[Jon's POV]
"Hmmm! Nice to meet you, I am Jon."
She was making a pitiful face for a reason.
"I think I should leave." She said.
I don't know why but my sense of crisis started making an alarm all of a sudden.
I should say something! Something I should say?
"Eh! I'll see you out then."
"Truly no need, Senior! I am really sorry for disturbing you." She said as she turned away.
Wait! I need to say something to make her stay.
"The... weather is really nice today."
"Ahaha! It's true, see you later, Senior."
The girl turned around and left.
I was all alone.
The world turned black and white for a reason.
There was a weird sensation in my stomach when I talked to her just now.
I also felt another weird sensation in my chest and there was some *ba boom* *ba boom* *ba boom* *ba boom* yet now it is gone and took something else with it.
What is that something that got messing I wonder?
But I should have said something like "....."
I don't know what to say in that situation but I know many things to say, things like...
... what would I say in a situation like that?
Did I have to idiotically talk about the weather?
What does she think of me then?
Maybe I sounded so uncool?
Did she think I am an idiot?
This is bad!
I need to ask about that girl around, she didn't seem to be a Firemane! She must be one of the people that live in the town, right?
Her name was Alina, right?
Come to think of it, there was that Alina that I know but she doesn't walk around with her face uncovered like that... this Alina, however, is so pretty!
I am sure smiling like an idiot...
Is this is that thing that I don't what is it called? Maybe I don't remember.
GODDAMMIT, I am an idiot!
I never felt so idiotic like this before... still, being this idiotic feels the best... I wanna see that girl again.
What should I do? There has to be some way.
'System! What are the chances I meet that girl once again?'
Oh! How nice of you, System.
'Find me a good song then. A one that goes well with this idiotic feeling I am having!'
<Searching... ⌛>
<1 Result(s) found!>
One result! Only one?
I never thought it is this serious.
What song might that be?
I wondered to myself as I went back to the spring and floated on my back...
Will there be only one song to make my feeling like an idiot go away?
'Show Results'
▶ Lady - Kenny Rogers
"... Lady?"
I remember that song really well. One of the best.
But that is a love song you know that...
... that can't be true, right?
"Come here."
Nefertiti swam and climbed on me, she then dried herself on top of me. She then sat on me.
"What is it, hooman?"
"... please forgive me that I have sinned."
"You have been forgiven, hooman!"
"Thank you."
"Don't forget what you promised."
"Yes, I'll present the best fish I find as an offering."
"Cat bless!"
Nefertiti heard my confession and told me it is okay. It is decided then, there is no sin in looking for that girl.
I need to understand...
'System, I'll call you Alexa from now on!'
'Alexa, play Lady!'
<Playing! Lady - Kenny Rogers...>
♪ Lady! I'm your knight in a shining armor, and I love you... ♪
Sigh! This song is so good...
[3rd Person POV]
♪ Lady! I'm your knight in a shining armor, and I love you... ♪
The person on top of the tree watched everything that happened the past few minutes. Jon knew that this person was there but he did get alerted as this person is his closest follower and his most loyal friend, Jullanar.
She was performing her regular duty of being his shadow. Ever since their agreement that day about the relationship between them, she has never neglected her duty.
She knows a lot about him and a lot about his weird actions, she even may know what he might be thinking or saying before he himself does it. He surely surprised her about a lot of things from his knowledge about hidden treasures to meeting a dragon and coming up with ideas and tales that literally were otherworldly, still, she put her whole faith in him.
For her, to follow the person who will one day save the world and to be the first to believe in him is her privilege and pride. She knew too well that he is serious about every word and action that came out from him despite the others seeing him as a boy who likes to act silly, even his mothers didn't take him seriously. She knew that she had this exclusive front seat to witness all the glory from the best angle possible, all she had to do was to live up to it.
He gave her all these privileges and put borders between them to not get too attached, yet he himself was the one who broke those borders and treated her with kindness and love, she knew that she is the first member of that family he made for himself.
And ever since the cat appeared, their small family has gained a new member who doesn't lose one bit to both of them in weirdness. That cat brought a lot of joy and fluff to their lives.
Yet today, a new person entered his heart. He who would lead hundreds of men to battle, kill hundreds of enemies, speak with a smile to a dragon, looked so helpless in front of a girl who is weaker than him.
Jullanar looked at Jon, who was floating on his back while listening to a very beautiful music made by his magic, and she smiled. She knew this day would come.
She didn't know if she should feel jealous or not. It was weird! Most people would feel jealous but she wasn't for some reason.
Jon and Alina were like her favorite people from the same age grade. Jon is the person who remade her life into something worth living and pulled her out of her unfortunate fate. Alina, on the other hand, was a very beautiful girl that she enjoyed keeping her company, she also revealed her face to Jullanar few times and Jullanar who was a girl was enchanted by Alina's beauty that could calm people's hearts and make them want to just protect her.
Even though Alina treated Jon with haughtiness and saw him as an equal when they first met, she got to learn her lesson and showed a lot of respect to Jon. She always sat behind him and spoke in absolute politeness to him, she even would put her pride as a magic prodigy away and go ask Jon for personal lessons.
In Jullanar's eyes, this was the right way to treat someone as great as Jon. She didn't like Wulfur because the way he always treated Jon as equal but she always knew that Jon and Wulfur has a brotherhood bond that gave Wulfur the right to do so.
She also didn't like the Firemanes before for showing not too much expectations in Jon, even though they later started to recognize him as one of the most gifted youngsters, she could tolerate them just a bit.
She knew it is twisted and unfair to put Jon so much above others but it wouldn't be logical to her who saw a big deal of weird events by just following him around. She considered herself to be the High Priestess if Jon was a god.
That all led to her taking the duties of watching Jon's back more seriously than her own life. But as a person who is very powerful, maybe watching his back that way won't do him much. She needs to watch what he can't see.
Right now, Jon is lovestruck and would take him some time to recover, she still has a very important duty to fulfill.
She moved from the tree and headed away. She kept running and looking around until she saw what she was looking for.
She walked towards her target but felt her presence might get caught, so she tried to activate the Aura that Jon spent some time teaching her.
Her Aura wasn't perfect but at least her presence was thinned very much. After getting the feels of it, she dashed like a loosen arrow and approach her target in a split of a second. Her attack wasn't lethal but she managed to clutch her target by the neck softly and push them on the snowy ground.
The target's level of strength was by no means inferior to her but it was a soft attack that carried no hint of killing intent so the target was rather confused.
The looked to each other in the eye and stayed silent.
She just was looking at the person under her right now.
After a few seconds, she let go of the person under her and loosed her body to lay down beside that person. Jullanar didn't seem to carry any hint of anger or negative emotions which surprised the other party. To Jullnare, it was a bit too hard to get angry at a girl that pretty even though they belong to the same gender.
"The moment you break his heart, I'll break your skull."
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♪Hello from the other side...♪
"Hildie, is this kid going to be okay?" (Jonrad)
"... I don't know!" (Hilda)
"He'll be fine." (Nurina)
"Don't think too much about it." (Jullanar)
♪And I, will alwaaays, love youuu...♪
"I kinda like the songs though, where did he learn to make songs like that, sister Nurina?" (Jonrad)
"His past life as he said." (Nurina)
"Again with that?" (Hilda)
"Let me tell you about dragons." (Jullanar)
♪Near! Far! Wherever you are...♪
"I am not sure if this song is good for him." (Nurina)
"Remember that time on the ship, Hildie?" (Jonrad)
"Yeah! I hope you have burnt that drawing." (Hilda)
♪When marimba rhythms start to play, Dance with me, make me sway...♪
"Can anyone just tell him to stop!" (Jonrad)
"You're his father, you should be there in a time like this." (Nurina)
"Yeah, I am well aware but lately I feel like kinda out of practice to give advice about love." (Jonrad)
"That's it!" Hilda was officially done with it. "Jonhild Jonrad Ve Firemane, you have three seconds to stop this or else!"
She walked in Jon's room kicking the door.
"Alexa, pause!"
Hilda was looking at Jon with a strict face but the strange voice that replied to Jon made her confused.
"What was that just now?"
"A corporeal being that can play songs and do a lot of other stuff. The real name is a secret or I will be in trouble."
"... I don't care about that now! Stop acting like this... if you like the girl, go look for her."
"I have sent over a three hundred flying familiars all over the town, the fort, and some to Eastmarsh but none found her."
"Flying familiars? Don't tell me... all these ghost-like birds that are flying all over our territory are yours?"
"Hmmm! Yes, I just made some to look for her instead of me."
"....." Hilda was left speechless. It seems she has discovered something new about Jon's absurd conjuration ability.
She left him with some words of warning to not play music again and walked down.
"I am glad its over." Jonrad breathed a sigh of relief.
"Hey, Nurina. Did you know that Jon is the behind all these flying creatures that are flying all over the place."
"Mhm!" Nurina nodded with a smile. "Don't you know he can summon a hundred Undead already? Jon's ability has become far crazier than what I anticipated after he started training in that Fire Garden."
"Sigh! Now I have a son and a husband to keep them off that place. How did you deal with that boy all these years?"
Nurina closed the book in her hand and rested her back on the chair.
"Normally, Jon was the easiest kid to raise, the first to speak, the first to walk, the first to understand. I thought it was talent but it seemed that things just get done around him as if he is another responsible person like an adult. Sometimes he gets lazy like this but he earns it."
"Will he be alright?" Jonrad asked.
"He'll be fine."
Nurina said and cast a look at the person who was stroking Nefertiti in the corner.
"Master! I am sowwy, I didn't think anyone would be there."
"it's not your fault. Still, why are you sticking around here?" Hilda asked Alina.
Alina, who has come since the early morning was sitting there wearing a big hood and covering her face.
"I found her sneaking away from the familiar birds Jon sent. I told her to come here since this is the only place Jon won't be searching." Jullanar replied.
"Sigh! Are you afraid of facing him?" Hilda asked.
"He, he is very determined to find me. But it is... I am afraid that..."
Those who were here knew about Alina's problem. When she was young, everyone blamed her for her mother's death and thought of her as a scary child with strange eyes, it caused her to develop a fear from getting her face seen. This is why she started wearing veils. What made her not to remove the veil, even though she gained a bit of confidence and became popular in her clan, was how she grew up to be a beauty Skyrim rarely saw twice in an era. This and that led to her being a very shy person without her veil.
Once before, a visitor to the clan saw her and news spread about her in the other clans. It was said that the Moonblade clan closed its doors for a year until all the so-called visitors stopped flooding.
"Anyway, is he focused on the challenge of tomorrow?" Jonrad asked.
"He'll be ready." Nurina said.
"Yes, he asked me about the details of the challenge this morning. He looked focused." Hilda said.
"What will this challenge be like?" Jullanar asked.
"I saw it once." Alina replied. "Even though the challenge of my clan was said to be pretty intense, the Firemane's challenge was said to take place in the Mind Realm. Sometimes things get really scary as I heard and sometimes it doesn't take a minute."
"It was short with me. Father took the challenge with me so I was really focused and reached the Wolf Guardian in a minute. Jonrad however..." Hilda said proudly.
"Sigh! Let's just say things get really scary if there is a dragon in your Mind Realm. I have never seen a dragon in my whole life and to see on in my mind was an experience that I don't want to experience once again." Jonrad said.
"Oh my! You might need to buckle up as the dragons will be coming in four years and it will get crispy." Jullanar replied imitating Jon.
"It sounds much better when Jon says it." Nurina said.
"Don't believe me? We'll wait and see then."
"So, which Guardian Beast will Senior get to have?"
Alina asked that question and everyone fell silent. Jon would have replied "The Cat!" without a single doubt but this was a serious matter this time. Even Jon himself was concerned about it secretly.
The problem is that in the Mind Realm, one should Chase, Battle, or Imitate their Guardian Beast to win its recognition. In Jon's case, there is a big chance it is either the Wolf or the Dragon like his parents but parents aren't always the deciding factor.
Still, it wouldn't be a problem if Jon found the Wolf in his Mind Realm, the problem, however, comes with the Dragon.
Throughout the Generations of the Firemanes and the 'Titanborn Clan' they originated from, only a few managed to gain the recognition of the Dragon. Ve Firemane couldn't gain it even though he was a proud patriarch. Jonrad Firemane, however, managed to gain it in an outstandingly from the first try. The power he gained by the Dragon made him the most fearsome expert among the Clans. Even though Jon heard the story, it was hard to tell that for those who see that man who likes to act silly most of the time unless one battles him.
That's why Jonrad wanted to give Jon a taste of his power when he met him officially for the first time in the Fire Garden.
"If Jonhild gained the recognition of the Dragon, this kid will be invincible." Jonrad, who is aware of what the dragon has to offer, said those words.
Nurina looked at him and narrowed her eyes when she saw the anticipation he had. Jonrad was actually the most excited person about Jon's challenge.
"What will happen if he gained it?" She asked.
Jonrad looked at Nurina the opened his palm and evoked a flame spell. He then added more power to it and the flame became brighter and brighter. It made a very strong light and one could feel its heat from a distance. He then pulled it back.
"Back then, The Titanborn clan had a strong body build and a high affinity with beasts. When they awakened their bloodlines, they would become mighty beast tamers. Of course three of the nine beasts couldn't be tamed but their obsession was in one of them and the one that doesn't exist." Jonrad said.
"... The Dragon Guardian..." Nurina followed.
"Exactly, but no one of their ranks could manage to get the recognition even the most talented. That is why they looked for new blood from outside the clan for many years. During the Second Akaviri invasion in the Second Era year 572, Windhelm was sacked by the Dir-Kamal, the snow demons of Akavir, and the queen of Eastern Skyrim Mabjaarn Flame-Hair was killed in battle. The rest of the clan managed to escape to Winterhold and make ties with the Titanborn clan. After sixteen years, the first person got recognized by the Dragon appeared and it was when the Firemanes officially came to be. After half a millennia the clan almost got destroyed in the Great Collapse but father and uncle survived and carried on. With them, the clan obsession with the Dragon lived on."
"Nice story!"
Everyone looked at who popped up and it was Jon. He was in his natural mood.
No one really wanted to trigger his emotional state but he seemed fine.
"So, I will have to catch a dragon tomorrow to make a flame like yours." Jonhild looked at Jonrad with a smug face.
"Little bastard! I managed to do it in half a day, if you do it in less, I'll teach you how to make a Flame like mine." Jonrad made the exact same smug face his son made.
"Old bastard! Game on."
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