It was time for the Lao Hu Bow Clan's test. There many young teenagers flocking to the training grounds, and there was a large group of parents and spectators sitting on benches on both sides of the training ground.
In front of the podium was a small stage with a crystal ball in the middle.
The doors to the main hall opened and a group of men came.
"Silence! The Clan patriarch is here."
A white-haired man came on the podium and spoke about how the youth were the next leading generation of this clan that will bring the clan to greater heights…
He then sat on the on the chair on the podium with a few other men that were the clan elders.
The first test started. One by one the youth came on stage and the placed their hands on trail. A 20 appeared on the ball.
"Level 20, pass"
More and more youth came on stage and did the same.
"Level 20, pass"
"Level 23, pass"
"Level 12, fail"
The man from the inn went on the stage.
"Level 34, pass"
The clan elders looked happy, and were looking at each other and talking while the clan patriarch stroked his beard happily.
There was also a commotion in the crowd that settled down later.
It was now Diyue's turn. She went on the stage and then a 54 came on the crystal ball. The elders were shocked even the clan patriarch stared at the Diyue and saw her spirit power.
"Her spirit power is 54! She looks so young! Could she be from one of the empires!"
An instant commotion broke out in the crowds and among the elders, while the patriarch looked at her suspiciously.
— Un nouveau chapitre arrive bientôt — Écrire un avis