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DC/HP: The Magic Psychics Twins. DC/HP: The Magic Psychics Twins. original

DC/HP: The Magic Psychics Twins.

Auteur: God_Of_Wolves

© WebNovel

Martin and Martina

(For some reason, it is really common to read Harry Potter fanfic mixed in with Marvel in some way. So, I say fuck it and let's put Harry Potter in DC. How? I don't know, let me write it and I will figure it out. Also, wincest;)



Martin and his Twin Sister Martina, since they were born, were special. They could remember the face of their mother, a random hooker who got pregnant. When they were born, they were left at an orphanage as they would be bad for her work.

Fine by them as she was obviously a liability toward them. The reason for them being self-aware at birth was because of a miracle. They were both Legendary S Class ranked Psychics.

Psychics were an accepted part of their world, but S ranked were beyond rare. Only one was usually born per Generation which made them prized by governments around the world.

Most were instantly found and recruited, but in the case of the twins, they were special. Normally in the case of twins, only one of the children normally had any psychic potential.

But Martin and Martina were both Psychic and since they were born they formed a very powerful and strange psychic connection. This connection caused them to grow faster than normal as anything one twin learned, the other did as well.

As they grew up in the orphanage, they relied on each other and hid their talents deeply. They bid their time acting like regular kids to keep

Stray Psychic were often killed or enslaved as was common in the News so they knew better than to show off. In secret though, they used their powers in subtle ways to guide things their way.

They brainwashed a wealthy couple to get adopted, and using the wealth of their 'parents' they got proper training in secret. As they grew older, their abilities also grew more potent and volatile. But while they were twins, each had their talent.

Martin had more talent in offensive abilities, after reading into the Warhammer 40k Universe, he took inspiration from the Psykers. He managed to replicate several of these abilities and even the darker aspects of being a psychic.

He could bend the minds of others to his will, or destroy them. Rip apart entire buildings with his mental might, or if he so desired, create Psychic lightning and fire. As for Martina, while she was no weaker than he was, she was more talented in more delicate abilities.

Things like Clairvoyance, the art of seeing the future. And she was better at the more delicate arts like mind reading. But she learned everything he did even if not as well as he was.

As such, when they focused on the same thing their learning speed was many times faster. Years went by like this and they truly believed that they were in the clear. And they would have, but the Government through the use of a powerful Clairvoyant Psychic learned of their existence. Martina though, also learned of this so she and her brother were ready or so they thought when the capture squad attacked their home.

The American Government had many resources that the twins would never have known about. Psychic Dampening equipment, ways to protect from stray untrained Psychics, and even powerful trained Psychics of their own.

At first, the goal was to capture both of them as was the first response, but the twins were not about to let themselves be captured and enslaved. Alone, they were deadly, but together, they were nightmares

Martina and Martin gazed out at the hundreds of soldiers that were being delivered from helicopters, and armored troop transports. Each one was dressed in dark riot gear that the twins could feel was made to resist the powers of psychics.

They were armed with state-of-the-art weapons that just like their armor were either enhanced with psychic abilities, or made to combat them. But both of them could see that more soldiers were being delivered along with tanks.

Though the Government made one mistake, they did not send any S class Psychics, just a bunch of A class and bellow which would cost them.

Martina took a breath as she exhaled strengthening the link she had with her brother. Martin did the same as the twins began to prepare for the upcoming clash. Martin's deep green eyes began glowing a blood red clasped clasped his hands together with inhuman force.

A formless pressure formed around him which caused the ground to quake with the sheer force of his mental might. As he did this, Martin with the strengthened link could vent some of the stress of the calculations he needed to Martina who could do the same.

This way, they never had to deal with the full pressure of their abilities as they had another equally powerful mind to deal with it. With practiced ease, dark crimson Psychic lightning began coursing through his hands.

Like the Blood Angels' own Librarians, Martin with a cackle unleashed his lightning upon the Psychic Hunter who had never faced a properly trained S-class Psychic with time to delve into their own abilities. Much less a pair of unnatural twins.

With a bellow, his lightning smashed into the soldiers and despite their defensive equipment, scores of soldiers felt their blood boil and their flesh burn as they died by the droves. Not content, blood-red wings of psychic energy burned behind him as he took to the sky. Martina sighed as her brother was a big show off.

"Don't fuck up."

"Not going to."

Up here, he held his hands out and with ease picked up several troop transporters and even plucked out a few helicopters from the sky which began to spin around him.

With a clench of his hands, he crushed the vehicles into small balls of metal and flesh. Not finished, he opened his hands and caused the vehicles to begin to burn with psychic fire. Using the heavy balls of burning metal as weapons he waved his hands and used them to smash into troops turning them into smears of flesh and bone.

Eventually, the metal balls began to melt away causing them to begin to explode. Not wasting the moment, he grinned with his eyes still glowing and tossed them into the ranks of the Government Hunters.

Multiple explosions of shrapnel spread more chaos and death through the so-called Hunters. His wings burned as he landed back next to his sister with a flip. She rolled her eyes as she walked toward him.

"You are such a baby sometimes."

"I turned 25 yesterday."

"WE turned 25 yesterday."

With a smirk, he reminded her of the winner of the childbirth race.

"I came out of the whore first."

By whore, they meant their mother, who was just that to them. Some whore which was shameful for Psychics like them to come from the lowest of society. Martina gently pushed him back as a sniper round was fired where his head had been.

Unbothered, Martin made eye contact with the sniper with a bloodthirsty grin. His joking attitude is just a facade. Just as he was about to melt the Sniper's mind, a firm hand grabbed his shoulder.

"Leave it. He is mine."

Martina's eyes glowed a bright blue as she raised her hands high. The large metal fence around their mansion was ripped out of the ground and the stakes used like spears. The many snipers along with the one who fired on them received a metal lance to the head.

He was not the only one as Martina controlled the spears over and over to kill many soldiers and even the occasional Psychic who were fielded against them. The divide between Rank A and S was extreme, and that was for normal ones.

The twins were far from normal.

"Ready for the thunder sis?"

"Just do it."

His eyes glowing their blood red shade again, his red lightning inspired by the Blood Angels struck each metal fence post. Martina stabbed the posts into the ground and into people which Martin used to create a massive net with his lightning clearing their surroundings of the first wave of Hunters and killing droves more.

With their surroundings relatively clear, Martin turned to Martina.

"Well then, that went smoothly."

"Shut up and let me focus."

She closed her eyes as she used her Clairvoyant powers to try to see their future. For normal Clairvoyent, they would be overwhelmed as seeing the future was not black and white. What one saw was many possible futures which quickly stressed your mind.

As such, she used their link to vent some of the stress from her brain toward her brother. With practiced ease, he closed his eyes and dealt with the stress from her trying to see their future and how to avoid dying.

Using this stress to temper his will, he endured it without so much as a grunt. After a few more minutes, Martina opened her eyes with a gasp.


She reached into her jacket and handed Martin a towel which he used to wipe his bleeding eyes.

"What? What did you see?"

"I just 100,000 futures and we die in most of them. In a few they even Nuke us. We are beyond fucked."

Martin groaned as that sounded bad.

"That ain't good. How about the ones we live."

"Just 100. And let me tell you, not one of those is good. We live on the run and in some, we get captured and enslaved by the government. In one, one of us dies and the other gets severe damage from the backlash. If we do get captured, you can bet your ass we are worse off."

He nodded.

"So, not good. Got it."

Martin squinted his blood-red eyes as he extended a hand to their house. From it, two weapons flew toward him. Inspired by 40k Nemesis Force Weapons, he had tried to tune them to his Psychic powers.

The First One, he had named Pretorian, was inspired by the Black Templars. As for the red one, he named it Honor, inspired by the Dark Angels Having commissioned them when he was 10 using their mind-controlled wealthy 'parents' to get them.

They were made of the best High Carbon Steel Alloy and he had spent years tuning them with his powers. Now, both weapons were more than just pieces of metal, they were parts of himself and helped in channeling his powers.

With a masterful spin, he placed the swords on his hips. As for Martina, she had no such weapon. Instead, she had done something similar with the necklace she wore.

"Time to go."

She nodded

"I know."

She kneeled down and placed her hand on the ground. A chunk of concrete was ripped from the floor which they used to fly off on.


This had started a 5-year stint on the run. As they sought to escape, the Government could not allow two Stray S class Psychics.

And just as they expected, the government had their own S class Psychics which they sent after the twins after learning that A class would not cut it. Underestimated, together, they had managed to kill the first pair which was a monumental blow to the government.

S-class psychics were extremely rare and so losing even one would set them back years before they found another. Next time, they Instead sent out teams of A class and bellow led by at least 2 S class to ensure the job was done. Either capture, or kill the twins. Together, Martin and Martina continued their escape, fighting off their hunters at every turn killing scores every time.

With only each other to rely on, their skills were forced to grow to the extreme. Nearly dying more than on one occasion, they continued to fight for their lives. However, they could only run and fight for so long before something had to give.

Now, in the Alaskan Wilderness, both of them looked out at the giant army moving for them. Martin exhaled deeply as he turned to Martina. His swords gripped tightly in his hands.

"So, how does this go?"

Martina shook her head.

"Bad ending. We don't make it."

He sighed as he looked out at the army of both psychics and regular troops. They brought more than ever learning that the both of them were far too strong to take on. At least they could take solace that they had cost their pursuers greatly.

Having killed 5 S class psychics, and countless of the lower ranks had surely left America hurting and would leave them hurting for a long time. Martin turned to his sister.

"So, we getting Nuked?"

She shook her head.

"No, we die in the fight. I could not see much of what will happen, just that we die."

He smacked his lips.

"Fucking cheap asses. The least I am worth is a Nuke. Instead, they throw at me their toys. How can I tolerate this offense?"

Martina rolled her eyes.

"I failed in letting you read those dreadful Warhammer and Cultivation books."

He just wrapped an arm around her shoulder with a grin.

"And I failed in letting you read those borring Harry Potter books. You barely learned anything from them. Unless you learned how to make a Horcrux as No Nose that could save us?"

She pushed his arm off her shoulder.

"We are Psychic, not mages. I don't even think the soul exists. I have not seen it at least."

He began to walk toward the army with Pretorian and Fallen in his hands. His prized swords. While magic was not real, he in his mind believed that his weapons were at the very least better than ever.

"Come on, I rather not die alone."

She face palmed.

"And I rather not die at all, but what choice do we have."

She began to walk next to her brother toward the impending army. As they did so, she turned to him.

"Oh, if souls are real and we go to Hell, I am totally going to dunk you in lava."

He just smiled.

"We would be together so that is fine with me."

She rolled her eyes as she raised her hands which began to burn in bright blue psychic fire.

"True. Maybe in our next lives, we won't die virgins."

He laughed as they had avoided romantic involvement because of their Psychic Link. They saw and felt everything the other did so it was too weird. Since they were dying, he said something he had kept to himself.

"If you asked, I would have taken it for you. You're hot. Like a female version of me."

She cringed as she looked at him with a disgusted look on her face.

"Gross. That would be like you fucking yourself. And I am your sister."

"Even better. I am eye candy."

"Shut up and get to killing before I kill you."

His swords began to crackle with red lightning as his psychic fire wings burned behind him. His body was empowered as he prepared for the fight that would end him.

"Ay Ay Mommy."

She smiled as she walked next to him.

"Your sick, but I guess so am I."

"That means if we live, I get to do you?"

"Sure. Why the fuck not? Who has the right to judge us anyway?"

He laughed before focusing on himself. He took a deep breath and with a roar, his scream echoed through the battlefield liquifying the brains of those weak enough to hear it. The leading enemy Psychic raised her hand to protect her troops as these two had shown deadly abilities.

But shocking even her, her shield cracked from just an empowered scream. They both charged into the army not planning on dying easily and they did not. They fought on for 3 entire days, killing thousands of soldiers and several psychics. But even with each other venting some of the stress to their minds, they were two while they faced an army.

In time, something had to give, and eventually, that just happened to be Martina. She and Martin had trained just as hard, and they were just as skilled as the other. But after so long, she just reached her limit in a time she could not afford to show weakness.

While Martin was stuck in a brutal duel with 3 S Class Psychics and their A class and bellow lackeys, Martina's foes used the moment that her brain seemed to recoil from the tiredness she felt after a full day of fighting for her.

America had called in favors and a few S-class Psychics from Britain were part in the assault. One of them was great at attacking the mind, and in that moment of weakness struck Martina with a brutal Mental attack.

Worse of all, it was in her fragile moment, and even with the strength granted to her by her link to Martin, her brain ended up irreversibly fried. With a psychic scream, Martina's S class powers went array and exploded.

Martin who felt and saw the whole thing began to bleed out of his nose, ears, and mouth at the instant breaking of his link to his sister. For the first time in his life, he felt the cold of not having his sister with him.

After 30 years of always having her thoughts in his mind, not feeling them was a feeling more haunting than he could have ever imagined. Even the psychic backlash from her death did not hurt as much as just not having her feelings and thoughts with him.

He fell to his knee from the sheer agony of their link being cut off. His foes believed that they had broken him, and they saw this as a chance to catch him. They sent in several A class to bag him as Psychic damage was crippling.

But instead, with a blood-curdling roar a rage to rival that of Sangunius. Black Lightning began raging from his body through his swords which begin to glow with his sheer Psychic rage.

He should have died when Martina did, but instead, his abilities seemed to have gone through a forced ascension. Black Red lightning raged from Fallen, his blood-Green and black sword, while the deep Midnight Blye fire raged from Pretorian, his pitch-black sword.

His energy wing now just like his swords burned brighter, one blackish red, and one blue.


The ground cracked under the sheer force of his charge and shocking even his foe, he sliced off his head in a single swing. A mighty S-class Psychic dead in one swing. But he was just getting started, he flew toward Martina's killer, who realized the danger.

She held her hand out as Psychic attacks were launched to Martin's mind. But not bothering to dodge or protect himself, he endured the pain of the attacks without flinching.


Her scream of defiance was cut short when Pretorian and Angel sliced off her arms. Before she could scream, the fire and lightning burned her to a crip. Looking around, he raged as he fought off the other Psychics alone this time.

His sheer ferocity and power were like he had broken the limit of the S rank into the SS rank something yet to be discovered. But the damage to his mind had been done. Just because he became stronger, did not mean he was not pained and hurt by the loss of his Twin.

After raging like a berserk beast for 12 entire hours, he drove his twin swords into the guts of another Psychic. This was the last S class, meaning he killed all 14, but there were still the regular soldiers and even the weaker Psychics that were supposed to be killed before the S class.

Too bad he had decided to not die before he took them all to the grave with him. Feeling his brain barely forming thoughts, his abilities began to die down as his brain began to turn to burn up. He had pushed himself further than he was supposed to, and now the price was hitting him.

Blood leaked from every inch of his body, his bones were nothing more than shards as he had broken his body in his blood frenzy. He was alone in a field of devastation. He knew that once they descended on him they would collect his corpse.

Not in his watch. Drawing on the last spec of power, Psychic fire began to burn his body to ash. Good thing his sister had been incinerated by her Psychic scream. He closed his eyes as the embrace of death took him to hopefully join Martina.


After an uncertain amount of time, Martin felt something he had just lost. A bond he had had for over 30 years which had just reformed. This was like a shock of lightning through his mind. Martin rushed up opening his eyes, looking to his right.

Laying limp on the ground was Martina and he could tell she was alive.


He rushed over and lifted her into his arms shaking her hard. She opened her eyes right after, and he could see pure horror in her eyes.


She began to scream and thrash in his arms as the feeling of dying was still sticking to her. Using their bond, he pulled her negative emotions into his own mind and he instantly was hit by the horror of what it was like to die.

He felt the urge to puke and claw his eyes out, but he endured. He was the older brother, he had to stay strong.

"Calm down, you are alive. WE are alive."

Martina seemed to relax, using the moment of clarity to calm her raging emotions. She spent a minute doing this in silence, which allowed him to get a better look at her face. She still had her pitch-black hair, her skin tone was still light, and she looked like she once did when she was 10.

When Martina opened her eyes she saw Martin and he also looked. Also 10 years old and from the look of it nothing was different than when he was that age. Dark green eyes, short black hair, same sharp look in his eyes.

She reached out and grabbed his clothes.

"Martin, focus for a second. Look at what you are wearing."

He looked down at himself and he was shocked.

Isn't this?"

She nodded.

"What you wore the day we brainwashed those rich fuckers. And so am I."

They could remember every single second of their lives and they knew this was the day they brainwashed that couple. That was shocking in itself. Martin sighed.

"So, is this a groundhog day situation, or did we really just get an instant restart."

Martina shrugged.

"I have no clue. Either way, let's see if things paly out the same. If they do, we do the same as before. Brainwash that couple, and then plan where to do from there."

"Sounds good."

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