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"What was that back then?" Wulfur asked me with an angry face. It is the question that I wanted to avoid but was 100% unavoidable.
"I screwed up."
"What kind of a screw up was that?"
"... Sigh! Simply put it as I dabbled into a nasty kind of Aura and it overwhelmed even me, the user."
They all looked at me as if I am some sort of idiot.
"You can't control your own Aura?" They asked.
Well, it is embarrassing. The Aura is part of a person's nature, to not be able to control it actually idiotic.
"What is the characteristics of that Aura?" Alina finally asked a good question.
I answered her based on what happened and the feelings I had during using that Aura. Still, I couldn't credit stopping me to Shadow.
"I see… It sounds like you indeed lack power. Strange! For an Aura to have such characteristics! It is illogical and logical at the same time. Dominance is the main purpose of power and if your Aura is more powerful than you then you indeed won't be able to control it… still, for it to change you." Alina was murmuring and looking at me with curious eyes.
"I know right."
"And for you to find the link between [Soulfire] and the Psijic secret spell [Imbue Weapon]! Master will be very happy with you. Even uncle Jonrad will be happy to see his teachings showing effect with you."
"... First of all, Nurina is very happy with me and that father of mine was showing off his Flame Aura off."
"Oh, come on, give him a chance to be happy."
My conversation and Alina's turned to a strange turn for a second.
"Okay, let's leave that topic aside for now! That Aura of yours, you won't be able to use it so will you use your usual or will it be impossible?" Wulfur butt in.
"No worries, I can use my Madness Aura well alright."
"I see… what will you call that new Aura then?" Jullanar asked.
"I don't know… maybe Dominant or Overbearing."
"Great, now he became a bigger S than he used to be… just called it Tyrant Aura." Jull refuted but she gave a good suggestion.
"Great, I'll go with that."
"I was actually thinking about Aura of the Daddy because red actually fits yo…"
"""Shut up, Jull."""
She seemed to be going with the conversation somewhere unpleasant. Good thing we stopped her.
We had to rest here to replenish our strength anyway, we also recovered the belongings of the great-grandfather of Raven Rock's mine foreman and it was a journal and some other things. I kept the Bloodskal Blade for myself as my personal sword.
"Say, can you appraise that sword for me?" I asked Wulfur.
"Good, very ancient and needs some patching put the craft is really amazing. The red design on the silver is also unique. The magic in the sword probably kept it well preserved too. I like that red magic cresent that you did with the sword."
"Yeah, the enchantment is very unique but I can think of a way to replicate the Magic one day."
"Good luck with that." He said and gave me the sword back.
I took the sword and linked it normally with [Soulfire], it glowed red and had a good sound to it.
"Remember that Lightsaber I was holding when we went to Quagmire?"
"Bleh, don't remind me. You almost cried when we came out without it. I thought for one second that you were going to ask Vaermina to give it to you."
"Yeah, I was about to but she pulled Alina's eyes out and… well, you lived that traumatizing moment too."
"Man, that was one messed up place."
"I know, right! Vaermina, the Daedric Prince of Nightmares and Skooma."
"Well, it didn't make any sense to me back then, anyway there is that thing about the small idea I had, let's changed the design."
"That thing? But changing it again? First time you added cat ears and later you wanted it to be more vivid. Look, man, I am a blacksmith, not your artisan."
"Technically, you work for me which makes me your Boss and you know my reputation in that field. And relax, I am actually simplifying it for you, I'll show it to you later."
"Fine, just get us out of here first."
"Roger, everyone. We are moving." I said and started warming up a bit.
"How will we advance?" Jorna asked.
"Watch and learn, baby." I said and walked towards a certain wall.
It was not really a wall, it was a sealing wall that needed some sort of special magic to open. Luckily, all I needed is the Bloodskal Blade.
There were certain markings on the wall, I aimed at them from far away with the blade the slashed. With the Bloodskal blade in my hand, a red energy ribbon was unleashed and hit the marking accurately.
Just like that, some pieces of the wall started moving.
"Woah! Amazing…"
Another marking appeared on the wall and I kept sending energy slashes from the sword and hit them all. With the last one being hit, the wall started shaking and opening like a gate.
"Damn, was the ancient Nords so good at engineering?"
"Let's just get going."
We advanced through the tunnel that opened behind the wall and walked through a lot of traps to just reach a large chamber with two platforms in both ends and a pool of water in the middle. Just as we stepped closer, the tunnel behind us got blocked and the water in the pool started to shake.
"Alina, you're first."
As I said so, Alina ran towards the pool and dipped her staff in, as she did so, the water started turning into ice on a fast and a visible scale.
None of us were just watching as we arranged ourselves around Alina and I started Conjuring Storm Atronachs.
The pool was large but Alina went wild with her Magicka and froze it all in a few seconds.
As everything settled down for a short while, the room started shaking again.
"That Bastard!"
I felt a strong sure of Magicka and suddenly in the middle of the pool, a strong Lightning Magic blasted the area and a lot of icy mist covered the view.
Just as we were trying to see what happened, a strong lightning spell found its way to Alina and almost hit her but luckily…
… my Storm Atronach was there.
No matter what Lightning Magic you are casting, even if you are an Arch-Mage, you can't destroy a Storm Atronach with Lightning Magic, you may as well heal it.
Alina finished her spell to freeze the entire pool and retreated back with a pale face.
"Alina, rest and recover. Jorna, cover her. Wulf and Jull, from the sides. Nefertiti, from the back."
I was obviously going to take the front as I directed the [Staff of Sheogorath] towards the snow mist that started to settle down. There, a figure with a strong Magicka sensation and a suffocating feeling around floated in the air. It was a Dragon Priest.
We defeated two Dragon Priests thus far, the first was Ahzidal of Flame, the Second was Dukaan of Frost. This time we are facing Zahkriisos of the Lightning.
As soon as Zahkriisos was visible through the mist, I used the [Staff of Sheogorath] and cast its special effect 'Bind' at the Dragon Priest.
At first, I was successful but not a couple of Seconds passed until Zahkriisos unleashed a shock wave from within himself and canceled the binding as if waving away a fly.
"Tsk, the bastard!"
Jull and Wulf were attacking and I had to distract it as fast as I could for them to land a hit and retreat but Zahkriisos was no easy opponent. Just as I cast 'Lightning Bolts' at him, Zahkriisos blacked all my attacks with a Ward and blacked Wulf's hammer with the staff in his hand.
"Fuck! Retreat!"
I couldn't help but to try and spell focus my Magic as much as I can on Zahkriisos. Luckily, Wulfur managed to retreat with his shields absorbing most of the damage and Nefertiti changed its mind from attacking to grabbing Jull and retreating away.
"Dammit, this is bad!"
I was a bit terrified by the strong reaction of the Dragon Priest. I knew it should be strong but it can even block the physical attacks like that! Ahzidal was a Fire Mage and a Necromancer, Dukaan was an Ice Mage and a Conjurer. In both Necromancy and Conjuration, I wasn't some amateur and I could turn the tide against them but Zahkriisos seemed to be a different story altogether. It seemed like his style is relying on both Magical and Physical powers.
I didn't think of a better choice to keep Zahkriisos away until my team retreats to a safe position and luckily Zahkriisos didn't see that one coming. He got engulfed by the Shout's effect but it still managed to hold on with its strong magic.
Zahkriisos is a Lightning Mage after all. It can be said that this element in Magic is the representation of power as no one can wield that demanding element long enough except those who are strong in the term of Magicka.
I rallied the Storm Atronachs forward towards Zahkriisos and as they are all Greater Atronachs, I don't think that Zahkriisos can deal with them using only Lightning Magic. I had to keep him occupied until I finish charging the next spell.
To my surprise, Zahkriisos used a spell that didn't seem to be related to the Destruction School and started destroying the Storm Atronachs with it. I couldn't dally anymore and let out all the Magicka into the spell as I overcharged it. As Zahkriisos was done with the Atronachs, he faced me with a spell too.
I shot a strong Lightning spell towards Zahkriisos and he did the same. Our spells met together midway and we clashed in a Magic Duel.
It was so bright that I had a hard time focusing ahead. At our point of clash, lightning started scattering to all direction towards anything close to it. Still, I was being overwhelmed again.
"Goddammit, what is wrong with that thing?"
Its Magicka was so freaking powerful that I couldn't help but be pushed back a few steps. I was feeling like I was carrying the weight of the world by just facing Zahkriisos. If not for the [Staff of Sheogorath] that I was using, my state would have become a lot worse.
Still, it was inevitable, Zahkriisos increased the Magicka Output in the spell he was casting and I was completely pushed back. As my spell fell short only a few centimeters away from my staff, Zahkriisos unleashed his power and the spell exploded and I was blown away completely to the wall behind me.
All I could feel was a sweet taste in my mouth and I became so dizzy due to the Magicka backlash and the impact.
Jon was blown away like a ragdoll and his face was pale. It was completely out of his team's calculations as the leader they always relied on was not easy to push back.
Alina was infuriated and stood up as fast as she could to block any harm that can come towards Jon with her body if she had to. She used the same strategy as Jon and conjured some Storm Atronach to delay Zahkriisos.
"Jull, Nefertiti, I want you both to delay it a few seconds."
"Jorna, heal Jon."
"On it."
"Wulf, do something flashy."
"Sister-in-law, you came to the right place."
As Jullanar and Nefertiti started annoying Zahkriisos with long-range attacks from afar and Bjorna started healing Jon. Wulfur and Alina started to do their own things.
Wulfur let go of his hammer and shield and put down his helm, he then looked around and saw a large pillar that seemed to be broken since long ages past. Wulfur came in front of the pillar and squatted down, he wrapped his strong muscular arms around the pillar and used his Aura. He started radiating like the sun for a second with the Golden Holy Aura that enveloped him, he was being buffed and healed by it but his physical action was still harming him. To him, it was good training as he managed to left the large pillar up.
"Take this, fucker."
Wulfur moved towards Zahkriisos and spun his body with the pillar two times around himself. As he finished his move, he let go of the pillar that got launched towards Zahkriisos in a scary manner.
As strong as he is, Zahkriisos wouldn't want to take that pillar head on and was about to dodge it but… he was too slow. The reason seemed a bit familiar to before as when Zahkriisos looked towards Jon's direction, it saw him holding the [Staff of Sheogorath] and using 'Bind' on him.
Jon's head was bleeding but he was grinning as he managed to contribute to the attack. Zahkriisos was forced to use magic to block the pillar and there was only the [Warding Barrier] in his Arsenal that could do such a thing.
The pillar clashed with the barrier and Zahkriisos was pushed back completely to the side of the chamber. It wasn't pleased with the result as it felt its power going down significantly.
This power that was cultivated in ages of long slumber under the damned seal was now being sucked away by the six brats around it. It felt frustrating as Zahkriisos couldn't curse at them as his body was still in that of a draugr form, given enough time he would recover back his body and power but these brats were so persistent.
Alina has finished preparing but waited until Zahkriisos was visible in front of her eyes, once she saw him, she cast the spell she prepared with inner cast.
She disappeared from her place and appeared right behind Zahkriisos then touched it with her left imprinting a rune on it then used the spell on her right to teleport away.
All that happened within one second and even Zahkriisos couldn't react.
"Suck it!"
As Alina appeared away, she snorted towards Zahkriisos and flipped the bird to him in contrary to her usual manners. Still, the effect of the imprint she cast on Zahkriisos started showing its effect. A curse of some sort.
As Zahkriisos noticed the change around himself, he realized that he could no longer cast Lightning Magic. It wasn't due to a 'Silence' spell or anything similar, it was Alina casting a spell to push away all the Air around Zahkriisos.
Without Air around him, Zahkriisos can no longer cast any of the destruction elements. Frost is mostly relying on Air and Lightning needed Air to travel through as well as Flame that needs Oxygen. With this idea that Jon told her about, Alina managed to make a Wind Spell that would be considered one of the most annoying Spells ever created, even dispelling it was tricky.
At that time, Jon finally recovered.
He walked forward with Bloodskal at hand and looked at Zahkriisos with disdain.
"Let's see how much you can hold on."
Jon started waving Bloodskal madly and a series of energy arcs were unleashed with his waves. Zahkriisos could use a Ward to defend but Jon was adding more power and speed in his attacks.
First, he cut a leg, then an arm then a part of the Armor. The team completely overwhelmed the weakened Zahkriisos as he ran out of options to face them.
Jon's eyes were fixed on the Dragon Priest while letting bits of his Tyrant Aura in the attacks. He was trying to control it without completely letting it go. It was a careful process but Jon was on his best mindset and managed to put down Zahkriisos for good. Zahkriisos fell down with a noisy howl of a beast that shook the entire chamber.
Jon spoke no more and acted as if a robot.
He said two words and walked ahead.
"Word Wall."
His team that was about to cheer for the win were taken aback and followed him with their eyes. As Jon arrived at the Word Wall in the other end of the room, he sat down and started Meditating.
"What? Now?" Jullanar wanted to refute but Alina stopped her.
"Shush! He must have realized something."
They all observed Jon who started to act strangely as he was meditating.
His face was twitching from pain and his skin started to become red. The scene resembled that time when he absorbed the Padomic Energy from the spriggan and it seemed Jon was using the last of the excessive energy to achieve a breakthrough.
"This fast?"
"I don't know. He must have a reason."
He was still in the processing of stabilizing the 9th Level of the Dragon Robbing Stage but it seemed that he wanted to make another breakthrough.
"Why would he want to rush for the 10th Level that fast? He said it is good to be patient." Wulfur asked.
"I am not sure but something is unusual. Give him some space and rest for… what?... what is that?"
As Alina was trying to clear some space for Jon to relax, she noticed the change of energy around him.
On a normal breakthrough, an energy pulse wave should go out as the Mortal Essence within the Spirit gets replaced with a Profound Essence but this breakthrough was different. The Energy was taking a manifestation around Jon and that was…
"Oh no!"
"Not again!"
They all have witnessed that disaster before… A Fire Wyrm manifested around Jon and started revolving around him.
Something unforeseen was going on.
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The moment I opened my eyes, I felt a bad taste in my mouth from eating right before I sleep yesterday. I didn't know this would happen but my apatite was like a bottomless pit.
To explain things, let me give an explanation from the time I sat down to meditate in the depth of the Bloodskal Barrow last night.
After finishing off Zahkriisos, I felt a strange surge of energy coming from within me and I needed to invest it right away. I felt that I was proceeding to a new height or another realm so I found a good place to sit near the word wall and started using the last of the Padomic Energy I have to do my meditative training. It was then when the changes started to happen.
I felt a surge of energy from my soul and an extension of my power started swirling around me. Strange enough, it felt like Fire Wyrm swirling from my inside. I felt that I have total control over it though.
Anyway, I couldn't stop meditating now, it would be fatal if I stopped midway and here when another change happened. It felt like another pulse wave was going to be released from me like every time but it was different than before, the power wasn't going out, it was as if its target was in.
Strange as it sounds, I felt the energy pulse in my bones. It was as if I can feel whatever touches my bones and the energy was going through it but it was not a good feeling at all. For a second there, I almost shouted from the pain. It was as if my bones were being broken and put back together again and again. Even my teeth gave me that feeling when someone has a strong toothache… it was overall a disastrous feeling going through my body.
I didn't know if something went wrong with the training but all I could do is to push forward to avoid the probability of injuring myself and I passed the agonizing pain.
I opened my eyes to find that I was surrounded by some… vapor.
Funny enough, I was the source of it.
My skin was red and I seemed to have sweat a bucket. I tried to muster up some strength to stand up but it took me quite a bit to adjust my tired body.
The people around me, however, didn't give a hand and were holding their weapons up and looking at me dumbfounded. As I asked them about the reason, they told me they were afraid it would turn out like last time in the Firemane Clan when Fire Wyrms came out of my body and damaged some of the Clan Hall.
Compared to that time, this time had only one Fire Wyrm and was totally under my control, I even felt I can call for it too but I was too tired and dizzy to even cast a spell.
I sat on the ground again and told them to copy the contents of the word wall for me, it said:-
Which means:-
Here once stood Miraak who wear
His Faith as armor shield by
Daedra for his eternal loyalty.
The word of power here was (Qah) which means (Armor).
This was the second word of the [Dragon Aspect] shout, one of the most powerful Shout in the game and maybe in history. I had no hope of learning it before absorbing a Dragon Soul and walk the official path of the Dragonborn.
Apart from the unfathomable word of power, we gained a new Black Book and a Dragon Priest Mask. This alone was a terrifying loot in my opinion.
I was then led to Raven Rock and put to rest after giving me some food and medicine.
Now as I woke up, I started looking for a bath to wash but a lucky guy like me always had two girls waiting for that moment. Once my intentions for a bath was clear, Alina and Jull prepared a hot tub for me and of course, joined me in. I buried my face in Alina's chest to ease some of my mental fatigue and she kindly nursed me.
"You gave us a scare last night." My Alina said in a warm voice.
"Sorry about that." I kissed her cheek as we stuck close to each other.
"What about me? I was worried too." My Jullanar was also quite in the mood.
"Kiss me too."
She was sitting in front of me so I stretched my hand and fondled her cheek then sat her on my hip.
I was sandwiched from the front and back with my girls for almost an hour in our pink atmosphere until we decided it was enough.
We sat together after that in a silent mood together.
"Hey, about yesterday, what happened?" Jullanar broke the silence.
"Yesterday? Oh, I had a breakthrough. A major breakthrough I guess."
"Major? Like when you said when one reaches a higher level than the [Dragon Robbing Realm]?"
"Awesome, tell us what happens." "Yes, how do you feel?"
"Never better actually. I can also control the red Tyrant Aura now."
I said as I took the haven ring and retrieved an Orcish Steel sword from it. I applied strength to my hand and broke it without using any bit of Aura.
"My body became stronger. To be exact, my bones are more powerful now."
"Great! So the Meditative Training finally started to affect the body condition?"
"What did you call the stage?"
"The [Dragon Frame Realm]… unlike the [Dragon Robbing Realm], it seems that it takes a lot longer and there are more stages to it. The [Dragon Robbing Realm] is 9 Levels but I estimate the [Dragon Frame Realm] to be much more demanding."
This is the information that the Augur replied after a long analysis.
"Amazing, so you are now at the 1st Level - Dragon Frame Realm!"
"Not wrong but not right. The [Dragon Frame Realm] focuses on Tempering the Body, I would say that this is the first level of the first stage of the realm."
"Oh, it is more complicated now."
"Yeah, just call it, [Level 1 Iron Bones Stage - Dragon Frame Realm]."
"Hmmm, makes sense."
"Also be careful, at the start of every stage, the Energy will test the body in some sort of a Tribulation process. The first was the Bone and the second I am not sure about it yet so take care when you feel you are breaking through."
"Noted." "Thanks."
I am satisfied with the results even though I am a bit worried about something.
The Meditating is a hard process as it is breaking the Laws of Mortality. I am now in the superhuman stage as my body itself is getting stronger without the need to activate Magicka or Aura.
What is worrying me is how hard will I reach before year 4E 201. It is going to be a chaotic year and I need to stabilize Winterhold as soon as possible to put myself in a long training season. I also need a source of a Vital Padomic and Anuic Energies to hasten the training.
Alina and Jull exchange their Anuic Energy with me daily and I give them my Padomic Energy daily too. The thing is... I am still stronger than them combined and if I get heated up during sex, I will put them both down without effort. To solve that, I either need to make them stronger by resources or having some more girls into the entourage.
The former needs a lot of luck to find a good resource and the later needs at least five girls to equal the amount of Jullanar's energy let alone Alina.
To tell the truth, I don't feel good with having more girls around me. I love Alina and I intend to have her beside me for eternity while Jullanar is my and Alina's lover who will be my second wife no argue about it. They both now about my overflowing libido and don't think about it so it is a bit okay to have other women like Elishka and Sev around yet I still feel awkward about it.
I need to find a solution calmly first so I will leave this matter for later.
Anyway, I left the girls to dress up and do their business and headed out to Wulfur, he was waiting for me and we had a long conversation about things then head to Glover's Smithy.
Glover had a forge on the seaside so Wulfur and I borrowed it for some work.
On a table in front of us, there were four items.
The Bloodskal Blade and the Masks of Ahzidal, Dukaan and Zahkriisos.
We worked together on the Bloodskal and polished it while adding layers of ebony to it. Wulfur can maintain the enchantment while honing and sharpening the blades and showed off his real skill to me. The sword started to look as good as new while maintaining its unique shape.
[A/n: check the mod Bloodskal Blade Redone by Billyro and all his other awesome mods.]
Now, the Bloodskal Blade actually felt a lot stronger and much better. Once I held it, it glowed red too like a Lightsaber of a Sith except it was a bit wider but don't let that ruin the fun.
Still, the sword was the appetizer and the real things we started working on was the Dragon Priest Masks. This was our main objective after all.
Wulfur and I looked at each other and I grinned to him.
"Goddammit, Jon. I told you I can smelt Ebony and cast it but forging it is beyond me man. It is really impossible."
"We are not going to forge, dimwit, we are doing something awesome here."
"I know but… shouldn't you wait for a little while, I need to hone my skill more."
"Really? Yesterday you were excited and today you got cold feet in front of the forge? Shame, shame, shame…"
"Alright, stop it. Show me the masks."
He took them from me and started marking them while avoiding the enchantments. This is going to be hard.
Three days passed after Jon and Wulfur started working on the masks. Alina and Bjorna were having a crazy match of Gwent while Jullanar was crying after she lost to Nefertiti.
"The boys are not done yet?" Bjorna asked.
"Don't ask me. The two of them are in front of a forge together, Kyne knows what messed up thing they are going to come up with this time." Alina replied.
"It is always Jon's fault. He lures Wulf with all his crazy ideas about strange weapons." Bjorna said.
"Wulfur is also at fault, he trusts Jon blindly." Jull said.
"Sigh! Boys will be boys." Alina replied with a grin.
The other girls sighed.
At that time, the door to the manor opened and Wulfur came in. His clothes were all messed up and seemed to be going to have a hardcore bath in a moment.
He smiled once he saw the girls then pointed at the door. As all of them looked at the door.
Jon came in with an appearance similar to Wulfur and was holding a large wooden tray covered with grey cloth. He put it on the table and removed the cloth.
What was under it was a sword and a mask.
"Ladies, I present to you the honed blade, Bloodskal and the new dragon priest mask, Krilon."
The girls looked at the familiar blade that was no longer an old rusty sword, its appearance was beautiful and gave a lot of power.
But the more beautiful thing was the dragon priest mask. It was bigger than the usual dragon priest masks since it was more of a Masked Helm as it covered the head from the back too. Its appearance, however, was intimidating and artistic, the engravings on the ebony were all beautiful and it had red parts like the Bloodskal Blade too. This mask was seen in Star Wars and was known as the [Sith Acyolet Mask].
[A/n: Sith Acolyte Mask ]
"You said its name is Krilon? There is no Dragon Priest we fought with that name… wait! Krilon?" Jullanar thought.
"[Krilon] is a word from the Dragon Language, I think it is taken from the word 'Kril' which means brave… Krilon! Does it mean 'Dare'?" Alina said.
"Bingo!" Jon replied.
"This is a mask reforged for Jon from the three Dragon Priest masks we obtained." Wulfur said.
"What! Impossible? As mortals, you can't add six enchantments in one item." Alina stood up and cried.
"Who said we added? We merged the six into two!" Jon said.
The look between Alina and Jon carried more than what the other could understand, both of them know what does it mean to have more than three enchantments on one item and mortals can't make it happen anyway. Jon claimed that he merged six enchantments together.
Alina looked at the fancy mask right away and held it to examine it. She didn't help but to frown then open her eyes in shock.
Jon indeed merged six enchantments into two!
Each of the three Dragon Priest masks they obtained can Fortify the Resistant to one Element by 50% and Empower the Element by 25%. Jon rewrote the enchantments and created a new mask by mixing the three.
Alina looked at the Mask in her hand and put it down with cold hands. This is simply an artifact.
[Krilon] 50% Resist Destruction. Destruction spells do 25% more damage.
[Bloodskal] Release Energy Arcs with power attack (stronger with Aura).
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