Zou Liqin was left stunned when she saw Yu Mei immediately pass out after leaving behind sentences she couldn't make heads or tails about.
However, even in the confusion, she headed to her brother's side first to confirm his state. She heaved a sigh of relief when she confirmed his breathing seemed normal. He seemed to have passed out from exertion from his injuries, the side effects of the red suckle berserker fruit, and whatever effects the river had left on them.
She did try to wake him up after confirming his body was okay, but she got no response. She moved on to He Shan, who was a couple of steps over, but just like Zou Yi, he was knocked out cold and had zero response to her calls.
Finally, she decided to try her luck with Yu Mei, but Yu Mei was just the same as the two. She seemed to have held on by sheer willpower, and once she had delivered her cryptic message to Zou Liqin, she immediately passed out.
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