaware that his precious peacock feather on his helmet was stepped on and destroyed quite badly.
"Where? Where is she?" The captain was confused by his part not seeing Nefertiti around and getting those weird looks from his subordinates.
One of his subordinates pointed towards the shadow of the captain, by his part, the captain finally noticed his situation and froze from shock.
Nefertiti was about to raise a leg then smite down that insolent elf who disturbing her rest but a voice called.
Hearing the strong voice that can't belong to anyone weak, Nefertiti and the Vindicators looked towards the source to see a rich-looking Khajiit walking over with a hooded individual behind him.
"Es- Esteemed guest!" The Vindicators greeted the Khajiit right away treating him with unusual respect.
"Why are you here, little one? This one was looking all over the place for you." The Khajiit directly spoke to Nefertiti.
"Hmph!" She ignored him and jumped down off the captain's head.
"Esteemed guest… it can't be! You let in a human inside the Isles?" The Vindicators Captain was shocked to hear the esteemed guest was familiar with Nefertiti.
"Oh, don't be ridiculous! This one would never do such a thing. Little one over here is a Khajiit, she is that one's little sister." The Khajiit said pointing at the hooded person near him.
The hooded person removed her hood to reveal a human race but her appearance was that of a Khajiit, an Ohmes-Raht Khajiit, the furstock that looks like humans with cat ears and tails with some fur over the skin.
"This one greets you." The Ohmes-Raht Khajiit greeted the captain.
"She is this one's disciple so please let it go."
The captain looked between the Ohmes-Raht and Nefertiti, there were no similarities until Nefertiti showed her tail and moved her ears up.
The Vindicators were shocked by the strange occurrence and apologized for the offense, the esteemed guest, after all, has diplomatic immunity.
Once they left, Nefertiti looked with annoyance at the two.
"What do you want?" She asked.
"Come on, little one. This one still wants to take you as a disciple, don't give me a cold shoulder. I am the Mane after all." Mane Topaz said.
"Not interested."
"How are you doing, Nefertiti? Zara came to see you." The Ohmes-Raht said, that of course was Moon Priestess Zara, the one who had an affair with Jon some time in the past.
"Hsss!" Nefertiti wasn't taking Zara really well and refused to get touched by her.
Seeing how hostile, Nefertiti was. It was understandable since she is a werebeast and today will be a full moons.
"Fine, this one came to see your Human? Where is he?" Mane Topaz asked.
Nefertiti pointed at the sea.
"Then can you please invite him over, we have a message that arrived at the Moon Temple from Skyrim a month ago." Zara said.
A message from Skyrim! Even Nefertiti couldn't ignore that. Was this the thing Jon waited for.
Before they came to Summerset Isles, they had to go through Jon's absurd suggestion about going to Summerset. He said that now his identity as Krilon is known by the Empire, the Thalmor spies will soon find out and come chasing after him, that's why he decided to hide right under their noses right at their, Summerset.
This was all temporary to keep the Thalmor spinning around themselves across the mainland and to cause trouble without feeling restrictions but he was waiting for something as much as the others know.
Nefertiti was more aware than anyone else since she is not just connected with him but she was with him at that place. Still, if this is the message Jon is waiting for, then everything is about to change.
"I understand." She said as she turned her back to them and faced the sea.
Mane Topaz and Moon Bishop Zara kept watching as Nefertiti took a ready position and all of a sudden, she took a big stride towards the sea. One step the, the next, the third, Nefertiti ran in a supernatural speed as he was right at the end of the shoreline, she jumped up high in a long arc and dived in the water.
Summerset waters are almost pure and transparent, the cool of the water and the warmth of the weather would make going in and out of the water a refreshing experience and Nefertiti loved swimming but she had no time to enjoy it. She started diving deeper and swimming faster supported by her shadows as if she was a siren.
Soon enough, reached a spot where the water was getting alarmingly colder, this meant that Jon is closeby. Diving deeper, Nefertiti could see a white sphere at the sea bid as if a large snowball was fixed there, she hastily divided towards it. Once she came into contact with the shell of the white sphere, she was instantly teleported inside.
Jon was there, he was standing in a weird position with his body red like a blaze. On the other hand, the whole space around him was freezing sending cold shivers into anything coming closer by. Around him, four objects appeared; Pride was floating above, Greed and Lust were orbiting and Wrath was kneeling to Jon. A strange energy synergy was formed between Jon and the four sins.
Ever since Jon's latest breakthrough into the Early Frozen Heart phase, he was trying to speed through it but his haste was unrewarded. Jon's Magicka has a double-edged property which is its high quality, it meant that he can have a stronger Magicka output than any mage but it is hard to cultivate the more he grows stronger. He is currently stuck at the bottleneck of the Mid Frozen Heart phase.
"Nefertiti, you came?" From behind Wrath, a young girl's voice called for Nefertiti.
"Yes." Nefertiti replied as she spotted Beth who was wrapped in a heavy coat holding a small hammer and a strange tool.
"Master has been in a bad mood since the morning and I wasn't able to work on his skin, he heated himself up to force a breakthrough under pressure but there is no point… Of course you already know, you are in a bad mood as well."
"… Yes."
Nefertiti approached Jon and the spoke.
"Hooman, it is time to stop."
As she said so, Jon could hear her and gradually stopped the ignition of energy inside his body.
"That was reckless." She said.
Jon gradually came to his senses and opened his closed eyes. His eyes are naturally blue but what was there was black… nothing but black even for the white of his eyes.
His body collapsed and he started coughing then vomited a jet black tar-like substance with a terrifying feeling to it. It is clearly something poisonous but Jon was controlling it with the [Draconian Madstone] around his beck. An Akaviri amulet that can resist poison.
"You alright, Master." Beth asked.
"It's okay… I'll be good." Jon replied as his eyes started coming back to normal.
"You can't control it yet?" Nefertiti asked.
"The Void… I feel like it is chipping my life. This thing is crazy… too crazy. My body is full of impurities because of it." Jon complained.
"You understand very well that you can't control it. That thing that did this to us…" Nefertiti was usually indifferent even with Jon but her tone was unusually angry, she finally spat the last words, "It is too evil for you to handle."
"I ran out of choices. Sorry about that, little one."
"You had a choice." She said, "You are more important than…"
The thing she was about to say upset him all of a sudden and the space he was maintaining under the sea almost collapsed as the water started to leak in.
"Girl… I don't want to discuss this."
She was taken aback by his violent reaction and stiffened for a second before looking away from him. Jon realized that his reaction was out of control and his face darkened.
"I am sorry." He stood up and walked to her patting her back. He could see her eyes almost tearful because of his reaction so he hugged her close.
"For you, I would face a hundred more evils and bear a thousand more curses. This is nothing I can't control."
He kept patting her until she became better, his reactions were all off since his time on the other side but he is way better compared to a year ago. Other than Nefertiti, Beth and Myr; no one else knew about Jon's situation.
"Your friend is waiting outside." She said.
"The Mane."
"The High Fluff himself?"
"Yes, a message arrived from Skyrim."
Jon became silent as his head started to switch between one thought to another.
"I see." Jon nodded and turned to Beth.
"Are you done with the tattoo?" He asked.
"You realize how hard it is to work on your skin with hidden ink?" She almost wanted to lash at him.
"The sooner you finish the tattoo, the easier it is to control the Chaos inside me. You know how much I am relying on you." Jon patted her head.
"Fine, I'm done with your face. Now with your arms and shoulders, it is all linked together. You can use it right now."
"Oh! That's our Boethiah, you know how to make Teacher proud." Jon was pleased with what he heard.
Right away, he led his Magicka through his skin and unbelievable happened, his skin was lighting up in blue hue following the patterns of Beth's special tattoo. In a couple of seconds, Jon's arms, shoulder and face lit up like a fluorescent lamp. Jon didn't like the complicated tattoos that put a lot of details and drawings so he stuck with Tribal Nordic styles of knots and patterns until his face, he shaved his hair to get as many tattoos as possible but as it mattered more, he choose to have two dragons at the side of his head with the same pattern. Thankfully his hair grew again but it isn't as tall as it was before.
All these patterns were now Lightning up in blue giving Jon a high increase in Magicka Manipulation, he could almost feel the Magicka around through his tattoos. By that, he stopped the Magicka flow into them and his skin returned back to normal with not even a single trace.
Jon tried it again with his Aura and the Secret Tattoo became a burning red, the Aura no longer leaked of Jon's body and made him almost feel like a crushing force, one punch of him at this state is akin to an attack from a siege ram. Jon turned it off and stabilized his energy flow.
"How is it?" Beth asked.
"Not bad at all." Jon said and started to try something else.
This time instead of using his Magicka or Aura, he used an energy that sent shivers down everyone's spine. It started to turn black, a living black, a black that devours all light. Jon himself felt like being overwhelmed now that he opened the seal but he had a safe measure, he hurriedly used the gold ring on his finger and joined hands together. Another black energy rose from the ring and stopped the Berserking energy inside Jon in just one second.
"Not bad, but not enough." Jon said as he begged for air, "I think I'll tattoo my whole body to get control of this Chaos."
"In… indeed." Beth agreed with a shaken face.
Whatever this Chaos inside Jon is, it was scaring him but he had a trump card to deal with it.
[Nurina's Gold Ring] <Dunmer Gold>
- 125% Magicka Regeneration
- ???
The ring Nurina gave him once she decided to adopt him, it was saving his life till today and he can't even comprehend its Enchantment. It had a mystery to it and a secret that can withstand the Chaos.
Jon let out a sigh as his heart was heavy with memories, he can't help but feel bitter since that incident. That's why he indulged himself in a year worth of parties and training.
"I guess we let the High Fluff wait long enough, let's go." Jon called for the stuff he kept lying around in the Cube and let Beth in as well.
Nefertiti sank in the shadow and he broke out of the frost sphere into the sea swimming up to the shore. He walked out of the water and his muscles brightened under the sun revealing how much progress he has gone through, the body he forged was as Tyrannical as his Aura with its diabolically ripped muscles.
Once he arrived at the shore walking out of the water the most cinematic way he could, he didn't find Mane Topaz of or Moon Bishop Zara.
"Well, that was badly wasted."
"They must have been led to the hideout, I feel Mirren closeby." Nefertiti said.
"The epic entrance was already ruined anyway." Jon said as he hurriedly morphed into a High Elf via Lust.
The golden skin went well with the red hair so Jon headed directly to Skywatch City to the Thieves Guild. There, Jon received the letter that starts his whole new adventure back home.
• Name: Nefertiti Dare
• Titles: Jon's Soul Familiar, Her Meowjesty
• Race: Shadow Fae (Cat)
• Age: 5
• Blessings: Hircine, Totem Dragon
• Name: Beth (Boethiah)
• Race: Human (Imperial)
• Age: 11
• Level: Mid Ironbone, Frame Foundation
(Game Level: 15)
• Class: Apprentice Diviner Mystic
• Craft: Skin Enchanter
• Energy: 1207/1207
• Condition: Normal
• Bloodline: Inkblood
• Birth Sign: The Ritual
• Blessings: Boethiah
• Name: Jon Dare (Jonhild Firemane)
• Title: The Boss, Thane of Winterhold, Krilon
• Race: Human (Nord)
• Age: 20
• Level: Early Frozen Heart Formation
(Game Level: 67)
• Class: Master Mystic Warrior
• Craft: Master Binary Enchanter
• Condition: Normal
• Bloodline: Firemane (Fireborn/Titanborn)
• Birth Sign: Serpent (Shadow)
• Blessings: All-Maker, Talos, Kyne, Totem Dragon, Sheogorath, Azura, Boethiah, Mephala, Hermaeus Mora
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