Having lived a past life in constant search of battles, the main character found his death. But this was not the end, as it turned out that he was reborn in a new world and in a new body. But unfortunately for him, not everything turned out so well. The world in which he was reborn turned out to be many times more dangerous than before, and the body that he became the owner of turned out to be weak and helpless. In addition, he could not escape, because he was locked in a ward of a psychiatric hospital. But with all these failures, something happened that once again changed his whole life, a strange explosion... which changed the lives of many.
English is not my native language
I have nothing
This is also a translation. Hehehe Rus.
if the author tells me I will delete
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Écrire un avisIt's not bad, but honestly it's not good, it's absurdly boring ... The protagonist has no feelings, he has no interactions with other people (besides caitlyn), the chapters seem more monologues, it's like there is no "substance", the chapters are empty, there are only descriptions, descriptions of powers, descriptions of moments, description of "missions" ... It's like a giant piece of the novel is missing, the author is relying only on the series, so he jumps from moment to moment, it's like he doesn't follow a straight line, so there is no character development or anything like that, the MC only exists to eat, to become stronger and to be a character in "The Flash" series...
If you like cannibals then this is your story. Not badly written story kinda just gives mc what he wants bit not totally unbelievable. Eating people is just not my thing.
Spoiler de révélationstory is good and all. I really didn't had any problem with cannabilism in the beginning as the guy was doing whatever he could do survive and only went after criminals but from chapter 26 or 27 onwards he became animal, so can't say I liked that. Though from the way the story was going I knew this would happen but was hoping he would continue to kill criminals only.
Looking forward to this.....................................................................................................................
very good keep up the work...................................................................................... . .. . . .
I really like the concept behind this, I hope that it doesn't go the route of giving the mc so many abilities they dont even know what to do with them but it's doing good so far. plus 20 chapters in only a few days I cant ask for more. just a few times where there are some inconsistencies like 1 paragraph later or even in the same paragraph which is slightly confusing, so maybe just look over it once if you dont already.
Spoiler de révélationgrammar was barley bareable at the start but it just got absolutely unreadable later. like how can you get worse? you should be getting better.
Tiene buenos puntos a desarrollar pero la historia es repetitiva y algo abirrida el personaje carese de ambiciones u objetivos ademas de la falta de telaciones sociales esta bien que sea solitario pero el personajes carece de cualquier relacion que le sirva de ancla u apollo hasta batman tenia amist des como alfred , los robins , la liga de la justicia ademas de sistintas relaciones amorosas y es eso de lo que carese este personaje
Spoiler de révélationThe story definitely grows on you. I was sort of turned off in the beginning with him needing to eat people like tokyo ghoul but it goes away the more you read. Aside from that its a fun read and I’m excited to see the league’s reaction to him
Spoiler de révélationwhy not a ghoul in dc instead lol .........................................................................................................................................................................................................
The story is really great so far. A lot of gore but I won't complain. Only thing is that there is some MAJOR writing mistake really thats really hard to follow. He should really recheck his text for those mistakes. I think he suffer from dysphasia or dyslexic.Maybe write a warning about it??
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sometimes I can't understand some of the paragraphs in here...but the story makes up for it so nice job. other then that I hope he slowly becomes a slightly better person
Spoiler de révélationAuteur Elkazavar
pls fix the voting option!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! there isn't any for a great story like this but for other bullshits like with harem and shit like novels there is one