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68.57% Dragonborn Saga / Chapter 514: Dragon Rising (6)

Chapitre 514: Dragon Rising (6)

*A Year Ago*

Before all Creation, Fate was already sat in stone and all Worlds were to emerge from Chaos and fall to it then reemerge again for the final Apocalypse.

Chaos comes in many forms and through many ways but those forms all have one source. A source that influences the whole universe beyond what any Daedra or Aedra can achieve. The source of Padomay and the form that Sithis was shaped in its shadow and molded into its frame, the Heart of Chaos.

Be it Evil, Death, Famine or War; the Heart of Chaos thrives on all these four aspects of disaster thus it is as Twisted as Evil, as Eternal as Death, as Terrifying as Famine, and most importantly as Unavoidable as War.

Throughout the ages, a few souls dared to venture this deep into the place where the Creator left his creation into its most primal form not as Cloven Asunder as all the Heavens and the Earths. It was a Sea of Chaos that no matter where one looks, it is darkness over darkness. To survive, Jon had to go through a tough choice.

For an unknowable time as time wasn't a thing in the Nu (the Sea of Chaos), Jon held Nefertiti close to himself as a simple try to escape has already exhausted her fully. There was no Magicka for the two to rely on except what is left inside their souls which without, they die. Jon did his best to keep them from disintegrating by the Chaos but he soon exhausted himself.

He may have just defeated Mannimarco and cast him inside the Void but one thing is certain and clear, Jon may have upset the balance and for it he paid a price. He can only hope for a savior to extend a hand to him. But deep into this endless void where even Sithis is nothing but one of its many extensions, who can save Jon and how much should he endure?

There was no answering this question but thanks for all the time he spent learning and researching, Jon decided to do something a sane person would never do.

He can seal himself in his own time. With [Greed] nearby, Jon created a Shadow Cocoon, an instrument of Time Manipulation. There, Jon sealed himself and Nefertiti amidst all chaos waiting for anyone or anything to get him out. He never cared about the price he must pay even if it is some Chaos Infection, he only wanted out.

Little did he know the shocking secret that was waiting for him.

[A/n: that part was just to clarify how Jon got the Chaos Infection. Still, that story will continue later.]


*Present Day*

Just like anything in the world, Chaos can be harnessed and despite being one of the most difficult elements in creation, it is undoubtedly the most powerful thing that can be controlled. Those who can minimize the harm of Chaos are the ones who can benefit from it the most and that's where Jon comes in.

Thanks to the [Mystical Tattoos] that Beth drew on him, Jon could channel a portion of that Chaos Infection into the tattoo and the result was like nothing anyone can expect.

A man made of flesh and bone holding the maws of a Beast identified as a Dragon and forcing them wide open.

The Altmer who was about to be devoured by the Dragon was saved and still, the man kept holding the Dragon's maws from each other. Nothing looked half as manly in the eyes of those gasping Nords. Even the Dragon was having a hard time believing he was forced into this situation.

The standoff between the Man and the Dragon came to an end when the dragon's inner throat lit with fire as he was breathing out a stream of flame. This was a show of power from the dragon that didn't need to use his mouthparts to use the Thu'um.

Jon's eyes turned cold as he reversed the situation right away, instead of forcing the dragon's jaws open, he forced them shut by holding the Dragon's head down to an eye-to-eye level. The black tattoos looked more vivid on his arms as he exerted their ability to its full potential in controlling the Chaos Infection.

The Dragon quickly regained control as he started pulling his head back out of Jon's reach.

The stalemate this time was between two terrifying creatures that were admitted by the ones surrounding them to be monsters of a different league and the two were also taking each other at the center of their full attention.

"You are brave, bahlaan hokoron (worthy opponent). Your defeat shall bring me honor." Mirmulnir spoke.

"I'll stone you to death, motherfucker!"

Jon's reply was followed by a kick to the side of the dragon's face sending the whole creature backward in a furious state. Jon wanted to keep attacking but after one step towards the Dragon, he lost power in his body and fell on one knee. At the same time, the black tattoo faded away and the Chaos Infection was deactivated.

"No! Dammit." Jon felt frustrated as his Chaos Boost seemed to have ended.

{Master! Your body can't endure more. This is bad for your heart.} A telepathic signal came from Beth who was watching from a safe distance.

Jon felt his heart which was beating so hard that it would come out of his chest at this rate, he could tell that he overused his core this time.

The Core of one's life is the Heart where the most vital Energy Points exist. The Heart is the gateway between the Body and the Soul. In Jon's case, his Training was now involving his Heart refining it into a Spiritual Spark, the condensed core of one's years of training. Despite all that, the Chaos Infection targeted the Heart in all manners of attacks and sought out to possess Jon but only for his willpower and luck was he able to survive and with the Mystical Tattoos he can even benefit from the Chaos parasite but as all powers, it comes with a price.

Utilizing the Chaos Infection would do him a lot of pain equal to what he causes. It is not a solid principal but the energy he spends through the Chaos is as troublesome as swallowing an egg through his nose. Still, it gives an overwhelming power enough to put injuries on a Dragon.

"He gets weaker after using that. Switch with him!" Mirren spoke to Wulfur as the latter was taking him away.

"You can't be serious!" Wulfur exclaimed.

He couldn't understand the reason behind that terrifying power but he sure felt it was unnatural and dark… darker than anything Jon used before but now as Jon was in trouble, he had to act.


Mirmulnir gave another searing breath with his pride hurt of Jon's kick but before the flames could reach the retreating Jon, a large lump of metal got between Jon and the Fire Breath. A majestic and towering shield adorned with enchanted Rubies held by one man standing strong to face the Dragon's ire.

"Vognun, pusojur!" (Disappear, insects!)

The Dragon's Fire could melt any metal in the world thus not any ordinary iron was to be used against those Dragons but Wulfur's Shield was no ordinary shield. Each one of the red rubies was an artifact of a terrifying might that can withstand the heaviest of magical blows. All these rubies were put on a pattern of an Enchantment Rune fortifying it even further to create a Shield fit for withstanding a Dragon's attack.

The craftsmanship left Jon himself in awe but he was surprised more by the man holding the shield and facing him.



The look on Wulfur's face was firm for a couple of seconds until he almost lost control over his shield.

"Shit! That's hot."

Jon sprung up and held the large shield with Wulfur as the two were being showered by the Dragon's breath.

"You Asshole! You said you don't want us to interact with you?" Wulfur shoved Jon with his elbow.

"Ouch! Sorry!"

"And what's with the face you're wearing. You think we can't recognize you just because you look like that?"

"I said sorry! And no, it is not like that."


"You bastard, hold your shield tight."

Jon took enough of Wulfur's upset attitude and gave him the shield to control. Meanwhile, he called out his Magicka and dual casted a Lightning Spell into the ground. Two lines of light appeared on the ground and traveled through it around Wulfur towards the Dragon from the two sides. Once they took enough distance, two streaks of Lightning came out at the Dragon's eyes from both sides.

"Vik!" (Damnation!)

Mirmulnir shrieked in pain as he was too invested in attacking Jon not realizing the dirty sneak attack Jon prepared. At that time, Mirmulnir started rampaging around to not get sneaked on by Jon. It was a chaotic situation but the warriors of Whiterun were handling it carefully.

Meanwhile, Jon and Wulfur appeared behind the Watchtower catching their breath as one rested on his knees while the other on the tower.

Jon looked up to see Wulfur's pained expressions after withstanding the dragon for that long, he smiled cheekily at Wulfur and the latter opened his eyes while looking at Jon with a tired face.

"Heh!" Jon gave off a short laugh.

Wulfur showed an upset face as he looked down only for his shoulders to start shaking.


The two started laughing hysterically holding one another.

"Fucker! It has been two years."

"Two fucking years and you come back with a Dragon! Hahaha! You twisted bastard."

"Yeah… heard you're a dad now."

"You heard right. I became a daddy before you."

"Asshole! Who do you think your daddy is?"

"… Nice comeback but the world is burning over there."

"Yeah… that's one big lizard with a severe case of inflammation."

"Very funny but jokes aside, how are you going to handle this?" Wulfur asked.

Jon was wrecking his brain over the current problem. The Dragon indeed has some unthinkable high firepower but that isn't the current problem, Jon can handle any kind of assault. The problem here was the Dragon's defensive power which was very troublesome. Any attack from those ones Jon dished out during the fight would turn a normal person to pieces but this dragon was simply too durable. Even Jon's magic couldn't blind him.

"I don't want to use my flashy stuff right at the get-go but I think I can kill this Dragon as soon as it is held down." Jon said.

"Held down? You can do that?" Wulfur asked.

"Me? Nope." Jon replied with a solemn face then smiled all of a sudden, "But I have a plan. Wanna see the new trick I learned?"


Tragedies and deaths were the current theme of Skyrim since the start of the Civil War earlier this year so the appearance of a Dragon marked an unwelcomed source of more death and destruction.

As brave and hardy the men were, it would be of great loss to see all those Warriors dying to this senseless fire breathing beast. Jarl Balgruuf solely believed in that and thankfully, many of the people around were level headed individuals who saw the horrors of the current war and wished to avoid the loss of life. If they died now then no one will defend Whiterun and all the women and children over there.

"Bring down this beast! Don't let it fly."

Hrongar shouted as he threw a hocked chain at the dragon's wings trying to entangle it through the soft scales of the wings only to find it almost impossible to hack. Frustrating as it was, the Warriors could only rely on the mages to limit the movements of the Dragon at the moment.


Mirmulnir was still enraged by Jon's spell that hit his eyes and stopped breathing fire, instead, he started trying to devour some of those warriors or hurt them with his wings and tail.

The tail attack would sweep through those warriors and flatten the weak of them but before he could turn and have his sick way with them, they get teleported away by someone.

To Mirmulnir, this was one of the most frustrating fights he ever had. Not only his opponents are absurdly strong but also absurdly resourceful. They were unable to harm him but they minimized his damage to a shaming degree. He may have killed ten or so warriors since the start but if it continues at this terrible pace, he would be shamed and become the laughingstock of the other Dov.

"Hi klav pah fen dir, STRUN BAH QO!" (You ants all shall die, STORM WRATH LIGHTNING!)

Enraged, Mirmulnir let out a terrifying shout. This was not a hunt anymore but Mirmulnir wanted to overkill those insolent prey that rudely resisted him for too long thus he called for a Storm to smite them down.

Not just an ordinary Thu'um but officially the most terrifying one known to date, a shout that shifts the weather in the middle of a cloudless summer day bringing the dreadful thunder.

The sky darkened with clouds of ire and rumbled with a drumming thunder ringing in the ears of those who heard it. This was a terrible disaster about to come at them. The first few rumbles were without lightning but with the magic taking its effect, a bolt of bright lightning flashed in the sky.

"Kyne! Hear my plea!"

As the men lowered their heads cowering from certain doom, one young woman stood her ground ahead of the lines facing the anger of the sky. She raised her staff and voiced out a prayer that defied the thunder. To her presence, the flashing lightning fell away from the crowd.

Alina was the Child of Kyne, the true Daughter of the Storm. No storm harms her and with her plea, Mirmulnir lost control of the storm that is now in the hands of Kyne.


Mirmulnir was now more frustrated than ever. It was too insulting for a Dragon to get his Thu'um interrupted for the second time. It was the time to put pride aside and spam all the Thu'um he can at the moment.



"Surprise, motherfucker!"

This was more surprising than the Dragon's storm just now, a boulder came flying and exploded at the Dragon's face.

Mirmulnir rolled his eyes realizing that the other annoying person from a while.ago has returned so he turned to Jon and released the Thu'um he successfully maintained.

"… SHUL!"

"Bastard! That's cheating." Jon didn't face the Fire Breath and turned to run as soon as he could.

"Another one!"


Another Boulder came flying out of nowhere and struck the Dragon right on the head. Mirmulnir stopped his Fire Breath and faced Wulfur in a second.

Wulfur froze in his place and pointed at Jon.

"His idea!"

Mirmulnir turned to Jon only to…


"That's the third one in a row. Sure you are a dragon?" Jon said.

"Joor, you are doome…"


"… Meow!" Nefertiti licked her paws at a safe distance.


Mirmulnir intercepted the coming boulder and avoided it.

"Ha! You won't hit me again." Mirmulnir spread his wings flinging away the boulder.

"Damn! So you can use your head after all! And here I was going to call you Meymulnir." (Mey = Fool)

"Joor, I'll devour your flesh and send your soul to my Lord. I'll hunt every last o…"


With Mirmulnir staying still to threaten Jon long enough, it gave the chance for the mages on Whiterun's side to evoke enough spell and keep them on hold. With that done, a barrage of Spells landed on Mirmulnir from all corners.


Enraged, the Dragon spread his wings to free himself from the dirty trap he fell into and with one flap, a strong wind pressure blew the mages and sent a wave of rubble at them.

"Warriors, protect the Mages! Mages, reinforce the Warriors. Archers, buy them time." Alina coped with the chaotic situation in a second and started reorganizing the forces all by herself.

"This is amazing! It's exciting how the Dragon can do all these moves." On the other hand, one mage walked off the formation and wanted to inspect the Dragon real close not minding the grim situation.

"Master Farengar, please come back." A Nord Mage called for the obsessed man.

"Shut up! We need to get any sample we can get… Whoa! Jarl Balgruuf, why are you carrying?"

"For Ysmir's sake! Get back, you fool."

The united front stood solid facing the Dragon to limit his movements while the strong heroes kept dealing damage to him. Stoning the dragon seemed fun but risky, yet it was getting the job done for some reason.

{What is the plan?} Alina asked on a telepathic signal.

{Hello, please keep doing what you're doing. Master is acting accordingly.} Beth replied to her.

{Who… what is this? Is there a child on our signal?} Jullanar wondered.

{I am Beth, this is Master's signal. Who are you?}



A sudden misunderstanding happened on Jon's personal telepathic frequency that of course was heard by everyone on the signal.

{Dragon now, introduction later.} Isha didn't realize the situation and continued.

{Alright, the plan is to corner the Dragon beside the tower. Keep up the pressure.} Beth conveyed the plan.

{I will see to it… Bombardment!"

The mages started shooting all their Magic in a frenzied manner, with such heavy blows, the dragon was indeed retreating where Alina wanted.

Jon and Wulfur didn't spare the Dragon from the flying boulders. It was akin to a couple of living catapults holding boulders a few times their size and tossing them around.

At last, the Dragon was finally trapped at the base of the tower. The reason why Mirmulnir wasn't flying was the heavy resistance from the ground, he is invincible as long as he protects himself but if he received those attacks while taking off to fly, it may turn deadly to him. One of the weak points of dragons is the moment they take off as they become exposed.

Yet with his back to the tower, Mirmulnir couldn't imagine himself disadvantaged as it is even better to fight this way without any sneak attack coming at him. This was his thoughts until he heard that sound.

*Crackle* *Crackle* *Crackle*

The crackling sound of metallic objects colliding wasn't truly unpleasant unless those objects were chains. From above, Mirmulnir saw a man jumping off the tower with two long chains extending to that tower.

The man moved across the air as if he was flying and landed ahead of Mirmulnir then turned to him while everyone else thought, "That is his plan?"

Jon turned to Mirmulnir with a wide smile that was turning sadistic.

"I call this one, Castle Breaker!"

With his legs taking a firm a firm stance, his butt cheeks hardening, his back muscling, his shoulders intensifying, his chest broadening and his arms bulging. Jon took a bit of the chains and around his hands and took a wide step back pulling.

Many failed to understand at first including Mirmulnir but who would have thought that a Dragon tilting his head would be cute. (Only Jon though so by the way)

It was a mass revelation when the current sound was heard.

*Crack* *Crack* *Crack*

The warriors and mages looked up at the tower with pale faces while Mirmulnir turned back.

"Human… you…"

"Told you… I'll stone you to death, motherfucker!"


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next chapter

Chapitre 515: Dragon Rising (7)

[A/n: I'll be adding a pic for the Realistic Dragon : Human size ratio on Instagram and Discord]


Castle Breaker! A new Legend was born in Whiterun that day when the culprit of the whole mess pulled down the watchtower on the head of the Dragon. It was simply a spectacle to behold.

Regardless of anything else, all covered their heads fearing the raining rubble of the falling tower. With a cloud of dust blocking the view, the warriors of Whiterun kept their feet ready to either run forward or backward.

Alina wasn't waiting for the results to appear with the cloud of dust settling so she moved her hand causing a gust of wind to push away the dust. With that, the scene appeared vivid and clear.

Jon was standing with two long chains extending from his gauntlets to a large pile of rubble where an unimaginable scene was witnessed. The Dragon, that terrorized the people for an hour straight, was buried under the rubble with barely his wings and tail visible.

Who would have thought? Who could have imagined?

"The Beast is slain!" Someone shouted.

With this cry. All woke up from their daze.

"By Shor!"

"Is this real? I can't believe it!"

It was too Incredible to believe right away. A man… just a single man managed to pull down the tower on the head of the Dragon, killing it in the most unexpected way.

"The Dragon… it is dead."

"We made it."

"Its claws. Its claws took my son! I claim the Dragon Claws!"

"I will bathe in the blood of a Dragon tonight."

"Its heart is mine! With it, I'll rename my clan Dragon-Heart."

"I want the eyes!"

As soon as the state of disbelief was over, another state followed. No one wanted to see such a scene but seeing the corpse of the Dragon, all wanted the same thing. A Piece of the Dragon, a Piece of Glory.

All people were crazed about the Dragon before even licking their wounds. Everything about the Dragon was simply a treasure, even the Court Wizard of Whiterun, Farengar, was screaming like a madman wanting to take all the Dragon for research.

The bizarre situation left some people in shock as it left others in disbelief.

"What kind of bullshit is this? Jon is the one who slew the Dragon. Why would…" Jullanar was angrily retorting but Alina covered her mouth.

Isha stood away from the ground holding a small pebble and tossed it away to hit Wulfur's armor.

"What was that?" Wulfur asked.

"My faith in humanity." She said.

"All of you, quiet!" Alina shut them up.

All looked at her seeing seriousness in her eyes.

"What's wrong?" Wulfur asked.

"All those who step ahead of Jon in the next few seconds will die a miserable death."

Alina prophesied something that left the others in a state of confusion. Still, her words were accurate and clear as ever.

Those people who were moved by Greed ran towards the Dragon with their swords and axes wanting to cut a piece of the beast. They didn't mind Jon who was standing still while his expressions couldn't be read. Once they arrived at the ruble and started climbing it, their whole world of blunder started to shake metaphorically and in actuality.

The Dragon is still alive and oh boy, he is far from being defeated.

"Joor, hi rahgot zey!" (Mortals, you anger me!)

The supposedly dead Dragon came to life even though hindered by the rubble, it spoke another shout.


The tower that crumbled on the head of Mirmulnir became the demise of those greedy ones that wished to loot the Dragon. Thankfully the fools weren't many but the fools were dead from the impact of the Unrelenting Force. They were beyond help in all cases.

Jon finally moved from his frozen stance by following the Dragon's with his head as the latter rose with all its might about to unleash his wrath at the humans who fought him so annoyingly.

Mirmulnir was more than just annoyed, he was frustrated and his scales were carrying many injuries from that tower that fell on his head. Killing those greedy individuals was a refreshing turn but the true hunt was in that big game standing face to face with him.

"Joor, you tried your best. You fought with both honor and dishonor yet you can't kill me! You are not strong enough. It is your turn to be hunted now."

"Do your worst." Jon's reply came as swift as a challenge.

Jon knew. He could tell that Mirmulnir was bluffing, both of them were tired. The Dragon in front of him may have been a creature that lived through eras and centuries without withering or dying but that doesn't mean it is eternal. Even for a Dragon, there was a limit.

On the other hand, Jon was not only tired but also hiding some of his cards. On the Martial side, Jon didn't hold back at all but on the Magic side, Jon's identity will be exposed once he starts using his signature spells. Let alone the signature spells, few could match his skill at magic and his disguise may be seen through. On top of all that, he can't simply use the Thu'um in his first fight against a Dragon and for a good reason.

So far, he has to stick to his plan.

Unfortunately, this wasn't going to be easy as Mirmulnir wasn't going to let it be. He is now hell-bent on hunting down Jon even if it is the last thing he'd ever do. Yet with Jon's skills and power, Mirmulnir had to play dirty too.

When someone wants to hunt a strong foe, one must lay a trap. In this situation, the trap was over there across the plains, the treasure of those warriors and mages who came in a horde to earnestly defend.

Whiterun City.

"Joor, if you want to keep fighting, let's take this elsewhere?" Mirmulnir moved his wings and rose in the air towards Whiterun.

"Bastard! Who's playing dirty now?" Jon was infuriated but little could do in the situation.

Everyone else realized what was going to happen and almost panicked.

"Stop it. Shoot down the Dragon, hurry!" Jarl Balgruuf panicked seeing where the Dragon was intending to go.

Jon and everyone else started racing the Dragon to the east hoping to hinder him before he gets the chance to unleash his fires on Whiterun. That when Alina gave a signal.

"The men in the back. Shoot the Ballistas. Now!"

Her voice was heard clear and strong across the plain as if it was carried by the wind itself. Once it reached those in the back, they started preparing the heavy artillery around them. Meanwhile, Mirmulnir took the chance to descend on the retreating men burning and swallowing whoever he sees toying with the weak mortals.

"You truly are scum."

Jon couldn't tolerate any more death and finally let go of a strong Lightning bolt that hit the Dragon with a mighty blast. Mirmulnir roared in agonizing pain but he was aiming for the moment when Jon attacked him.

As the one famed for being a Hunter among the Dragons, Mirmulnir was not a direct fighter but rather a chaser and a trapper. He would hunt rather than fight and the biggest game in this field is undoubtedly Jon. That's why when Jon proved to be a resilient prey, Mirmulnir started attacking the other humans to push Jon out of his guard and lure him into a trap.

There, when Jon decreased the distance between himself and Mirmulnir, the latter was not actually focusing on anything except Jon. With Jon this close, Mirmulnir moved his tail in an unseeable speed striking Jon in a split of a second.


Jon felt as if his bones were breaking apart but he soon adapted with the situation and didn't resist the attack. He rather teleported himself on the other side of Mirmulnir and landed a full-force [Thunder Cookie].


It was too painful that Mirmulnir almost felt the damage deep inside his body. Thus was an unprecedented danger level that he didn't expect to suffer but the plan was to go on with, not to stop right now. Mirmulnir shook off the clingy Jon and took off one more time towards Whiterun without stopping.

"Now!" Alina shouted and terrifying mechanical sounds started sounding by as the large war machines at the back were all shooting at Mirmulnir.

"WULD NAH KEST!" (Whirlwind Fury Tempest)

Mirmulnir perceived the danger of those man-made killing machines and shouted the [Whirlwind Sprint] midair avoiding most of the Ballista Bolts. Still, he suffered a bit of damage.

"Again!" Alina shouted but Mirmulnir towards her.



Two shouts sounded almost at the same time, the first was Mirmulnir breathing fire at Alina and the latter was Alina escaping him.

'A Thu'um Master? In this day and age?' Mirmulnir was dumbfounded when Alina used the Whirlwind Sprint to avoid him.

Not only was she a Voice Master but she seemed as annoyingly powerful as that persisting Warrior. She avoided him and kept shooting spells as powerful as that man's punches. This was leaving him no more option but he kept dragging east and now that the Ballista line was not able to attack him, he can freely descend on Whiterun.

With Mirmulnir breaking away, Jon and the others seemed frustrated as they failed in almost every attempt to stop the flying brute. It was frustratingly hard just to scratch his scales.

"This can't keep going. We must stop the Dragon or else Whiterun will suffer innumerable casualties." Alina said as she broke the silence and spoke directly to Jon.

Jon sighed with a tired face and looked towards the Dragon thinking of something. He then looked behind him and saw the warriors of Whiterun broken in a sorry state.

This has to end.

"Isha… your Spear." Jon said.

Isha silently passed the [Spear of Bitter Mercy] at Jon who took it and stored it in the Cube. He then looked at Wulfur.

"Can you still launch people?" Jon asked.

"Oh! How far?" Wulfur asked back.

"That far." Jon pointed towards the Dragon.

"… Bastard!" Wulfur exclaimed looking between Jon and the Dragon then reluctantly nodded.

"Send me then."

Jon said and Wulfur carried his large metal shield up.

"Let's not waste time then."

With a mutual understanding, the two nodded and started running forward.

"You'll owe me a shield, you hear me?" Wulfur said.

"I'll bring you the bestest shield you'll ever carry."

With wide strides, the two were already ahead of the group chasing the dragon with the speed of galloping horses. Jon could indeed fly but he'll never be as fast as a Dragon, he needed the right boost for the coming launch and Wulfur was the right guy.

Wulfur had learned a unique technique that uses Shields as weapons but sacrifices all the protection they provide. This technique would cause an explosion with a violent blast that can literally make anyone on its other side fly for a fair distance. Actually, Wulfur has learned this technique by observing the Giants launching people to space and here it came.

As Jon and Wulfur gained enough momentum, Jon sped forward and Wulfur struck him from behind. The next thing seen was a human transcending the speed any human being was ever tossed at.

Wulfur was holding a broken spear with a pale face while Jon's were widened from the shock.

Jon moved towards the dragon in a straight line not controlling his flight one bit. He tried to remember how he was struck from his running speed to this level of madness but all he remembers was the sight of the world widening then stretching and finally the image of the dragon was getting larger in his sight.


This was beyond anything he has ever done. Getting himself blasted towards a Dragon by a giant technique used by Wulfur… this was getting too awesome even for him. The excitement gave him a sense of life as he screamed his lungs out while being a couple of seconds away from the Dragon.

Mirmulnir felt it as well. This was the most vivid hint of Danger a Dragon ever felt when he caught a glimpse of the flying maniac chasing him. Jon's appearance was terrifying in all sense as he resembled a flying arrow with his head forward and his smile visible.

Mirmulnir knew this was bad, waiting for Jon to hit him is seriously inadvisable while shouting him will take time. He had to evade at all costs.

Indeed, Mirmulnir managed to tilt aside with Jon uncontrollably charging forward. At the moment of the supposed clash, Jon didn't even bother trying to chase the Dragon. That was not the plan anyway. Instead, it was to ambush him forward.

Jon passed Mirmulnir like a loosened arrow and the Dragon fixed his destination forward once again but he saw a tiny string of metal extending to the upper limit of his sight and an uncomfortable feeling on one of his horns.

Looking forward, it was Jon throwing one of [Ahzidal's Titan Hands] again. Mirmulnir realized his blunder when Jon was raising the other hand and it was glowing with bright lightning. This time, Jon added a bit of chaos to the mix making the Mystical Tattoos on his arms appear in black.

"Sucker Cookie!"


The speed of Jon's flying grip pulling him towards Mirmulnir with the Dragon heading straight forward, the sound of the clash was as terrifying as it appeared. The Dragon Hunt party, the City Guards on the wall, the brave citizens who volunteered to defend their homes, the team of Winterhold, the team of the Labours, the Companions of Jorrvaskr, the Jarl and his men, even the ones who were there by mistake, all those people saw an image that was engraved in their minds for ages to come.

A man flying with a bright fist towards a dragon that charged forward all in the sky and the blinding spectacle of the clash making the bright sky of day darkens in its glamour. In that instant, the whole situation flipped and the Dragon was on the losing side. The punch sent the dragon's head in the wrong direction with the dragon himself being forced out of his trajectory backward with the punch.

It was too glorious that the men who saw it felt a massive rush of male hormones from the sight of it. Just like how Jon forced the Dragon's mouth open, his punch was another symbol of manliness to those Nords.


The glorious scene was enough for them to cheer madly but that didn't last long, Jon had one more trick to spare under his sleeves.

With Mirmulnir bent backward, Jon had to prevent him from fixing his position or making a comeback so he moved towards the back of the dragon's neck, chained it well then cast [Gravity Rune] on himself.

A Dragon would naturally resist this spell but as he didn't resist it, he became unexpectedly heavy for Mirmulnir to balance and the fall happened.


Mirmulnir was just brought down by an RKO.

A massive fall shook the world as the men, women and animals inside and outside Whiterun felt the very impact under their feet and some even tumbled from the shockwave that passed through the ground. This tiny earthquake caused by a falling Dragon may have had a strong impact on the people but the Dragon in question was greatly harmed.

Physical wounds are hard to inflict on a Dragon but this fall caused a strong inner injury that may have caused a fracture somewhere inside Mirmulnir, a welcome change to a certain Jon who managed to evade getting crushed under the dragon with a timely maneuver.

However, unlike the last time when Jon brought down the tower on Mirmulnir, none thought of anything silly or greedy. The dragon is clearly still alive but no matter what they do, none would be able to kill him. Actually, they are now scared.

Scared of the Dragon.

Scared of the Man who is standing in front of the Dragon.

Scared of what will happen next between the Man and the Dragon.

Meanwhile, Jon and Mirmulnir faced one another in an epic image of a man holding the broken Dragon with a chain in one hand and a long spear in the other hand. Mirmulnir was lying on his side trying to recover from the stun but was still l

Keeping both eyes on Jon.

"Mun (Human)… you finally fought with honor."

All of a sudden, Mirmulnir spoke but his voice wasn't loud or anything. It was weakened because of the damage that was done to his neck and only Jon could hear him.

"Zu'u fun hi wah siiv zin voth aanwo do hin raaz." (I remember telling you to find honor with someone of your size.) Jon replied back in Dovahzul, the Dragon Tongue. It came both as a shock and a surprise to Mirmulnir.

[A/n: the following conversation is going to be in the Dovahzul but I'll just write it English.]

"Mortal, so you can talk? You hid your power well."

"It was your arrogance that brought your demise, Mirmulnir. You thought no one out there is able enough to bring you down… to kill you."

"Heh! Hehehe! Now you are arrogant. Killing me is fruitless. I have long since paid tribute to my Lord. Once a tribute is paid, my Lord will bring me back and the others will keep challenging the Man powerful enough to defeat me."

"I am indeed arrogant but you are still way over your head. Alduin can reverse time and return the dead Dragons but there is always a Limit. Just like Shor to Auri-El, I am the Limit."

Jon was done talking and now hunting. Mirmulnir wanted to retreat but the [Spear of Bitter Mercy] was there to claim lives. With one overpowered stab, Jon pierced the soft spot on Mirmulnir's neck twisting the grip as the tip sinks in the Dragon's flesh.

Mirmulnir was… was… wasn't he ready?

It was a strange feeling nonetheless… getting killed… by a mere mortal.

How could he describe getting killed? It was hard to say. Mirmulnir was always a smart one even among his kind. He wasn't reckless or anything like today, after all, he is one of the few that survived in the wild for almost 4000 years. Today was just the day when he intended to celebrate Alduin's return with a glorious hunt.

But to be put down during his celebration, this was too embarrassing. Even when Alduin comes to revive him, there will be a lot of scolding.

To dragons, normal death is just slumber and with another Dragon powerful enough to bring them back, this wouldn't be a big problem aside from the price they have to pay to the dragon that revived them.

Still, this feeling of shame was soon replaced by strange emotions… feelings that didn't belong to Mirmulnir.

He felt those strange emotions that were mostly not his. There was a strong hint of admiration rather than the familiar self-pride, an unrecognized feeling of sadness and regret. Ideas of ancient majestic beings, Deities that were once worshipped, witnesses to all the events of recorded and unrecorded history. These thoughts surely referred to Dragons but weren't how the Dragon's thought of themselves… at least not Mirmulnir.

The surprise was that these emotions are that if the man killing him. But how could Mirmulnir feel what Jon was feeling?

Both Jon and Mirmulnir were experiencing something beyond them, seeing through one another beyond any wall, beyond the comfortable and uncomfortable, beyond what is all unnecessary directly at what matters.

The Dragon's perspective of seeing things where Truth and Power are equals and the same. The Mortal's perspective of seeing things where every tiny factor had an impact on the insignificant yet important lives they lived.

Aside from the differences, the similarities were more striking than anyone dared to admit. The Love, the Hate, the Fear, the Courage, the Thrill, the Boredom, the Wisdom, the Foolishness.

In one second, the two experienced each other of what they truly are beyond the barriers of privacy, awkwardness or self. Just two fragile tiny beings being pushed around by the unrelenting waves of the bigger scheme of things.

There was no need to exchange any words in this second that was elongated to feel like an age but one thing is certain, as all things, it is coming to an end.

Here, Mirmulnir understood the reason for the strange phenomenon. None of the Dragons he knew ever spoke of this but if he experienced such a state of empathic linkage, such a drive to submission, such a taste of mortality; this means that he is more than just going to a Slumber Death. Now that he thinks of it, this feeling was rarely spoken of by the Dragons of the higher ranks.


It was that… the Taboo among the Dov… the unwritten role, the unspoken code, the hearable prayer. The one thing Dragons feel injustice towards.

The feeling when a Dragon kills Another.

"… Dovahkiin!"


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