[IMPORTANT A/N: With the spirit of remastering the novel, some changes happened:
1. Many Spells and Theories will be changed into more realistic ones, including the spells from the game, I think most of you can find it more IMMERSIVE if we used 'Healing Hands' spell to the normal 'Healing' disregarding the target, after all, if you aim it at yourself it's 'Healing' spell, if you aim it at another then it's 'Healing Hands' spell. The game made many spells from the same idea many times like 'Turn Lesser Undead', 'Turn Undead' and 'Turn Greater Undead'. We can make that just a damn one spell and get over with it.
2. Mod spells are really ineffective because they are just revamping of the game spells with no real use, I'll use the useful ones and change some stuff. For example; 'Longstride' will be 'Hasten' or 'Accelerate' like that.
3. Chapter 12 was REMASTERED, All remastered chapters have <R> in the title.
Now Enjoy!]
I don't know what Mirabelle meant by 'Peaceful Days' but I will have fun as usual, that's the normal plan I go with.
Mirabelle told me more stuff I already knew but there was something important.
"Nurina said that you would take the exam of the ranking at the end of the month. The higher the rank the better the benefits, so make sure to study for it." She said.
"Isn't that next week?" I asked.
"Yes, we hold the ranking exams every four months. It's okay, no matter how hard the exam you can do it the next time." She said.
"How many times I can take the exam on the same day?" I had an idea so I asked.
"Excuse me?!" She looked strangely at me.
"I mean, when I finish the ranking exam to 'Apprentice' can I take the exam to 'Evoker' on the same day?"
"Huh? You think it's easy? Normally, it's one exam at a time, you'll have to wait for the next exam to rank up." She said, "And are you that confidence to pass the exam?"
"Simple, I don't pass, Nurina kills me." I said, that's the truth though. The angry side of Nurina is scary.
"Fine, I wish you luck. The new department will be officially announced after the exam. Nurina managed to rope in some teachers and students too..." She said the looked away, "What's that noise?"
There was indeed some noise, someone was shouting.
It came from the direction of the 'Hall of Attainment'.
Some servants were making a fuss with another one who appeared to bring a lot of crates with them, seemed not permitted.
Oh crap! These are my crates. And that's Jullanar.
"Ehem! Is something wrong?" I approached Jullanar and asked.
"These people don't want to let master's luggage in. They keep saying that a 'Student' can't bring all this to a normal dorm." She said then whispered, "One more minute and I'll kill them."
The last part was said in a cold tone. I unconsciously broke into cold sweat.
I couldn't help but smile wryly to this murderous girl. I have to act now.
"These crates are yours? You can't take them unless you have a private room." Mirabelle said.
Jullanar was about to retort but I poked her a bit hard. The one in front of you is a 'Master-Wizard' dammit! She can BBQ us with a finger!
"Ah! Hehehe! Sorry about that. I forgot to tell the maid that these crates were to be sent to Nurina's chambers. Clumsy me!" I hurriedly thought of something. Truth is, half of them belongs to her so that was a half lie I guess.
"Okay!" Mirabelle said and looked to a servant, "Take them to the 'Hall of Countenance' the top floor."
"But Mistress Mirabelle, these crates are insanely heavy, we almost broke our backs carrying them here." The servant guy said.
"Here." Mirabelle said and cast a spell that gives a green hue, similar to my 'Hasten' spell.
"Is this 'Feather' spell?" I wondered out loud.
"Correct!" Mirabelle reacted.
This spell is "Feather' spell from the Alteration school, it falls under the Aspect of 'Weight' and the effect of 'Resist'. Basically a 'Resist 'Weight Spell. It can make stuff lighter.
I haven't learned it yet, but it's an important spell I plan to learn.
When Mirabelle cast just it now, that was no normal cast. She cast a lingering effect on a dead object. Dead objects can only be enchanted to maintain an effect like 'Resist Weight', to cast on them is like this needs maintaining the effect for some time but it's hard to control, it needed to be cast continuously or the spell would be broken. This just now was a show of might.
"One more thing. Your maid can't stay in the dorms. Unless you have your own room." Mirabelle said, "You need to figure that out quickly."
"Yes ma'am."
Mirabelle showed me my place inside the dorms, I'll stay here for one week before I take the exams to rank up.
My roommates would be two Nord twins called Borvir and Rondi, and one Argonian called Ilas-Tei.
I think I heard of these people in the game but strangely, I have no impression.
[A/N: NPCs from cut content.]
After saying introductions, I followed Mirabelle out and she handed me something.
Hehehe! It's just a sleeveless robe and a hooded mantle with the college insignia imprinted on them. One can wear them over clothes.
You might ask I was accepted without an examination. Well, I am the legacy student of a big shot. If they put me under an exam then that's an insult to Nurina.
Back to the topic; I took Jullanar and went to the 'Hall of Countenance'. Mirabelle said that Nurina lives on the top floor.
Unlike the 'Hall of Attainment' which had its first floor into a noisy dining hall and a library, with the dorms on the second. The 'Hall of Attainment' had a very classy cafeteria and a place to relax in peace on the first floor, the second was a research facility with a lot of Enchanting Tables and Alchemy Stations around, this was a proper workplace, the third and above was the quarters of the Scholars and the Wizards, the Master Wizards and beyond the rank took the highest floors.
Both towers had 'Magicka Focus Points' in the center as all floors were circular and every floor had an open circular hole at the center that allows the Magicka fountain to flow up.
One thing must be noted that some magicians that are skilled in Alteration can use the energy of the fountain to float up and down like an elevator, how enviable!
Noobs like me have to take the stairs.
Not much later, we were on the top floor, I could tell Nurina's chambers by the crates in front of the door.
After knocking on the door I heard some footsteps coming.
Who opened the door was a beautiful Dunmer lady. That was not Nurina. She has a brown hair with the same Dunmeri skin and eyes, added to that was a 'War Paint' on the sides of her face.
"May I help you, students?" She asked.
"Ehem! Excuse me, I am here for Nurina. Isn't this her place?" I said with a smile. The first rule when you see a beautiful lady is to make a good impression.
"Arch-Wizard.." The lady said.
"Excuse me!" I didn't understand what she wanted to say.
"Lady Nurina or Arch-Wizard Nurina. She's not some friend of yours, student." The lady said in a scolding tone.
I could hear Jullanar giggling, this damn scoundrel. My smile turned into a crumbled one.
Good impression they said! I think this is what we call a disaster impression.
"Ehem! Excuse my rudeness for not introducing myself." I kept my polite attitude, "I am her adopted son."
The lady got taken aback, she looked at me up and down. I was wearing my travel pants and a grey shirt with the new 'Student' sleeveless robe as well as my Skyforge Saber.
"You are Jon?" She asked. Looks like I am kinda famous nowadays.
"Yes I a..." I was saying 'Yes I am Jon' but I suddenly got hugged, by that lady. It was a fast hug but she got back and held my shoulders.
"So it's you, we were waiting, Nurina told me so much about you." Her irritated look turned 180° degrees to beams of sparkle. This was fast even on Jullanar's crazy standards.
"I'll tell her you came, hurry in!" She ran inside smiling.
For a second I felt my confidence getting a blow rather than being moved by the hug. I was using my charms yet for some reason this woman was moved by the fact I am Nurina's son. This is tough!
I took a breath to calm myself but I remembered Jullanar who was laughing at me, let's see how she looks now.
As expected, she was taking some time to comprehend what happened.
"Hehehe!" I giggled and slipped the finger at her.
Going through the door, I could see a beautiful entrance way with flower pots on each side, walking ahead and turning slightly to the right was a large room full of furniture.
It has a big round window that its bars were shaped into the insignia of the college.
The room had three beautiful ladies. The one I just met and a Faralda who somehow magically merged into a helpless looking Nurina.
"What's up?" I said while grinning at Nurina.
Nurina expressions were dark and she looked at me while murmuring something.
"Huh! Sorry?"
"TRAITOR! SCOUNDREL! ...." A stream of cursing assaulted me alongside anything her hands could reach to throw at me.
"Laaneth! Hold him down!" Nurina said to the other Dunmer lady.
Her name was Laaneth, huh! Where did I hear that name before?
I have little recollection of the name, was she from a mod?
Never mind that now! I caught all the stuff Nurina threw at me.
The chaos continued for a while until Laaneth called it off. By some miracle, she could separate Faralda from Nurina. What a capable woman!
"Can you act with some sanity around here?" She was also scolding Faralda.
"I am taking 15 years worth of snuggle. With interest!" Faralda was still ready for another round as for Nirina who ran behind some table. Never seen that side of hers before!
"Look now! We have some students here, act with some dignity." Laaneth gave a lecture, "Now, you have a report to write and a class to manage. Let's go before Mirabelle joins the mess."
The very capable Laaneth dragged Faralda out and left the chambers. Who remained were me, Nurina and Jullanar who just followed in.
"Stinkin brat! You sell I, your old mother out to that walking tower of snuggling and come to laugh at it." Nurina was glaring at me.
I could help but smile wryly, she became lively again.
"Seriously you can't blame me. I mean, she was sniffing after you in the corridor, you should have covered your scent." I said that after looking around for a place to sit.
"Sigh! This is my fault." Nurina shivered when I said the thing about Faralda tracking her by scent.
"How did you guys get along that well anyway?" I asked helplessly.
Nurina looked at me then walked to a chair then sat while holding a mug. That's some coffee from the smell.
"Long ago before the great collapse, I was just a Scholar here and Faralda was a new student that came from Summerset." She said, "What do you think would make an Altmer girl leave her home that is famed for its magic and come to Skyrim?"
"Good weather! Friendly locals! Tasty food! ...." I started to mention Skyrim's features.
"Faralda had no class or status in Summerset. She was talented but poor as most of the students who come here." Nurina said, "I taught her and she was a good learner so I doted her for a while, maybe more than I should. Never thought she would be a pervert."
Hmmm! It's okay as long as nothing weird is involved.
"So why did you leave her with no connection for 15 years." I asked.
"I went for Riften to test some spells with some of the Hags who followed the 'Old Ways' for many years. I wanted to reach a way to find the 'Soul Cairn' and conjure creatures from it but I was delayed when some friend asked me to adopt you." She said.
This is the first time she speaks about my adoption.
"But why did you work in an orphanage then?" I was curious.
"I told you before. No one would suspect the friendly orphanage headmistress to be a mage on a fieldwork." She said. "Back then, was a post-war period and any stranger was being suspected of being a spy."
Hmmm! She is right.
"Anyway, who is that girl?"
"That's Jullanar, I hired her to be my maid."
Nurina raised her brows, "Really? How did you meet her?"
"She was an assassin hired to kill me by Sibbi Black-Briar."
Nurina lagged, she looked at the girl the glared at her, I could feel Jullanar shuddering from the killing aura Nurina made just now.
"You don't need to be like that. You see, things happened like this..." And I started telling her about what happened in Solitude.
After listening, Nurina was amazed more.
"You killed an assassin, killed three thugs and then killed Sibbi son of Maven." Nurina exclaimed, "Boy! I look away from you and you already killed some people and lost your virginity. Mama approves!"
Thank you! I was appreciating her approval but something felt wrong.
"Ehem! What is that thing about my virginity?" I felt like I heard the word.
"Stinkin brat! You thought I wouldn't notice." Nurina smiled evilly at me, "We'll talk about that! Alone!"
Crap! This won't end well. Just like that time when I held Akara's tail.
"Anyway, I brought you the stuff you needed. Jull, bring it in."
Jullanar took the chance to escape from Nurina's presence.
After a while of talking. Nurina already made me confess everything. She was impressed by the 'Magicka Cultivation' but said it would need a lot more than just that to be an effective training.
"So, what do you research now?" I asked to get some space from her questions.
"Hmm! Did you see Laaneth just now? She is our Mysticism department new addition and will be your teacher! I let her see some of your ideas and she took a liking to them." Nurina said, "We started a little project on some documents our friends have 'liberated' from an old research facility that belonged to Lord Corvus Direnni."
"Corvus Direnni!" I was amazed and stood up, "The famous conjurer from the First Era? The first mage to combine the 'Bound' and 'Conjure' aspects in one spell." I yelled.
"That's him." Nurina joined my excitement, "We are going through his documents but it's heavily coded. The best one I know who can solve codes is you. Ready for what's coming?"
"Just say it!" I was dying from anticipation.
"These documents may contain his work of forcing the Atronachs to take different forms." Nurina said.
Every conjurer heard the stories of Lord Corvus Direnni summoning Atronachs in the shape of a horse, a camel or even a bear.
"So you are saying that we can finally change the Atronachs to any form we like?" I asked.
"Do you have a form in mind?" Nurina asked.
This will be crazy!
Sorry for the late update! Had some stuff! Vote and do all the stuff of everyday.
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[A/N: The Chapter will be edited later.]
It was not as fun as I thought.
Solving the code of these hurdles of paper is a pain.
These papers were written hundreds of years ago. The language itself was different, and the magic was not theorized as today's magic.
There are a lot of aspects that changed with the upgrade of every theory, something like understanding magnetism, gravity, the laws of matter and energy and all that.
The my 'One School' theory is based on the latest scientific understanding of the mundane world of 'Earth'. I am not familiar with science very well but I read a lot of sci-fi fictional works and I have a general understanding for some big theories. This is why I made big progress in the art of Magic.
For some time now, I was arguing with Nurina over many aspects and I even won against her few times.
In my opinion, the aspects of magic are similar to the table of elements, one can imagine how many magics with how many uses can be made.
In my 'One School' theory, I reversed the process that was done by Arch-Mage Vanus Galerion, founder of the Mages Guild.
He basically took inspiration from the categorization that was done by Arch-Mage Shalidor and laid the first aspects of the schools of magic as we know today.
He was a Psijic so he knew more about the aspects than anyone outside the Order. The Psijics themselves don't follow anything other than the 'Mysticism'. Which means that the possibility of them having something similar to the 'One School' theory is high.
I, myself speculated a new aspect for they gravitational forces and called it the 'Aspect of Magnetism'. It's nothing complete yet but if my calculations are correct, I may create the perfect 'Force Field Shield' or maybe a 'Hover' enchantment and a spell.
The current barriers fall under what is called aspect of 'Physiokinesos' such like 'Stoneskin'.
The reason why Vanus Galerion didn't put all what he knew into Mysticism was for one of two reasons; maybe he didn't want to teach the secrets of the Psijic Order which he abandoned to the world or what he learned didn't exceed what he passed down.
Still, the paper in front of me had strange aspects or I am not translating it very well. Maybe both, maybe it's part of the code.
Looking at the window, I saw the sun was already setting and my work didn't advanced beyond the first page.
Nurina was reading some tomes about the aspects to help me translate them. Laaneth came back a while ago and started to teach Jullanar's magical ability after Nurina's request.
Nurina also decided that Jullanar will remain with her until I get my own room. She was not treating Jullanar with goodwill as it seems that she doesn't trust her. She only wants to judge her for now.
This was actually my reason for bringing Jullanar along. Nurina has a soft spot for children and maybe find a way to fix the girl, mental or physically.
"I am tired!" Something leaked out of my mouth and it was the truth.
"Go ahead and have rest." Nurina said, "Come tomorrow, I'll bring you some books from the Arcanaeum."
Such a kind mother you are, Nurina!
"I remember some titles about the old theories, they'll help you translate faster."
How cold!
"I want to study for that exam, you know."
"You think you are allowed to do bad?"
Ugh!! Why am I being given that look.
I stood and went out of that room, too many Dunmer nerds in one place.
This tower was lovely unlike the normal dorms and I saw many scholars here and there, fighting over theorical knowledge.
I am still exhausted so I better head out to sleep in the dorm now.
Putting will into action, I went out of the 'Hall of Countenance' and took left to walk away just to crush into someone followed by the sound of something dropped.
"Hey! Watch it!" The person who crash into me has a very rough voice, somewhat scared me but I looked at him. Apparently that was the Orc boy who was doing some metalworking earlier.
"I am sorry, I was absent minded." I made an apology and looked to see what fell on the ground and it was some paper.
To show the apology in a time like this, one must help collecting the paper.
"I am so sorry, I was very into deep thinking just now, here you go." I helped the boy to collect his stuff, but my eye fell on a certain paper.
It had a weird drawing on it.
What was that? Some sort of clock or compass!
"Excuse me but you are not supported to see that. Club members only." The Orc bou voice can awaken the dead in Oblivion, dammit! Don't you listen to yourself?
"I am sorry! My curiosity took the best of me." I said as I was planning to question that guy about the sketch, "My name is Jon."
We shook hands as we introduced ourselves.
"What is that device?"
"Device huh! Don't you see a compass?"
"Please don't insult me! That is no compass! It have to many details and numerical markings to be one."
"Hehe! So you can get it huh?" Morbagog smiled and said, "These are club secrets. I won't say even if you are the Arch-Mage himself."
Huhu! Now I won't leave until I know.
"What is that club thing?"
"Oh! Well, every group of apprentices can form a small community and contribute together as a team. You look like a new student around here so I'll tell you....."
This was what one could expect!
Some people can't contribute alone so they work in teams. After all the manpower a team can provide is much higher than one person.
There are many teams for various activities, normally Alchemy Enchanting and Research teams are the the popular ones. The students of the Security team are also a club made by the college itself and granted the duties, their contributions are about how long and how good their record is so they are very strict all the time.
"And your club is about machinery?" I asked.
"Yes it is. The club is led by a Nord teacher named Eliel." Morbagog said, "We are the smallest club but we will never be looked down upon."
I salute your spirit!
Looks like his club is not doing anything useful though!
"Can I take a look at your club!" I asked.
"Eh! Normally you can. But students can't join. You guys should study for the rank up!" He said an looked disheartened.
"I am a student until next week!" I said full of confidence.
"Pretty confident, eh?" Morbagog looked at me up and down, "Fine! You can follow. But remember, only those with true passion for creativity are allowed to join."
What a lame phrase! I am just curious.
"Come! This way!" Morbagog walked and I tagged along.
Let's see what will he show me!
Following Morbagog, we arrived at the gate that leads to the circular courtyard of the college.
I never went there before but it looked pretty. Two buildings around the central 'Magicka Focus Point' and the Statue of Shalidor, but the weather was freezing.
Morbagog led me to the building on the left, he pushed the door open and I followed.
A curve corridor we were in with plants and herbs on its wall, moss and mushrooms were being grown here too.
Sunlight was provided by a spell called 'Magelight', it gave off light and magical radiance that has a similar effect to sunlight.
As we walked we reached some stairs that took us underground. Another floor emerged and Morbagog hurried my to a room on the side.
"I am back! Someone is coming with me!" Morbagog said as I walked in.
I saw another three people in there, they all looked busy with their stuff.
A panther like large Khajiit boy holding a strange spooky blade like thing.
A Redguard hot girl looking at a machine that producing flame.
A very pure looking Nord girl with platinum hair who was looking at a book with a red face and a not so good smile.
This looked like the weirdest gathering ever. A Khajiit, an Orc, A Redguard and a Nord.
Morbagog cleared his voice and spoke, "This is our club's secret lair. The guy over there is Mahran. He is a big and silent Cathy-Raht and he is an Apprentice with some background in Dwemer engineering. He is obsessed with evil looking killing machines but he is a good hearted fellow."
"This is Yisra, a Apprentice Redguard as you see, she is fond of anything that has to do with fire, but she is a good hearted fellow."
[A/N: Yisra appeared in the game buy was already dead.]
"This is teacher Eliel, one of the youngest scholars with many worthless contributions. She likes booze and researchs on a magic that makes people nude, but she is a good hearted fellow."
"Finally, I am Morbagog son of Margabrog, I am the twentieth child of my father so I left and wandered for two years until I found the college, I am an apprentice who is fond of machines, and also.."
"Let me guess! 'A good heated fellow'." I interrupted him because my head has its fill of his deep rough voice.
"Haha! You got it fast!"
Oblivion! This is a messed up club.
A serial killer Khajiit, an arsonist Redguard,a perverted Nord and an airheaded Orc.
The three looked at me and stopped what they were doing. The Scholar Eliel stood and looked at me.
Morbagog spoke again, "This is Jon, he maybe a student until the end of the week but when he saw the sketch of the Magicka Calculator project and made a close guess about it, he also looked like an good hearted fellow."
The trio seemed raised their brows.
"Welcome student, I am Eliel the club manager. Don't let the club appearance worry you. We are a legit club. We are a research club that is specialized in machines, we may lose in numbers but our spirits are strong."
She made a speech full of spirit. Mahran and Yisra looked away not interested in what she was about to say.
"Club rules are simple; as long are you are free thinker, creative and machines lover then you are welcome in our ranks." She finished her short show then made some puppy eyes, "Please join us!"
These are some serious puppy eyes but who is she using it on? The cat lover overlord.
"I'll think about it!"
"Tch!" Eliel clicked her tongue and sat back on her seet.
Morbagog cleared his voice and was about to speak but I jumped away scared from the sound he made.
"Hehe! Sorry.. Truth is, we need a fifth member or we will be disbanded, I thought you have a good brain for machinery so I invited you here."
"This one thinks you need to take a look around first." Mahran spoke, "Feel free to ask about our personal projects."
"So what do you guys do?" I asked immediately.
"I am working on a highly flammable project to fill dungeon with gas and kill all the vermin dwelling in." Yisra said without looking away, she was standing on some alchemy station behind Eliel's chair.
She'll kill herself one day with something similar.
"I work on the main team project for now, the one you saw on the sketch. As well as my stall." Morbagog said.
"This one thinks that the Dwemer could have done a better job with their machines. I am adding some ideas on a model to make it a hundred times more deadly." That was Mahran.
That is one hopeless team!
"What about miss Eliel?" I asked.
"Huff! Huff! Heh heh! I am working on a spell that makes everyone nude, as well as the main project." She said.
This girl is dangerous!
But I couldn't help but look at the runes of the spell she was Sketching.
Spells are made of Magical Energy called Magicka that is shaped into the 'Runic Circle' or 'Magic Circle' that gives birth to the spell.
Similar to the 'Rune Spells' from the game, this was the main idea behind the magic.
The runes she made were a total mess, a strange mess with a chaotic appearance but they seemed familiar.
The book I read this morning has the same chaotic feeling.
"Can you explain what are thesr runes here and here about?" I asked with the thickest skin I have.
Prying into another mage's business is impolite but I feigned the ignorance of the students.
"So you are interested in making people nude as well? Of course it is like this....."
Eliel didn't mind at all and started explaining.
What was that?! This girl is a genius!
Her brain worked around many aspects as if she was thinking like a cyclone. These chaotic runes started to look very beautiful. I was being illuminated by that perverted girl!
Even though she was a pervert, she spoke in a very accurate manner when it came to the spell.
Her explanation pulled Morbagog and Mahran to stand beside me in front of her, Yisrs remained behind Eliel busy in her world.
After she finished, I looked at her and was in wondering.
"Miss Eliel, you are one big nerd!" I said that while admiring her perverted work.
"Ehehe!" She smiled and puffed her flat chest, she was standing but I noticed she was a shorty for a Nord.
"Only problem is, to make people go nude you need to cast a lingering effect on a dead object which is their like clothes, if you do it like that that's fine but the amount of control you need is unfathomable. I saw teacher Mirabelle cast a similar spell this morning and it was impressive."
"Sigh! I know I know. How frustrating! My control was never my best quality!"
Morbagog scared us with his voice again, "I am sure you will do it, big sister won't give up!"
Mahran who was standing beside me was sighing and shaking his head.
"Ok ok! Don't shout Morbagog, don't shout!" Eliel was calming down the Orc boy.
"Shout! Huh!" And idea came to me.
"What did you say Jon?" Eliel heard me.
"I say teacher! Maybe a spell would be hard but what if it was a 'Shout', a 'Thu'um'?" I said my mind.
"Eh? That's a good idea! But the Thu'um needs years of practice and it's not known if there is a word for 'Nude' in the dragon language."
Oh! About that! I researched about that long time ago when I tried to make my own shouts.
From my past life there were people who research the dragon language on a website and came up with thousands of words.
I also thought about a shout with the same function, if I remember correctly then it was 'Vokaraas Liinus Nunt', which meant 'Undress Sexy Nude'.
"I think I know a word that means 'undress'." I said.
The four people freaked out. That was a Thu'um after all.
"Truth be said, I researched something on my own and made it to this word."
I took a paper and drew the dragon runes on it and translated it for them.
"This is the word!" I handed the paper to Eliel, "It's read 'Vokaraas', V O K A R Aa S, seven dragon runes as you see."
Morbagog and Mahran stood beside of me in awe, Yisra stood behind Eliel looking at the word.
Eliel was looking at the word as if she was imprinting it in her brain. Her breathing became heavier and things got dangerous.
I only gave her the word to repay her on the favor she did to me, I now can finish the work with Nurina before the exam.
"How does people shout?" Mahran asked.
"To shout you need to fully understand the word and it's runes, you need to have the strongest imagination in your head about the effect you are about to cause. Last step is to focus your vital essence into a Shout." That was pretty much it.
"Vokaraas!" Eliel said.
"Yes, that's how it is pronounced!" That was a splendid pronunciation indeed.
"Vokaraas!" She said again.
"Good luck! Keep practicing."I said.
"Vokaraas!" She was still saying it.
"Big sister, are you okay?" Morbagog felt something was wrong.
"Huff! Huff! Hehehe!" Eliel stated to make weird voices. I had a bad premonition but, alas.....
I was too late.
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