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[Patre0n latest chapter: 587]
It was a moment of worry and fear when Jonrad and Princess Roselle Barynia realized that this Gala is a sweet death trap for basically all the key figures in Wayrest.
Yet all of sudden, Roselle jumped on Jonrad and started kissing him passionately then turned around while still locked into him putting her back against a wall and using Jonrad's large body as cover.
"Holy moly sweet kaboly! What was that?" Jonrad was almost freaking out and experiencing an incredible stiffy.
"Shush! Keep acting." Princess Roselle signaled for him to continue.
"… Why not?"
Jonrad noticed the Princess focusing on something behind him and only needed him to act as a cover. He didn't mind it at all either and dug right in.
"This was fast! Normally with a title this cheesy, the cheese comes later in the chapter." (Jon)
"What can I say, your father is just this good." (Jonrad)
From the angle she was positioning herself in, Princess Roselle could spot out a certain High Elf.
"That is Arenthil Wethrin, the host of this Gala and one of the two who kidnapped me." She said.
Jonrad barely turned to get the looks of the man right and nodded.
"Should we eliminate him?"
"In this crowd? It will be meaningless. We will view ourselves as criminals attacking a man in his own house and then we will have to stop the attack on the people gathered here which only he can call off as far as I am aware." She said in an agonized tone before covering her face with Jonrad's.
Lord Arenthil Wethrin passed right behind Jonrad and seemed to have noticed the noble lady getting intimate with a male prostitute quite openly which made him give off a burst of dirty laughter before urging the gathering to have fun.
"I'm confused, should we focus on surveillance or intimacy?" Jonrad asked.
Princess Roselle looked at him shocked for why he was asking about such a thing only to realize that she has been stuck against a man for too long causing him to get rather frustrated down there.
"I will reward you handsomely as long as you keep this between us." She said in an attempt to keep what's left of her royal dignity with him.
"Oh! It is between us alright. I am just wondering where or how it will get… ehem… resolved, that's all." He said with a cheeky face.
"Alright. Just keep the reward on your mind for now and eyes on the prize." She said.
He kept looking at her.
She pointed towards Lord Arenthil.
"Oh! That prize." Jonrad turned away.
Going as far as taking a leap of faith from the throat of the world, Glymet had to venture in Wayrest all to the Barracks of the Order of the Hour looking for his target, Head Knight Markam Hawksmire.
Finally, he managed to track down a high trace of activities for the Knights near the Harbor of Wayrest and lo and behold, Markam Hawksmire amidst his men preparing a ship to sail. Markam walked down from the ship and started bringing some of his men towards the city as he watched for prying eyes before speaking to them.
"This Kingdom has long since forsaken the Light of Akatosh. Brothers, the nobles have gathered in an estate not far from here and started raving, drinking and fornicating while the people suffer. On top of that, the King paid no heed to our pleas, the pleas of his people and has even turned his back against his nobles. This is no longer a functioning country and you all know it. People die on the streets like rats, the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. What we are going to do today is a purge… Brother Arenthil, the Lord of that Estate over there has gathered all the corrupt nobles he can in one place. We are going to enter the estate, kill anything that walks on two and get out in five minutes. Don't let your identities be revealed. In 15 minutes, we will be taking the ship out of this city. No one will know we were even here."
Glymet may have heard one of the most sinister plans he ever came across. The temple of Akatosh is surely formed of commoners and they grow up with strong prejudice against the rich and corrupt like most of Wayrest's High Society.
It is no secret that the corrupt aristocrats are struggling against the king but this rash action means that Wayrest will be crippled and no one will be able to control the mobs. Looting, stealing and instability will be the fate of this place.
Between doing his job properly and saving the city, Glymet was once again put in a choice the same as 13 years ago.
"A Martyr it is."
In an act of heroism, Glymet was about to unsheath his flaming sword and do the magic he swore not to do ages ago but in an instant…
The Estate which the Knights were aiming to attack had exploded.
Not entirely… but still, a large explosion came from there and a large portion of its outer wall was brought down. The Nobles and their guards started running for it and the Knights were panicking whether or not to go after them.
Meanwhile, Glymet just stared at the explosion with a tired face.
"Sigh! Nothing goes according to plan… ever?"
At that moment, Markam Hawksmire started coming up with a Plan B hastily and decided to block the escape route for the nobles under the pretext of securing the city from a possible attack while instigating the angry mobs to gather and kill the nobles.
The plan almost worked as the security around him lessened only to find a black-robed man with a golden katana standing in his way. Glymet finally trapped Markam Hawksmire.
"The Assassins! They have found me! To arms men."
Five minutes ago in the Estate. Jonrad and Princess Roselle Barynia had been searching every nook and cranny for evidence incriminating Lord Arenthil Wethrin.
"We found nothing." She said.
"Of course we didn't. A man like that won't shit where he eats." Jonrad replied.
"Ugh! I can believe I kissed you." She said with a disgusted face, "Aside from bad language, do you have anything useful to add?"
Jonrad thought for a while before coming up with a reckless plan.
"How cowardly are the nobles of your kingdom?" He asked.
"You have no idea." She replied with a mocking tone.
"Good! We will frame Arenthil Wethrin."
"You confront him like a galant Princess with your knights… I will…" Jonrad looked around, "… be on the fireworks."
One feels that one is in a modern city when one visits Wayrest, but there is magic in the air that could only come from centuries of civilization. But tonight, it was all about barbarism and chaos.
Leave a man hungry and he will learn how to look for food. Leave a man hungry, oppressed and poor and he will turn into a beast the moment he sees the opportunity.
Wayrest's poor folk have been sleeping on empty bellies for months and the prices of food were at an all-time high thanks to the heavy taxations and the ridiculous monopoly on necessary products. The middle class could always manage but it is mostly the low class in the urban areas that keeps increasing in both numbers and suffering.
Thus when the Knights started blocking the streets and the explosion went off in a rich folk's party, all the people ran towards it instead of running from it.
It was at this time when looting and stealing food was an opportunity.
Amidst the crowd, Jonrad and the Royal Knights managed to secure a safe escape for Princess Roselle away from the mayhem.
"This was… too risky." The Princess said with a pale face.
"Don't blame me. Your nobles are alive, the people will get all that food in the estate and we will catch the traitor. Everybody benefits." Jonrad said as he helped the Princess into her carriage.
"Sir Jonrad, I have one last request." The Princess said.
"I know. I will catch Lord Arenthil." Jonrad nodded.
"Thank you. Take an attachment of the Knight with you."
"By your orders."
Jonrad watched the carriage leave to safety first and the knights that stayed behind with him were his only backup.
And the chase began…
On the other side of town, a flaming blade scorched the air and earth as it consumed three of the Knights of the Order of the Hour in an instant. The cloaked man was advancing nonstop towards Head Knight Markam and his remaining forces as the fires of mayhem started catching up all over the city.
"KILL THE ASSASSIN!" The Knight shouted as an attachment of archers came to his aid while he made a run for it towards the ship.
The sound of iron clashing drew ever closer and on the pier just ahead of him, the Knight was met with a Nobleman descending from a carriage with his face sunken pale.
"Lord Arenthil!"
"Head Knight! The plan has failed."
"No shit? The city's already lit ablaze."
"It doesn't matter either way. We must leave now."
The Nobleman and the Knights joined together with the last of their remaining men as a group of conspirators and boarded the ship ready to leave the Kingdom of Wayrest. It was almost achievable… almost if not for the fact that the moment they stepped on the ship, they found that all their sailors and associates on-board were already wiped out.
Two men stood amidst the bodies one leaning on the mast and the other on the rear deck. Each of them was eyeing the group of conspirators like wolves picking out the fattest sheep in the flock.
"I say this is a good day's work, Jonrad."
"True. I'm still taking this Elf alive though."
"As long as I take the knight's head."
"All yours."
"And the screams of death and agony filled the air." Jonrad said proudly.
"I thought this was going to be inspirational." Isha complained.
"I got inspired." Jullanar disagreed with Isha.
"But Uncle, were you doing all that while wearing the tight leather pants?" Wulfur finally asked the right questions.
"With pride! They came handy later that evening, I tell you." Jonrad smiled.
Meanwhile, Jon sighed for his wasted evening.
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[Patre0n latest chapter: 587]
Read Early Content on Patre0n. Also consider Commenting and Joining Discord all on this URL:
[Patre0n latest chapter: 588]
Days have passed since that night in Wayrest, months even. Jonrad and Glymet were still meeting every few days to discuss things and each would go back to his business.
Glymet was still on the contract of Uther Nere, he succeeded in joining the Dark Brotherhood's branch in Wayrest and climbed up the ranks by gaining the trust of its members. The story which he based his reasoning on is that he wishes to find a killer that caused him a lot of pain or whatever, it worked splendidly since the Brotherhood Assassins loved stories of revenge.
On the other hand, Jonrad was in a contract with Princess Roselle Barynia. He may have been a Mercenary but he revealed to her that he is a former Blade Agent, a Knight Commander at that. His high skills were very attractive to a person of power like the Princess and he got assigned to her details right away. At night, he was allowed into the Royal Library in order to research the lost Magic he was looking for and he made great progress in the field yet not that much. Still, he kept using the pretext of researching in order to sneak away with the Princess for different kinds of intimate studies.
Life was almost quiet and calm… almost. Peace wasn't a thing that Jonrad and Glymet were ever used to and one day, the whole thing collapsed.
A Pirate Armada was blocking the waters in front of Wayrest and the Royal Galleons were sunk in an hour.
Screams, fires, panic and chaos. Wayrest descended into madness.
Once the pirate landed, they started killing, looting and kidnapping. The Knights of the Hour were weakened not long ago, the Royal Knights were few, the Nobles were the first to escape but the most shameful of all was the King of Wayrest, King Jelric Barynia.
The King closed off the city walls to the refugees from the suburbs and the nearby towns. He then closed the gates of his castle in the face of civilians.
One of the darkest days has cast its shadow over the ancient city.
No one knew why it started but it slowly got under Jonrad's skin. He knew why, he understood the role he played too soon and for that, he decided to do something as fast as possible.
His Sixth Labour was just delivered to him by that old Redguard known as Hafiz and he was grinding his teeth. He knew playing in Boethiah's palm would end up badly but all he thought of was himself. That's why he refused to return to Skyrim, not to get his loved ones get involved in these Labours but he never imagined that he would get the whole damn Kingdom of Wayrest involved.
"I must do something." That's all he could think of.
People like Jonrad were mostly reliant on their ability but against odds that they can't change, an army for example, things would never go their way. The moment he stepped out of his residence to help defend the city and its people was the minute where he felt truly lost.
Where to begin? How to deal with this?
If he kept running around killing every pirate he comes across without getting overwhelmed with numbers, he may actually finish off the entire armada with his skill but that's just wishful thinking. He calmed down and thought about what's more important to him.
Princess Roselle and Glymet.
Glymet is more than capable of taking care of himself, more to it, that bastard can even predict and foresee patterns of the future, he won't be in any trouble. The Princess, on the other hand, is going to need all the help she can get especially when she has a large target on her back.
The Princess is a sure target for the Pirates and the Royal Family is holed up in their castle ordering their soldiers to shoot at anything that moves near their palace. However, Jonrad knew of a secret way that the Princess revealed to him in the library.
He sped towards the palace and took the road from the garden to a hidden tunnel near a fountain. There, he came across a servant he's familiar with.
"Sidd." Jonrad called.
"M- Master Jonrad. I bid you welcome." The neatly dressed highly sophisticated middle-aged servant spoke as he bowed.
"What on Nirn are you doing outside the Palace? Oblivion is breaking loose in the city." Jonrad asked.
"I am sorry, Master Jonrad. I truly am." The servant said with an apologetic tone and turned his face away.
And in an instant, a sharp projectile broke the air at a terrifying speed towards Jonrad's head. Being the man he is, Jonrad moved like a sabercat and avoided the projectile then in the following second he evaded two more projectiles and started running towards the sources of these bolts.
The first was an assassin hidden in a tree holding a crossbow. The poor man didn't last one exchange before getting his head flying off its base by Jonrad's accurate swordplay.
The next two assassins tried to take distance but Jonrad closed on one of them and completely dispatched her by cutting her from the shoulder to the waist. Not even in the mood to chase off the third Assassin, Jonrad cast a [Fireball] and turned the Assassin to crisp.
All who remained were the servant and naturally, a coward like him would spill out the identity of who ordered a hit on him.
"I don't know… I don't know anything." The man waved his hands as he took a few steps away.
"I am not interested in what you don't know." Jonrad crouched in front of the begging servant, "I am interested in what you know."
"No… I don't…" The servant tried to deny.
"Shush! Quiet." Jonrad shushed him then took out a liquor flask from his pocket, "I am going to share something with you. Something personal."
He opened the flask and smelled its liquor.
"Colovian Wine, year 134's pick. Not something cheap." Jonrad said as he handed it to the servant, "You understand me, right?"
The old man shivered from how calm and collected Jonrad seemed like the city behind him burned. He knew there is no way out and the man in front of him is not someone that should have been messed with. He took the flask and drank a big sip before handing it back to Jonrad.
"Who ordered the hit?" Jonrad asked.
"His Grace… King Jelric." The servant said.
"You… you are dangerous. The Princess relies on you. It will… cause problems." The servant calmed down gradually saying so.
"And where is the Princess?"
"She's… She's at Ray Square… securing reinforcement for the defenders."
"I see. So the King is working against the Princess, his daughter. Roselle didn't mention any of this." Jonrad thought, "Anything else you like to share?"
The servant shivered again knowing that his moment arrived.
"Just… kill the bastard. Make it hurt." He said in a last act of courage.
And the servant's head rolled down.
"Hmmm!" (Jon)
"What's wrong?" (Jonrad)
"Nothing. Imma just write that last part down." (Jon)
Understanding that there is even a fracture between the King and the Princess, Jonrad soon started to have an image of what's happening.
He knew the Princess quite well and he was sure that despite how lavish and cunning she is, her heart belongs to Wayrest and its people of all classes. The King was someone who ruled by dividing his people against each other thus breaking the strength of his nation apart in order to beat his political rivals.
It is strange to imagine that the Princess and the King are a father and daughter but that's the case either way and despite all, they cared for each other.
No matter the situation, Jonrad rushed to where the Princess was to offer help.
Earlier this week, Glymet received a hit order from the Dark Brotherhood. As an elite member, this was one of the most difficult hits ever issued to this branch. Naturally, it was handed to him.
The trust he accumulated among the assassins in this sanctuary was at an all-time high and he managed to gain access to many details and knowledge about the other sanctuaries but never the identity or the location of the Listener. This contract in particular would allow him to rise up as high as a Nail to the Black Hand, meaning he would work as a special agent to one of the five ruling figures of the Dark Brotherhood.
Whoever his target is, it had to die tonight yet for Corsairs to invade now of all times!
The Target was King Jelric Barynia and it had to be done as fast as possible in order to escape Wayrest. Also, Jonrad has access to the palace so that will surely come in handy.
The plan deviated a little bit when Glymet arrived at the city gate and found it being assaulted by Pirates. On top of it, the guards were blocking not only the raiders but also the helpless refugees.
A fight broke out and Glymet held the gate until the citizens closed it then went in looking for Jonrad. Knowing that his friend hangs most of the time with the Princess, he headed towards the Palace and there he found Jonrad escorting the Princess around.
"We can't let my father cower in his Throne Room more than that. Everything is falling apart and all he cares about is plotting to murder my friends. What is he thinking?" Roselle walked ahead of Jonrad.
"What you did in the Plaza just now was brave enough. Freeing the political prisoner surely rallied a lot of resistance and granting freedom to the criminal who wishes to fight is truly going to make a difference. Still, the King is the only one who can ruin our efforts." Jonrad complained.
"It saddens me but father no longer fits his throne. The main reason why the people and the nobles are divided is because of him."
"Still, today you took an admirable step princess. No one realized that the prison which was packed with nobles and common folk alike to be the solution to this mess. They are already fighting the pirates but all they need is a defined and present leadership and you showed them that."
"Thank you, Jonrad."
Glymet almost puked of how intimate Jonrad and the Princess were talking to each other but as they were all on their own in the way, he decided to show himself.
"And who in the name of Dagon are you?" The Princess turned at the man who walked out of the garden trees raising her staff at him.
"Jonrad." He spoke.
"Glymet." Jonrad nodded to him causing the Princess to aim away her staff while Jonrad explained, "This is the friend I spoke about, the one that is good at infiltrating."
"I heard much about you." The Princess said, "Jonrad said you are a war hero, I hope you lend us your skill."
"Yes but… Jonrad, Princess, the palace was overtaken by Pirates." Glymet informed them about the result of scouting the palace.
"No way!" The Princess was shocked.
"It makes sense now." On the other hand, Jonrad was thinking of something else entirely, "Why exactly are you here, Glymet?"
"I have been hired by someone to come here." Glymet didn't reveal that he has a hit order on the King but said it in a way that only Jonrad would understand.
"It seems that we have the same goal." Jonrad nodded.
The King tried to kill him earlier and there is no reason to let him off. Also, Jonrad's Sixth Labour was to kill the King. If not for his relationship with the Princess, he would have done it a week ago. Sadly, time has run out.
"I smell the blood in your words."
Yet who were they trying to keep in the dark? The Princess could tell that the two men were in the psyche of killing and that meant her plans to peacefully force her father to abdicate are no longer an option.
"Princess, I for once am willing to negotiate with the King first." Glymet said.
"I know the King is not the one to choose peaceful options but I will follow your plan." Jonrad said.
"I understand."
The Princess smiled but she had to agree with Jonrad. Forcing the King doesn't mean killing him and now that he's in the hands of the Pirates, his position is very weak.
But she knew how it was going to end.
A Regicide… a Patricide… the Reign of Queen Roselle Barynia had to start bloody.
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[Patre0n latest chapter: 588]
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