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76.95% DC: DON'T UTTER A WORD / Chapter 186: CHAPTER 177

Chapitre 186: CHAPTER 177

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz

Marvel: Gamer Path is back. Getting updates. If you want to read ahead for either one be sure to check my sexy Patrrreon.


[Raven - Rachel Roth POV]

[Young Justice]

The team had come to aid me, even though I hadn't called for them. Very well. This wasn't part of my plans, but I would adapt to this; I had no time to waste.

I had already made David wait long enough.

"I need the cat," I told Superboy under my breath as I stared at Klarion.

Cracking his knuckles, Superboy nodded before jumping at Klarion with a loud roar.

Klarion cackled at this in a maniacal manner, snapping his fingers with impish delight, creating a fiery explosion of red in front of Superboy, sending him flying backward.

"Do you really think numbers will make any difference?" Klarion asked, his face displaying a smug grin. "You can't defeat me, you're nothing but ants, flies trying to eat the sun," he added haughtily, looking around at all of us with delighted contempt.

The anger bubbled up within me at his words, and I clenched my fists tightly.

"Shut up," Artemis growled, shooting an arrow at Klarion.

Klarion snorted, an evil glint in his eyes as he conjured up a force field that deflected the arrow without even moving. "An arrow? Really? The fact you think that can defeat me is insulting."

Artemis grinned, her eyes narrowing. "Oh, I'm just getting started," she said before releasing a barrage of arrows at Klarion. Arrows I coated in magic.

Klarion's eyes widened in surprise. "Your stupidity knows no end; how delightful!" he said gleefully, his hands moving quickly as he formed a ball of bright red energy and released it at us.

The projectile flew towards us, but Superboy was quick to move, tanking the attack and protecting us from the full brunt of it.

Klarion's laughter echoed through the air, and the smoke, taunting us as we stood there, feeling powerless to stop him.

"Superboy, are you okay?" Miss Martian asked, worry obvious in her voice as she approached him.

Superboy nodded, pain written all over his face as he rose from the ground. "Yeah," he said with a weak smile. "That move played out better in my head."

"Hey, Rave, any idea how to defeat this guy?" Artemis asked, turning to me.

I narrowed my eyes at Klarion before nodding slowly. "Yeah."

"Miss Martian, link us," Aqualad said, his voice calm and even.

Miss Martian complied, her power forming a link between us all to facilitate communication.

~What's the plan, Raven?~ Aqualad asked, his mental voice echoing through my head.

~Chaos can't be defeated, only halted. We need to distract him and get his cat; if we kill his familiar, we win. The cat is his anchor to the living world,~ I replied, turning my attention to Miss Martian and Aqualad. ~I can distract him alongside Aqualad and Miss Martian. The rest should go for the familiar.~

"So, who's next?" Klarion said, drawing our attention back to him.

"I had enough!" Superboy said through gritted teeth before leaping forward and attacking Klarion.

Klarion, seeing this, simply swatted Superboy aside with a flick of his hand. "Well, that was fun. Next."

"Azarath metrion zinthos!" I shouted, sending a wave of spiritual energy at Klarion, who was forced to use both hands to defend himself.

Aqualad and Miss Martian then used this opportunity to launch their own attacks, adding to my own attacks in order to keep Klarion occupied while Superboy, Artemis, Robin, and Kid Flash went for his familiar.

"This is getting boring. Is that all you guys have?" Klarion asked, his voice growing tired as he continued to block our attacks with ease, one after the other. "Oh well... Teekl, go and have some fun with the rats sneaking behind me."

At this, his familiar transformed into a sabertooth tiger of massive proportions and charged toward the others, who, in shock at this sudden transformation, were barely able to dodge it.

"Now, where was I?" Klarion said, index finger pressed upon his lips as his attention finally turned back to us. "Ah yes, I was about to play hospital with you guys. I call dibs on being the doctor," he added, the corners of his mouth curling into a sinister grin.

Feeling the sudden and terrifying change in mana around me, I rushed to create a shield of darkness to protect us from Klarion's impending attack. Blocking what would've been a fatal attack in the nick of time.

"Not bad," Klarion said, clapping slowly. "I guess now the game is, seeing how long you can keep this up."

"Just enough to distract you," I replied with a small grin.

Klarion's expression turned dark as he realized what had happened. However, before he could do anything about it, there was a loud yowl as Superboy broke Teekl's neck.

"Teekl!" Klarion shouted, his voice carrying what appeared to be a pain, as he turned his attention away from us, looking around frantically for his familiar.

But it was too late; Superboy already had her in his arms, death.

"No fair! NO FAIR! NO! NO! NO!" Klarion shrieked in rage before his physical form dissolved into nothingness, leaving behind only a cloud of red smoke.

Now it was time to collect the blood of the familiar, the last ingredient I needed to bring back, David.

"Now what?" Artemis asked, breaking the silence.

Without saying a word, I levitated Teekl's body out of the ground toward me, pulling a few syringes out of my cloak before using my telekinesis to collect a few samples of her blood.

With that done, I tossed Teekl's body to the side before storing the blood in my astral form. Now all that was left was finding David.

"Raven, we are here for you," Miss Martian said, interrupting my thoughts as she approached me.

"Let us help you," Aqualad added, coming to stand beside her.

I smiled at their offer in a cynical manner. "You already did. Now the rest is up to me."

"Ok, I had up to here! With your attitude!" Artemis said, exasperated. "I can't say I understand your pain completely. Out of all of us, you were the one that cared for him the most. But I'm BEYOND tired of this solo act you are trying to pull without a reason! WE CARE FOR YOU! WHEN YOU WILL ACCEPT THAT!"

"And when will you all accept that I don't care about you all?" I replied, my tone cold and detached, before I opened a portal in front of me, only to be stopped by another portal that appeared beside me.

"That's not a nice thing to say to your friends," The unmistakable voice of Dr. Kent came through that portal as the old man stepped through, tapping his cane on the ground to close the portal behind him.

"What are you doing here, Dr. Kent?" I asked, keeping my tone calm. He was the reason the team had interfered. As long as he remained, I would be plagued by the team.

"I'm here to try and reason with you, young woman. The spell you are about to use is a dangerous one, one that could tear the very fabric of reality," Dr. Kent replied calmly, his tone carrying a sense of wisdom. "I know you want to save your friend, but at what cost?"

"That's only if I do this wrong," I replied.

"Yes, I suppose that's true," Dr. Kent said slowly, still looking at me with an unwavering gaze. "If you succeed, everything will go well. If not... Well, who will save your friend then? there won't be another try if you fail this one. Are you willing to bet his life on a single shot? I understand your desperation. But please consider this carefully before you act."

At this, he paused for a second, letting his words sink in.

I knew he was right. To a certain extent, his words carried nothing but the truth.


"I... very well," I muttered, a tear rolling down my cheek. Seeing this, Dr. Kent approached me, opening his arms to give me a comforting hug.

"I know it hurts, child, but don't worry, we will save him no matter how long it takes," Dr. Kent said in a soft, reassuring tone.

"I'm sorry," I muttered, tapping Dr. Kent on the head, putting him to sleep with a powerful spell. "But as long as you remain, you represent an obstacle too big to ignore. Rest well."

"Dr. Kent!" Kid Flash shouted as I gently laid Dr. Kent's body down. "What is wrong with you?!" he shouted, looking at me.

Giving them no reaction, I raised my hands in the air and summoned a dark portal, quickly stepping through before anyone could even react. I would wait no longer to save David; I had already waited long enough.

No more.

next chapter

Chapitre 187: CHAPTER 178

If you want to read up to 20!! chapters ahead go to https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Discord invite: https://discord.gg/XHduApz

Marvel: Gamer Path is back. Getting updates. If you want to read ahead for either one be sure to check my sexy Patrrreon.


[David Lance POV]

With the war on Earth against the Regime going in full-throttle and Wonder Woman dead, I continued my battle with Superman one-on-one without further delay.

As the fight raged on across the snowy terrain, I could see that wrath I had evoked after killing his... friend had made him stronger, making his attacks heavier and faster. 

Alas, it was still not enough to give him an edge in this battle.

"Is this all?" I asked, dodging one of his attacks before punching the Kryptonian in his chest with enough force to double him over in pain. "No wonder everyone you love dies. This is pathetic."

At this, Superman growled in blinding rage, his eyes nearly alight with fire as he lunged forward, fist raised and ready to strike, but I was quick to move, easily deflecting his blow before kicking him into the ground.

"You can't beat me," I said, walking toward him. At this point, it was all a matter of ending the fight at any given moment, I had the strength to, and after so many hits, he was weak enough to ensure such a task was easy to accomplish.

However, there was something I had to admit, a little sin of mine, I was enjoying this... a lot. I knew I was probably making a mistake. 

After all, Wioska had taught me it was best to end things quickly, but the thing is... I was having far too much fun beating him up.

I wanted to savor this a little bit longer.

"I won't let you win!" Superman screamed in a mix of rage and determination, darting toward me with newfound speed, and power, catching me by surprise as he landed his first successful blow in a while, blasting me out of sight.

I had to admit this was an unexpected development. 

Although downed and grievously battered, here he was, the man of steel retaliating against me, going above and beyond to try and beat me.

"I WON'T!" Superman roared, blasting me with his heat vision, with a beam big enough to completely engulf my entire body.

Covered under the red of his beam that burned through my skin, I grinned before flying through his beam, grabbing him by the head, and hurling him into the ground with devastating force.

"Now that's better," I said, with a wicked grin in place, giddy at the fact Superman was making things more interesting. However, he needed to up his game a few more times if he wanted to level the playing field. "But unfortunately, not nearly enough."

"I... will... defeat you," Superman said, his body shaking in pain as he tried to crawl back up. However, before he could do that, a portal opened before him.

A portal in the form of an ankh symbol.

Dr. Fate.

"That's enough, Black Bolt," Batman said, stepping out of the portal. "He's already defeated."



I don't know whether to admire Batman for saying that or rage at the fact he said that. This was so brazen of him that I honestly didn't know how to react at all.

"You don't have to do this," Dr. Fate said, being the second one to walk through the open portal.

"I don't?" I replied, tilting my head as my anger grew in power. "He killed her, and that's enough for me. So step aside, or die with him. Your call."

"Shouldn't that be my call?"

I froze in place as those words came through the portal, revealing Dinah, safe and sound, alive... But... that couldn't be, I saw her die...

"I know you want to avenge me, but you need to stop. You took the regime down; without Superman, without Wonder Woman, they have no ground to stand," Dinah said, looking at me with worry in her eyes. "I'm alive; Dr. Fate saved me; he revived me. You don't have to do this. Let us take things from here..."

As Dinah spoke, I found myself without words, unable to form a single sentence, simply staring at her as I battled a turmoil of emotions within me.

"You will regret this!" Superman spat, glaring at me, before turning his attention to Batman and the rest. His voice snaps me out of my trance, bringing my eyes to his.


He didn't deserve to live.

No, after all, he had done.

No more holding back.

"He's a monster that needs to be put down, he's-" Superman growled, looking at the group.

However, before anyone could react, I moved forward, interrupting his speech, appearing behind Superman before ripping off his left arm with a loud crunch as Batman, Dr. Fate, Dinah, and someone else watched in horror.

"I am a monster," I said, tossing Superman's arm to the side. "One you created, now is time to reap what you sowed!"

"That's enough!" Batman shouted, running toward me.

I ignored him, flashing past him and taking his utility belt right off his hips. "Ah, there it is..." I said, plucking the item I was looking for from his belt, a shard of Kryptonite. "You can have this back."

Having gotten what I wanted from the utility belt, I hurled back at Batman just as Dinah reached me, standing in front of me, a few inches away, seemingly having no intentions to fight me or let me kill Superman.

"Don't make me fight you," Dinah begged, her voice trembling. "I know you're my brother. Which means you're the last thing I have in this world, alongside my son. Please, just stop this... don't make me fight you."

"Very well," I replied, knocking her out without hurting her in a motion so fast that no one around but Superman was able to perceive fully. "There, you won't have to fight me if you can't fight."

Seeing this, Dr. Fate snapped out of his trance, and using his magic; he started to attack me.

I dodged his attacks, closing the distance between us in the blink of an eye before grabbing his head and hurling him with all my strength into the distance.

Magic or not, the guy inside the helmet was still human, and by the time he recovered or managed to process what had happened and acted, it would be already too late.

With that done, I turned around to face Superman, seeing him on the ground, bleeding.

"Ahhh!" Superman gasped in pain, as his body convulsed in agony.

Time to end this.

Charging my attack to finish things once and for all, I moved forward to strike Superman, only to be blasted by a blue beam of energy, its power harming me more than it should've had.

"That's enough!" That voice... Ch'p, I remember him. One of the two blue lanterns that had tried to help me a long time ago.

To think someone so weak like him would be the one to hurt me the most. That attack just now was, without a doubt, weaker than anything Superman had thrown at me during this fight.

And yet, it had brought me down to my knees momentarily.

"Stand down. We just want to help you," Ch'p ordered, aiming his ring at me as the former glowed blue.

"Very well, I yield, but you better save the guy, or all of this will be for naught," I replied, pointing at Superman, who was currently bleeding out.

Ch'P turned to see Superman, and taking that opening, I moved forward, blurring past the squirrel.

"I didn't want to do this!" Ch'P shouted, turning around and aiming at me with his fist, just now realizing his fist was naked and that he no longer had the blue lantern uniform.

I can't believe he felt for that one.

"I will be taking this for the time being," I replied, holding the Hope ring in my hands, as I turned to face Superman once more, this time without any obstacles in my way.

"Black Bolt, if you do this, there's no turning back," Batman began with the same shit. 

However, before the hypocritical Dark Knight can finish his speech, I move forward, ripping through Superman's body in an instant; while using the Kryptonite I had taken earlier to empower my attack, as everyone watched in shock as Superman fell to the ground, bleeding out from his abdomen profusely.

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