Yang Qing's gaze danced around the table as he calmly took in their interactions from the subtle of nuances.
Did one's gaze linger slightly for even a microsecond when it fell on a certain someone?; did the back move ever so slightly during a back pat, or did it seem welcomed?; was there even a slight hesitation during the back pat, or was it more natural? The flow of conversation, the interjections, Yang Qing observed it all.
Everyone here was skilled at wearing masks but instinctual habits were the hardest to get rid of.
Cultivators were considered to be the best liars because they had good control over their bodies. Things that mortals could give out during a lie such as an accelerated heart rate, dry tongue, a bit of perspiration here and there, a story with plot holes, such problems did not appear in cultivators who had perfect memory and could control their heartbeats along with every other part of their body as easily as breathing.
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