"T... that sh...ould teach you..." Yang Qing coldly muttered between breaths as his triumphant gaze fell on the celestial nesting weaver, who lay sprawled on the ground like an old, overstuffed pillow that had been through one too many battles. Its feathers, usually gleaming with celestial brilliance, now stuck out in odd directions as if it had survived a fierce storm.
"J...ust you wait, Yang Qing.." the celestial nesting weaver said as it paused to take a labored breath.
"Next time, I will be the victor... When I digest my unlocked abilities, that will be the day our hierarchy changes," the celestial nesting weaver said bitterly and slowly, trying to muster whatever strength it had left as it attempted to hit Yang Qing with a pressurized wad of phlegm.
Due to its beaten state, the phlegm only managed to land on one of its wings.
Sorry for the late chapter, I decided to start giving considerable time to editing my chapters now (looks ominously at Vigilante), so it's eating a bit of my time, but I think it's well worth it. I am even thinking of giving those earlier chapters a complete re-edition, and slowly work my way up.
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