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100% Devil Devil (A Vasto Lorde SI in Chainsaw Man) / Chapter 7: Contract or CONTRACT (Part I)

Chapitre 7: Contract or CONTRACT (Part I)

Stifling a groan, Kishibe ran a hand through his head that was set for an incoming headache.

'... I swear this country has finally gone mad.'

A fucking inevitability with how the world is turning out to be…

The first-class Devil Hunter had suspected something like this ever since the Gun Devil Incident, particularly the aftermaths on the World.

But then again, all that had been Kishibe simply being suspicious—

—until things like this begin to happen.

'Ah, fuck...'

Clicking in irritation while mindful not to show it on his face, Kishibe placidly moved further into the currently constructed site and farther away from the loud gathering that had ruined his chance for a peaceful smoke.

On the way to the meeting location, Kishibe walked passed people who greeted—more like bowed to—him in respect, but he merely waved them back in turn as he moved without slowing pace.

Even on normal days, Kishibe had never gotten used to people looking at him like that—even though it comes with the position of Japan's Strongest Devil Hunter—and he wouldn't start getting used to it now.

Not when he's currently occupied with all sorts of thoughts.

"*&%* #%?!"

"Tch…" Kishibe stopped to look back for a moment before he continued his slow gait. "Who the hell seriously thought it was a wise decision to let in all the bees in a place like this?"

Oh, and by 'bees', Kishibe meant the throngs of people behind him.

Now Kishibe knew that technology was a never-ending evolution that could be likened to a train with no particular destination—except for a few stops here and there—especially in its communicational fort.

Phones. Telephones. Televisions with colors rather than black and white…

… He had bought the last one as soon as it hit the international markets.

In any case, there was no doubt that the World is increasing in its growth and complexity, as well as in its Fears. Nevertheless, Kishibe still couldn't fathom how they got news of the mysterious horned Devil this quickly.

Was there some sort of social platform that he wasn't aware of?




…Eh, not like Kishibe had an interest in things like that in the first place.



Nevertheless, while the mysteries and power of communication still baffled Kishibe, that wasn't the sole reason for his weariness at the large gathering behind him.

'These people must know that a Devil is on its way here and look at them, all standing around n' prancing like excited chickens and if anything goes wrong they immediately say it's the Bureau's fault.'

Now Kishibe knew more than anyone else that while an abnormal level of Insanity is needed when dealing with devils, not just anyone is capable of exhibiting it.

There's only so far bravado can carry someone before they suddenly change tunes and start crying for their mommies. It's something he's encountered when occasionally working with other Devil Hunters.

… There was a reason why Kishibe always loved working alone.

At the moment, all these people had come to see something exotic—what Kishibe sees though, is something dangerous.

Especially that punch of his…

That ridiculous, goddam punch.

"I swear that bastard thought that up at the spot."


He's losing confidence, here.

Anyway, to the unnatural behavior displayed by the crowd, the Devil Hunter will simply take it as a sign of potential public officers—Devil Hunters—showing up within the country's populace.

Yeah, that's it; Kishibe won't be concerning himself about them, anymore.

Besides, it wasn't in his job description to worry about the safety of the people—Kishibe's job is to stick knives in devils' asses.

That should be considered as enough self-duty performed for this country.

"Ah! I've finally found you, Kishibe-san!"

Pausing, Kishibe turned to see a familiar twerp jogged towards him.

"Oh… Eh… What's your name, again?"

"It's Michiko! Tendo Michiko…! 3rd Class Officer." The ponytail woman dressed in a smart suit said with a hint of exasperation.

"Ah~ Michiko, right," Kishibe said as he scratched his chin while regarding the young lady with a raised brow.

It was upon hearing her name that had jogged Kishibe's memory into remembering his once-upon-a-time student…

… Only that he hadn't bothered to check up on her, thinking that she'd die soon like all the others did.

Devil Hunting may be a lucrative job, but it sure as hell wasn't a safe one. Meeting a Devil you aren't qualified or equipped to fight is all it takes for you to start preparing for the amount of agony you'll be put through before you die.

Not to mention, all the training and equipment one has wouldn't matter a zilch if they don't have the required mindset for Devil Hunting.

A crazy and irrational mind.

A mind unbound by logic and proper reasoning—that is what one must have to stand up to any kind of Devil.

Kishibe had initially pinned Tendo Michiko as someone who didn't have the necessary craziness for the job, and had written her off for someone who would last a few months…



… What? Kishibe had better things to do than to worry about every kouhais he had been assigned with; like women and booze.

In any case, seeing Michiko in that suit and in that position told Kishibe that maybe he could be wrong about this one—or maybe, she was just smart enough to know how to survive.

Craziness would only carry you so far before realizing that smartness is also a part of its numerous facets.

"Kishibe-san? Kishibe-san?!"

Unfortunately, whatever thoughts Kishibe had in mind had to be put on hold.

Hello? It's Reality callin'

"Hmm..." Kishibe blinked in acknowledgment. "So what's with the nagging? Don't tell me, those bosses of ours are now dissatisfied with the current location?"

Well, that wouldn't be much of a surprise seeing as those lots had planned to have the meeting outside the mall where the Crocodile Devil's corpse is.

Seriously, these people should at least, do it in a more safer location.

Kishibe couldn't help but wonder if this was the government's method of trying to make a statement or something like that, which was why they had allowed people to gather around to spectate something like this.

Probably hoping that 'Pet Girl' would make things run smoothly.

Kishibe didn't stop his lips from quirking up sarcastically.

'Heh. Well, good luck with that one.'

Something told Kishibe that the leaders of Japan would be in for a surprise.

"N-No, it's not that. It's just that the Level 9 Special Priority has arrived and her handlers are asking for your presence."

Kishibe's face took one of long-suffering.

'Speak of the Devil, and she appears.' The Devil Hunter moaned in his mind.

Level 9 Special Priority was the code name given to the Primal Devil of Control, Makima, by the government to use in public… At least, until her grand debut.

Not anyone knew who she was, her position within the Governmental hierarchy, and there was no information on her appearance—not even Michiko, who had come to inform Kishibe knew who she was even talking about.

Level 9 Special Priority, Makima was just that special.


'Hah, what a pile of dog shit.'

Kishibe very much scoffed at that line of reasoning.

While it is true that Devils have no human rights to speak of, one would reason that for someone breed to become one of the crucial pillars of Japan the Government would allow her to associate with the people she ought to protect.

At the very least, basic human communication would have prevented Makima from becoming the creepy brat she is today.

The cold truth is that the Government isn't just qualified for child-rearing.

Look no further than Japan's Strongest Devil Hunter turned out to be.

… Ouch.

That a mysterious Devil has shown more humanity—however twisted—than Makima has ever displayed since being taken care of by humans should say a lot about the species, themselves.

'Sometimes, we are our own biggest enemies.'

With a sigh and a nod, Kishibe gestured for Michiko to lead the way—

—on for the Devil Hunter to freeze in his movement.

A bead of sweat trailed down the side of his face as a sensation he had never felt in his entire life pressed down on him.

"What the fuck…?" He groaned in discomfort.

It was like Kishibe was in a hydraulic press that wouldn't stop coming down.

A quick look at Michiko showed that she was desperately trying to keep herself up, but the intensity of the unseen pressure was enough to fall her flat to the floor.

Kishibe didn't pay any heed to the unnatural 'thousands' of people falling and the rising hysteria that naturally came to it.

Serves them right for playing with fire.

Besides, it was taking all Kishibe had to simply keep his body up, and he could only manage to do that.

Thankfully, the source of this 'intent' didn't have any bloodlust in it—because if it did, Kishibe was quite sure he would be looking at dead bodies rather than frothing ones.

Immediately, the 'intent' went up a nudge as the sky suddenly turned dark.

A greenish kind of dark.

It was like the sky was pregnant for a rain that would never fall.

Occasional lightning cackled out in unholy verdant colors as every single soul fell in a hush with breaths abated and fear of the Devil in their hearts reignited.

Probably considering their life choices by now.

In the unnatural silence, what followed after was the thump of footsteps…

Its footsteps…

Thump… Thump… Thump… Thump…

Kishibe looked up—and sighed as a tired huff escaped from his lips.

"Jesus Christ, talk about making an entrance."

It was like beholding the descent of a deity—only a malevolent one.


Michiko said with a voice jampacked in terror.

"Did you fight against something like that?"

Kishibe sighed shakily as he tried to muster an answer.

"I didn't fight against it… I simply survived."

Japan should know what they're doing because Kishibe couldn't see in what way the country could win against this Devil without the country, itself, becoming a smoking crater.

"Seriously, what sort of Fear does it, represent?"


"Whoo… Whoo…"

I couldn't stop the nervous sound escaping from my skull-like face as I looked down at the large congregation gathered in front of me.

'Seriously, what the hell, Kishibe?'

While I do remember telling him to decide the location of where I am to meet Japan's leaders, I certainly didn't expect for him to hold it within the very mall I'd just beat his ass in.

To mention, the people…

Ugh, yeah, I'm not good with crowds—could still remember the not-so-fun times in high school, when I would be called out by my 'sensei( s) ' to say something in front of the class, only for me to fumble like a stammering idiot.

Away with you O bad memories!

Being a Vasto Lorde may have changed my thinking somewhat as the level of nervousness wasn't as bad as I thought it would be—but yeah~ I still don't like crowds!


'What's up with them?'

Rather than appearing sad, happy, or even hateful at my appearance—due to my Devil-like appearance. They were all busy on the ground foaming and clawing at their purple-looking faces.

Was this some sort of mental-type Devil attack instigated to pin the blame on me?

A non-existent eyebrow twitched in irritation.

Just when things couldn't get more complicated!

With a slash, I readied the Devil Claymore as I spread out my senses to catch any hint of unusual Reiatsu, only to realize that the only overwhelming energy that I could sense… Was my own.


At that moment, I realized the weather wasn't so sunny anymore—hell, it looked like it was about to rain—and those lightning strikes looked very much like… my… own… spiritual energy.

Eh? Could it be…?

"Um… Did I do this, Akane-chan?" I turned to ask the little girl situated on my shoulder.

"Yes." The girl innocently nodded. "It's… Very beautiful."



Maybe it may look beautiful to Akane-chan because she was still under the mitigating effects of my shroud, but to those under its weight, it was anything but that.

I still remember the effects of Reiatsu Crush from the anime.

Particularly Aizen's.

'Damn, I hope I haven't killed someone by mistake.'

Of course, I knew the reason why Soul Reapers/Quincies/Hollows don't use their full powers in the World of the Living—especially the more powerful ones—was because their spiritual energy had the potential of messing up the planet.

But I did not think I was powerful enough to do that.

Hah… It seems a Vasto Lorde is truly a class of its own.

'Ugh, is it because I couldn't control my spiritual energy, well enough?'

The urge to press both hands against my face and roar in embarrassment suffused my very being.

I'd just blown my chance for peaceful talks just because of some damn crowd-phobia.

How am I expected to appear as an amicable Devil, now?

To those guys busy clawing their throats as I must look like the worst kind of Devil to them, I am no different from that gun-toting asshole—


Ah, dammit; I still haven't dropped my Reiatsu, have I?

With a 'humph', I willed back the excess energy as well as its pressure spilling out from me.

The spiritual energy felt like a rush of cool drink as it flowed right back into my body and the atmosphere immediately cleared up with the sun bursting out like it was never gone.

Ok… I'll admit that's so cool.

'But I've still got to take yoga classes when I'm done with this shit.'

In the end, though, what's done is done.

The original plan was to act friendly or at least, as human-like as I can remember. Try to appeal to their emotions. But that seems out of the window from the looks of the people gathered outside.

'Maybe Subjugation can work for a short term.' I thought grumpily.

With a sigh, I easily spotted the snipers situated around the buildings all currently indisposed by my spirit pressure.

The helicopters in the distance that were spinning around during the ordeal—at least, to them—had stabilized but didn't dare to fly closer.

Tanks and turret-mounted vehicles pointed their muzzles at me as if to rend me in case I pulled any funny business—as if they were capable of doing anything at the moment.

Truthfully, the total armed forces mustered against me had merely welled up a single emotion.


I could easily wipe them all out with a single swing from my Claymore.

A single [Cero] would drop down the numbers to a nil.

It wouldn't be a fair fight even if the Devil Hunters with all their Devil Contracts were added to the mix.

'Why am I playing house in the first place?'

The answer to that immediately spoke to me from my shoulders.

"I'm hungry."

Flinching, I whirled to Akane-chan with jaws dropped.

"Hungry? Didn't you just eat some seconds ago?"

Akane-chan simply nodded and said.

"I'm hungry, again."

Ah~ that's right.

I need this country's full and absolute support to ensure this imp doesn't send me back to Hell by bleeding me dry... Not like I had anything of worth in the first place.

Well, let's see as we go, shall we?


"We-Welcome, D-D-Devil-sama."

A man dressed in a disarrayed suit greeted with a full 90-degree bow.

"I-I am H-Hayase Renji, 2nd Class Devil Hunter. If you would please f-f-follow me."

Heh, I had this feeling if I so much as say 'boo', he would promptly drop all formalities and bolt like the Devil was after his heels.

Which I wasn't going to do…


Alright, I was going to do it.

"So why're we having this meeting here, Renji?"

"Hwuh-What?" The Devil Hunter staggered forward with wide eyes. "A-Are you perhaps, talking to me?"

"Keke, seems this one isn't as bright as Mr. Knives, is he?" The Claymore Devil said with a cackle.

Regarding the fear in the man's eyes, I couldn't help but agree with the weapon Devil.

Is he a Devil Hunter?

"Hah, forget that… Why are you the one meeting me if you're this scared of Devils?" I couldn't help asking.

"N-No, it's just after that show, you'd put back there…" Renji trailed off. "Anyone's going to be a bit jumpy around you."

"Hmm… Maybe you're right." I admitted. "But why not use Kishibe, then? I don't think someone as crazy as him would be that fazed by that."

"Kishibe-san is currently…" Renji trailed off with a cough. "Busy at the moment. But he'll be sure to join you once he's done with his business."

'Well, that sounded ominous to me.'

Eyeing the tense Devil Hunter, I considered the possibility of bullying the answers out of him. But I shook the thought off—not like it mattered to me, anyway.

The Devil Hunter, Renji led me up a flight of stairs to the third floor—a floor higher than the one I had been with Akane-chan, who seemed to be looking quite hungry at the moment.

Hope there'll be something to eat when we arrive.

Soon enough, I was led to a fancy restaurant where Renji stopped by the door with a bow and gestured for me to enter—only to stop me upon doing so.

"Um, if you are ok with it, I am willing to take care of Miss Akane while you are busy with the meeting."

Renji turned to the girl on my shoulder with an outstretched hand.

"So what do you think, Akane-chan?"

The girl hugged the side of my skull as she shook her head, unwilling to let go.

"Seems like Akane-chan has decided. Thanks, but she'll be staying with me for the meeting."

The smile on Renji's face couldn't have looked more fake—which kinda' confused me—but it wasn't like he could force it in the end, so with a sour smile, he nodded.

"If that's your decision, Miss. Akane. Just know you are being missed by your family members."

Akane-chan remained stalwart to that.

I blinked in bemusement—then in understanding.

'So that's how it is…'

I finally understood what game the snake was playing and the whole picture behind his so-called 'care'.

I've seen this scenario in many animes and mangas, where the Government would be interested in an unexplainable phenomenon, and seeking to understand means performing all kinds of experimentation.

Seeing as there was nothing they could do to contain me, they were willing to go for the next best thing.


There was no need for me to say the kind of setting I'm in to describe what they could do to her all in the name of discerning why I am attached to her.

'Alright, now I'm pissed.'

Before Renji's brain neutrons could even fire a warning of the situation he was in, I had already angled my claymore to its flat side and slapped the bastard with it.

Fwhoon…! Boom!

A human-shaped blur flew and wrecked the clothing store on the opposing side of the mall.

I held back as much as possible but the likelihood of his survival unsurprisingly didn't matter to me.

Turning towards the group of Devil Hunters currently hidden within the vicinity, I said.

"Let this be a warning to you, all. If any single hair on Akane-chan's head falls without her permission. If any sniffle comes out from her mouth without my knowledge… If by the next 3 minutes, there is no delicacy for Akane-chan when I'm in this room… There is no need for me to say what will happen next."

Not an ounce of spiritual energy escaped my body— but from my tone and the way they all scrambled out, I am sure they got my message without me going all SuperSaiyan on them.




It seems I was giving this country too much credit, simply because it is the home of Chainsawman—which I'm not even going to let happen—I should have suspected something like this from Japan, going by what happens in canon.

But it seems I am naïve—and so is this country.

If Japan thinks it is dealing with an ordinary Devil, then it should think again.

I am anything but Ordinary…

vtorx_0867 vtorx_0867

*Peeks behind a curtain*

So… Erm, here's another chapter on our resident Devil/Hallow.

The next chapter will have the confrontation/humiliation that you've all been waiting for.

I don't have much to say, so till the next update.

next chapter
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